| Tests for .valueAsNumber with <input type=month>. |
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| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| PASS valueAsNumberFor("") is Number.NaN |
| PASS valueAsNumberFor("1969-01") is -12 |
| PASS valueAsNumberFor("1969-12") is -1 |
| PASS valueAsNumberFor("1970-01") is 0 |
| PASS valueAsNumberFor("1970-12") is 11 |
| PASS valueAsNumberFor("1971-01") is 12 |
| PASS valueAsNumberFor("2009-12") is (2009-1970)*12+11 |
| PASS input.valueAsNumber = -1; input.value is "1969-12" |
| PASS input.valueAsNumber = 0; input.value is "1970-01" |
| PASS setValueAsNumberAndGetValue(2009, 12) is "2009-12" |
| PASS setValueAsNumberAndGetValue(10000, 1) is "10000-01" |
| PASS setValueAsNumberAndGetValue(-1, 1) is "" |
| PASS setValueAsNumberAndGetValue(0, 12) is "" |
| PASS setValueAsNumberAndGetValue(1, 1) is "0001-01" |
| PASS setValueAsNumberAndGetValue(1, 2) is "0001-02" |
| PASS setValueAsNumberAndGetValue(275760, 9) is "275760-09" |
| PASS setValueAsNumberAndGetValue(275760, 10) is "" |
| Tests to set invalid values to valueAsNumber: |
| PASS input.value = ""; input.valueAsNumber = null; input.value is "1970-01" |
| PASS input.valueAsNumber = "foo" threw exception Error: NotSupportedError: DOM Exception 9. |
| PASS input.valueAsNumber = NaN threw exception Error: NotSupportedError: DOM Exception 9. |
| PASS input.valueAsNumber = Number.NaN threw exception Error: NotSupportedError: DOM Exception 9. |
| PASS input.valueAsNumber = Infinity threw exception Error: NotSupportedError: DOM Exception 9. |
| PASS input.valueAsNumber = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY threw exception Error: NotSupportedError: DOM Exception 9. |
| PASS input.valueAsNumber = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY threw exception Error: NotSupportedError: DOM Exception 9. |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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