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| PASS Test that the return value of deleting properties is correct ([OverrideBuiltins] specified). |
| PASS Test that the return value of deleting numeric properties is correct ([OverrideBuiltins] specified). |
| PASS Test that deleting a property that does not exist in the map, but does on the prototype, will return true and not remove the property from the prototype ([OverrideBuiltins] specified). |
| PASS Test that the return value of deleting properties is correct ([OverrideBuiltins] not specified). |
| PASS Test that the return value of deleting numeric properties is correct ([OverrideBuiltins] not specified). |
| PASS Test that you can't delete a builtin property ([OverrideBuiltins] not specified). |
| PASS Test that deleting a property that does not exist in the map, but does on the prototype, will return true and not remove the property from the prototype ([OverrideBuiltins] not specified). |
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