blob: 1e1b643c585daf6ae4c2127d84cd7cb56bcf36e9 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Executing "disconnect(AudioParam)"
PASS Executing "disconnect(AudioParam, output)"
PASS Executing "exceptions"
PASS Audit report
PASS > [disconnect(AudioParam)]
PASS Channel #0 contains all the expected values in the correct order: [2.25,1.5].
PASS The index of value change is equal to 11136.
PASS < [disconnect(AudioParam)] All assertions passed. (total 2 assertions)
PASS > [disconnect(AudioParam, output)]
PASS Channel #0 contains all the expected values in the correct order: [3,1.5].
PASS The index of value change in channel #0 is equal to 11136.
PASS Channel #1 contains all the expected values in the correct order: [6,3].
PASS The index of value change in channel #1 is equal to 11136.
PASS < [disconnect(AudioParam, output)] All assertions passed. (total 4 assertions)
PASS > [exceptions]
PASS gain1.disconnect(gain3.gain) threw InvalidAccessError: "The given destination is not connected".
PASS splitter.disconnect(gain1.gain, 1) threw InvalidAccessError: "The given destination is not connected".
PASS splitter.disconnect(gain1.gain, 2) threw IndexSizeError: "output index is out of bounds".
PASS < [exceptions] All assertions passed. (total 3 assertions)
PASS # AUDIT TASK RUNNER FINISHED: 3 tasks ran successfully.