blob: 7f6280ce07f342d80e374547bb25a6e91a49094a [file] [log] [blame]
FAIL img 1 assert_equals:
<img src="data:image/svg+xml,&lt;svg xmlns=&quot;; /&gt;" style="height: 200px; background: green;" data-expected-height="150">
height expected 150 but got 0
Specified size suggestion = 200px
Content size suggestion = 150px [1]
Automatic minimum height = min(150px, 200px)
[1] fallback size from last bullet point in :
For boxes without a preferred aspect ratio:
* If the available space is definite in the appropriate dimension, use the stretch fit into that size in that dimension.
* Otherwise, if the box has a as its computed minimum size (min-width/min-height) in that dimension, use that size.
* Otherwise, use 300px for the width and/or 150px for the height as needed.
Pass condition: there is a 150x150 green square.