blob: 3f175f506293ae2d762c092940b90918f11503e8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
#include "config.h"
#include "RenderStyleConstants.h"
#include "CSSPrimitiveValueMappings.h"
#include "TabSize.h"
#include <wtf/text/TextStream.h>
namespace WebCore {
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, AnimationFillMode fillMode)
switch (fillMode) {
case AnimationFillMode::None: ts << "none"; break;
case AnimationFillMode::Forwards: ts << "forwards"; break;
case AnimationFillMode::Backwards: ts << "backwards"; break;
case AnimationFillMode::Both: ts << "both"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, AnimationPlayState playState)
switch (playState) {
case AnimationPlayState::Playing: ts << "playing"; break;
case AnimationPlayState::Paused: ts << "paused"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, ApplePayButtonStyle buttonStyle)
switch (buttonStyle) {
case ApplePayButtonStyle::White: ts << "white"; break;
case ApplePayButtonStyle::WhiteOutline: ts << "white-outline"; break;
case ApplePayButtonStyle::Black: ts << "black"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, ApplePayButtonType playState)
switch (playState) {
case ApplePayButtonType::Plain: ts << "plain"; break;
case ApplePayButtonType::Buy: ts << "buy"; break;
case ApplePayButtonType::SetUp: ts << "setup"; break;
case ApplePayButtonType::Donate: ts << "donate"; break;
case ApplePayButtonType::CheckOut: ts << "checkout"; break;
case ApplePayButtonType::Book: ts << "book"; break;
case ApplePayButtonType::Subscribe: ts << "subscribe"; break;
case ApplePayButtonType::Reload: ts << "reload"; break;
case ApplePayButtonType::AddMoney: ts << "add-money"; break;
case ApplePayButtonType::TopUp: ts << "top-up"; break;
case ApplePayButtonType::Order: ts << "order"; break;
case ApplePayButtonType::Rent: ts << "rent"; break;
case ApplePayButtonType::Support: ts << "support"; break;
case ApplePayButtonType::Contribute: ts << "contribute"; break;
case ApplePayButtonType::Tip: ts << "tip"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, AspectRatioType aspectRatioType)
switch (aspectRatioType) {
case AspectRatioType::Auto: ts << "auto"; break;
case AspectRatioType::Ratio: ts << "ratio"; break;
case AspectRatioType::AutoAndRatio: ts << "autoandratio"; break;
case AspectRatioType::AutoZero: ts << "autozero"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, AutoRepeatType repeatType)
switch (repeatType) {
case AutoRepeatType::None: ts << "none"; break;
case AutoRepeatType::Fill: ts << "fill"; break;
case AutoRepeatType::Fit: ts << "fit"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, BackfaceVisibility visibility)
switch (visibility) {
case BackfaceVisibility::Visible: ts << "visible"; break;
case BackfaceVisibility::Hidden: ts << "hidden"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, BorderCollapse collapse)
switch (collapse) {
case BorderCollapse::Separate: ts << "separate"; break;
case BorderCollapse::Collapse: ts << "collapse"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, BorderStyle borderStyle)
switch (borderStyle) {
case BorderStyle::None: ts << "none"; break;
case BorderStyle::Hidden: ts << "hidden"; break;
case BorderStyle::Inset: ts << "inset"; break;
case BorderStyle::Groove: ts << "groove"; break;
case BorderStyle::Outset: ts << "outset"; break;
case BorderStyle::Ridge: ts << "ridge"; break;
case BorderStyle::Dotted: ts << "dotted"; break;
case BorderStyle::Dashed: ts << "dashed"; break;
case BorderStyle::Solid: ts << "solid"; break;
case BorderStyle::Double: ts << "double"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, BoxAlignment boxAlignment)
switch (boxAlignment) {
case BoxAlignment::Stretch: ts << "stretch"; break;
case BoxAlignment::Start: ts << "start"; break;
case BoxAlignment::Center: ts << "center"; break;
case BoxAlignment::End: ts << "end"; break;
case BoxAlignment::Baseline: ts << "baseline"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, BoxDecorationBreak decorationBreak)
switch (decorationBreak) {
case BoxDecorationBreak::Slice: ts << "slice"; break;
case BoxDecorationBreak::Clone: ts << "clone"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, BoxDirection boxDirection)
switch (boxDirection) {
case BoxDirection::Normal: ts << "normal"; break;
case BoxDirection::Reverse: ts << "reverse"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, BoxLines boxLines)
switch (boxLines) {
case BoxLines::Single: ts << "single"; break;
case BoxLines::Multiple: ts << "multiple"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, BoxOrient boxOrient)
switch (boxOrient) {
case BoxOrient::Horizontal: ts << "horizontal"; break;
case BoxOrient::Vertical: ts << "vertical"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, BoxPack boxPack)
switch (boxPack) {
case BoxPack::Start: ts << "start"; break;
case BoxPack::Center: ts << "center"; break;
case BoxPack::End: ts << "end"; break;
case BoxPack::Justify: ts << "justify"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, BoxSizing boxSizing)
switch (boxSizing) {
case BoxSizing::ContentBox: ts << "content-box"; break;
case BoxSizing::BorderBox: ts << "border-box"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, BreakBetween breakBetween)
switch (breakBetween) {
case BreakBetween::Auto: ts << "auto"; break;
case BreakBetween::Avoid: ts << "avoid"; break;
case BreakBetween::AvoidColumn: ts << "avoid-column"; break;
case BreakBetween::AvoidPage: ts << "avoid-page"; break;
case BreakBetween::Column: ts << "column"; break;
case BreakBetween::Page: ts << "page"; break;
case BreakBetween::LeftPage: ts << "left-page"; break;
case BreakBetween::RightPage: ts << "right-page"; break;
case BreakBetween::RectoPage: ts << "recto-page"; break;
case BreakBetween::VersoPage: ts << "verso-page"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, BreakInside breakInside)
switch (breakInside) {
case BreakInside::Auto: ts << "auto"; break;
case BreakInside::Avoid: ts << "avoid"; break;
case BreakInside::AvoidColumn: ts << "avoidColumn"; break;
case BreakInside::AvoidPage: ts << "avoidPage"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, CSSBoxType boxType)
switch (boxType) {
case CSSBoxType::BoxMissing: ts << "missing"; break;
case CSSBoxType::MarginBox: ts << "margin-box"; break;
case CSSBoxType::BorderBox: ts << "border-box"; break;
case CSSBoxType::PaddingBox: ts << "padding-box"; break;
case CSSBoxType::ContentBox: ts << "content-box"; break;
case CSSBoxType::FillBox: ts << "fill-box"; break;
case CSSBoxType::StrokeBox: ts << "stroke-box"; break;
case CSSBoxType::ViewBox: ts << "view-box"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, CaptionSide side)
switch (side) {
case CaptionSide::Top: ts << "top"; break;
case CaptionSide::Bottom: ts << "bottom"; break;
case CaptionSide::Left: ts << "left"; break;
case CaptionSide::Right: ts << "right"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, Clear clear)
switch (clear) {
case Clear::None: ts << "none"; break;
case Clear::Left: ts << "left"; break;
case Clear::Right: ts << "right"; break;
case Clear::InlineStart : ts << "inline-start"; break;
case Clear::InlineEnd : ts << "inline-end"; break;
case Clear::Both: ts << "both"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, UsedClear clear)
switch (clear) {
case UsedClear::None: ts << "none"; break;
case UsedClear::Left: ts << "left"; break;
case UsedClear::Right: ts << "right"; break;
case UsedClear::Both: ts << "both"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, ColorScheme colorScheme)
switch (colorScheme) {
case ColorScheme::Light: ts << "light"; break;
case ColorScheme::Dark: ts << "dark"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, ColumnAxis axis)
switch (axis) {
case ColumnAxis::Horizontal: ts << "horizontal"; break;
case ColumnAxis::Vertical: ts << "vertical"; break;
case ColumnAxis::Auto: ts << "auto"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, ColumnFill fill)
switch (fill) {
case ColumnFill::Auto: ts << "auto"; break;
case ColumnFill::Balance: ts << "balance"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, ColumnProgression progression)
switch (progression) {
case ColumnProgression::Normal: ts << "normal"; break;
case ColumnProgression::Reverse: ts << "reverse"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, ColumnSpan span)
switch (span) {
case ColumnSpan::None: ts << "none"; break;
case ColumnSpan::All: ts << "all"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, ContentDistribution distribution)
switch (distribution) {
case ContentDistribution::Default: ts << "default"; break;
case ContentDistribution::SpaceBetween: ts << "space-between"; break;
case ContentDistribution::SpaceAround: ts << "space-around"; break;
case ContentDistribution::SpaceEvenly: ts << "space-evenly"; break;
case ContentDistribution::Stretch: ts << "stretch"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, ContentPosition position)
switch (position) {
case ContentPosition::Normal: ts << "normal"; break;
case ContentPosition::Baseline: ts << "baseline"; break;
case ContentPosition::LastBaseline: ts << "last-baseline"; break;
case ContentPosition::Center: ts << "center"; break;
case ContentPosition::Start: ts << "start"; break;
case ContentPosition::End: ts << "end"; break;
case ContentPosition::FlexStart: ts << "flex-start"; break;
case ContentPosition::FlexEnd: ts << "flex-end"; break;
case ContentPosition::Left: ts << "left"; break;
case ContentPosition::Right: ts << "right"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, CursorType cursor)
switch (cursor) {
case CursorType::Auto: ts << "auto"; break;
case CursorType::Default: ts << "default"; break;
case CursorType::ContextMenu: ts << "contextmenu"; break;
case CursorType::Help: ts << "help"; break;
case CursorType::Pointer: ts << "pointer"; break;
case CursorType::Progress: ts << "progress"; break;
case CursorType::Wait: ts << "wait"; break;
case CursorType::Cell: ts << "cell"; break;
case CursorType::Crosshair: ts << "crosshair"; break;
case CursorType::Text: ts << "text"; break;
case CursorType::VerticalText: ts << "vertical-text"; break;
case CursorType::Alias: ts << "alias"; break;
case CursorType::Move: ts << "move"; break;
case CursorType::NoDrop: ts << "nodrop"; break;
case CursorType::NotAllowed: ts << "not-allowed"; break;
case CursorType::Grab: ts << "grab"; break;
case CursorType::Grabbing: ts << "grabbing"; break;
case CursorType::EResize: ts << "e-resize"; break;
case CursorType::NResize: ts << "n-resize"; break;
case CursorType::NEResize: ts << "ne-resize"; break;
case CursorType::NWResize: ts << "nw-resize"; break;
case CursorType::SResize: ts << "sr-esize"; break;
case CursorType::SEResize: ts << "se-resize"; break;
case CursorType::SWResize: ts << "sw-resize"; break;
case CursorType::WResize: ts << "w-resize"; break;
case CursorType::EWResize: ts << "ew-resize"; break;
case CursorType::NSResize: ts << "ns-resize"; break;
case CursorType::NESWResize: ts << "nesw-resize"; break;
case CursorType::NWSEResize: ts << "nwse-resize"; break;
case CursorType::ColumnResize: ts << "column-resize"; break;
case CursorType::RowResize: ts << "row-resize"; break;
case CursorType::AllScroll: ts << "all-scroll"; break;
case CursorType::ZoomIn: ts << "zoom-in"; break;
case CursorType::ZoomOut: ts << "zoom-out"; break;
case CursorType::Copy: ts << "copy"; break;
case CursorType::None: ts << "none"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, CursorVisibility visibility)
switch (visibility) {
case CursorVisibility::Auto: ts << "auto"; break;
case CursorVisibility::AutoHide: ts << "autohide"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, DisplayType display)
switch (display) {
case DisplayType::Inline: ts << "inline"; break;
case DisplayType::Block: ts << "block"; break;
case DisplayType::ListItem: ts << "list-item"; break;
case DisplayType::InlineBlock: ts << "inline-block"; break;
case DisplayType::Table: ts << "table"; break;
case DisplayType::InlineTable: ts << "inline-table"; break;
case DisplayType::TableRowGroup: ts << "table-row-group"; break;
case DisplayType::TableHeaderGroup: ts << "table-header-group"; break;
case DisplayType::TableFooterGroup: ts << "table-footer-group"; break;
case DisplayType::TableRow: ts << "table-row"; break;
case DisplayType::TableColumnGroup: ts << "table-column-group"; break;
case DisplayType::TableColumn: ts << "table-column"; break;
case DisplayType::TableCell: ts << "table-cell"; break;
case DisplayType::TableCaption: ts << "table-caption"; break;
case DisplayType::Box: ts << "box"; break;
case DisplayType::InlineBox: ts << "inline-box"; break;
case DisplayType::Flex: ts << "flex"; break;
case DisplayType::InlineFlex: ts << "inline-flex"; break;
case DisplayType::Contents: ts << "contents"; break;
case DisplayType::Grid: ts << "grid"; break;
case DisplayType::InlineGrid: ts << "inline-grid"; break;
case DisplayType::FlowRoot: ts << "flow-root"; break;
case DisplayType::None: ts << "none"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, Edge edge)
switch (edge) {
case Edge::Top: ts << "top"; break;
case Edge::Right: ts << "right"; break;
case Edge::Bottom: ts << "bottom"; break;
case Edge::Left: ts << "left"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, EmptyCell emptyCell)
switch (emptyCell) {
case EmptyCell::Show: ts << "show"; break;
case EmptyCell::Hide: ts << "hide"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, EventListenerRegionType listenerType)
switch (listenerType) {
case EventListenerRegionType::Wheel: ts << "wheel"; break;
case EventListenerRegionType::NonPassiveWheel: ts << "active wheel"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, FillAttachment attachment)
switch (attachment) {
case FillAttachment::ScrollBackground: ts << "scroll"; break;
case FillAttachment::LocalBackground: ts << "local"; break;
case FillAttachment::FixedBackground: ts << "fixed"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, FillBox fill)
switch (fill) {
case FillBox::Border: ts << "border"; break;
case FillBox::Padding: ts << "padding"; break;
case FillBox::Content: ts << "content"; break;
case FillBox::Text: ts << "text"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, FillRepeat repeat)
switch (repeat) {
case FillRepeat::Repeat: ts << "repeat"; break;
case FillRepeat::NoRepeat: ts << "no-repeat"; break;
case FillRepeat::Round: ts << "round"; break;
case FillRepeat::Space: ts << "space"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, FillSizeType sizeType)
switch (sizeType) {
case FillSizeType::Contain: ts << "contain"; break;
case FillSizeType::Cover: ts << "cover"; break;
case FillSizeType::Size: ts << "size-length"; break;
case FillSizeType::None: ts << "size-none"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, FlexDirection flexDirection)
switch (flexDirection) {
case FlexDirection::Row: ts << "row"; break;
case FlexDirection::RowReverse: ts << "row-reverse"; break;
case FlexDirection::Column: ts << "column"; break;
case FlexDirection::ColumnReverse: ts << "column-reverse"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, FlexWrap flexWrap)
switch (flexWrap) {
case FlexWrap::NoWrap: ts << "no-wrap"; break;
case FlexWrap::Wrap: ts << "wrap"; break;
case FlexWrap::Reverse: ts << "reverse"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, Float floating)
switch (floating) {
case Float::None: ts << "none"; break;
case Float::Left: ts << "left"; break;
case Float::Right: ts << "right"; break;
case Float::InlineStart: ts << "inline-start"; break;
case Float::InlineEnd: ts << "inline-end"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, UsedFloat floating)
switch (floating) {
case UsedFloat::None: ts << "none"; break;
case UsedFloat::Left: ts << "left"; break;
case UsedFloat::Right: ts << "right"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, GridAutoFlow gridAutoFlow)
switch (gridAutoFlow) {
case AutoFlowRow: ts << "row"; break;
case AutoFlowColumn: ts << "column"; break;
case AutoFlowRowDense: ts << "row-dense"; break;
case AutoFlowColumnDense: ts << "column-dense"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, HangingPunctuation punctuation)
switch (punctuation) {
case HangingPunctuation::None: ts << "none"; break;
case HangingPunctuation::First: ts << "first"; break;
case HangingPunctuation::Last: ts << "last"; break;
case HangingPunctuation::AllowEnd: ts << "allow-end"; break;
case HangingPunctuation::ForceEnd: ts << "force-end"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, Hyphens hyphens)
switch (hyphens) {
case Hyphens::None: ts << "none"; break;
case Hyphens::Manual: ts << "manual"; break;
case Hyphens::Auto: ts << "auto"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, ImageRendering imageRendering)
switch (imageRendering) {
case ImageRendering::Auto: ts << "auto"; break;
case ImageRendering::OptimizeSpeed: ts << "optimizeSpeed"; break;
case ImageRendering::OptimizeQuality: ts << "optimizeQuality"; break;
case ImageRendering::CrispEdges: ts << "crispEdges"; break;
case ImageRendering::Pixelated: ts << "pixelated"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, InsideLink inside)
switch (inside) {
case InsideLink::NotInside: ts << "not-inside"; break;
case InsideLink::InsideUnvisited: ts << "inside-unvisited"; break;
case InsideLink::InsideVisited: ts << "inside-visited"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, Isolation isolation)
switch (isolation) {
case Isolation::Auto: ts << "auto"; break;
case Isolation::Isolate: ts << "isolate"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, ItemPosition position)
switch (position) {
case ItemPosition::Legacy: ts << "legacy"; break;
case ItemPosition::Auto: ts << "auto"; break;
case ItemPosition::Normal: ts << "normal"; break;
case ItemPosition::Stretch: ts << "stretch"; break;
case ItemPosition::Baseline: ts << "baseline"; break;
case ItemPosition::LastBaseline: ts << "last-baseline"; break;
case ItemPosition::Center: ts << "center"; break;
case ItemPosition::Start: ts << "start"; break;
case ItemPosition::End: ts << "end"; break;
case ItemPosition::SelfStart: ts << "self-start"; break;
case ItemPosition::SelfEnd: ts << "self-end"; break;
case ItemPosition::FlexStart: ts << "flex-start"; break;
case ItemPosition::FlexEnd: ts << "flex-end"; break;
case ItemPosition::Left: ts << "left"; break;
case ItemPosition::Right: ts << "right"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, ItemPositionType positionType)
switch (positionType) {
case ItemPositionType::NonLegacy: ts << "non-legacy"; break;
case ItemPositionType::Legacy: ts << "legacy"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, LineAlign align)
switch (align) {
case LineAlign::None: ts << "none"; break;
case LineAlign::Edges: ts << "edges"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, LineBreak lineBreak)
switch (lineBreak) {
case LineBreak::Auto: ts << "auto"; break;
case LineBreak::Loose: ts << "loose"; break;
case LineBreak::Normal: ts << "normal"; break;
case LineBreak::Strict: ts << "strict"; break;
case LineBreak::AfterWhiteSpace: ts << "after-whiteSpace"; break;
case LineBreak::Anywhere: ts << "anywhere"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, LineSnap lineSnap)
switch (lineSnap) {
case LineSnap::None: ts << "none"; break;
case LineSnap::Baseline: ts << "baseline"; break;
case LineSnap::Contain: ts << "contain"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, ListStylePosition position)
switch (position) {
case ListStylePosition::Outside: ts << "outside"; break;
case ListStylePosition::Inside: ts << "inside"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, ListStyleType styleType)
return ts << getValueName(toCSSValueID(styleType));
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, MarginCollapse collapse)
switch (collapse) {
case MarginCollapse::Collapse: ts << "collapse"; break;
case MarginCollapse::Separate: ts << "separate"; break;
case MarginCollapse::Discard: ts << "discard"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, MarqueeBehavior marqueeBehavior)
switch (marqueeBehavior) {
case MarqueeBehavior::None: ts << "none"; break;
case MarqueeBehavior::Scroll: ts << "scroll"; break;
case MarqueeBehavior::Slide: ts << "slide"; break;
case MarqueeBehavior::Alternate: ts << "alternate"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, MarqueeDirection marqueeDirection)
switch (marqueeDirection) {
case MarqueeDirection::Auto: ts << "auto"; break;
case MarqueeDirection::Left: ts << "left"; break;
case MarqueeDirection::Right: ts << "right"; break;
case MarqueeDirection::Up: ts << "up"; break;
case MarqueeDirection::Down: ts << "down"; break;
case MarqueeDirection::Forward: ts << "forward"; break;
case MarqueeDirection::Backward: ts << "backward"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, MaskMode maskMode)
switch (maskMode) {
case MaskMode::Alpha: ts << "alpha"; break;
case MaskMode::Luminance: ts << "luminance"; break;
case MaskMode::MatchSource: ts << "match-source"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, NBSPMode mode)
switch (mode) {
case NBSPMode::Normal: ts << "normal"; break;
case NBSPMode::Space: ts << "space"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, ObjectFit objectFit)
switch (objectFit) {
case ObjectFit::Fill: ts << "fill"; break;
case ObjectFit::Contain: ts << "contain"; break;
case ObjectFit::Cover: ts << "cover"; break;
case ObjectFit::None: ts << "none"; break;
case ObjectFit::ScaleDown: ts << "scale-down"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, Order order)
switch (order) {
case Order::Logical: ts << "logical"; break;
case Order::Visual: ts << "visual"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, Overflow overflow)
switch (overflow) {
case Overflow::Visible: ts << "visible"; break;
case Overflow::Hidden: ts << "hidden"; break;
case Overflow::Scroll: ts << "scroll"; break;
case Overflow::Auto: ts << "auto"; break;
case Overflow::PagedX: ts << "paged-x"; break;
case Overflow::PagedY: ts << "paged-y"; break;
case Overflow::Clip: ts << "clip"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, OverflowAlignment alignment)
switch (alignment) {
case OverflowAlignment::Default: ts << "default"; break;
case OverflowAlignment::Unsafe: ts << "unsafe"; break;
case OverflowAlignment::Safe: ts << "safe"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, OverflowWrap overflowWrap)
switch (overflowWrap) {
case OverflowWrap::Normal: ts << "normal"; break;
case OverflowWrap::BreakWord: ts << "break-word"; break;
case OverflowWrap::Anywhere: ts << "anywhere"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, PaintOrder paintOrder)
switch (paintOrder) {
case PaintOrder::Normal: ts << "normal"; break;
case PaintOrder::Fill: ts << "fill"; break;
case PaintOrder::FillMarkers: ts << "fill markers"; break;
case PaintOrder::Stroke: ts << "stroke"; break;
case PaintOrder::StrokeMarkers: ts << "stroke markers"; break;
case PaintOrder::Markers: ts << "markers"; break;
case PaintOrder::MarkersStroke: ts << "markers stroke"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, PointerEvents pointerEvents)
switch (pointerEvents) {
case PointerEvents::None: ts << "none"; break;
case PointerEvents::Auto: ts << "auto"; break;
case PointerEvents::Stroke: ts << "stroke"; break;
case PointerEvents::Fill: ts << "fill"; break;
case PointerEvents::Painted: ts << "painted"; break;
case PointerEvents::Visible: ts << "visible"; break;
case PointerEvents::BoundingBox: ts << "bounding-box"; break;
case PointerEvents::VisibleStroke: ts << "visible-stroke"; break;
case PointerEvents::VisibleFill: ts << "visible-fill"; break;
case PointerEvents::VisiblePainted: ts << "visible-painted"; break;
case PointerEvents::All: ts << "all"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, PositionType position)
switch (position) {
case PositionType::Static: ts << "static"; break;
case PositionType::Relative: ts << "relative"; break;
case PositionType::Absolute: ts << "absolute"; break;
case PositionType::Sticky: ts << "sticky"; break;
case PositionType::Fixed: ts << "fixed"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, PrintColorAdjust colorAdjust)
switch (colorAdjust) {
case PrintColorAdjust::Economy: ts << "economy"; break;
case PrintColorAdjust::Exact: ts << "exact"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, PseudoId pseudoId)
switch (pseudoId) {
case PseudoId::None: ts << "none"; break;
case PseudoId::FirstLine: ts << "first-line"; break;
case PseudoId::FirstLetter: ts << "first-letter"; break;
case PseudoId::Highlight: ts << "highlight"; break;
case PseudoId::Marker: ts << "marker"; break;
case PseudoId::Backdrop: ts << "backdrop"; break;
case PseudoId::Before: ts << "before"; break;
case PseudoId::After: ts << "after"; break;
case PseudoId::Selection: ts << "selection"; break;
case PseudoId::Scrollbar: ts << "scrollbar"; break;
case PseudoId::ScrollbarThumb: ts << "scrollbar-thumb"; break;
case PseudoId::ScrollbarButton: ts << "scrollbar-button"; break;
case PseudoId::ScrollbarTrack: ts << "scrollbar-track"; break;
case PseudoId::ScrollbarTrackPiece: ts << "scrollbar-trackpiece"; break;
case PseudoId::ScrollbarCorner: ts << "scrollbar-corner"; break;
case PseudoId::Resizer: ts << "resizer"; break;
ts << "other";
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, QuoteType quoteType)
switch (quoteType) {
case QuoteType::OpenQuote: ts << "open"; break;
case QuoteType::CloseQuote: ts << "close"; break;
case QuoteType::NoOpenQuote: ts << "no-open"; break;
case QuoteType::NoCloseQuote: ts << "no-close"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, ReflectionDirection direction)
switch (direction) {
case ReflectionDirection::Below: ts << "below"; break;
case ReflectionDirection::Above: ts << "above"; break;
case ReflectionDirection::Left: ts << "left"; break;
case ReflectionDirection::Right: ts << "right"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, Resize resize)
switch (resize) {
case Resize::None: ts << "none"; break;
case Resize::Both: ts << "both"; break;
case Resize::Horizontal: ts << "horizontal"; break;
case Resize::Vertical: ts << "vertical"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, RubyPosition position)
switch (position) {
case RubyPosition::Before: ts << "before"; break;
case RubyPosition::After: ts << "after"; break;
case RubyPosition::InterCharacter: ts << "inter-character"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, ScrollSnapAxis axis)
switch (axis) {
case ScrollSnapAxis::XAxis: ts << "x-axis"; break;
case ScrollSnapAxis::YAxis: ts << "y-Axis"; break;
case ScrollSnapAxis::Block: ts << "block"; break;
case ScrollSnapAxis::Inline: ts << "inline"; break;
case ScrollSnapAxis::Both: ts << "both"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, ScrollSnapAxisAlignType alignType)
switch (alignType) {
case ScrollSnapAxisAlignType::None: ts << "none"; break;
case ScrollSnapAxisAlignType::Start: ts << "start"; break;
case ScrollSnapAxisAlignType::Center: ts << "center"; break;
case ScrollSnapAxisAlignType::End: ts << "end"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, ScrollSnapStrictness strictness)
switch (strictness) {
case ScrollSnapStrictness::None: ts << "none"; break;
case ScrollSnapStrictness::Proximity: ts << "proximity"; break;
case ScrollSnapStrictness::Mandatory: ts << "mandatory"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, ScrollSnapStop stop)
switch (stop) {
case ScrollSnapStop::Normal: ts << "normal"; break;
case ScrollSnapStop::Always: ts << "always"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, SpeakAs speakAs)
switch (speakAs) {
case SpeakAs::Normal: ts << "normal"; break;
case SpeakAs::SpellOut: ts << "spell-out"; break;
case SpeakAs::Digits: ts << "digits"; break;
case SpeakAs::LiteralPunctuation: ts << "literal-punctuation"; break;
case SpeakAs::NoPunctuation: ts << "no-punctuation"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, StyleDifference diff)
switch (diff) {
case StyleDifference::Equal: ts << "equal"; break;
case StyleDifference::RecompositeLayer: ts << "recomposite layer"; break;
case StyleDifference::Repaint: ts << "repaint"; break;
case StyleDifference::RepaintIfTextOrBorderOrOutline: ts << "repaint if text or border or outline"; break;
case StyleDifference::RepaintLayer: ts << "repaint layer"; break;
case StyleDifference::LayoutPositionedMovementOnly: ts << "layout positioned movement only"; break;
case StyleDifference::SimplifiedLayout: ts << "simplified layout"; break;
case StyleDifference::SimplifiedLayoutAndPositionedMovement: ts << "simplified layout and positioned movement"; break;
case StyleDifference::Layout: ts << "layout"; break;
case StyleDifference::NewStyle: ts << "new style"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, TableLayoutType layoutType)
switch (layoutType) {
case TableLayoutType::Auto: ts << "Auto"; break;
case TableLayoutType::Fixed: ts << "Fixed"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, TextAlignMode alignMode)
switch (alignMode) {
case TextAlignMode::Left: ts << "left"; break;
case TextAlignMode::Right: ts << "right"; break;
case TextAlignMode::Center: ts << "center"; break;
case TextAlignMode::Justify: ts << "justify"; break;
case TextAlignMode::WebKitLeft: ts << "webkit-left"; break;
case TextAlignMode::WebKitRight: ts << "webkit-right"; break;
case TextAlignMode::WebKitCenter: ts << "webkit-center"; break;
case TextAlignMode::Start: ts << "start"; break;
case TextAlignMode::End: ts << "end"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, TextCombine textCombine)
switch (textCombine) {
case TextCombine::None: ts << "none"; break;
case TextCombine::Horizontal: ts << "horizontal"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, TextDecorationLine line)
switch (line) {
case TextDecorationLine::None: ts << "none"; break;
case TextDecorationLine::Underline: ts << "underline"; break;
case TextDecorationLine::Overline: ts << "overline"; break;
case TextDecorationLine::LineThrough: ts << "line-through"; break;
case TextDecorationLine::Blink: ts << "blink"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, TextDecorationSkipInk skip)
switch (skip) {
case TextDecorationSkipInk::None: ts << "none"; break;
case TextDecorationSkipInk::Auto: ts << "auto"; break;
case TextDecorationSkipInk::All: ts << "all"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, TextDecorationStyle decorationStyle)
switch (decorationStyle) {
case TextDecorationStyle::Solid: ts << "solid"; break;
case TextDecorationStyle::Double: ts << "double"; break;
case TextDecorationStyle::Dotted: ts << "dotted"; break;
case TextDecorationStyle::Dashed: ts << "dashed"; break;
case TextDecorationStyle::Wavy: ts << "wavy"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, TextEmphasisFill fill)
switch (fill) {
case TextEmphasisFill::Filled: ts << "filled"; break;
case TextEmphasisFill::Open: ts << "open"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, TextEmphasisMark mark)
switch (mark) {
case TextEmphasisMark::None: ts << "none"; break;
case TextEmphasisMark::Auto: ts << "auto"; break;
case TextEmphasisMark::Dot: ts << "dot"; break;
case TextEmphasisMark::Circle: ts << "circle"; break;
case TextEmphasisMark::DoubleCircle: ts << "double-circle"; break;
case TextEmphasisMark::Triangle: ts << "triangle"; break;
case TextEmphasisMark::Sesame: ts << "sesame"; break;
case TextEmphasisMark::Custom: ts << "custom"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, TextEmphasisPosition position)
switch (position) {
case TextEmphasisPosition::Over: ts << "Over"; break;
case TextEmphasisPosition::Under: ts << "Under"; break;
case TextEmphasisPosition::Left: ts << "Left"; break;
case TextEmphasisPosition::Right: ts << "Right"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, TextOrientation orientation)
switch (orientation) {
case TextOrientation::Mixed: ts << "mixed"; break;
case TextOrientation::Upright: ts << "upright"; break;
case TextOrientation::Sideways: ts << "sideways"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, TextOverflow overflow)
switch (overflow) {
case TextOverflow::Clip: ts << "clip"; break;
case TextOverflow::Ellipsis: ts << "ellipsis"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, TextSecurity textSecurity)
switch (textSecurity) {
case TextSecurity::None: ts << "none"; break;
case TextSecurity::Disc: ts << "disc"; break;
case TextSecurity::Circle: ts << "circle"; break;
case TextSecurity::Square: ts << "square"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, TextTransform textTransform)
switch (textTransform) {
case TextTransform::Capitalize: ts << "capitalize"; break;
case TextTransform::Uppercase: ts << "uppercase"; break;
case TextTransform::Lowercase: ts << "lowercase"; break;
case TextTransform::None: ts << "none"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, TextUnderlinePosition underlinePosition)
switch (underlinePosition) {
case TextUnderlinePosition::Auto: ts << "Auto"; break;
case TextUnderlinePosition::Under: ts << "Under"; break;
case TextUnderlinePosition::FromFont: ts << "FromFont"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, TextZoom zoom)
switch (zoom) {
case TextZoom::Normal: ts << "normal"; break;
case TextZoom::Reset: ts << "reset"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, TransformBox box)
switch (box) {
case TransformBox::BorderBox: ts << "border-box"; break;
case TransformBox::FillBox: ts << "fill-box"; break;
case TransformBox::ViewBox: ts << "view-box"; break;
case TransformBox::StrokeBox: ts << "stroke-box"; break;
case TransformBox::ContentBox: ts << "content-box"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, TransformStyle3D transformStyle)
switch (transformStyle) {
case TransformStyle3D::Flat: ts << "flat"; break;
case TransformStyle3D::Preserve3D: ts << "preserve-3d"; break;
case TransformStyle3D::Optimized3D: ts << "optimized-3d"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, UserDrag userDrag)
switch (userDrag) {
case UserDrag::Auto: ts << "auto"; break;
case UserDrag::None: ts << "none"; break;
case UserDrag::Element: ts << "element"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, UserModify userModify)
switch (userModify) {
case UserModify::ReadOnly: ts << "read-only"; break;
case UserModify::ReadWrite: ts << "read-write"; break;
case UserModify::ReadWritePlaintextOnly: ts << "read-write plaintext only"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, UserSelect userSelect)
switch (userSelect) {
case UserSelect::None: ts << "none"; break;
case UserSelect::Text: ts << "text"; break;
case UserSelect::All: ts << "all"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, VerticalAlign verticalAlign)
switch (verticalAlign) {
case VerticalAlign::Baseline: ts << "baseline"; break;
case VerticalAlign::Middle: ts << "middle"; break;
case VerticalAlign::Sub: ts << "sub"; break;
case VerticalAlign::Super: ts << "super"; break;
case VerticalAlign::TextTop: ts << "text-top"; break;
case VerticalAlign::TextBottom: ts << "text-bottom"; break;
case VerticalAlign::Top: ts << "top"; break;
case VerticalAlign::Bottom: ts << "bottom"; break;
case VerticalAlign::BaselineMiddle: ts << "baseline-middle"; break;
case VerticalAlign::Length: ts << "length"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, Visibility visibility)
switch (visibility) {
case Visibility::Visible: ts << "visible"; break;
case Visibility::Hidden: ts << "hidden"; break;
case Visibility::Collapse: ts << "collapse"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, WhiteSpace whiteSpace)
switch (whiteSpace) {
case WhiteSpace::Normal: ts << "normal"; break;
case WhiteSpace::Pre: ts << "pre"; break;
case WhiteSpace::PreWrap: ts << "pre-wrap"; break;
case WhiteSpace::PreLine: ts << "pre-line"; break;
case WhiteSpace::NoWrap: ts << "nowrap"; break;
case WhiteSpace::KHTMLNoWrap: ts << "khtml-nowrap"; break;
case WhiteSpace::BreakSpaces: ts << "break-spaces"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, WordBreak wordBreak)
switch (wordBreak) {
case WordBreak::Normal: ts << "normal"; break;
case WordBreak::BreakAll: ts << "break-all"; break;
case WordBreak::KeepAll: ts << "keep-all"; break;
case WordBreak::BreakWord: ts << "break-word"; break;
return ts;
TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, MathStyle mathStyle)
switch (mathStyle) {
case MathStyle::Normal: ts << "normal"; break;
case MathStyle::Compact: ts << "compact"; break;
return ts;
bool alwaysPageBreak(BreakBetween between)
return between >= BreakBetween::Page;
CSSBoxType transformBoxToCSSBoxType(TransformBox transformBox)
switch (transformBox) {
case TransformBox::StrokeBox:
return CSSBoxType::StrokeBox;
case TransformBox::ContentBox:
return CSSBoxType::ContentBox;
case TransformBox::BorderBox:
return CSSBoxType::BorderBox;
case TransformBox::FillBox:
return CSSBoxType::FillBox;
case TransformBox::ViewBox:
return CSSBoxType::ViewBox;
return CSSBoxType::BorderBox;
const float defaultMiterLimit = 4;
} // namespace WebCore