blob: 2c604d1a6acb7c77b6366eba6d8dbd92a6f0d104 [file] [log] [blame]
<!doctype html>
/* The position of :is() should override this rule. */
container > target {
border: 5px solid black;
color: blue;
/* A class rule should supersede the following :is() because it has higher specificity. */
.target {
color: white;
/* The only subselector that matches is "container > target". It should override the simple "target"
selector but be superseded by anything larger than two tagnames. */
:is(,, container > target, foo#bar, bar#foo) {
background-color: green;
color: purple;
border: 25px solid red;
/* Those two rules only have score one tagname, they cannot take precedence over :is(). */
target {
background-color: red;
container > * {
color: black;
/* This rule should have the same specificity as the :is() but higher position. */
container > target {
border: none;
<p>This test the dynamic specificity of :is() with a complex selector. The text succeed if the text "Target" shows up in white on green background.</p>
<target class="target">Target</target>