blob: 5a9fd3abc81a9fce81564f227ae7297c92340b31 [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: [Private Click Measurement] Conversion was not accepted because the conversion data could not be parsed or was higher than the allowed maximum of 15.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Origin http://localhost:8000 is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin. Status code: 404
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Fetch API cannot load https://localhost:8443/.well-known/private-click-measurement/trigger-attribution/Dummy?attributionSource= due to access control checks.
Tests triggering of private click measurement attribution with same-site triggering event request.
Attributed Private Click Measurements:
WebCore::PrivateClickMeasurement 1
Source site:
Attribute on site: localhost
Source ID: 3
Attribution trigger data: 12
Attribution priority: 0
Attribution earliest time to send: Within 24-48 hours
Application bundle identifier: testBundleID