| |
| add_custom_target(forwarding-headersEflForTestWebKitAPI |
| COMMAND ${PERL_EXECUTABLE} ${WEBKIT2_DIR}/Scripts/generate-forwarding-headers.pl --include-path ${TESTWEBKITAPI_DIR} --output ${DERIVED_SOURCES_WEBKIT2_DIR}/include --platform efl --platform CoordinatedGraphics --platform soup |
| DEPENDS forwarding-headersEflForWebKit2 |
| ) |
| set(ForwardingHeadersForTestWebKitAPI_NAME forwarding-headersEflForTestWebKitAPI) |
| |
| include_directories( |
| ${WEBKIT2_DIR}/UIProcess/API/C/CoordinatedGraphics |
| ${WEBKIT2_DIR}/UIProcess/API/C/soup |
| ${WEBKIT2_DIR}/UIProcess/API/C/efl |
| ${WEBKIT2_DIR}/UIProcess/API/efl |
| ) |
| |
| include_directories(SYSTEM |
| ) |
| |
| set(test_main_SOURCES |
| ${TESTWEBKITAPI_DIR}/efl/main.cpp |
| ) |
| |
| set(bundle_harness_SOURCES |
| ${TESTWEBKITAPI_DIR}/efl/InjectedBundleController.cpp |
| ${TESTWEBKITAPI_DIR}/efl/PlatformUtilities.cpp |
| ) |
| |
| set(webkit2_api_harness_SOURCES |
| ${TESTWEBKITAPI_DIR}/efl/PlatformUtilities.cpp |
| ${TESTWEBKITAPI_DIR}/efl/PlatformWebView.cpp |
| ) |
| |
| list(APPEND test_wtf_LIBRARIES |
| WebKit2 |
| ) |
| |
| list(APPEND test_webcore_LIBRARIES |
| WebKit2 |
| ) |
| |
| list(APPEND TestJavaScriptCore_LIBRARIES |
| WebKit2 |
| ) |
| |
| # The list below works like a test expectation. Tests in the |
| # test_{webkit2_api|webcore}_BINARIES list are added to the test runner and |
| # tried on the bots on every build. Tests in test_{webkit2_api|webcore}_BINARIES |
| # are compiled and suffixed with fail and skipped from the test runner. |
| # |
| # Make sure that the tests are passing on both Debug and |
| # Release builds before adding it to test_{webkit2_api|webcore}_BINARIES. |
| |
| set(test_webcore_BINARIES |
| CSSParser |
| GridPosition |
| HTMLParserIdioms |
| LayoutUnit |
| URL |
| ) |
| |
| # In here we list the bundles that are used by our specific WK2 API Tests |
| list(APPEND bundle_harness_SOURCES |
| ${TESTWEBKITAPI_DIR}/Tests/WebKit2/efl/WKViewClientWebProcessCallbacks_Bundle.cpp |
| ) |
| |
| set(test_webkit2_api_BINARIES |
| AboutBlankLoad |
| CloseThenTerminate |
| CookieManager |
| DOMWindowExtensionNoCache |
| DidAssociateFormControls |
| DocumentStartUserScriptAlertCrash |
| EvaluateJavaScript |
| FailedLoad |
| Find |
| ForceRepaint |
| FrameMIMETypeHTML |
| FrameMIMETypePNG |
| GetInjectedBundleInitializationUserDataCallback |
| HitTestResultNodeHandle |
| InjectedBundleBasic |
| InjectedBundleFrameHitTest |
| InjectedBundleInitializationUserDataCallbackWins |
| LoadAlternateHTMLStringWithNonDirectoryURL |
| LoadCanceledNoServerRedirectCallback |
| NewFirstVisuallyNonEmptyLayout |
| NewFirstVisuallyNonEmptyLayoutFails |
| NewFirstVisuallyNonEmptyLayoutForImages |
| PageLoadBasic |
| PageLoadDidChangeLocationWithinPageForFrame |
| ParentFrame |
| PendingAPIRequestURL |
| PreventEmptyUserAgent |
| PrivateBrowsingPushStateNoHistoryCallback |
| ProvisionalURLAfterWillSendRequestCallback |
| ResponsivenessTimerDoesntFireEarly |
| ShouldGoToBackForwardListItem |
| TerminateTwice |
| TextFieldDidBeginAndEndEditing |
| WKPreferences |
| WKString |
| WKStringJSString |
| WillSendSubmitEvent |
| |
| CoordinatedGraphics/WKViewRestoreZoomAndScrollBackForward |
| CoordinatedGraphics/WKViewUserViewportToContents |
| |
| efl/WKViewClientWebProcessCallbacks |
| efl/WKViewScrollTo |
| ) |
| |
| set(test_webkit2_api_fail_BINARIES |
| CanHandleRequest |
| DOMWindowExtensionBasic |
| DownloadDecideDestinationCrash |
| Geolocation |
| LoadPageOnCrash |
| MouseMoveAfterCrash |
| NewFirstVisuallyNonEmptyLayoutFrames |
| ReloadPageAfterCrash |
| ResizeReversePaginatedWebView |
| ResizeWindowAfterCrash |
| RestoreSessionStateContainingFormData |
| ScrollPinningBehaviors |
| UserMessage |
| WKPageGetScaleFactorNotZero |
| WillLoad |
| ) |
| |
| # Tests disabled because of missing features on the test harness: |
| # |
| # SpacebarScrolling |
| # CoordinatedGraphics/WKViewIsActiveSetIsActive |