blob: 1a37cc286389c4636f46b812696b918bb86c7d93 [file] [log] [blame]
This test runs the WebGL Test listed below in an iframe and reports PASS or FAIL.
Test: ../../../resources/webgl_test_files/conformance/textures/misc/tex-sub-image-2d-bad-args.html
[ 1: PASS ] getError was expected value: INVALID_OPERATION : no previously defined texture image
[ 2: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : Setup should succeed
[ 3: PASS ] getError was expected value: INVALID_VALUE : y + height > texture height
[ 4: PASS ] getError was expected value: INVALID_VALUE : x + width > texture width
[ 5: PASS ] getError was expected value: INVALID_VALUE : negative x
[ 6: PASS ] getError was expected value: INVALID_VALUE : negative y
[ 7: PASS ] getError was expected value: INVALID_VALUE : negative level
[ 8: FAIL ] gl.texSubImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null) should throw an exception. Was undefined.
[ 9: FAIL ] getError expected: NO_ERROR. Was INVALID_VALUE :
[ 10: PASS ] getError was expected value: INVALID_VALUE : null pixels
[ 11: PASS ] getError was one of: INVALID_VALUE or INVALID_OPERATION : too high level
[ 12: PASS ] getError was expected value: INVALID_ENUM : bad target
[ 13: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : good args
[ 14: PASS ] getError was expected value: INVALID_OPERATION : format not same as original
[ 15: PASS ] getError was expected value: INVALID_OPERATION : type not same as original
[ 16: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : make texture RGB
[ 17: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : format same as original RGB
[ 18: PASS ] getError was expected value: INVALID_OPERATION : format not same as original RGB
[ 19: PASS ] getError was expected value: INVALID_OPERATION : type not same as original RGB
[ 20: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : make texture RGBA UNSIGNED_BYTE
[ 21: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : format same as original
[ 22: PASS ] getError was expected value: INVALID_OPERATION : format not same as original
[ 23: PASS ] getError was expected value: INVALID_OPERATION : type not same as original
[ 24: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : make texture RGBA UNSIGNED_BYTE
[ 25: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : format same as original
[ 26: PASS ] getError was expected value: INVALID_OPERATION : format not same as original
[ 27: PASS ] getError was expected value: INVALID_OPERATION : type not same as original
[ 28: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : format same as original
[ 29: PASS ] getError was expected value: INVALID_OPERATION : format not same as original
[ 30: PASS ] getError was expected value: INVALID_OPERATION : type not same as original
[ 31: PASS ] getError was one of: INVALID_VALUE or INVALID_OPERATION : too high level
[ 32: PASS ] getError was one of: INVALID_VALUE or INVALID_OPERATION : too high level
[ 33: PASS ] getError was one of: INVALID_VALUE or INVALID_OPERATION : too high level
[ 34: PASS ] getError was one of: INVALID_VALUE or INVALID_OPERATION : too high level
[ 35: PASS ] getError was one of: INVALID_VALUE or INVALID_OPERATION : too high level
[ 36: PASS ] getError was one of: INVALID_VALUE or INVALID_OPERATION : too high level
[ 37: PASS ] successfullyParsed is true
[ FAIL ] 2 failures reported