blob: 6eb59f814bf08d139d597a4b4b26a7d7aa920fd6 [file] [log] [blame]
import argparse
import sys
from . import browser
latest_channels = {
'firefox': 'nightly',
'chrome': 'dev',
'chrome_android': 'dev',
'edgechromium': 'dev',
'safari': 'preview',
'servo': 'nightly'
channel_by_name = {
'stable': 'stable',
'release': 'stable',
'beta': 'beta',
'nightly': latest_channels,
'dev': latest_channels,
'preview': latest_channels,
'experimental': latest_channels,
'canary': 'canary',
def get_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""Install a given browser or webdriver frontend.
For convenience the release channel of the browser accepts various spellings,
but we actually support at most three variants; whatever the latest development
release is (e.g. Firefox nightly or Chrome dev), the latest beta release, and
the most recent stable release.""")
parser.add_argument('browser', choices=['firefox', 'chrome', 'servo'],
help='name of web browser product')
parser.add_argument('component', choices=['browser', 'webdriver'],
help='name of component')
parser.add_argument('--channel', choices=channel_by_name.keys(),
default="nightly", help='Name of browser release channel. '
'"stable" and "release" are synonyms for the latest browser stable release,'
'"nightly", "dev", "experimental", and "preview" are all synonyms for '
'the latest available development release. For WebDriver installs, '
'we attempt to select an appropriate, compatible, version for the '
'latest browser release on the selected channel.')
parser.add_argument('--download-only', action="store_true",
help="Download the selected component but don't install it")
parser.add_argument('--rename', action="store", default=None,
help="Filename, excluding extension for downloaded archive "
"(only with --download-only)")
parser.add_argument('-d', '--destination',
help='filesystem directory to place the component')
return parser
def get_channel(browser, channel):
channel = channel_by_name[channel]
if isinstance(channel, dict):
channel = channel.get(browser)
return channel
def run(venv, **kwargs):
browser = kwargs["browser"]
destination = kwargs["destination"]
channel = get_channel(browser, kwargs["channel"])
if channel != kwargs["channel"]:
print("Interpreting channel '%s' as '%s'" % (kwargs["channel"],
if destination is None:
if venv:
if kwargs["component"] == "browser":
destination = venv.path
destination = venv.bin_path
raise argparse.ArgumentError(None,
"No --destination argument, and no default for the environment")
install(browser, kwargs["component"], destination, channel,
download_only=kwargs["download_only"], rename=kwargs["rename"])
def install(name, component, destination, channel="nightly", logger=None, download_only=False,
if logger is None:
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("install")
prefix = "download" if download_only else "install"
suffix = "_webdriver" if component == 'webdriver' else ""
method = prefix + suffix
subclass = getattr(browser, name.title())
sys.stdout.write('Now installing %s %s...\n' % (name, component))
kwargs = {}
if download_only and rename:
kwargs["rename"] = rename
path = getattr(subclass(logger), method)(dest=destination, channel=channel, **kwargs)
if path:
sys.stdout.write('Binary %s as %s\n' % ("downloaded" if download_only else "installed", path,))