blob: 4515e29be6e1ae9c8589933d980ebcb4d4b2dd34 [file] [log] [blame]
import { variable, constVariable, letVariable, functionDeclaration, classDeclaration } from "./imported-bindings-are-immutable/bindings.js"
import { shouldBe, shouldThrow } from "./resources/assert.js"
shouldBe(variable, 'Cocoa');
shouldThrow(() => {
variable = 42;
}, `TypeError: Attempted to assign to readonly property.`);
shouldBe(constVariable, 'Cocoa');
shouldThrow(() => {
constVariable = 42;
}, `TypeError: Attempted to assign to readonly property.`);
shouldBe(letVariable, 'Cocoa');
shouldThrow(() => {
letVariable = 42;
}, `TypeError: Attempted to assign to readonly property.`);
shouldBe(typeof functionDeclaration, 'function');
shouldThrow(() => {
functionDeclaration = 42;
}, `TypeError: Attempted to assign to readonly property.`);
shouldBe(typeof classDeclaration, 'function');
shouldThrow(() => {
classDeclaration = 42;
}, `TypeError: Attempted to assign to readonly property.`);
function reference(read) {
if (read)
return letVariable;
letVariable = "Cocoa";
for (var i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
shouldThrow(() => {
}, `TypeError: Attempted to assign to readonly property.`);