blob: bd93a3ee91983eb9047884ea863c9dfc815fa966 [file] [log] [blame]
[%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
title = "Email"
desc = "How will outgoing mail be delivered?"
[% param_descs = {
mail_delivery_method => "Defines how email is sent, or if it is sent at all.<br>
'SMTP' means use the SMTP protocol to talk to a remote
mail server.
'Sendmail' means use the sendmail-compatible MTA
installed on the Bugzilla machine.
You need to install a third-party sendmail replacement if
you want to use sendmail on Windows.
'Test' is useful for debugging: all email is stored
in 'data/mailer.testfile' instead of being sent.
'None' will completely disable email. Bugzilla continues
to act as though it is sending mail, but nothing is sent or
mailfrom => "The email address of the $terms.Bugzilla mail daemon. Some email systems " _
"require this to be a valid email address.",
use_mailer_queue => "In a large Bugzilla installation, updating"
_ " $terms.bugs can be very slow, because Bugzilla sends all"
_ " email at once. If you enable this parameter, Bugzilla will"
_ " queue all mail and then send it in the background. This requires"
_ " that you have installed certain Perl modules (as listed by"
_ " <kbd></kbd> for this feature), and that you are"
_ " running the <code></code> daemon (otherwise your mail"
_ " won't get sent). This affects all mail sent by Bugzilla,"
_ " not just $terms.bug updates.",
smtpserver => "The SMTP server address with optional port number (if using SMTP" _
" for mail delivery). eg: or",
smtp_username => "The username to pass to the SMTP server for SMTP authentication. " _
"Leave this field empty if your SMTP server doesn't require authentication.",
smtp_password => "The password to pass to the SMTP server for SMTP authentication. " _
"This field has no effect if the smtp_username parameter is left empty.",
smtp_ssl => "Enable SSL support for SMTP.",
smtp_debug => "If enabled, this will print detailed information to your" _
" web server's error log about the communication between" _
" Bugzilla and your SMTP server. You can use this to" _
" troubleshoot email problems.",
whinedays => "The number of days that we'll let a $terms.bug sit untouched in a CONFIRMED " _
"state before our cronjob will whine at the owner.<br> " _
"Set to 0 to disable whining.",
globalwatchers => "A comma-separated list of users who should receive a " _
"copy of every notification mail the system sends." }