blob: 8c9c3ad6faa47979451efb73b5ee22691cf121c0 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Use NewTarget's prototype, not the one stored at definition time
PASS Rethrow any exceptions thrown while getting the prototype
PASS If prototype is not object (null), derives the fallback from NewTarget's realm (autonomous custom elements)
PASS If prototype is not object (null), derives the fallback from NewTarget's GetFunctionRealm (autonomous custom elements)
PASS If prototype is not object (undefined), derives the fallback from NewTarget's realm (autonomous custom elements)
PASS If prototype is not object (undefined), derives the fallback from NewTarget's GetFunctionRealm (autonomous custom elements)
PASS If prototype is not object (5), derives the fallback from NewTarget's realm (autonomous custom elements)
PASS If prototype is not object (5), derives the fallback from NewTarget's GetFunctionRealm (autonomous custom elements)
PASS If prototype is not object (string), derives the fallback from NewTarget's realm (autonomous custom elements)
PASS If prototype is not object (string), derives the fallback from NewTarget's GetFunctionRealm (autonomous custom elements)
FAIL If prototype is not object (null), derives the fallback from NewTarget's realm (customized built-in elements) promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
FAIL If prototype is not object (null), derives the fallback from NewTarget's GetFunctionRealm (customized built-in elements) promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
FAIL If prototype is not object (undefined), derives the fallback from NewTarget's realm (customized built-in elements) promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
FAIL If prototype is not object (undefined), derives the fallback from NewTarget's GetFunctionRealm (customized built-in elements) promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
FAIL If prototype is not object (5), derives the fallback from NewTarget's realm (customized built-in elements) promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
FAIL If prototype is not object (5), derives the fallback from NewTarget's GetFunctionRealm (customized built-in elements) promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
FAIL If prototype is not object (string), derives the fallback from NewTarget's realm (customized built-in elements) promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
FAIL If prototype is not object (string), derives the fallback from NewTarget's GetFunctionRealm (customized built-in elements) promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
PASS HTMLParagraphElement constructor must not get .prototype until it finishes its extends sanity checks, calling proxy constructor directly
PASS HTMLParagraphElement constructor must not get .prototype until it finishes its extends sanity checks, calling via Reflect