blob: 0db0988aa3ff4efeba1db56d028e4a2a16e84ac2 [file] [log] [blame]
Tests that we dispatch DOM key events with the correct details when the grave accent key (`) is pressed on the keyboard.
type: keydown, key: `, code: Backquote, keyIdentifier: U+0060, keyCode: 192, charCode: 0, keyCode: 192, which: 192
type: keypress, key: `, code: Backquote, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 96, charCode: 96, keyCode: 96, which: 96
type: keyup, key: `, code: Backquote, keyIdentifier: U+0060, keyCode: 192, charCode: 0, keyCode: 192, which: 192