| This test checks the constants on the XMLHttpRequst object, as well as its prototype and constructor. |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| Test the constants on the XMLHttpRequest object itself. |
| PASS new XMLHttpRequest().UNSENT is 0 |
| PASS new XMLHttpRequest().OPENED is 1 |
| PASS new XMLHttpRequest().HEADERS_RECEIVED is 2 |
| PASS new XMLHttpRequest().LOADING is 3 |
| PASS new XMLHttpRequest().DONE is 4 |
| Test the constants on the XMLHttpRequest prototype object. |
| PASS XMLHttpRequest.prototype.UNSENT is 0 |
| PASS XMLHttpRequest.prototype.OPENED is 1 |
| PASS XMLHttpRequest.prototype.HEADERS_RECEIVED is 2 |
| PASS XMLHttpRequest.prototype.LOADING is 3 |
| PASS XMLHttpRequest.prototype.DONE is 4 |
| Test the constants on the XMLHttpRequest constructor object. |
| PASS XMLHttpRequest.UNSENT is 0 |
| PASS XMLHttpRequest.OPENED is 1 |
| PASS XMLHttpRequest.LOADING is 3 |
| PASS XMLHttpRequest.DONE is 4 |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |