blob: a97f1ae73e88bf28624ffa441fd95331e82e4b38 [file] [log] [blame]
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251">
This test verifies handling of text encoding in workers. The behavior matches FF3.1b2 with a single exclusion (see below).<br>
This is what's tested:<br>
- If http header 'Content-Type' with 'charset' specified is on response with worker script or XHR payload, that encoding is used.<br>
- In absence of http header, the script of the worker is decoded using UTF-8.<br>
- In absence of http header, the content of the XHR request is decoded using UTF-8.<br>
- The URLs used in workers (for subworkers or XHR) are always encoded using UTF-8 (in regular html documents parts of the query an hash may be encoded with other encodings).<br>
- The base URL for the worker (used to resolve relative URLs for subworkers and XHR) is the URL of its script.<br>
- importScripts() decodes the scripts using UTF-8.<br>
<div style="background:beige; padding:10px;" id="status"></div>
if (window.testRunner) {
// Wait for this many workers to finish their tests.
// When worker is done, it sends 'exit' message.
var workerCount = 2;
// Messages from workers in separate threads will come in unstable order. Sort them to have a stable test.
var statusStrings = new Array;
function finishTest()
var status_panel = document.getElementById("status");
for (var i = 0; i < statusStrings.length; ++i) {
if (window.testRunner)
function log(source, msg)
statusStrings.push(source + ": " + msg);
if (msg == "exit" && --workerCount == 0)
// Output current charset and a string in that encoding to make
// sure this document is decoded as Windows-1251.
log("Document encoding", document.inputEncoding);
log("Document", "Ïðîâåðêà");
log("Document, Workers", "All XHR responses should match this: " + String.fromCharCode(0x41F, 0x440, 0x438, 0x432, 0x435, 0x442));
// Run a worker w/o http header. It should inherit the encoding of the document.
var worker1 = new Worker("resources/");
worker1.onmessage = function(evt) { log("worker 1",; };
// Run a worker with http header specifying charset. This new charset should be in effect.
var worker2 = new Worker("resources/");
worker2.onmessage = function(evt) { log("worker 2",; };
// Request some content. It should be decoded using UTF-8 even though current document is Windows-1251.
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "resources/", false);
xhr.send();log("Document: ", xhr.responseText);