blob: 2ed04994dc4dbade0942ae6b48659c1dec23fe33 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS setter on DOMStringMap must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when adding an observed data attribute
PASS setter on DOMStringMap must not enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when adding an unobserved data attribute
PASS setter on DOMStringMap must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when mutating the value of an observed data attribute
PASS setter on DOMStringMap must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when mutating the value of an observed data attribute to the same value
PASS setter on DOMStringMap must not enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when mutating the value of an unobserved data attribute
PASS deleter on DOMStringMap must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when removing an observed data attribute
PASS deleter on DOMStringMap must not enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when removing an unobserved data attribute
PASS deleter on DOMStringMap must not enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when it does not remove a data attribute