| Spell check suggestions should not be populated when user selects a part of misspelling. To test manually, type 'wellcome home.' select 'llco', and context-click on the selection. The test suceeds when the context menu has no spell check suggestions. |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| PASS internals.markerCountForNode(destination.childNodes[0], "spelling") became different from 0 |
| PASS spellingMarkerRange.toString() is "wellcome" |
| PASS window.getSelection().toString() is "" |
| PASS window.getSelection().toString() is "llco" |
| PASS spellingMarkerRange.toString() is "wellcome" |
| PASS window.getSelection().toString() is "llco" |
| PASS contextMenuItemsWithoutSpellingSuggestions < contextMenuItemsWithSpellingSuggestions is true |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |