blob: 6df1064a2e5cacfee2ed2a2d7d4638f257e50e40 [file] [log] [blame]
<!doctype html>
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<style id="style-container">
description('Test the parsing of :not(selectorList) for querySelector and style. This test focus on pseudo elements nested inside other functional pseudo class.');
function testInvalidSelector(selectorString) {
shouldThrowErrorName('document.querySelector(":not(' + selectorString + ')")', 'SyntaxError');
var styleContainer = document.getElementById('style-container');
styleContainer.innerHTML = ':not(' + selectorString + ') { }';
shouldBe("document.getElementById('style-container').sheet.cssRules.length", "0");
styleContainer.innerHTML = '';
var validSelectorsPart2 = [
// Basic types.
// Compound selectors.
// Complex selectors.
"a b",
"a ~ b",
// Functional pseudo classes.
":nth-child(even of a, b, c)",
":not(:is(cocoa, cappuccino))",
":not(:matches(cocoa, cappuccino))",
var invalidSelectors = [
":is(a, b, c::after)",
":matches(a, b, c::after)",
":is(a, b, c:after)",
":matches(a, b, c:after)",
":nth-child(2n+1 of d, e, :is(f, g, ::before))",
":nth-child(2n+1 of d, e, :matches(f, g, ::before))",
":nth-child(2n+1 of d, e, :is(f, g, :before))",
":nth-child(2n+1 of d, e, :matches(f, g, :before))",
":not(:is(a, b, c::after))",
":not(:matches(a, b, c::after))",
":not(:is(a, b, c:after))",
":not(:matches(a, b, c:after))",
":is(a, b, :is(c, d, :is(e, f, :is(g, h, i::after))))",
":matches(a, b, :matches(c, d, :matches(e, f, :matches(g, h, i::after))))",
debug("3 :not(valid, valid, invalid) selectors");
for (var i = 0; i < validSelectorsPart2.length; ++i) {
for (var j = i; j < validSelectorsPart2.length; ++j) {
for (var k = 0; k < invalidSelectors.length; ++k) {
var selectorString = validSelectorsPart2[i] + ',' + validSelectorsPart2[j] + ',' + invalidSelectors[k];
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