blob: 14e58ef30b747ee9d161c81416cbe539c6255b06 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2001 Dirk Mueller (
* (C) 2006 Alexey Proskuryakov (
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2008 Torch Mobile Inc. All rights reserved. (
* Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "ViewportArguments.h"
#include "Chrome.h"
#include "Console.h"
#include "DOMWindow.h"
#include "Document.h"
#include "Frame.h"
#include "IntSize.h"
#include "Page.h"
#include "PlatformString.h"
#include "ScriptableDocumentParser.h"
using namespace std;
namespace WebCore {
ViewportAttributes computeViewportAttributes(ViewportArguments args, int desktopWidth, int deviceWidth, int deviceHeight, int deviceDPI, IntSize visibleViewport)
ViewportAttributes result;
float availableWidth = visibleViewport.width();
float availableHeight = visibleViewport.height();
ASSERT(availableWidth > 0 && availableHeight > 0);
float autoDPI = deviceDPI;
switch (args.type) {
case ViewportArguments::Implicit:
autoDPI = deviceDPI;
case ViewportArguments::ViewportMeta:
autoDPI = 160;
switch (int(args.targetDensityDpi)) {
case ViewportArguments::ValueDeviceDPI:
args.targetDensityDpi = deviceDPI;
case ViewportArguments::ValueLowDPI:
args.targetDensityDpi = 120;
case ViewportArguments::ValueAuto:
args.targetDensityDpi = autoDPI;
case ViewportArguments::ValueMediumDPI:
args.targetDensityDpi = 160;
case ViewportArguments::ValueHighDPI:
args.targetDensityDpi = 240;
result.devicePixelRatio = float(deviceDPI / args.targetDensityDpi);
// Resolve non-'auto' width and height to pixel values.
if (result.devicePixelRatio != 1.0) {
availableWidth /= result.devicePixelRatio;
availableHeight /= result.devicePixelRatio;
deviceWidth /= result.devicePixelRatio;
deviceHeight /= result.devicePixelRatio;
switch (int(args.width)) {
case ViewportArguments::ValueDesktopWidth:
args.width = desktopWidth;
case ViewportArguments::ValueDeviceWidth:
args.width = deviceWidth;
case ViewportArguments::ValueDeviceHeight:
args.width = deviceHeight;
switch (int(args.height)) {
case ViewportArguments::ValueDesktopWidth:
args.height = desktopWidth;
case ViewportArguments::ValueDeviceWidth:
args.height = deviceWidth;
case ViewportArguments::ValueDeviceHeight:
args.height = deviceHeight;
// Clamp values to range defined by spec and resolve minimum-scale and maximum-scale values
if (args.width != ViewportArguments::ValueAuto)
args.width = min(float(10000), max(args.width, float(1)));
if (args.height != ViewportArguments::ValueAuto)
args.height = min(float(10000), max(args.height, float(1)));
if (args.initialScale != ViewportArguments::ValueAuto)
args.initialScale = min(float(10), max(args.initialScale, float(0.1)));
if (args.minimumScale != ViewportArguments::ValueAuto)
args.minimumScale = min(float(10), max(args.minimumScale, float(0.1)));
if (args.maximumScale != ViewportArguments::ValueAuto)
args.maximumScale = min(float(10), max(args.maximumScale, float(0.1)));
// Resolve minimum-scale and maximum-scale values according to spec.
if (args.minimumScale == ViewportArguments::ValueAuto)
result.minimumScale = float(0.25);
result.minimumScale = args.minimumScale;
if (args.maximumScale == ViewportArguments::ValueAuto) {
result.maximumScale = float(5.0);
result.minimumScale = min(float(5.0), result.minimumScale);
} else
result.maximumScale = args.maximumScale;
result.maximumScale = max(result.minimumScale, result.maximumScale);
// Resolve initial-scale value.
result.initialScale = args.initialScale;
if (result.initialScale == ViewportArguments::ValueAuto) {
result.initialScale = availableWidth / desktopWidth;
if (args.width != ViewportArguments::ValueAuto)
result.initialScale = availableWidth / args.width;
if (args.height != ViewportArguments::ValueAuto) {
// if 'auto', the initial-scale will be negative here and thus ignored.
result.initialScale = max<float>(result.initialScale, availableHeight / args.height);
// Constrain initial-scale value to minimum-scale/maximum-scale range.
result.initialScale = min(result.maximumScale, max(result.minimumScale, result.initialScale));
// Resolve width value.
float width;
if (args.width != ViewportArguments::ValueAuto)
width = args.width;
else {
if (args.initialScale == ViewportArguments::ValueAuto)
width = desktopWidth;
else if (args.height != ViewportArguments::ValueAuto)
width = args.height * (availableWidth / availableHeight);
width = availableWidth / result.initialScale;
// Resolve height value.
float height;
if (args.height != ViewportArguments::ValueAuto)
height = args.height;
height = width * availableHeight / availableWidth;
// Extend width and height to fill the visual viewport for the resolved initial-scale.
width = max<float>(width, availableWidth / result.initialScale);
height = max<float>(height, availableHeight / result.initialScale);
result.userScalable = args.userScalable;
return result;
float computeMinimumScaleFactorForContentContained(const ViewportAttributes& result, const IntSize& viewportSize, const IntSize& contentsSize)
float availableWidth = viewportSize.width();
float availableHeight = viewportSize.height();
if (result.devicePixelRatio != 1.0) {
availableWidth /= result.devicePixelRatio;
availableHeight /= result.devicePixelRatio;
return max<float>(result.minimumScale, max(availableWidth / contentsSize.width(), availableHeight / contentsSize.height()));
void restrictMinimumScaleFactorToViewportSize(ViewportAttributes& result, IntSize visibleViewport)
float availableWidth = visibleViewport.width();
float availableHeight = visibleViewport.height();
if (result.devicePixelRatio != 1.0) {
availableWidth /= result.devicePixelRatio;
availableHeight /= result.devicePixelRatio;
result.minimumScale = max<float>(result.minimumScale, max(availableWidth / result.layoutSize.width(), availableHeight / result.layoutSize.height()));
void restrictScaleFactorToInitialScaleIfNotUserScalable(ViewportAttributes& result)
if (!result.userScalable)
result.maximumScale = result.minimumScale = result.initialScale;
static float numericPrefix(const String& keyString, const String& valueString, Document* document, bool* ok = 0)
size_t parsedLength;
float value;
if (valueString.is8Bit())
value = charactersToFloat(valueString.characters8(), valueString.length(), parsedLength);
value = charactersToFloat(valueString.characters16(), valueString.length(), parsedLength);
if (!parsedLength) {
reportViewportWarning(document, UnrecognizedViewportArgumentValueError, valueString, keyString);
if (ok)
*ok = false;
return 0;
if (parsedLength < valueString.length())
reportViewportWarning(document, TruncatedViewportArgumentValueError, valueString, keyString);
if (ok)
*ok = true;
return value;
static float findSizeValue(const String& keyString, const String& valueString, Document* document)
// 1) Non-negative number values are translated to px lengths.
// 2) Negative number values are translated to auto.
// 3) device-width and device-height are used as keywords.
// 4) Other keywords and unknown values translate to 0.0.
if (equalIgnoringCase(valueString, "desktop-width"))
return ViewportArguments::ValueDesktopWidth;
if (equalIgnoringCase(valueString, "device-width"))
return ViewportArguments::ValueDeviceWidth;
if (equalIgnoringCase(valueString, "device-height"))
return ViewportArguments::ValueDeviceHeight;
float value = numericPrefix(keyString, valueString, document);
if (value < 0)
return ViewportArguments::ValueAuto;
return value;
static float findScaleValue(const String& keyString, const String& valueString, Document* document)
// 1) Non-negative number values are translated to <number> values.
// 2) Negative number values are translated to auto.
// 3) yes is translated to 1.0.
// 4) device-width and device-height are translated to 10.0.
// 5) no and unknown values are translated to 0.0
if (equalIgnoringCase(valueString, "yes"))
return 1;
if (equalIgnoringCase(valueString, "no"))
return 0;
if (equalIgnoringCase(valueString, "desktop-width"))
return 10;
if (equalIgnoringCase(valueString, "device-width"))
return 10;
if (equalIgnoringCase(valueString, "device-height"))
return 10;
float value = numericPrefix(keyString, valueString, document);
if (value < 0)
return ViewportArguments::ValueAuto;
if (value > 10.0)
reportViewportWarning(document, MaximumScaleTooLargeError, String(), String());
return value;
static float findUserScalableValue(const String& keyString, const String& valueString, Document* document)
// yes and no are used as keywords.
// Numbers >= 1, numbers <= -1, device-width and device-height are mapped to yes.
// Numbers in the range <-1, 1>, and unknown values, are mapped to no.
if (equalIgnoringCase(valueString, "yes"))
return 1;
if (equalIgnoringCase(valueString, "no"))
return 0;
if (equalIgnoringCase(valueString, "desktop-width"))
return 1;
if (equalIgnoringCase(valueString, "device-width"))
return 1;
if (equalIgnoringCase(valueString, "device-height"))
return 1;
float value = numericPrefix(keyString, valueString, document);
if (fabs(value) < 1)
return 0;
return 1;
static float findTargetDensityDPIValue(const String& keyString, const String& valueString, Document* document)
if (equalIgnoringCase(valueString, "device-dpi"))
return ViewportArguments::ValueDeviceDPI;
if (equalIgnoringCase(valueString, "low-dpi"))
return ViewportArguments::ValueLowDPI;
if (equalIgnoringCase(valueString, "medium-dpi"))
return ViewportArguments::ValueMediumDPI;
if (equalIgnoringCase(valueString, "high-dpi"))
return ViewportArguments::ValueHighDPI;
bool ok;
float value = numericPrefix(keyString, valueString, document, &ok);
if (!ok)
return ViewportArguments::ValueAuto;
if (value < 70 || value > 400) {
reportViewportWarning(document, TargetDensityDpiTooSmallOrLargeError, String(), String());
return ViewportArguments::ValueAuto;
return value;
void setViewportFeature(const String& keyString, const String& valueString, Document* document, void* data)
ViewportArguments* arguments = static_cast<ViewportArguments*>(data);
if (keyString == "width")
arguments->width = findSizeValue(keyString, valueString, document);
else if (keyString == "height")
arguments->height = findSizeValue(keyString, valueString, document);
else if (keyString == "initial-scale")
arguments->initialScale = findScaleValue(keyString, valueString, document);
else if (keyString == "minimum-scale")
arguments->minimumScale = findScaleValue(keyString, valueString, document);
else if (keyString == "maximum-scale")
arguments->maximumScale = findScaleValue(keyString, valueString, document);
else if (keyString == "user-scalable")
arguments->userScalable = findUserScalableValue(keyString, valueString, document);
else if (keyString == "target-densitydpi")
arguments->targetDensityDpi = findTargetDensityDPIValue(keyString, valueString, document);
reportViewportWarning(document, UnrecognizedViewportArgumentKeyError, keyString, String());
static const char* viewportErrorMessageTemplate(ViewportErrorCode errorCode)
static const char* const errors[] = {
"Viewport argument key \"%replacement1\" not recognized and ignored.",
"Viewport argument value \"%replacement1\" for key \"%replacement2\" not recognized. Content ignored.",
"Viewport argument value \"%replacement1\" for key \"%replacement2\" was truncated to its numeric prefix.",
"Viewport maximum-scale cannot be larger than 10.0. The maximum-scale will be set to 10.0.",
"Viewport target-densitydpi has to take a number between 70 and 400 as a valid target dpi, try using \"device-dpi\", \"low-dpi\", \"medium-dpi\" or \"high-dpi\" instead for future compatibility."
return errors[errorCode];
static MessageLevel viewportErrorMessageLevel(ViewportErrorCode errorCode)
switch (errorCode) {
case TruncatedViewportArgumentValueError:
case TargetDensityDpiTooSmallOrLargeError:
return TipMessageLevel;
case UnrecognizedViewportArgumentKeyError:
case UnrecognizedViewportArgumentValueError:
case MaximumScaleTooLargeError:
return ErrorMessageLevel;
return ErrorMessageLevel;
// FIXME: Why is this different from SVGDocumentExtensions parserLineNumber?
// FIXME: Callers should probably use ScriptController::eventHandlerLineNumber()
static int parserLineNumber(Document* document)
if (!document)
return 0;
ScriptableDocumentParser* parser = document->scriptableDocumentParser();
if (!parser)
return 0;
return parser->lineNumber().oneBasedInt();
void reportViewportWarning(Document* document, ViewportErrorCode errorCode, const String& replacement1, const String& replacement2)
Frame* frame = document->frame();
if (!frame)
String message = viewportErrorMessageTemplate(errorCode);
if (!replacement1.isNull())
message.replace("%replacement1", replacement1);
if (!replacement2.isNull())
message.replace("%replacement2", replacement2);
frame->domWindow()->console()->addMessage(HTMLMessageSource, LogMessageType, viewportErrorMessageLevel(errorCode), message, document->url().string(), parserLineNumber(document));
} // namespace WebCore