blob: f6a55cde4c67815e3d272f5e8a64f642662c3da1 [file] [log] [blame]
This test runs the WebGL Test listed below in an iframe and reports PASS or FAIL.
Test: ../../resources/webgl_test_files/conformance2/renderbuffers/readbuffer.html
[ 1: PASS ] context exists
[ 2: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : should be no errors when reading from GL_BACK on the default framebuffer.
[ 3: PASS ] the color should be [0,0,0,255]
[ 4: FAIL ] gl.getParameter(gl.READ_BUFFER) should be 1029 (of type number). Was null (of type object).
[ 5: FAIL ] getError expected: NO_ERROR. Was INVALID_ENUM : calling readBuffer with GL_NONE on the default framebuffer should succeed.
[ 6: FAIL ] getError expected: INVALID_OPERATION. Was NO_ERROR : should generate INVALID_OPERATION when reading from framebuffer and read buffer is GL_NONE.
[ 7: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : calling readBuffer with GL_BACK on the default framebuffer should succeed.
[ 8: FAIL ] getError expected: INVALID_OPERATION. Was NO_ERROR : calling readBuffer with GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 on the default framebuffer should generate INVALID_OPERATION.
[ 9: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : should be no errors when reading from GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 on fbo.
[ 10: PASS ] the color should be [255,0,0,255]
[ 11: FAIL ] gl.getParameter(gl.READ_BUFFER) should be 36064 (of type number). Was null (of type object).
[ 12: FAIL ] getError expected: INVALID_OPERATION. Was INVALID_ENUM : calling readBuffer with GL_BACK on fbo should generate INVALID_OPERATION.
[ 13: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : calling readBuffer with GL_NONE on fbo should succeed.
[ 14: FAIL ] getError expected: INVALID_OPERATION. Was NO_ERROR : should generate INVALID_OPERATION when reading from framebuffer and read buffer is GL_NONE.
[ 15: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : calling readBuffer with GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 on fbo should succeed.
[ 16: FAIL ] getError expected: INVALID_ENUM. Was NO_ERROR : calling readBuffer with GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENTi that exceeds MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENT on fbo should generate INVALID_ENUM.
[ 17: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : calling readBuffer with GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1 on the fbo should succeed.
[ 18: FAIL ] gl.getParameter(gl.READ_BUFFER) should be 36065 (of type number). Was null (of type object).
[ 19: FAIL ] getError expected: NO_ERROR. Was INVALID_ENUM : should be no error after setup and clear render buffer
[ 20: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : should be no errors when reading from GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1 on fbo.
[ 21: PASS ] the color should be [0,255,0,255]
[ 22: FAIL ] gl.getParameter(gl.READ_BUFFER) should be 36065 (of type number). Was null (of type object).
[ 23: FAIL ] getError expected: INVALID_OPERATION. Was INVALID_ENUM : should generate INVALID_OPERATION when reading from GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1 but this attachment has no image currently.
[ 24: FAIL ] gl.getParameter(gl.READ_BUFFER) should be 36064 (of type number). Was null (of type object).
[ 25: FAIL ] getError expected: NO_ERROR. Was INVALID_ENUM : should be no errors when reading from GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 on another fbo.
[ 26: PASS ] the color should be [0,0,255,255]
[ 27: FAIL ] gl.getParameter(gl.READ_BUFFER) should be 1029 (of type number). Was null (of type object).
[ 28: FAIL ] getError expected: NO_ERROR. Was INVALID_ENUM : should be no errors when reading from GL_BACK on the default framebuffer.
[ 29: PASS ] the color should be [0,0,0,255]
[ 30: PASS ] successfullyParsed is true
[ FAIL ] 16 failures reported