blob: 54b2e0eed1b905b2d2cdd2b263605a440020122c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// EGLSyncImpl.h: Defines the rx::EGLSyncImpl class.
#include "libANGLE/Error.h"
#include "common/angleutils.h"
#include "angle_gl.h"
namespace egl
class Display;
} // namespace egl
namespace gl
class Context;
} // namespace gl
namespace rx
class EGLSyncImpl : angle::NonCopyable
EGLSyncImpl() {}
virtual ~EGLSyncImpl() {}
virtual void onDestroy(const egl::Display *display) {}
virtual egl::Error initialize(const egl::Display *display,
const gl::Context *context,
EGLenum type) = 0;
virtual egl::Error clientWait(const egl::Display *display,
const gl::Context *context,
EGLint flags,
EGLTime timeout,
EGLint *outResult) = 0;
virtual egl::Error serverWait(const egl::Display *display,
const gl::Context *context,
EGLint flags) = 0;
virtual egl::Error signal(const egl::Display *display, const gl::Context *context, EGLint mode);
virtual egl::Error getStatus(const egl::Display *display, EGLint *outStatus) = 0;
virtual egl::Error dupNativeFenceFD(const egl::Display *display, EGLint *fdOut) const;
} // namespace rx