blob: 72883f27957284e13ff14f3a69014adcec623d6d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef InlineBox_h
#define InlineBox_h
#include "RenderBoxModelObject.h"
#include "RenderText.h"
#include "TextFlags.h"
#include <wtf/TypeCasts.h>
namespace WebCore {
class HitTestRequest;
class HitTestResult;
class RootInlineBox;
// InlineBox represents a rectangle that occurs on a line. It corresponds to
// some RenderObject (i.e., it represents a portion of that RenderObject).
class InlineBox {
virtual ~InlineBox();
void assertNotDeleted() const;
virtual void deleteLine() = 0;
virtual void extractLine() = 0;
virtual void attachLine() = 0;
virtual bool isLineBreak() const { return renderer().isLineBreak(); }
WEBCORE_EXPORT virtual void adjustPosition(float dx, float dy);
void adjustLogicalPosition(float deltaLogicalLeft, float deltaLogicalTop)
if (isHorizontal())
adjustPosition(deltaLogicalLeft, deltaLogicalTop);
adjustPosition(deltaLogicalTop, deltaLogicalLeft);
void adjustLineDirectionPosition(float delta)
if (isHorizontal())
adjustPosition(delta, 0);
adjustPosition(0, delta);
void adjustBlockDirectionPosition(float delta)
if (isHorizontal())
adjustPosition(0, delta);
adjustPosition(delta, 0);
virtual void paint(PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&, LayoutUnit lineTop, LayoutUnit lineBottom) = 0;
virtual bool nodeAtPoint(const HitTestRequest&, HitTestResult&, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, LayoutUnit lineTop, LayoutUnit lineBottom) = 0;
void showNodeTreeForThis() const;
void showLineTreeForThis() const;
virtual void showLineTreeAndMark(const InlineBox* markedBox, int depth) const;
virtual void showLineBox(bool mark, int depth) const;
virtual const char* boxName() const;
bool behavesLikeText() const { return m_bitfields.behavesLikeText(); }
void setBehavesLikeText(bool behavesLikeText) { m_bitfields.setBehavesLikeText(behavesLikeText); }
virtual bool isInlineElementBox() const { return false; }
virtual bool isInlineFlowBox() const { return false; }
virtual bool isInlineTextBox() const { return false; }
virtual bool isRootInlineBox() const { return false; }
virtual bool isSVGInlineTextBox() const { return false; }
virtual bool isSVGInlineFlowBox() const { return false; }
virtual bool isSVGRootInlineBox() const { return false; }
bool hasVirtualLogicalHeight() const { return m_bitfields.hasVirtualLogicalHeight(); }
void setHasVirtualLogicalHeight() { m_bitfields.setHasVirtualLogicalHeight(true); }
virtual float virtualLogicalHeight() const
return 0;
bool isHorizontal() const { return m_bitfields.isHorizontal(); }
void setIsHorizontal(bool isHorizontal) { m_bitfields.setIsHorizontal(isHorizontal); }
virtual FloatRect calculateBoundaries() const
return FloatRect();
bool isConstructed() { return m_bitfields.constructed(); }
virtual void setConstructed() { m_bitfields.setConstructed(true); }
void setExtracted(bool extracted = true) { m_bitfields.setExtracted(extracted); }
void setIsFirstLine(bool firstLine) { m_bitfields.setFirstLine(firstLine); }
bool isFirstLine() const { return m_bitfields.firstLine(); }
void removeFromParent();
InlineBox* nextOnLine() const { return m_next; }
InlineBox* prevOnLine() const { return m_prev; }
void setNextOnLine(InlineBox* next)
ASSERT(m_parent || !next);
m_next = next;
void setPrevOnLine(InlineBox* prev)
ASSERT(m_parent || !prev);
m_prev = prev;
bool nextOnLineExists() const;
bool previousOnLineExists() const;
virtual bool isLeaf() const { return true; }
InlineBox* nextLeafChild() const;
InlineBox* prevLeafChild() const;
// Helper functions for editing and hit-testing code.
// FIXME: These two functions should be moved to RenderedPosition once the code to convert between
// Position and inline box, offset pair is moved to RenderedPosition.
InlineBox* nextLeafChildIgnoringLineBreak() const;
InlineBox* prevLeafChildIgnoringLineBreak() const;
// FIXME: Hide this once all callers are using tighter types.
RenderObject& renderer() const { return m_renderer; }
InlineFlowBox* parent() const
return m_parent;
void setParent(InlineFlowBox* par) { m_parent = par; }
const RootInlineBox& root() const;
RootInlineBox& root();
// x() is the left side of the box in the containing block's coordinate system.
void setX(float x) { m_topLeft.setX(x); }
float x() const { return m_topLeft.x(); }
float left() const { return m_topLeft.x(); }
// y() is the top side of the box in the containing block's coordinate system.
void setY(float y) { m_topLeft.setY(y); }
float y() const { return m_topLeft.y(); }
float top() const { return m_topLeft.y(); }
const FloatPoint& topLeft() const { return m_topLeft; }
float width() const { return isHorizontal() ? logicalWidth() : logicalHeight(); }
float height() const { return isHorizontal() ? logicalHeight() : logicalWidth(); }
FloatSize size() const { return FloatSize(width(), height()); }
float right() const { return left() + width(); }
float bottom() const { return top() + height(); }
// The logicalLeft position is the left edge of the line box in a horizontal line and the top edge in a vertical line.
float logicalLeft() const { return isHorizontal() ? m_topLeft.x() : m_topLeft.y(); }
float logicalRight() const { return logicalLeft() + logicalWidth(); }
void setLogicalLeft(float left)
if (isHorizontal())
int pixelSnappedLogicalLeft() const { return logicalLeft(); }
int pixelSnappedLogicalRight() const { return ceilf(logicalRight()); }
int pixelSnappedLogicalTop() const { return logicalTop(); }
int pixelSnappedLogicalBottom() const { return ceilf(logicalBottom()); }
// The logicalTop[ position is the top edge of the line box in a horizontal line and the left edge in a vertical line.
float logicalTop() const { return isHorizontal() ? m_topLeft.y() : m_topLeft.x(); }
float logicalBottom() const { return logicalTop() + logicalHeight(); }
void setLogicalTop(float top)
if (isHorizontal())
// The logical width is our extent in the line's overall inline direction, i.e., width for horizontal text and height for vertical text.
void setLogicalWidth(float w) { m_logicalWidth = w; }
float logicalWidth() const { return m_logicalWidth; }
// The logical height is our extent in the block flow direction, i.e., height for horizontal text and width for vertical text.
float logicalHeight() const;
FloatRect logicalFrameRect() const { return isHorizontal() ? FloatRect(m_topLeft.x(), m_topLeft.y(), m_logicalWidth, logicalHeight()) : FloatRect(m_topLeft.y(), m_topLeft.x(), m_logicalWidth, logicalHeight()); }
FloatRect frameRect() const { return FloatRect(topLeft(), size()); }
WEBCORE_EXPORT virtual int baselinePosition(FontBaseline baselineType) const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT virtual LayoutUnit lineHeight() const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT virtual int caretMinOffset() const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT virtual int caretMaxOffset() const;
unsigned char bidiLevel() const { return m_bitfields.bidiEmbeddingLevel(); }
void setBidiLevel(unsigned char level) { m_bitfields.setBidiEmbeddingLevel(level); }
TextDirection direction() const { return bidiLevel() % 2 ? RTL : LTR; }
bool isLeftToRightDirection() const { return direction() == LTR; }
int caretLeftmostOffset() const { return isLeftToRightDirection() ? caretMinOffset() : caretMaxOffset(); }
int caretRightmostOffset() const { return isLeftToRightDirection() ? caretMaxOffset() : caretMinOffset(); }
virtual void clearTruncation() { }
bool isDirty() const { return m_bitfields.dirty(); }
virtual void markDirty(bool dirty = true) { m_bitfields.setDirty(dirty); }
WEBCORE_EXPORT virtual void dirtyLineBoxes();
WEBCORE_EXPORT virtual RenderObject::SelectionState selectionState();
WEBCORE_EXPORT virtual bool canAccommodateEllipsis(bool ltr, int blockEdge, int ellipsisWidth) const;
// visibleLeftEdge, visibleRightEdge are in the parent's coordinate system.
WEBCORE_EXPORT virtual float placeEllipsisBox(bool ltr, float visibleLeftEdge, float visibleRightEdge, float ellipsisWidth, float &truncatedWidth, bool&);
void setHasBadParent();
void invalidateParentChildList();
bool visibleToHitTesting() const { return renderer().style().visibility() == VISIBLE && renderer().style().pointerEvents() != PE_NONE; }
const RenderStyle& lineStyle() const { return m_bitfields.firstLine() ? renderer().firstLineStyle() : renderer().style(); }
EVerticalAlign verticalAlign() const { return lineStyle().verticalAlign(); }
// Use with caution! The type is not checked!
RenderBoxModelObject* boxModelObject() const
if (!is<RenderText>(m_renderer))
return &downcast<RenderBoxModelObject>(m_renderer);
return nullptr;
FloatPoint locationIncludingFlipping();
void flipForWritingMode(FloatRect&);
FloatPoint flipForWritingMode(const FloatPoint&);
void flipForWritingMode(LayoutRect&);
LayoutPoint flipForWritingMode(const LayoutPoint&);
bool knownToHaveNoOverflow() const { return m_bitfields.knownToHaveNoOverflow(); }
void clearKnownToHaveNoOverflow();
bool dirOverride() const { return m_bitfields.dirOverride(); }
void setDirOverride(bool dirOverride) { m_bitfields.setDirOverride(dirOverride); }
void setExpansion(float newExpansion)
m_logicalWidth -= m_expansion;
m_expansion = newExpansion;
m_logicalWidth += m_expansion;
void setExpansionWithoutGrowing(float newExpansion)
m_expansion = newExpansion;
float expansion() const { return m_expansion; }
InlineBox* m_next; // The next element on the same line as us.
InlineBox* m_prev; // The previous element on the same line as us.
InlineFlowBox* m_parent; // The box that contains us.
RenderObject& m_renderer;
FloatPoint m_topLeft;
float m_logicalWidth;
#define ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(name, Name) \
unsigned m_##name : 1;\
bool name() const { return m_##name; }\
void set##Name(bool name) { m_##name = name; }\
class InlineBoxBitfields {
explicit InlineBoxBitfields(bool firstLine = false, bool constructed = false, bool dirty = false, bool extracted = false, bool isHorizontal = true)
: m_firstLine(firstLine)
, m_constructed(constructed)
, m_bidiEmbeddingLevel(0)
, m_dirty(dirty)
, m_extracted(extracted)
, m_hasVirtualLogicalHeight(false)
, m_isHorizontal(isHorizontal)
, m_endsWithBreak(false)
, m_hasSelectedChildrenOrCanHaveLeadingExpansion(false)
, m_canHaveTrailingExpansion(false)
, m_knownToHaveNoOverflow(true)
, m_hasEllipsisBoxOrHyphen(false)
, m_dirOverride(false)
, m_behavesLikeText(false)
, m_forceTrailingExpansion(false)
, m_forceLeadingExpansion(false)
, m_determinedIfNextOnLineExists(false)
, m_nextOnLineExists(false)
// Some of these bits are actually for subclasses and moved here to compact the structures.
// for this class
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(firstLine, FirstLine);
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(constructed, Constructed);
unsigned m_bidiEmbeddingLevel : 6; // The maximium bidi level is 62:
unsigned char bidiEmbeddingLevel() const { return m_bidiEmbeddingLevel; }
void setBidiEmbeddingLevel(unsigned char bidiEmbeddingLevel) { m_bidiEmbeddingLevel = bidiEmbeddingLevel; }
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(extracted, Extracted);
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(hasVirtualLogicalHeight, HasVirtualLogicalHeight);
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(isHorizontal, IsHorizontal);
// for RootInlineBox
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(endsWithBreak, EndsWithBreak); // Whether the line ends with a <br>.
// shared between RootInlineBox and InlineTextBox
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(hasSelectedChildrenOrCanHaveLeadingExpansion, HasSelectedChildrenOrCanHaveLeadingExpansion);
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(canHaveTrailingExpansion, CanHaveTrailingExpansion);
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(knownToHaveNoOverflow, KnownToHaveNoOverflow);
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(hasEllipsisBoxOrHyphen, HasEllipsisBoxOrHyphen);
// for InlineTextBox
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(dirOverride, DirOverride);
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(behavesLikeText, BehavesLikeText); // Whether or not this object represents text with a non-zero height. Includes non-image list markers, text boxes, br.
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(forceTrailingExpansion, ForceTrailingExpansion);
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(forceLeadingExpansion, ForceLeadingExpansion);
mutable unsigned m_determinedIfNextOnLineExists : 1;
bool determinedIfNextOnLineExists() const { return m_determinedIfNextOnLineExists; }
void setDeterminedIfNextOnLineExists(bool determinedIfNextOnLineExists) const { m_determinedIfNextOnLineExists = determinedIfNextOnLineExists; }
mutable unsigned m_nextOnLineExists : 1;
bool nextOnLineExists() const { return m_nextOnLineExists; }
void setNextOnLineExists(bool nextOnLineExists) const { m_nextOnLineExists = nextOnLineExists; }
float m_expansion;
InlineBoxBitfields m_bitfields;
explicit InlineBox(RenderObject& renderer)
: m_next(nullptr)
, m_prev(nullptr)
, m_parent(nullptr)
, m_renderer(renderer)
, m_logicalWidth(0)
, m_expansion(0)
, m_deletionSentinel(deletionSentinelNotDeletedValue)
, m_hasBadParent(false)
InlineBox(RenderObject& renderer, FloatPoint topLeft, float logicalWidth, bool firstLine, bool constructed, bool dirty, bool extracted, bool isHorizontal, InlineBox* next, InlineBox* prev, InlineFlowBox* parent)
: m_next(next)
, m_prev(prev)
, m_parent(parent)
, m_renderer(renderer)
, m_topLeft(topLeft)
, m_logicalWidth(logicalWidth)
, m_expansion(0)
, m_bitfields(firstLine, constructed, dirty, extracted, isHorizontal)
, m_deletionSentinel(deletionSentinelNotDeletedValue)
, m_hasBadParent(false)
// For RootInlineBox
bool endsWithBreak() const { return m_bitfields.endsWithBreak(); }
void setEndsWithBreak(bool endsWithBreak) { m_bitfields.setEndsWithBreak(endsWithBreak); }
bool hasEllipsisBox() const { return m_bitfields.hasEllipsisBoxOrHyphen(); }
bool hasSelectedChildren() const { return m_bitfields.hasSelectedChildrenOrCanHaveLeadingExpansion(); }
void setHasSelectedChildren(bool hasSelectedChildren) { m_bitfields.setHasSelectedChildrenOrCanHaveLeadingExpansion(hasSelectedChildren); }
void setHasEllipsisBox(bool hasEllipsisBox) { m_bitfields.setHasEllipsisBoxOrHyphen(hasEllipsisBox); }
// For InlineTextBox
bool hasHyphen() const { return m_bitfields.hasEllipsisBoxOrHyphen(); }
void setHasHyphen(bool hasHyphen) { m_bitfields.setHasEllipsisBoxOrHyphen(hasHyphen); }
bool canHaveLeadingExpansion() const { return m_bitfields.hasSelectedChildrenOrCanHaveLeadingExpansion(); }
void setCanHaveLeadingExpansion(bool canHaveLeadingExpansion) { m_bitfields.setHasSelectedChildrenOrCanHaveLeadingExpansion(canHaveLeadingExpansion); }
bool canHaveTrailingExpansion() const { return m_bitfields.canHaveTrailingExpansion(); }
void setCanHaveTrailingExpansion(bool canHaveTrailingExpansion) { m_bitfields.setCanHaveTrailingExpansion(canHaveTrailingExpansion); }
void setForceTrailingExpansion() { m_bitfields.setForceTrailingExpansion(true); }
bool forceTrailingExpansion() const { return m_bitfields.forceTrailingExpansion(); }
void setForceLeadingExpansion() { m_bitfields.setForceLeadingExpansion(true); }
bool forceLeadingExpansion() const { return m_bitfields.forceLeadingExpansion(); }
// For InlineFlowBox and InlineTextBox
bool extracted() const { return m_bitfields.extracted(); }
static const unsigned deletionSentinelNotDeletedValue = 0xF0F0F0F0U;
static const unsigned deletionSentinelDeletedValue = 0xF0DEADF0U;
unsigned m_deletionSentinel;
bool m_hasBadParent;
inline InlineBox::~InlineBox()
inline void InlineBox::assertNotDeleted() const
} // namespace WebCore
#define SPECIALIZE_TYPE_TRAITS_INLINE_BOX(ToValueTypeName, predicate) \
static bool isType(const WebCore::InlineBox& box) { return box.predicate; } \
// Outside the WebCore namespace for ease of invocation from gdb.
void showNodeTree(const WebCore::InlineBox*);
void showLineTree(const WebCore::InlineBox*);
#endif // InlineBox_h