blob: 6de544698d6f0917d02d612a3ed5b9d1e8d3769d [file] [log] [blame]
Implementers looking to fix bugs might want to use the original version of this suite's test framework, which conveniently aggregates similar errors and only reports failures. This file is (part of) the authoritative conformance test suite, and is suitable for incorporation into automated test suites.
PASS p.title: typeof IDL attribute
PASS p.title: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS p.title: setAttribute() to ""
PASS p.title: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS p.title: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS p.title: setAttribute() to 7
PASS p.title: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS p.title: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS p.title: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS p.title: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS p.title: setAttribute() to true
PASS p.title: setAttribute() to false
PASS p.title: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS p.title: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS p.title: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS p.title: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS p.title: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS p.title: setAttribute() to null
PASS p.title: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS p.title: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS p.title: IDL set to ""
PASS p.title: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS p.title: IDL set to undefined
PASS p.title: IDL set to 7
PASS p.title: IDL set to 1.5
PASS p.title: IDL set to "5%"
PASS p.title: IDL set to "+100"
PASS p.title: IDL set to ".5"
PASS p.title: IDL set to true
PASS p.title: IDL set to false
PASS p.title: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS p.title: IDL set to NaN
PASS p.title: IDL set to Infinity
PASS p.title: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS p.title: IDL set to "\0"
PASS p.title: IDL set to null
PASS p.title: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS p.title: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS p.lang: typeof IDL attribute
PASS p.lang: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS p.lang: setAttribute() to ""
PASS p.lang: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS p.lang: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS p.lang: setAttribute() to 7
PASS p.lang: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS p.lang: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS p.lang: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS p.lang: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS p.lang: setAttribute() to true
PASS p.lang: setAttribute() to false
PASS p.lang: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS p.lang: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS p.lang: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS p.lang: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS p.lang: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS p.lang: setAttribute() to null
PASS p.lang: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS p.lang: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS p.lang: IDL set to ""
PASS p.lang: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS p.lang: IDL set to undefined
PASS p.lang: IDL set to 7
PASS p.lang: IDL set to 1.5
PASS p.lang: IDL set to "5%"
PASS p.lang: IDL set to "+100"
PASS p.lang: IDL set to ".5"
PASS p.lang: IDL set to true
PASS p.lang: IDL set to false
PASS p.lang: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS p.lang: IDL set to NaN
PASS p.lang: IDL set to Infinity
PASS p.lang: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS p.lang: IDL set to "\0"
PASS p.lang: IDL set to null
PASS p.lang: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS p.lang: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS p.dir: typeof IDL attribute
PASS p.dir: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to ""
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to 7
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to true
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to false
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to null
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to "ltr"
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to "xltr"
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to "ltr\0"
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to "tr"
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to "LTR"
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to "rtl"
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to "xrtl"
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to "rtl\0"
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to "tl"
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to "RTL"
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to "auto"
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to "xauto"
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to "auto\0"
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to "uto"
PASS p.dir: setAttribute() to "AUTO"
PASS p.dir: IDL set to ""
PASS p.dir: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS p.dir: IDL set to undefined
PASS p.dir: IDL set to 7
PASS p.dir: IDL set to 1.5
PASS p.dir: IDL set to "5%"
PASS p.dir: IDL set to "+100"
PASS p.dir: IDL set to ".5"
PASS p.dir: IDL set to true
PASS p.dir: IDL set to false
PASS p.dir: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS p.dir: IDL set to NaN
PASS p.dir: IDL set to Infinity
PASS p.dir: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS p.dir: IDL set to "\0"
PASS p.dir: IDL set to null
PASS p.dir: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS p.dir: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS p.dir: IDL set to "ltr"
PASS p.dir: IDL set to "xltr"
PASS p.dir: IDL set to "ltr\0"
PASS p.dir: IDL set to "tr"
PASS p.dir: IDL set to "LTR"
PASS p.dir: IDL set to "rtl"
PASS p.dir: IDL set to "xrtl"
PASS p.dir: IDL set to "rtl\0"
PASS p.dir: IDL set to "tl"
PASS p.dir: IDL set to "RTL"
PASS p.dir: IDL set to "auto"
PASS p.dir: IDL set to "xauto"
PASS p.dir: IDL set to "auto\0"
PASS p.dir: IDL set to "uto"
PASS p.dir: IDL set to "AUTO"
PASS p.className (<p class>): typeof IDL attribute
PASS p.className (<p class>): IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS p.className (<p class>): setAttribute() to ""
PASS p.className (<p class>): setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS p.className (<p class>): setAttribute() to undefined
PASS p.className (<p class>): setAttribute() to 7
PASS p.className (<p class>): setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS p.className (<p class>): setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS p.className (<p class>): setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS p.className (<p class>): setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS p.className (<p class>): setAttribute() to true
PASS p.className (<p class>): setAttribute() to false
PASS p.className (<p class>): setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS p.className (<p class>): setAttribute() to NaN
PASS p.className (<p class>): setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS p.className (<p class>): setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS p.className (<p class>): setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS p.className (<p class>): setAttribute() to null
PASS p.className (<p class>): setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS p.className (<p class>): setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS p.className (<p class>): IDL set to ""
PASS p.className (<p class>): IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS p.className (<p class>): IDL set to undefined
PASS p.className (<p class>): IDL set to 7
PASS p.className (<p class>): IDL set to 1.5
PASS p.className (<p class>): IDL set to "5%"
PASS p.className (<p class>): IDL set to "+100"
PASS p.className (<p class>): IDL set to ".5"
PASS p.className (<p class>): IDL set to true
PASS p.className (<p class>): IDL set to false
PASS p.className (<p class>): IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS p.className (<p class>): IDL set to NaN
PASS p.className (<p class>): IDL set to Infinity
PASS p.className (<p class>): IDL set to -Infinity
PASS p.className (<p class>): IDL set to "\0"
PASS p.className (<p class>): IDL set to null
PASS p.className (<p class>): IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS p.className (<p class>): IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
FAIL p.autofocus: typeof IDL attribute assert_equals: expected "boolean" but got "undefined"
FAIL p.autofocus: IDL get with DOM attribute unset assert_equals: expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL p.autofocus: setAttribute() to "" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL p.autofocus: setAttribute() to " foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL p.autofocus: setAttribute() to undefined assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL p.autofocus: setAttribute() to null assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL p.autofocus: setAttribute() to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL p.autofocus: setAttribute() to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL p.autofocus: setAttribute() to "5%" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL p.autofocus: setAttribute() to "+100" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL p.autofocus: setAttribute() to ".5" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL p.autofocus: setAttribute() to true assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL p.autofocus: setAttribute() to false assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL p.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL p.autofocus: setAttribute() to NaN assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL p.autofocus: setAttribute() to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL p.autofocus: setAttribute() to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL p.autofocus: setAttribute() to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL p.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL p.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL p.autofocus: setAttribute() to "autofocus" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL p.autofocus: IDL set to "" assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL p.autofocus: IDL set to " foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) " foo "
FAIL p.autofocus: IDL set to undefined assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL p.autofocus: IDL set to null assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL p.autofocus: IDL set to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) 7
FAIL p.autofocus: IDL set to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) 1.5
FAIL p.autofocus: IDL set to "5%" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "5%"
FAIL p.autofocus: IDL set to "+100" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "+100"
FAIL p.autofocus: IDL set to ".5" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) ".5"
PASS p.autofocus: IDL set to true
FAIL p.autofocus: IDL set to false assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL p.autofocus: IDL set to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "[object Object]"
FAIL p.autofocus: IDL set to NaN assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL p.autofocus: IDL set to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) Infinity
FAIL p.autofocus: IDL set to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) -Infinity
FAIL p.autofocus: IDL set to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "\0"
FAIL p.autofocus: IDL set to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "test-toString"
FAIL p.autofocus: IDL set to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "test-valueOf"
PASS p.hidden: typeof IDL attribute
PASS p.hidden: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS p.hidden: setAttribute() to ""
PASS p.hidden: setAttribute() to " foo "
PASS p.hidden: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS p.hidden: setAttribute() to null
PASS p.hidden: setAttribute() to 7
PASS p.hidden: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS p.hidden: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS p.hidden: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS p.hidden: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS p.hidden: setAttribute() to true
PASS p.hidden: setAttribute() to false
PASS p.hidden: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS p.hidden: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS p.hidden: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS p.hidden: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS p.hidden: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS p.hidden: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS p.hidden: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS p.hidden: setAttribute() to "hidden"
PASS p.hidden: IDL set to ""
PASS p.hidden: IDL set to " foo "
PASS p.hidden: IDL set to undefined
PASS p.hidden: IDL set to null
PASS p.hidden: IDL set to 7
PASS p.hidden: IDL set to 1.5
PASS p.hidden: IDL set to "5%"
PASS p.hidden: IDL set to "+100"
PASS p.hidden: IDL set to ".5"
PASS p.hidden: IDL set to true
PASS p.hidden: IDL set to false
PASS p.hidden: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS p.hidden: IDL set to NaN
PASS p.hidden: IDL set to Infinity
PASS p.hidden: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS p.hidden: IDL set to "\0"
PASS p.hidden: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS p.hidden: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS p.accessKey: typeof IDL attribute
PASS p.accessKey: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS p.accessKey: setAttribute() to ""
PASS p.accessKey: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS p.accessKey: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS p.accessKey: setAttribute() to 7
PASS p.accessKey: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS p.accessKey: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS p.accessKey: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS p.accessKey: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS p.accessKey: setAttribute() to true
PASS p.accessKey: setAttribute() to false
PASS p.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS p.accessKey: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS p.accessKey: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS p.accessKey: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS p.accessKey: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS p.accessKey: setAttribute() to null
PASS p.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS p.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS p.accessKey: IDL set to ""
PASS p.accessKey: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS p.accessKey: IDL set to undefined
PASS p.accessKey: IDL set to 7
PASS p.accessKey: IDL set to 1.5
PASS p.accessKey: IDL set to "5%"
PASS p.accessKey: IDL set to "+100"
PASS p.accessKey: IDL set to ".5"
PASS p.accessKey: IDL set to true
PASS p.accessKey: IDL set to false
PASS p.accessKey: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS p.accessKey: IDL set to NaN
PASS p.accessKey: IDL set to Infinity
PASS p.accessKey: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS p.accessKey: IDL set to "\0"
PASS p.accessKey: IDL set to null
PASS p.accessKey: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS p.accessKey: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS p.tabIndex: typeof IDL attribute
PASS p.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -36
PASS p.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -1
PASS p.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 0
PASS p.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 1
PASS p.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 2147483647
PASS p.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -2147483648
PASS p.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "-1"
PASS p.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "-0"
PASS p.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "0"
PASS p.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "1"
PASS p.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\t7"
PASS p.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\f7"
PASS p.tabIndex: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS p.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\n7"
PASS p.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\r7"
PASS p.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS p.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS p.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS p.tabIndex: setAttribute() to object "2"
PASS p.tabIndex: IDL set to -36
PASS p.tabIndex: IDL set to -1
PASS p.tabIndex: IDL set to 0
PASS p.tabIndex: IDL set to 1
PASS p.tabIndex: IDL set to 2147483647
PASS p.tabIndex: IDL set to -2147483648
PASS p.align: typeof IDL attribute
PASS p.align: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS p.align: setAttribute() to ""
PASS p.align: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS p.align: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS p.align: setAttribute() to 7
PASS p.align: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS p.align: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS p.align: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS p.align: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS p.align: setAttribute() to true
PASS p.align: setAttribute() to false
PASS p.align: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS p.align: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS p.align: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS p.align: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS p.align: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS p.align: setAttribute() to null
PASS p.align: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS p.align: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS p.align: IDL set to ""
PASS p.align: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS p.align: IDL set to undefined
PASS p.align: IDL set to 7
PASS p.align: IDL set to 1.5
PASS p.align: IDL set to "5%"
PASS p.align: IDL set to "+100"
PASS p.align: IDL set to ".5"
PASS p.align: IDL set to true
PASS p.align: IDL set to false
PASS p.align: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS p.align: IDL set to NaN
PASS p.align: IDL set to Infinity
PASS p.align: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS p.align: IDL set to "\0"
PASS p.align: IDL set to null
PASS p.align: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS p.align: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS hr.title: typeof IDL attribute
PASS hr.title: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS hr.title: setAttribute() to ""
PASS hr.title: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS hr.title: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS hr.title: setAttribute() to 7
PASS hr.title: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS hr.title: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS hr.title: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS hr.title: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS hr.title: setAttribute() to true
PASS hr.title: setAttribute() to false
PASS hr.title: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS hr.title: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS hr.title: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS hr.title: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS hr.title: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS hr.title: setAttribute() to null
PASS hr.title: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS hr.title: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS hr.title: IDL set to ""
PASS hr.title: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS hr.title: IDL set to undefined
PASS hr.title: IDL set to 7
PASS hr.title: IDL set to 1.5
PASS hr.title: IDL set to "5%"
PASS hr.title: IDL set to "+100"
PASS hr.title: IDL set to ".5"
PASS hr.title: IDL set to true
PASS hr.title: IDL set to false
PASS hr.title: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS hr.title: IDL set to NaN
PASS hr.title: IDL set to Infinity
PASS hr.title: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS hr.title: IDL set to "\0"
PASS hr.title: IDL set to null
PASS hr.title: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS hr.title: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS hr.lang: typeof IDL attribute
PASS hr.lang: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS hr.lang: setAttribute() to ""
PASS hr.lang: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS hr.lang: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS hr.lang: setAttribute() to 7
PASS hr.lang: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS hr.lang: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS hr.lang: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS hr.lang: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS hr.lang: setAttribute() to true
PASS hr.lang: setAttribute() to false
PASS hr.lang: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS hr.lang: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS hr.lang: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS hr.lang: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS hr.lang: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS hr.lang: setAttribute() to null
PASS hr.lang: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS hr.lang: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS hr.lang: IDL set to ""
PASS hr.lang: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS hr.lang: IDL set to undefined
PASS hr.lang: IDL set to 7
PASS hr.lang: IDL set to 1.5
PASS hr.lang: IDL set to "5%"
PASS hr.lang: IDL set to "+100"
PASS hr.lang: IDL set to ".5"
PASS hr.lang: IDL set to true
PASS hr.lang: IDL set to false
PASS hr.lang: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS hr.lang: IDL set to NaN
PASS hr.lang: IDL set to Infinity
PASS hr.lang: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS hr.lang: IDL set to "\0"
PASS hr.lang: IDL set to null
PASS hr.lang: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS hr.lang: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS hr.dir: typeof IDL attribute
PASS hr.dir: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to ""
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to 7
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to true
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to false
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to null
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to "ltr"
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to "xltr"
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to "ltr\0"
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to "tr"
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to "LTR"
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to "rtl"
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to "xrtl"
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to "rtl\0"
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to "tl"
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to "RTL"
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to "auto"
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to "xauto"
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to "auto\0"
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to "uto"
PASS hr.dir: setAttribute() to "AUTO"
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to ""
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to undefined
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to 7
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to 1.5
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to "5%"
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to "+100"
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to ".5"
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to true
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to false
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to NaN
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to Infinity
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to "\0"
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to null
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to "ltr"
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to "xltr"
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to "ltr\0"
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to "tr"
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to "LTR"
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to "rtl"
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to "xrtl"
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to "rtl\0"
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to "tl"
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to "RTL"
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to "auto"
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to "xauto"
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to "auto\0"
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to "uto"
PASS hr.dir: IDL set to "AUTO"
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): typeof IDL attribute
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): setAttribute() to ""
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): setAttribute() to undefined
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): setAttribute() to 7
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): setAttribute() to true
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): setAttribute() to false
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): setAttribute() to NaN
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): setAttribute() to null
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): IDL set to ""
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): IDL set to undefined
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): IDL set to 7
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): IDL set to 1.5
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): IDL set to "5%"
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): IDL set to "+100"
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): IDL set to ".5"
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): IDL set to true
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): IDL set to false
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): IDL set to NaN
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): IDL set to Infinity
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): IDL set to -Infinity
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): IDL set to "\0"
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): IDL set to null
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS hr.className (<hr class>): IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
FAIL hr.autofocus: typeof IDL attribute assert_equals: expected "boolean" but got "undefined"
FAIL hr.autofocus: IDL get with DOM attribute unset assert_equals: expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL hr.autofocus: setAttribute() to "" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL hr.autofocus: setAttribute() to " foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL hr.autofocus: setAttribute() to undefined assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL hr.autofocus: setAttribute() to null assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL hr.autofocus: setAttribute() to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL hr.autofocus: setAttribute() to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL hr.autofocus: setAttribute() to "5%" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL hr.autofocus: setAttribute() to "+100" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL hr.autofocus: setAttribute() to ".5" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL hr.autofocus: setAttribute() to true assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL hr.autofocus: setAttribute() to false assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL hr.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL hr.autofocus: setAttribute() to NaN assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL hr.autofocus: setAttribute() to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL hr.autofocus: setAttribute() to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL hr.autofocus: setAttribute() to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL hr.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL hr.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL hr.autofocus: setAttribute() to "autofocus" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL hr.autofocus: IDL set to "" assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL hr.autofocus: IDL set to " foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) " foo "
FAIL hr.autofocus: IDL set to undefined assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL hr.autofocus: IDL set to null assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL hr.autofocus: IDL set to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) 7
FAIL hr.autofocus: IDL set to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) 1.5
FAIL hr.autofocus: IDL set to "5%" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "5%"
FAIL hr.autofocus: IDL set to "+100" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "+100"
FAIL hr.autofocus: IDL set to ".5" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) ".5"
PASS hr.autofocus: IDL set to true
FAIL hr.autofocus: IDL set to false assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL hr.autofocus: IDL set to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "[object Object]"
FAIL hr.autofocus: IDL set to NaN assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL hr.autofocus: IDL set to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) Infinity
FAIL hr.autofocus: IDL set to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) -Infinity
FAIL hr.autofocus: IDL set to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "\0"
FAIL hr.autofocus: IDL set to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "test-toString"
FAIL hr.autofocus: IDL set to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "test-valueOf"
PASS hr.hidden: typeof IDL attribute
PASS hr.hidden: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS hr.hidden: setAttribute() to ""
PASS hr.hidden: setAttribute() to " foo "
PASS hr.hidden: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS hr.hidden: setAttribute() to null
PASS hr.hidden: setAttribute() to 7
PASS hr.hidden: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS hr.hidden: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS hr.hidden: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS hr.hidden: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS hr.hidden: setAttribute() to true
PASS hr.hidden: setAttribute() to false
PASS hr.hidden: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS hr.hidden: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS hr.hidden: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS hr.hidden: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS hr.hidden: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS hr.hidden: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS hr.hidden: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS hr.hidden: setAttribute() to "hidden"
PASS hr.hidden: IDL set to ""
PASS hr.hidden: IDL set to " foo "
PASS hr.hidden: IDL set to undefined
PASS hr.hidden: IDL set to null
PASS hr.hidden: IDL set to 7
PASS hr.hidden: IDL set to 1.5
PASS hr.hidden: IDL set to "5%"
PASS hr.hidden: IDL set to "+100"
PASS hr.hidden: IDL set to ".5"
PASS hr.hidden: IDL set to true
PASS hr.hidden: IDL set to false
PASS hr.hidden: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS hr.hidden: IDL set to NaN
PASS hr.hidden: IDL set to Infinity
PASS hr.hidden: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS hr.hidden: IDL set to "\0"
PASS hr.hidden: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS hr.hidden: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS hr.accessKey: typeof IDL attribute
PASS hr.accessKey: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS hr.accessKey: setAttribute() to ""
PASS hr.accessKey: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS hr.accessKey: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS hr.accessKey: setAttribute() to 7
PASS hr.accessKey: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS hr.accessKey: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS hr.accessKey: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS hr.accessKey: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS hr.accessKey: setAttribute() to true
PASS hr.accessKey: setAttribute() to false
PASS hr.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS hr.accessKey: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS hr.accessKey: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS hr.accessKey: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS hr.accessKey: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS hr.accessKey: setAttribute() to null
PASS hr.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS hr.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS hr.accessKey: IDL set to ""
PASS hr.accessKey: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS hr.accessKey: IDL set to undefined
PASS hr.accessKey: IDL set to 7
PASS hr.accessKey: IDL set to 1.5
PASS hr.accessKey: IDL set to "5%"
PASS hr.accessKey: IDL set to "+100"
PASS hr.accessKey: IDL set to ".5"
PASS hr.accessKey: IDL set to true
PASS hr.accessKey: IDL set to false
PASS hr.accessKey: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS hr.accessKey: IDL set to NaN
PASS hr.accessKey: IDL set to Infinity
PASS hr.accessKey: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS hr.accessKey: IDL set to "\0"
PASS hr.accessKey: IDL set to null
PASS hr.accessKey: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS hr.accessKey: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS hr.tabIndex: typeof IDL attribute
PASS hr.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -36
PASS hr.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -1
PASS hr.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 0
PASS hr.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 1
PASS hr.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 2147483647
PASS hr.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -2147483648
PASS hr.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "-1"
PASS hr.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "-0"
PASS hr.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "0"
PASS hr.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "1"
PASS hr.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\t7"
PASS hr.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\f7"
PASS hr.tabIndex: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS hr.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\n7"
PASS hr.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\r7"
PASS hr.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS hr.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS hr.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS hr.tabIndex: setAttribute() to object "2"
PASS hr.tabIndex: IDL set to -36
PASS hr.tabIndex: IDL set to -1
PASS hr.tabIndex: IDL set to 0
PASS hr.tabIndex: IDL set to 1
PASS hr.tabIndex: IDL set to 2147483647
PASS hr.tabIndex: IDL set to -2147483648
PASS hr.align: typeof IDL attribute
PASS hr.align: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS hr.align: setAttribute() to ""
PASS hr.align: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS hr.align: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS hr.align: setAttribute() to 7
PASS hr.align: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS hr.align: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS hr.align: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS hr.align: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS hr.align: setAttribute() to true
PASS hr.align: setAttribute() to false
PASS hr.align: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS hr.align: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS hr.align: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS hr.align: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS hr.align: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS hr.align: setAttribute() to null
PASS hr.align: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS hr.align: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS hr.align: IDL set to ""
PASS hr.align: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS hr.align: IDL set to undefined
PASS hr.align: IDL set to 7
PASS hr.align: IDL set to 1.5
PASS hr.align: IDL set to "5%"
PASS hr.align: IDL set to "+100"
PASS hr.align: IDL set to ".5"
PASS hr.align: IDL set to true
PASS hr.align: IDL set to false
PASS hr.align: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS hr.align: IDL set to NaN
PASS hr.align: IDL set to Infinity
PASS hr.align: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS hr.align: IDL set to "\0"
PASS hr.align: IDL set to null
PASS hr.align: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS hr.align: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS hr.color: typeof IDL attribute
PASS hr.color: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS hr.color: setAttribute() to ""
PASS hr.color: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS hr.color: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS hr.color: setAttribute() to 7
PASS hr.color: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS hr.color: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS hr.color: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS hr.color: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS hr.color: setAttribute() to true
PASS hr.color: setAttribute() to false
PASS hr.color: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS hr.color: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS hr.color: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS hr.color: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS hr.color: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS hr.color: setAttribute() to null
PASS hr.color: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS hr.color: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS hr.color: IDL set to ""
PASS hr.color: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS hr.color: IDL set to undefined
PASS hr.color: IDL set to 7
PASS hr.color: IDL set to 1.5
PASS hr.color: IDL set to "5%"
PASS hr.color: IDL set to "+100"
PASS hr.color: IDL set to ".5"
PASS hr.color: IDL set to true
PASS hr.color: IDL set to false
PASS hr.color: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS hr.color: IDL set to NaN
PASS hr.color: IDL set to Infinity
PASS hr.color: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS hr.color: IDL set to "\0"
PASS hr.color: IDL set to null
PASS hr.color: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS hr.color: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS hr.noShade: typeof IDL attribute
PASS hr.noShade: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS hr.noShade: setAttribute() to ""
PASS hr.noShade: setAttribute() to " foo "
PASS hr.noShade: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS hr.noShade: setAttribute() to null
PASS hr.noShade: setAttribute() to 7
PASS hr.noShade: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS hr.noShade: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS hr.noShade: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS hr.noShade: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS hr.noShade: setAttribute() to true
PASS hr.noShade: setAttribute() to false
PASS hr.noShade: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS hr.noShade: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS hr.noShade: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS hr.noShade: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS hr.noShade: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS hr.noShade: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS hr.noShade: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS hr.noShade: setAttribute() to "noShade"
PASS hr.noShade: IDL set to ""
PASS hr.noShade: IDL set to " foo "
PASS hr.noShade: IDL set to undefined
PASS hr.noShade: IDL set to null
PASS hr.noShade: IDL set to 7
PASS hr.noShade: IDL set to 1.5
PASS hr.noShade: IDL set to "5%"
PASS hr.noShade: IDL set to "+100"
PASS hr.noShade: IDL set to ".5"
PASS hr.noShade: IDL set to true
PASS hr.noShade: IDL set to false
PASS hr.noShade: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS hr.noShade: IDL set to NaN
PASS hr.noShade: IDL set to Infinity
PASS hr.noShade: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS hr.noShade: IDL set to "\0"
PASS hr.noShade: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS hr.noShade: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS hr.size: typeof IDL attribute
PASS hr.size: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS hr.size: setAttribute() to ""
PASS hr.size: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS hr.size: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS hr.size: setAttribute() to 7
PASS hr.size: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS hr.size: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS hr.size: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS hr.size: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS hr.size: setAttribute() to true
PASS hr.size: setAttribute() to false
PASS hr.size: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS hr.size: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS hr.size: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS hr.size: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS hr.size: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS hr.size: setAttribute() to null
PASS hr.size: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS hr.size: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS hr.size: IDL set to ""
PASS hr.size: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS hr.size: IDL set to undefined
PASS hr.size: IDL set to 7
PASS hr.size: IDL set to 1.5
PASS hr.size: IDL set to "5%"
PASS hr.size: IDL set to "+100"
PASS hr.size: IDL set to ".5"
PASS hr.size: IDL set to true
PASS hr.size: IDL set to false
PASS hr.size: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS hr.size: IDL set to NaN
PASS hr.size: IDL set to Infinity
PASS hr.size: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS hr.size: IDL set to "\0"
PASS hr.size: IDL set to null
PASS hr.size: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS hr.size: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS hr.width: typeof IDL attribute
PASS hr.width: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS hr.width: setAttribute() to ""
PASS hr.width: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS hr.width: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS hr.width: setAttribute() to 7
PASS hr.width: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS hr.width: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS hr.width: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS hr.width: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS hr.width: setAttribute() to true
PASS hr.width: setAttribute() to false
PASS hr.width: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS hr.width: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS hr.width: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS hr.width: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS hr.width: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS hr.width: setAttribute() to null
PASS hr.width: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS hr.width: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS hr.width: IDL set to ""
PASS hr.width: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS hr.width: IDL set to undefined
PASS hr.width: IDL set to 7
PASS hr.width: IDL set to 1.5
PASS hr.width: IDL set to "5%"
PASS hr.width: IDL set to "+100"
PASS hr.width: IDL set to ".5"
PASS hr.width: IDL set to true
PASS hr.width: IDL set to false
PASS hr.width: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS hr.width: IDL set to NaN
PASS hr.width: IDL set to Infinity
PASS hr.width: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS hr.width: IDL set to "\0"
PASS hr.width: IDL set to null
PASS hr.width: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS hr.width: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS pre.title: typeof IDL attribute
PASS pre.title: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS pre.title: setAttribute() to ""
PASS pre.title: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS pre.title: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS pre.title: setAttribute() to 7
PASS pre.title: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS pre.title: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS pre.title: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS pre.title: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS pre.title: setAttribute() to true
PASS pre.title: setAttribute() to false
PASS pre.title: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS pre.title: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS pre.title: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS pre.title: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS pre.title: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS pre.title: setAttribute() to null
PASS pre.title: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS pre.title: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS pre.title: IDL set to ""
PASS pre.title: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS pre.title: IDL set to undefined
PASS pre.title: IDL set to 7
PASS pre.title: IDL set to 1.5
PASS pre.title: IDL set to "5%"
PASS pre.title: IDL set to "+100"
PASS pre.title: IDL set to ".5"
PASS pre.title: IDL set to true
PASS pre.title: IDL set to false
PASS pre.title: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS pre.title: IDL set to NaN
PASS pre.title: IDL set to Infinity
PASS pre.title: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS pre.title: IDL set to "\0"
PASS pre.title: IDL set to null
PASS pre.title: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS pre.title: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS pre.lang: typeof IDL attribute
PASS pre.lang: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS pre.lang: setAttribute() to ""
PASS pre.lang: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS pre.lang: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS pre.lang: setAttribute() to 7
PASS pre.lang: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS pre.lang: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS pre.lang: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS pre.lang: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS pre.lang: setAttribute() to true
PASS pre.lang: setAttribute() to false
PASS pre.lang: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS pre.lang: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS pre.lang: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS pre.lang: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS pre.lang: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS pre.lang: setAttribute() to null
PASS pre.lang: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS pre.lang: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS pre.lang: IDL set to ""
PASS pre.lang: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS pre.lang: IDL set to undefined
PASS pre.lang: IDL set to 7
PASS pre.lang: IDL set to 1.5
PASS pre.lang: IDL set to "5%"
PASS pre.lang: IDL set to "+100"
PASS pre.lang: IDL set to ".5"
PASS pre.lang: IDL set to true
PASS pre.lang: IDL set to false
PASS pre.lang: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS pre.lang: IDL set to NaN
PASS pre.lang: IDL set to Infinity
PASS pre.lang: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS pre.lang: IDL set to "\0"
PASS pre.lang: IDL set to null
PASS pre.lang: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS pre.lang: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS pre.dir: typeof IDL attribute
PASS pre.dir: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to ""
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to 7
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to true
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to false
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to null
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to "ltr"
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to "xltr"
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to "ltr\0"
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to "tr"
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to "LTR"
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to "rtl"
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to "xrtl"
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to "rtl\0"
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to "tl"
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to "RTL"
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to "auto"
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to "xauto"
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to "auto\0"
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to "uto"
PASS pre.dir: setAttribute() to "AUTO"
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to ""
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to undefined
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to 7
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to 1.5
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to "5%"
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to "+100"
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to ".5"
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to true
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to false
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to NaN
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to Infinity
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to "\0"
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to null
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to "ltr"
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to "xltr"
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to "ltr\0"
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to "tr"
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to "LTR"
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to "rtl"
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to "xrtl"
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to "rtl\0"
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to "tl"
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to "RTL"
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to "auto"
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to "xauto"
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to "auto\0"
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to "uto"
PASS pre.dir: IDL set to "AUTO"
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): typeof IDL attribute
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): setAttribute() to ""
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): setAttribute() to undefined
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): setAttribute() to 7
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): setAttribute() to true
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): setAttribute() to false
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): setAttribute() to NaN
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): setAttribute() to null
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): IDL set to ""
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): IDL set to undefined
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): IDL set to 7
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): IDL set to 1.5
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): IDL set to "5%"
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): IDL set to "+100"
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): IDL set to ".5"
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): IDL set to true
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): IDL set to false
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): IDL set to NaN
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): IDL set to Infinity
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): IDL set to -Infinity
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): IDL set to "\0"
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): IDL set to null
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS pre.className (<pre class>): IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
FAIL pre.autofocus: typeof IDL attribute assert_equals: expected "boolean" but got "undefined"
FAIL pre.autofocus: IDL get with DOM attribute unset assert_equals: expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL pre.autofocus: setAttribute() to "" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL pre.autofocus: setAttribute() to " foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL pre.autofocus: setAttribute() to undefined assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL pre.autofocus: setAttribute() to null assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL pre.autofocus: setAttribute() to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL pre.autofocus: setAttribute() to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL pre.autofocus: setAttribute() to "5%" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL pre.autofocus: setAttribute() to "+100" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL pre.autofocus: setAttribute() to ".5" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL pre.autofocus: setAttribute() to true assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL pre.autofocus: setAttribute() to false assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL pre.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL pre.autofocus: setAttribute() to NaN assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL pre.autofocus: setAttribute() to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL pre.autofocus: setAttribute() to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL pre.autofocus: setAttribute() to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL pre.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL pre.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL pre.autofocus: setAttribute() to "autofocus" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL pre.autofocus: IDL set to "" assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL pre.autofocus: IDL set to " foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) " foo "
FAIL pre.autofocus: IDL set to undefined assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL pre.autofocus: IDL set to null assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL pre.autofocus: IDL set to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) 7
FAIL pre.autofocus: IDL set to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) 1.5
FAIL pre.autofocus: IDL set to "5%" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "5%"
FAIL pre.autofocus: IDL set to "+100" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "+100"
FAIL pre.autofocus: IDL set to ".5" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) ".5"
PASS pre.autofocus: IDL set to true
FAIL pre.autofocus: IDL set to false assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL pre.autofocus: IDL set to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "[object Object]"
FAIL pre.autofocus: IDL set to NaN assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL pre.autofocus: IDL set to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) Infinity
FAIL pre.autofocus: IDL set to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) -Infinity
FAIL pre.autofocus: IDL set to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "\0"
FAIL pre.autofocus: IDL set to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "test-toString"
FAIL pre.autofocus: IDL set to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "test-valueOf"
PASS pre.hidden: typeof IDL attribute
PASS pre.hidden: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS pre.hidden: setAttribute() to ""
PASS pre.hidden: setAttribute() to " foo "
PASS pre.hidden: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS pre.hidden: setAttribute() to null
PASS pre.hidden: setAttribute() to 7
PASS pre.hidden: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS pre.hidden: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS pre.hidden: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS pre.hidden: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS pre.hidden: setAttribute() to true
PASS pre.hidden: setAttribute() to false
PASS pre.hidden: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS pre.hidden: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS pre.hidden: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS pre.hidden: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS pre.hidden: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS pre.hidden: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS pre.hidden: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS pre.hidden: setAttribute() to "hidden"
PASS pre.hidden: IDL set to ""
PASS pre.hidden: IDL set to " foo "
PASS pre.hidden: IDL set to undefined
PASS pre.hidden: IDL set to null
PASS pre.hidden: IDL set to 7
PASS pre.hidden: IDL set to 1.5
PASS pre.hidden: IDL set to "5%"
PASS pre.hidden: IDL set to "+100"
PASS pre.hidden: IDL set to ".5"
PASS pre.hidden: IDL set to true
PASS pre.hidden: IDL set to false
PASS pre.hidden: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS pre.hidden: IDL set to NaN
PASS pre.hidden: IDL set to Infinity
PASS pre.hidden: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS pre.hidden: IDL set to "\0"
PASS pre.hidden: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS pre.hidden: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS pre.accessKey: typeof IDL attribute
PASS pre.accessKey: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS pre.accessKey: setAttribute() to ""
PASS pre.accessKey: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS pre.accessKey: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS pre.accessKey: setAttribute() to 7
PASS pre.accessKey: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS pre.accessKey: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS pre.accessKey: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS pre.accessKey: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS pre.accessKey: setAttribute() to true
PASS pre.accessKey: setAttribute() to false
PASS pre.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS pre.accessKey: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS pre.accessKey: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS pre.accessKey: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS pre.accessKey: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS pre.accessKey: setAttribute() to null
PASS pre.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS pre.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS pre.accessKey: IDL set to ""
PASS pre.accessKey: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS pre.accessKey: IDL set to undefined
PASS pre.accessKey: IDL set to 7
PASS pre.accessKey: IDL set to 1.5
PASS pre.accessKey: IDL set to "5%"
PASS pre.accessKey: IDL set to "+100"
PASS pre.accessKey: IDL set to ".5"
PASS pre.accessKey: IDL set to true
PASS pre.accessKey: IDL set to false
PASS pre.accessKey: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS pre.accessKey: IDL set to NaN
PASS pre.accessKey: IDL set to Infinity
PASS pre.accessKey: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS pre.accessKey: IDL set to "\0"
PASS pre.accessKey: IDL set to null
PASS pre.accessKey: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS pre.accessKey: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS pre.tabIndex: typeof IDL attribute
PASS pre.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -36
PASS pre.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -1
PASS pre.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 0
PASS pre.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 1
PASS pre.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 2147483647
PASS pre.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -2147483648
PASS pre.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "-1"
PASS pre.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "-0"
PASS pre.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "0"
PASS pre.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "1"
PASS pre.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\t7"
PASS pre.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\f7"
PASS pre.tabIndex: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS pre.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\n7"
PASS pre.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\r7"
PASS pre.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS pre.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS pre.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS pre.tabIndex: setAttribute() to object "2"
PASS pre.tabIndex: IDL set to -36
PASS pre.tabIndex: IDL set to -1
PASS pre.tabIndex: IDL set to 0
PASS pre.tabIndex: IDL set to 1
PASS pre.tabIndex: IDL set to 2147483647
PASS pre.tabIndex: IDL set to -2147483648
PASS pre.width: typeof IDL attribute
PASS pre.width: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to -36
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to -1
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to 0
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to 1
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to 2147483647
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to -2147483648
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to 2147483648
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to -2147483649
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to 4294967295
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to 4294967296
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to ""
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to "-1"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to "-0"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to "0"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to "1"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to "\t7"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to "\v7"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to "\f7"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to "7"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to "\n7"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to "\r7"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to "
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to "
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to "᠎7"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to true
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to false
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to object "2"
PASS pre.width: setAttribute() to object "3"
PASS pre.width: IDL set to -36
PASS pre.width: IDL set to -1
PASS pre.width: IDL set to 0
PASS pre.width: IDL set to 1
PASS pre.width: IDL set to 2147483647
PASS pre.width: IDL set to -2147483648
PASS blockquote.title: typeof IDL attribute
PASS blockquote.title: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS blockquote.title: setAttribute() to ""
PASS blockquote.title: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS blockquote.title: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS blockquote.title: setAttribute() to 7
PASS blockquote.title: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS blockquote.title: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS blockquote.title: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS blockquote.title: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS blockquote.title: setAttribute() to true
PASS blockquote.title: setAttribute() to false
PASS blockquote.title: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS blockquote.title: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS blockquote.title: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS blockquote.title: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS blockquote.title: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS blockquote.title: setAttribute() to null
PASS blockquote.title: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS blockquote.title: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS blockquote.title: IDL set to ""
PASS blockquote.title: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS blockquote.title: IDL set to undefined
PASS blockquote.title: IDL set to 7
PASS blockquote.title: IDL set to 1.5
PASS blockquote.title: IDL set to "5%"
PASS blockquote.title: IDL set to "+100"
PASS blockquote.title: IDL set to ".5"
PASS blockquote.title: IDL set to true
PASS blockquote.title: IDL set to false
PASS blockquote.title: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS blockquote.title: IDL set to NaN
PASS blockquote.title: IDL set to Infinity
PASS blockquote.title: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS blockquote.title: IDL set to "\0"
PASS blockquote.title: IDL set to null
PASS blockquote.title: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS blockquote.title: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS blockquote.lang: typeof IDL attribute
PASS blockquote.lang: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS blockquote.lang: setAttribute() to ""
PASS blockquote.lang: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS blockquote.lang: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS blockquote.lang: setAttribute() to 7
PASS blockquote.lang: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS blockquote.lang: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS blockquote.lang: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS blockquote.lang: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS blockquote.lang: setAttribute() to true
PASS blockquote.lang: setAttribute() to false
PASS blockquote.lang: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS blockquote.lang: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS blockquote.lang: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS blockquote.lang: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS blockquote.lang: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS blockquote.lang: setAttribute() to null
PASS blockquote.lang: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS blockquote.lang: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS blockquote.lang: IDL set to ""
PASS blockquote.lang: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS blockquote.lang: IDL set to undefined
PASS blockquote.lang: IDL set to 7
PASS blockquote.lang: IDL set to 1.5
PASS blockquote.lang: IDL set to "5%"
PASS blockquote.lang: IDL set to "+100"
PASS blockquote.lang: IDL set to ".5"
PASS blockquote.lang: IDL set to true
PASS blockquote.lang: IDL set to false
PASS blockquote.lang: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS blockquote.lang: IDL set to NaN
PASS blockquote.lang: IDL set to Infinity
PASS blockquote.lang: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS blockquote.lang: IDL set to "\0"
PASS blockquote.lang: IDL set to null
PASS blockquote.lang: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS blockquote.lang: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS blockquote.dir: typeof IDL attribute
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to ""
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to 7
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to true
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to false
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to null
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to "ltr"
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to "xltr"
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to "ltr\0"
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to "tr"
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to "LTR"
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to "rtl"
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to "xrtl"
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to "rtl\0"
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to "tl"
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to "RTL"
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to "auto"
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to "xauto"
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to "auto\0"
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to "uto"
PASS blockquote.dir: setAttribute() to "AUTO"
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to ""
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to undefined
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to 7
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to 1.5
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to "5%"
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to "+100"
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to ".5"
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to true
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to false
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to NaN
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to Infinity
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to "\0"
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to null
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to "ltr"
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to "xltr"
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to "ltr\0"
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to "tr"
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to "LTR"
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to "rtl"
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to "xrtl"
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to "rtl\0"
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to "tl"
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to "RTL"
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to "auto"
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to "xauto"
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to "auto\0"
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to "uto"
PASS blockquote.dir: IDL set to "AUTO"
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): typeof IDL attribute
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): setAttribute() to ""
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): setAttribute() to undefined
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): setAttribute() to 7
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): setAttribute() to true
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): setAttribute() to false
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): setAttribute() to NaN
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): setAttribute() to null
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): IDL set to ""
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): IDL set to undefined
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): IDL set to 7
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): IDL set to 1.5
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): IDL set to "5%"
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): IDL set to "+100"
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): IDL set to ".5"
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): IDL set to true
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): IDL set to false
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): IDL set to NaN
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): IDL set to Infinity
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): IDL set to -Infinity
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): IDL set to "\0"
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): IDL set to null
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS blockquote.className (<blockquote class>): IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: typeof IDL attribute assert_equals: expected "boolean" but got "undefined"
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: IDL get with DOM attribute unset assert_equals: expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: setAttribute() to "" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: setAttribute() to " foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: setAttribute() to undefined assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: setAttribute() to null assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: setAttribute() to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: setAttribute() to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: setAttribute() to "5%" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: setAttribute() to "+100" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: setAttribute() to ".5" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: setAttribute() to true assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: setAttribute() to false assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: setAttribute() to NaN assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: setAttribute() to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: setAttribute() to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: setAttribute() to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: setAttribute() to "autofocus" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: IDL set to "" assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: IDL set to " foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) " foo "
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: IDL set to undefined assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: IDL set to null assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: IDL set to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) 7
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: IDL set to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) 1.5
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: IDL set to "5%" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "5%"
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: IDL set to "+100" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "+100"
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: IDL set to ".5" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) ".5"
PASS blockquote.autofocus: IDL set to true
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: IDL set to false assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: IDL set to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "[object Object]"
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: IDL set to NaN assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: IDL set to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) Infinity
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: IDL set to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) -Infinity
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: IDL set to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "\0"
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: IDL set to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "test-toString"
FAIL blockquote.autofocus: IDL set to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "test-valueOf"
PASS blockquote.hidden: typeof IDL attribute
PASS blockquote.hidden: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS blockquote.hidden: setAttribute() to ""
PASS blockquote.hidden: setAttribute() to " foo "
PASS blockquote.hidden: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS blockquote.hidden: setAttribute() to null
PASS blockquote.hidden: setAttribute() to 7
PASS blockquote.hidden: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS blockquote.hidden: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS blockquote.hidden: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS blockquote.hidden: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS blockquote.hidden: setAttribute() to true
PASS blockquote.hidden: setAttribute() to false
PASS blockquote.hidden: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS blockquote.hidden: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS blockquote.hidden: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS blockquote.hidden: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS blockquote.hidden: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS blockquote.hidden: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS blockquote.hidden: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS blockquote.hidden: setAttribute() to "hidden"
PASS blockquote.hidden: IDL set to ""
PASS blockquote.hidden: IDL set to " foo "
PASS blockquote.hidden: IDL set to undefined
PASS blockquote.hidden: IDL set to null
PASS blockquote.hidden: IDL set to 7
PASS blockquote.hidden: IDL set to 1.5
PASS blockquote.hidden: IDL set to "5%"
PASS blockquote.hidden: IDL set to "+100"
PASS blockquote.hidden: IDL set to ".5"
PASS blockquote.hidden: IDL set to true
PASS blockquote.hidden: IDL set to false
PASS blockquote.hidden: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS blockquote.hidden: IDL set to NaN
PASS blockquote.hidden: IDL set to Infinity
PASS blockquote.hidden: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS blockquote.hidden: IDL set to "\0"
PASS blockquote.hidden: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS blockquote.hidden: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS blockquote.accessKey: typeof IDL attribute
PASS blockquote.accessKey: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS blockquote.accessKey: setAttribute() to ""
PASS blockquote.accessKey: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS blockquote.accessKey: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS blockquote.accessKey: setAttribute() to 7
PASS blockquote.accessKey: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS blockquote.accessKey: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS blockquote.accessKey: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS blockquote.accessKey: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS blockquote.accessKey: setAttribute() to true
PASS blockquote.accessKey: setAttribute() to false
PASS blockquote.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS blockquote.accessKey: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS blockquote.accessKey: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS blockquote.accessKey: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS blockquote.accessKey: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS blockquote.accessKey: setAttribute() to null
PASS blockquote.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS blockquote.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS blockquote.accessKey: IDL set to ""
PASS blockquote.accessKey: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS blockquote.accessKey: IDL set to undefined
PASS blockquote.accessKey: IDL set to 7
PASS blockquote.accessKey: IDL set to 1.5
PASS blockquote.accessKey: IDL set to "5%"
PASS blockquote.accessKey: IDL set to "+100"
PASS blockquote.accessKey: IDL set to ".5"
PASS blockquote.accessKey: IDL set to true
PASS blockquote.accessKey: IDL set to false
PASS blockquote.accessKey: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS blockquote.accessKey: IDL set to NaN
PASS blockquote.accessKey: IDL set to Infinity
PASS blockquote.accessKey: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS blockquote.accessKey: IDL set to "\0"
PASS blockquote.accessKey: IDL set to null
PASS blockquote.accessKey: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS blockquote.accessKey: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS blockquote.tabIndex: typeof IDL attribute
PASS blockquote.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -36
PASS blockquote.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -1
PASS blockquote.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 0
PASS blockquote.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 1
PASS blockquote.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 2147483647
PASS blockquote.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -2147483648
PASS blockquote.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "-1"
PASS blockquote.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "-0"
PASS blockquote.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "0"
PASS blockquote.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "1"
PASS blockquote.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\t7"
PASS blockquote.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\f7"
PASS blockquote.tabIndex: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS blockquote.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\n7"
PASS blockquote.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\r7"
PASS blockquote.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS blockquote.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS blockquote.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS blockquote.tabIndex: setAttribute() to object "2"
PASS blockquote.tabIndex: IDL set to -36
PASS blockquote.tabIndex: IDL set to -1
PASS blockquote.tabIndex: IDL set to 0
PASS blockquote.tabIndex: IDL set to 1
PASS blockquote.tabIndex: IDL set to 2147483647
PASS blockquote.tabIndex: IDL set to -2147483648
PASS blockquote.cite: typeof IDL attribute
PASS blockquote.cite: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS blockquote.cite: setAttribute() to ""
PASS blockquote.cite: setAttribute() to " foo "
PASS blockquote.cite: setAttribute() to "http://site.example/"
PASS blockquote.cite: setAttribute() to "//site.example/path???@#l"
PASS blockquote.cite: setAttribute() to "\0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f "
PASS blockquote.cite: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS blockquote.cite: setAttribute() to 7
PASS blockquote.cite: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS blockquote.cite: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS blockquote.cite: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS blockquote.cite: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS blockquote.cite: setAttribute() to true
PASS blockquote.cite: setAttribute() to false
PASS blockquote.cite: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS blockquote.cite: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS blockquote.cite: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS blockquote.cite: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS blockquote.cite: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS blockquote.cite: setAttribute() to null
PASS blockquote.cite: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS blockquote.cite: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS blockquote.cite: IDL set to ""
PASS blockquote.cite: IDL set to " foo "
PASS blockquote.cite: IDL set to "http://site.example/"
PASS blockquote.cite: IDL set to "//site.example/path???@#l"
PASS blockquote.cite: IDL set to "\0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f "
PASS blockquote.cite: IDL set to undefined
PASS blockquote.cite: IDL set to 7
PASS blockquote.cite: IDL set to 1.5
PASS blockquote.cite: IDL set to "5%"
PASS blockquote.cite: IDL set to "+100"
PASS blockquote.cite: IDL set to ".5"
PASS blockquote.cite: IDL set to true
PASS blockquote.cite: IDL set to false
PASS blockquote.cite: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS blockquote.cite: IDL set to NaN
PASS blockquote.cite: IDL set to Infinity
PASS blockquote.cite: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS blockquote.cite: IDL set to "\0"
PASS blockquote.cite: IDL set to null
PASS blockquote.cite: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS blockquote.cite: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ol.title: typeof IDL attribute
PASS ol.title: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS ol.title: setAttribute() to ""
PASS ol.title: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS ol.title: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS ol.title: setAttribute() to 7
PASS ol.title: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS ol.title: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS ol.title: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS ol.title: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS ol.title: setAttribute() to true
PASS ol.title: setAttribute() to false
PASS ol.title: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS ol.title: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS ol.title: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS ol.title: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS ol.title: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS ol.title: setAttribute() to null
PASS ol.title: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS ol.title: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ol.title: IDL set to ""
PASS ol.title: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS ol.title: IDL set to undefined
PASS ol.title: IDL set to 7
PASS ol.title: IDL set to 1.5
PASS ol.title: IDL set to "5%"
PASS ol.title: IDL set to "+100"
PASS ol.title: IDL set to ".5"
PASS ol.title: IDL set to true
PASS ol.title: IDL set to false
PASS ol.title: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS ol.title: IDL set to NaN
PASS ol.title: IDL set to Infinity
PASS ol.title: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS ol.title: IDL set to "\0"
PASS ol.title: IDL set to null
PASS ol.title: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS ol.title: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ol.lang: typeof IDL attribute
PASS ol.lang: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS ol.lang: setAttribute() to ""
PASS ol.lang: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS ol.lang: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS ol.lang: setAttribute() to 7
PASS ol.lang: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS ol.lang: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS ol.lang: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS ol.lang: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS ol.lang: setAttribute() to true
PASS ol.lang: setAttribute() to false
PASS ol.lang: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS ol.lang: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS ol.lang: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS ol.lang: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS ol.lang: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS ol.lang: setAttribute() to null
PASS ol.lang: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS ol.lang: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ol.lang: IDL set to ""
PASS ol.lang: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS ol.lang: IDL set to undefined
PASS ol.lang: IDL set to 7
PASS ol.lang: IDL set to 1.5
PASS ol.lang: IDL set to "5%"
PASS ol.lang: IDL set to "+100"
PASS ol.lang: IDL set to ".5"
PASS ol.lang: IDL set to true
PASS ol.lang: IDL set to false
PASS ol.lang: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS ol.lang: IDL set to NaN
PASS ol.lang: IDL set to Infinity
PASS ol.lang: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS ol.lang: IDL set to "\0"
PASS ol.lang: IDL set to null
PASS ol.lang: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS ol.lang: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ol.dir: typeof IDL attribute
PASS ol.dir: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to ""
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to 7
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to true
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to false
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to null
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to "ltr"
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to "xltr"
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to "ltr\0"
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to "tr"
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to "LTR"
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to "rtl"
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to "xrtl"
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to "rtl\0"
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to "tl"
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to "RTL"
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to "auto"
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to "xauto"
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to "auto\0"
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to "uto"
PASS ol.dir: setAttribute() to "AUTO"
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to ""
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to undefined
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to 7
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to 1.5
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to "5%"
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to "+100"
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to ".5"
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to true
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to false
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to NaN
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to Infinity
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to "\0"
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to null
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to "ltr"
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to "xltr"
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to "ltr\0"
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to "tr"
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to "LTR"
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to "rtl"
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to "xrtl"
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to "rtl\0"
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to "tl"
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to "RTL"
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to "auto"
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to "xauto"
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to "auto\0"
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to "uto"
PASS ol.dir: IDL set to "AUTO"
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): typeof IDL attribute
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): setAttribute() to ""
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): setAttribute() to undefined
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): setAttribute() to 7
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): setAttribute() to true
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): setAttribute() to false
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): setAttribute() to NaN
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): setAttribute() to null
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): IDL set to ""
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): IDL set to undefined
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): IDL set to 7
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): IDL set to 1.5
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): IDL set to "5%"
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): IDL set to "+100"
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): IDL set to ".5"
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): IDL set to true
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): IDL set to false
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): IDL set to NaN
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): IDL set to Infinity
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): IDL set to -Infinity
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): IDL set to "\0"
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): IDL set to null
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS ol.className (<ol class>): IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
FAIL ol.autofocus: typeof IDL attribute assert_equals: expected "boolean" but got "undefined"
FAIL ol.autofocus: IDL get with DOM attribute unset assert_equals: expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ol.autofocus: setAttribute() to "" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ol.autofocus: setAttribute() to " foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ol.autofocus: setAttribute() to undefined assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ol.autofocus: setAttribute() to null assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ol.autofocus: setAttribute() to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ol.autofocus: setAttribute() to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ol.autofocus: setAttribute() to "5%" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ol.autofocus: setAttribute() to "+100" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ol.autofocus: setAttribute() to ".5" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ol.autofocus: setAttribute() to true assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ol.autofocus: setAttribute() to false assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ol.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ol.autofocus: setAttribute() to NaN assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ol.autofocus: setAttribute() to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ol.autofocus: setAttribute() to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ol.autofocus: setAttribute() to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ol.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ol.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ol.autofocus: setAttribute() to "autofocus" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ol.autofocus: IDL set to "" assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL ol.autofocus: IDL set to " foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) " foo "
FAIL ol.autofocus: IDL set to undefined assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL ol.autofocus: IDL set to null assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL ol.autofocus: IDL set to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) 7
FAIL ol.autofocus: IDL set to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) 1.5
FAIL ol.autofocus: IDL set to "5%" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "5%"
FAIL ol.autofocus: IDL set to "+100" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "+100"
FAIL ol.autofocus: IDL set to ".5" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) ".5"
PASS ol.autofocus: IDL set to true
FAIL ol.autofocus: IDL set to false assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL ol.autofocus: IDL set to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "[object Object]"
FAIL ol.autofocus: IDL set to NaN assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL ol.autofocus: IDL set to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) Infinity
FAIL ol.autofocus: IDL set to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) -Infinity
FAIL ol.autofocus: IDL set to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "\0"
FAIL ol.autofocus: IDL set to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "test-toString"
FAIL ol.autofocus: IDL set to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "test-valueOf"
PASS ol.hidden: typeof IDL attribute
PASS ol.hidden: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS ol.hidden: setAttribute() to ""
PASS ol.hidden: setAttribute() to " foo "
PASS ol.hidden: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS ol.hidden: setAttribute() to null
PASS ol.hidden: setAttribute() to 7
PASS ol.hidden: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS ol.hidden: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS ol.hidden: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS ol.hidden: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS ol.hidden: setAttribute() to true
PASS ol.hidden: setAttribute() to false
PASS ol.hidden: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS ol.hidden: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS ol.hidden: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS ol.hidden: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS ol.hidden: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS ol.hidden: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS ol.hidden: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ol.hidden: setAttribute() to "hidden"
PASS ol.hidden: IDL set to ""
PASS ol.hidden: IDL set to " foo "
PASS ol.hidden: IDL set to undefined
PASS ol.hidden: IDL set to null
PASS ol.hidden: IDL set to 7
PASS ol.hidden: IDL set to 1.5
PASS ol.hidden: IDL set to "5%"
PASS ol.hidden: IDL set to "+100"
PASS ol.hidden: IDL set to ".5"
PASS ol.hidden: IDL set to true
PASS ol.hidden: IDL set to false
PASS ol.hidden: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS ol.hidden: IDL set to NaN
PASS ol.hidden: IDL set to Infinity
PASS ol.hidden: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS ol.hidden: IDL set to "\0"
PASS ol.hidden: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS ol.hidden: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ol.accessKey: typeof IDL attribute
PASS ol.accessKey: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS ol.accessKey: setAttribute() to ""
PASS ol.accessKey: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS ol.accessKey: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS ol.accessKey: setAttribute() to 7
PASS ol.accessKey: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS ol.accessKey: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS ol.accessKey: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS ol.accessKey: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS ol.accessKey: setAttribute() to true
PASS ol.accessKey: setAttribute() to false
PASS ol.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS ol.accessKey: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS ol.accessKey: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS ol.accessKey: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS ol.accessKey: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS ol.accessKey: setAttribute() to null
PASS ol.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS ol.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ol.accessKey: IDL set to ""
PASS ol.accessKey: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS ol.accessKey: IDL set to undefined
PASS ol.accessKey: IDL set to 7
PASS ol.accessKey: IDL set to 1.5
PASS ol.accessKey: IDL set to "5%"
PASS ol.accessKey: IDL set to "+100"
PASS ol.accessKey: IDL set to ".5"
PASS ol.accessKey: IDL set to true
PASS ol.accessKey: IDL set to false
PASS ol.accessKey: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS ol.accessKey: IDL set to NaN
PASS ol.accessKey: IDL set to Infinity
PASS ol.accessKey: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS ol.accessKey: IDL set to "\0"
PASS ol.accessKey: IDL set to null
PASS ol.accessKey: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS ol.accessKey: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ol.tabIndex: typeof IDL attribute
PASS ol.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -36
PASS ol.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -1
PASS ol.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 0
PASS ol.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 1
PASS ol.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 2147483647
PASS ol.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -2147483648
PASS ol.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "-1"
PASS ol.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "-0"
PASS ol.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "0"
PASS ol.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "1"
PASS ol.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\t7"
PASS ol.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\f7"
PASS ol.tabIndex: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS ol.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\n7"
PASS ol.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\r7"
PASS ol.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS ol.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS ol.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS ol.tabIndex: setAttribute() to object "2"
PASS ol.tabIndex: IDL set to -36
PASS ol.tabIndex: IDL set to -1
PASS ol.tabIndex: IDL set to 0
PASS ol.tabIndex: IDL set to 1
PASS ol.tabIndex: IDL set to 2147483647
PASS ol.tabIndex: IDL set to -2147483648
PASS ol.reversed: typeof IDL attribute
PASS ol.reversed: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS ol.reversed: setAttribute() to ""
PASS ol.reversed: setAttribute() to " foo "
PASS ol.reversed: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS ol.reversed: setAttribute() to null
PASS ol.reversed: setAttribute() to 7
PASS ol.reversed: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS ol.reversed: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS ol.reversed: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS ol.reversed: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS ol.reversed: setAttribute() to true
PASS ol.reversed: setAttribute() to false
PASS ol.reversed: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS ol.reversed: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS ol.reversed: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS ol.reversed: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS ol.reversed: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS ol.reversed: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS ol.reversed: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ol.reversed: setAttribute() to "reversed"
PASS ol.reversed: IDL set to ""
PASS ol.reversed: IDL set to " foo "
PASS ol.reversed: IDL set to undefined
PASS ol.reversed: IDL set to null
PASS ol.reversed: IDL set to 7
PASS ol.reversed: IDL set to 1.5
PASS ol.reversed: IDL set to "5%"
PASS ol.reversed: IDL set to "+100"
PASS ol.reversed: IDL set to ".5"
PASS ol.reversed: IDL set to true
PASS ol.reversed: IDL set to false
PASS ol.reversed: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS ol.reversed: IDL set to NaN
PASS ol.reversed: IDL set to Infinity
PASS ol.reversed: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS ol.reversed: IDL set to "\0"
PASS ol.reversed: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS ol.reversed: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ol.start: typeof IDL attribute
PASS ol.start: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to -36
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to -1
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to 0
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to 1
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to 2147483647
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to -2147483648
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to 2147483648
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to -2147483649
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to 4294967295
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to 4294967296
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to ""
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to "-1"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to "-0"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to "0"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to "1"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to "\t7"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to "\v7"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to "\f7"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to "7"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to "\n7"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to "\r7"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to "
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to "
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to "᠎7"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to true
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to false
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to object "2"
PASS ol.start: setAttribute() to object "3"
PASS ol.start: IDL set to -36
PASS ol.start: IDL set to -1
PASS ol.start: IDL set to 0
PASS ol.start: IDL set to 1
PASS ol.start: IDL set to 2147483647
PASS ol.start: IDL set to -2147483648
PASS ol.type: typeof IDL attribute
PASS ol.type: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS ol.type: setAttribute() to ""
PASS ol.type: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS ol.type: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS ol.type: setAttribute() to 7
PASS ol.type: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS ol.type: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS ol.type: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS ol.type: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS ol.type: setAttribute() to true
PASS ol.type: setAttribute() to false
PASS ol.type: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS ol.type: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS ol.type: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS ol.type: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS ol.type: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS ol.type: setAttribute() to null
PASS ol.type: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS ol.type: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ol.type: IDL set to ""
PASS ol.type: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS ol.type: IDL set to undefined
PASS ol.type: IDL set to 7
PASS ol.type: IDL set to 1.5
PASS ol.type: IDL set to "5%"
PASS ol.type: IDL set to "+100"
PASS ol.type: IDL set to ".5"
PASS ol.type: IDL set to true
PASS ol.type: IDL set to false
PASS ol.type: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS ol.type: IDL set to NaN
PASS ol.type: IDL set to Infinity
PASS ol.type: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS ol.type: IDL set to "\0"
PASS ol.type: IDL set to null
PASS ol.type: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS ol.type: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ol.compact: typeof IDL attribute
PASS ol.compact: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS ol.compact: setAttribute() to ""
PASS ol.compact: setAttribute() to " foo "
PASS ol.compact: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS ol.compact: setAttribute() to null
PASS ol.compact: setAttribute() to 7
PASS ol.compact: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS ol.compact: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS ol.compact: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS ol.compact: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS ol.compact: setAttribute() to true
PASS ol.compact: setAttribute() to false
PASS ol.compact: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS ol.compact: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS ol.compact: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS ol.compact: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS ol.compact: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS ol.compact: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS ol.compact: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ol.compact: setAttribute() to "compact"
PASS ol.compact: IDL set to ""
PASS ol.compact: IDL set to " foo "
PASS ol.compact: IDL set to undefined
PASS ol.compact: IDL set to null
PASS ol.compact: IDL set to 7
PASS ol.compact: IDL set to 1.5
PASS ol.compact: IDL set to "5%"
PASS ol.compact: IDL set to "+100"
PASS ol.compact: IDL set to ".5"
PASS ol.compact: IDL set to true
PASS ol.compact: IDL set to false
PASS ol.compact: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS ol.compact: IDL set to NaN
PASS ol.compact: IDL set to Infinity
PASS ol.compact: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS ol.compact: IDL set to "\0"
PASS ol.compact: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS ol.compact: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ul.title: typeof IDL attribute
PASS ul.title: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS ul.title: setAttribute() to ""
PASS ul.title: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS ul.title: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS ul.title: setAttribute() to 7
PASS ul.title: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS ul.title: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS ul.title: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS ul.title: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS ul.title: setAttribute() to true
PASS ul.title: setAttribute() to false
PASS ul.title: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS ul.title: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS ul.title: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS ul.title: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS ul.title: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS ul.title: setAttribute() to null
PASS ul.title: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS ul.title: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ul.title: IDL set to ""
PASS ul.title: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS ul.title: IDL set to undefined
PASS ul.title: IDL set to 7
PASS ul.title: IDL set to 1.5
PASS ul.title: IDL set to "5%"
PASS ul.title: IDL set to "+100"
PASS ul.title: IDL set to ".5"
PASS ul.title: IDL set to true
PASS ul.title: IDL set to false
PASS ul.title: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS ul.title: IDL set to NaN
PASS ul.title: IDL set to Infinity
PASS ul.title: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS ul.title: IDL set to "\0"
PASS ul.title: IDL set to null
PASS ul.title: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS ul.title: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ul.lang: typeof IDL attribute
PASS ul.lang: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS ul.lang: setAttribute() to ""
PASS ul.lang: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS ul.lang: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS ul.lang: setAttribute() to 7
PASS ul.lang: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS ul.lang: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS ul.lang: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS ul.lang: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS ul.lang: setAttribute() to true
PASS ul.lang: setAttribute() to false
PASS ul.lang: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS ul.lang: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS ul.lang: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS ul.lang: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS ul.lang: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS ul.lang: setAttribute() to null
PASS ul.lang: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS ul.lang: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ul.lang: IDL set to ""
PASS ul.lang: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS ul.lang: IDL set to undefined
PASS ul.lang: IDL set to 7
PASS ul.lang: IDL set to 1.5
PASS ul.lang: IDL set to "5%"
PASS ul.lang: IDL set to "+100"
PASS ul.lang: IDL set to ".5"
PASS ul.lang: IDL set to true
PASS ul.lang: IDL set to false
PASS ul.lang: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS ul.lang: IDL set to NaN
PASS ul.lang: IDL set to Infinity
PASS ul.lang: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS ul.lang: IDL set to "\0"
PASS ul.lang: IDL set to null
PASS ul.lang: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS ul.lang: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ul.dir: typeof IDL attribute
PASS ul.dir: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to ""
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to 7
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to true
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to false
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to null
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to "ltr"
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to "xltr"
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to "ltr\0"
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to "tr"
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to "LTR"
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to "rtl"
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to "xrtl"
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to "rtl\0"
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to "tl"
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to "RTL"
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to "auto"
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to "xauto"
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to "auto\0"
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to "uto"
PASS ul.dir: setAttribute() to "AUTO"
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to ""
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to undefined
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to 7
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to 1.5
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to "5%"
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to "+100"
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to ".5"
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to true
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to false
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to NaN
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to Infinity
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to "\0"
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to null
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to "ltr"
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to "xltr"
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to "ltr\0"
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to "tr"
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to "LTR"
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to "rtl"
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to "xrtl"
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to "rtl\0"
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to "tl"
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to "RTL"
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to "auto"
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to "xauto"
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to "auto\0"
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to "uto"
PASS ul.dir: IDL set to "AUTO"
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): typeof IDL attribute
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): setAttribute() to ""
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): setAttribute() to undefined
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): setAttribute() to 7
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): setAttribute() to true
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): setAttribute() to false
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): setAttribute() to NaN
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): setAttribute() to null
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): IDL set to ""
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): IDL set to undefined
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): IDL set to 7
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): IDL set to 1.5
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): IDL set to "5%"
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): IDL set to "+100"
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): IDL set to ".5"
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): IDL set to true
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): IDL set to false
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): IDL set to NaN
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): IDL set to Infinity
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): IDL set to -Infinity
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): IDL set to "\0"
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): IDL set to null
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS ul.className (<ul class>): IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
FAIL ul.autofocus: typeof IDL attribute assert_equals: expected "boolean" but got "undefined"
FAIL ul.autofocus: IDL get with DOM attribute unset assert_equals: expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ul.autofocus: setAttribute() to "" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ul.autofocus: setAttribute() to " foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ul.autofocus: setAttribute() to undefined assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ul.autofocus: setAttribute() to null assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ul.autofocus: setAttribute() to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ul.autofocus: setAttribute() to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ul.autofocus: setAttribute() to "5%" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ul.autofocus: setAttribute() to "+100" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ul.autofocus: setAttribute() to ".5" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ul.autofocus: setAttribute() to true assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ul.autofocus: setAttribute() to false assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ul.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ul.autofocus: setAttribute() to NaN assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ul.autofocus: setAttribute() to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ul.autofocus: setAttribute() to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ul.autofocus: setAttribute() to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ul.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ul.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ul.autofocus: setAttribute() to "autofocus" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ul.autofocus: IDL set to "" assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL ul.autofocus: IDL set to " foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) " foo "
FAIL ul.autofocus: IDL set to undefined assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL ul.autofocus: IDL set to null assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL ul.autofocus: IDL set to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) 7
FAIL ul.autofocus: IDL set to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) 1.5
FAIL ul.autofocus: IDL set to "5%" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "5%"
FAIL ul.autofocus: IDL set to "+100" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "+100"
FAIL ul.autofocus: IDL set to ".5" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) ".5"
PASS ul.autofocus: IDL set to true
FAIL ul.autofocus: IDL set to false assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL ul.autofocus: IDL set to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "[object Object]"
FAIL ul.autofocus: IDL set to NaN assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL ul.autofocus: IDL set to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) Infinity
FAIL ul.autofocus: IDL set to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) -Infinity
FAIL ul.autofocus: IDL set to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "\0"
FAIL ul.autofocus: IDL set to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "test-toString"
FAIL ul.autofocus: IDL set to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "test-valueOf"
PASS ul.hidden: typeof IDL attribute
PASS ul.hidden: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS ul.hidden: setAttribute() to ""
PASS ul.hidden: setAttribute() to " foo "
PASS ul.hidden: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS ul.hidden: setAttribute() to null
PASS ul.hidden: setAttribute() to 7
PASS ul.hidden: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS ul.hidden: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS ul.hidden: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS ul.hidden: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS ul.hidden: setAttribute() to true
PASS ul.hidden: setAttribute() to false
PASS ul.hidden: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS ul.hidden: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS ul.hidden: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS ul.hidden: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS ul.hidden: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS ul.hidden: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS ul.hidden: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ul.hidden: setAttribute() to "hidden"
PASS ul.hidden: IDL set to ""
PASS ul.hidden: IDL set to " foo "
PASS ul.hidden: IDL set to undefined
PASS ul.hidden: IDL set to null
PASS ul.hidden: IDL set to 7
PASS ul.hidden: IDL set to 1.5
PASS ul.hidden: IDL set to "5%"
PASS ul.hidden: IDL set to "+100"
PASS ul.hidden: IDL set to ".5"
PASS ul.hidden: IDL set to true
PASS ul.hidden: IDL set to false
PASS ul.hidden: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS ul.hidden: IDL set to NaN
PASS ul.hidden: IDL set to Infinity
PASS ul.hidden: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS ul.hidden: IDL set to "\0"
PASS ul.hidden: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS ul.hidden: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ul.accessKey: typeof IDL attribute
PASS ul.accessKey: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS ul.accessKey: setAttribute() to ""
PASS ul.accessKey: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS ul.accessKey: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS ul.accessKey: setAttribute() to 7
PASS ul.accessKey: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS ul.accessKey: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS ul.accessKey: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS ul.accessKey: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS ul.accessKey: setAttribute() to true
PASS ul.accessKey: setAttribute() to false
PASS ul.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS ul.accessKey: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS ul.accessKey: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS ul.accessKey: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS ul.accessKey: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS ul.accessKey: setAttribute() to null
PASS ul.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS ul.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ul.accessKey: IDL set to ""
PASS ul.accessKey: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS ul.accessKey: IDL set to undefined
PASS ul.accessKey: IDL set to 7
PASS ul.accessKey: IDL set to 1.5
PASS ul.accessKey: IDL set to "5%"
PASS ul.accessKey: IDL set to "+100"
PASS ul.accessKey: IDL set to ".5"
PASS ul.accessKey: IDL set to true
PASS ul.accessKey: IDL set to false
PASS ul.accessKey: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS ul.accessKey: IDL set to NaN
PASS ul.accessKey: IDL set to Infinity
PASS ul.accessKey: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS ul.accessKey: IDL set to "\0"
PASS ul.accessKey: IDL set to null
PASS ul.accessKey: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS ul.accessKey: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ul.tabIndex: typeof IDL attribute
PASS ul.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -36
PASS ul.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -1
PASS ul.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 0
PASS ul.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 1
PASS ul.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 2147483647
PASS ul.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -2147483648
PASS ul.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "-1"
PASS ul.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "-0"
PASS ul.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "0"
PASS ul.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "1"
PASS ul.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\t7"
PASS ul.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\f7"
PASS ul.tabIndex: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS ul.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\n7"
PASS ul.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\r7"
PASS ul.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS ul.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS ul.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS ul.tabIndex: setAttribute() to object "2"
PASS ul.tabIndex: IDL set to -36
PASS ul.tabIndex: IDL set to -1
PASS ul.tabIndex: IDL set to 0
PASS ul.tabIndex: IDL set to 1
PASS ul.tabIndex: IDL set to 2147483647
PASS ul.tabIndex: IDL set to -2147483648
PASS ul.compact: typeof IDL attribute
PASS ul.compact: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS ul.compact: setAttribute() to ""
PASS ul.compact: setAttribute() to " foo "
PASS ul.compact: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS ul.compact: setAttribute() to null
PASS ul.compact: setAttribute() to 7
PASS ul.compact: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS ul.compact: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS ul.compact: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS ul.compact: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS ul.compact: setAttribute() to true
PASS ul.compact: setAttribute() to false
PASS ul.compact: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS ul.compact: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS ul.compact: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS ul.compact: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS ul.compact: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS ul.compact: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS ul.compact: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ul.compact: setAttribute() to "compact"
PASS ul.compact: IDL set to ""
PASS ul.compact: IDL set to " foo "
PASS ul.compact: IDL set to undefined
PASS ul.compact: IDL set to null
PASS ul.compact: IDL set to 7
PASS ul.compact: IDL set to 1.5
PASS ul.compact: IDL set to "5%"
PASS ul.compact: IDL set to "+100"
PASS ul.compact: IDL set to ".5"
PASS ul.compact: IDL set to true
PASS ul.compact: IDL set to false
PASS ul.compact: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS ul.compact: IDL set to NaN
PASS ul.compact: IDL set to Infinity
PASS ul.compact: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS ul.compact: IDL set to "\0"
PASS ul.compact: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS ul.compact: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ul.type: typeof IDL attribute
PASS ul.type: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS ul.type: setAttribute() to ""
PASS ul.type: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS ul.type: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS ul.type: setAttribute() to 7
PASS ul.type: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS ul.type: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS ul.type: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS ul.type: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS ul.type: setAttribute() to true
PASS ul.type: setAttribute() to false
PASS ul.type: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS ul.type: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS ul.type: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS ul.type: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS ul.type: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS ul.type: setAttribute() to null
PASS ul.type: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS ul.type: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS ul.type: IDL set to ""
PASS ul.type: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS ul.type: IDL set to undefined
PASS ul.type: IDL set to 7
PASS ul.type: IDL set to 1.5
PASS ul.type: IDL set to "5%"
PASS ul.type: IDL set to "+100"
PASS ul.type: IDL set to ".5"
PASS ul.type: IDL set to true
PASS ul.type: IDL set to false
PASS ul.type: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS ul.type: IDL set to NaN
PASS ul.type: IDL set to Infinity
PASS ul.type: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS ul.type: IDL set to "\0"
PASS ul.type: IDL set to null
PASS ul.type: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS ul.type: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS li.title: typeof IDL attribute
PASS li.title: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS li.title: setAttribute() to ""
PASS li.title: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS li.title: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS li.title: setAttribute() to 7
PASS li.title: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS li.title: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS li.title: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS li.title: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS li.title: setAttribute() to true
PASS li.title: setAttribute() to false
PASS li.title: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS li.title: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS li.title: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS li.title: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS li.title: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS li.title: setAttribute() to null
PASS li.title: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS li.title: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS li.title: IDL set to ""
PASS li.title: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS li.title: IDL set to undefined
PASS li.title: IDL set to 7
PASS li.title: IDL set to 1.5
PASS li.title: IDL set to "5%"
PASS li.title: IDL set to "+100"
PASS li.title: IDL set to ".5"
PASS li.title: IDL set to true
PASS li.title: IDL set to false
PASS li.title: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS li.title: IDL set to NaN
PASS li.title: IDL set to Infinity
PASS li.title: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS li.title: IDL set to "\0"
PASS li.title: IDL set to null
PASS li.title: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS li.title: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS li.lang: typeof IDL attribute
PASS li.lang: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS li.lang: setAttribute() to ""
PASS li.lang: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS li.lang: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS li.lang: setAttribute() to 7
PASS li.lang: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS li.lang: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS li.lang: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS li.lang: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS li.lang: setAttribute() to true
PASS li.lang: setAttribute() to false
PASS li.lang: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS li.lang: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS li.lang: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS li.lang: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS li.lang: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS li.lang: setAttribute() to null
PASS li.lang: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS li.lang: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS li.lang: IDL set to ""
PASS li.lang: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS li.lang: IDL set to undefined
PASS li.lang: IDL set to 7
PASS li.lang: IDL set to 1.5
PASS li.lang: IDL set to "5%"
PASS li.lang: IDL set to "+100"
PASS li.lang: IDL set to ".5"
PASS li.lang: IDL set to true
PASS li.lang: IDL set to false
PASS li.lang: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS li.lang: IDL set to NaN
PASS li.lang: IDL set to Infinity
PASS li.lang: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS li.lang: IDL set to "\0"
PASS li.lang: IDL set to null
PASS li.lang: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS li.lang: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS li.dir: typeof IDL attribute
PASS li.dir: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to ""
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to 7
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to true
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to false
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to null
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to "ltr"
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to "xltr"
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to "ltr\0"
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to "tr"
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to "LTR"
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to "rtl"
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to "xrtl"
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to "rtl\0"
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to "tl"
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to "RTL"
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to "auto"
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to "xauto"
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to "auto\0"
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to "uto"
PASS li.dir: setAttribute() to "AUTO"
PASS li.dir: IDL set to ""
PASS li.dir: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS li.dir: IDL set to undefined
PASS li.dir: IDL set to 7
PASS li.dir: IDL set to 1.5
PASS li.dir: IDL set to "5%"
PASS li.dir: IDL set to "+100"
PASS li.dir: IDL set to ".5"
PASS li.dir: IDL set to true
PASS li.dir: IDL set to false
PASS li.dir: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS li.dir: IDL set to NaN
PASS li.dir: IDL set to Infinity
PASS li.dir: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS li.dir: IDL set to "\0"
PASS li.dir: IDL set to null
PASS li.dir: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS li.dir: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS li.dir: IDL set to "ltr"
PASS li.dir: IDL set to "xltr"
PASS li.dir: IDL set to "ltr\0"
PASS li.dir: IDL set to "tr"
PASS li.dir: IDL set to "LTR"
PASS li.dir: IDL set to "rtl"
PASS li.dir: IDL set to "xrtl"
PASS li.dir: IDL set to "rtl\0"
PASS li.dir: IDL set to "tl"
PASS li.dir: IDL set to "RTL"
PASS li.dir: IDL set to "auto"
PASS li.dir: IDL set to "xauto"
PASS li.dir: IDL set to "auto\0"
PASS li.dir: IDL set to "uto"
PASS li.dir: IDL set to "AUTO"
PASS li.className (<li class>): typeof IDL attribute
PASS li.className (<li class>): IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS li.className (<li class>): setAttribute() to ""
PASS li.className (<li class>): setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS li.className (<li class>): setAttribute() to undefined
PASS li.className (<li class>): setAttribute() to 7
PASS li.className (<li class>): setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS li.className (<li class>): setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS li.className (<li class>): setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS li.className (<li class>): setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS li.className (<li class>): setAttribute() to true
PASS li.className (<li class>): setAttribute() to false
PASS li.className (<li class>): setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS li.className (<li class>): setAttribute() to NaN
PASS li.className (<li class>): setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS li.className (<li class>): setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS li.className (<li class>): setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS li.className (<li class>): setAttribute() to null
PASS li.className (<li class>): setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS li.className (<li class>): setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS li.className (<li class>): IDL set to ""
PASS li.className (<li class>): IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS li.className (<li class>): IDL set to undefined
PASS li.className (<li class>): IDL set to 7
PASS li.className (<li class>): IDL set to 1.5
PASS li.className (<li class>): IDL set to "5%"
PASS li.className (<li class>): IDL set to "+100"
PASS li.className (<li class>): IDL set to ".5"
PASS li.className (<li class>): IDL set to true
PASS li.className (<li class>): IDL set to false
PASS li.className (<li class>): IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS li.className (<li class>): IDL set to NaN
PASS li.className (<li class>): IDL set to Infinity
PASS li.className (<li class>): IDL set to -Infinity
PASS li.className (<li class>): IDL set to "\0"
PASS li.className (<li class>): IDL set to null
PASS li.className (<li class>): IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS li.className (<li class>): IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
FAIL li.autofocus: typeof IDL attribute assert_equals: expected "boolean" but got "undefined"
FAIL li.autofocus: IDL get with DOM attribute unset assert_equals: expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL li.autofocus: setAttribute() to "" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL li.autofocus: setAttribute() to " foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL li.autofocus: setAttribute() to undefined assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL li.autofocus: setAttribute() to null assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL li.autofocus: setAttribute() to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL li.autofocus: setAttribute() to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL li.autofocus: setAttribute() to "5%" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL li.autofocus: setAttribute() to "+100" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL li.autofocus: setAttribute() to ".5" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL li.autofocus: setAttribute() to true assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL li.autofocus: setAttribute() to false assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL li.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL li.autofocus: setAttribute() to NaN assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL li.autofocus: setAttribute() to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL li.autofocus: setAttribute() to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL li.autofocus: setAttribute() to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL li.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL li.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL li.autofocus: setAttribute() to "autofocus" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL li.autofocus: IDL set to "" assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL li.autofocus: IDL set to " foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) " foo "
FAIL li.autofocus: IDL set to undefined assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL li.autofocus: IDL set to null assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL li.autofocus: IDL set to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) 7
FAIL li.autofocus: IDL set to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) 1.5
FAIL li.autofocus: IDL set to "5%" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "5%"
FAIL li.autofocus: IDL set to "+100" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "+100"
FAIL li.autofocus: IDL set to ".5" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) ".5"
PASS li.autofocus: IDL set to true
FAIL li.autofocus: IDL set to false assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL li.autofocus: IDL set to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "[object Object]"
FAIL li.autofocus: IDL set to NaN assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL li.autofocus: IDL set to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) Infinity
FAIL li.autofocus: IDL set to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) -Infinity
FAIL li.autofocus: IDL set to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "\0"
FAIL li.autofocus: IDL set to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "test-toString"
FAIL li.autofocus: IDL set to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "test-valueOf"
PASS li.hidden: typeof IDL attribute
PASS li.hidden: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS li.hidden: setAttribute() to ""
PASS li.hidden: setAttribute() to " foo "
PASS li.hidden: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS li.hidden: setAttribute() to null
PASS li.hidden: setAttribute() to 7
PASS li.hidden: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS li.hidden: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS li.hidden: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS li.hidden: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS li.hidden: setAttribute() to true
PASS li.hidden: setAttribute() to false
PASS li.hidden: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS li.hidden: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS li.hidden: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS li.hidden: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS li.hidden: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS li.hidden: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS li.hidden: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS li.hidden: setAttribute() to "hidden"
PASS li.hidden: IDL set to ""
PASS li.hidden: IDL set to " foo "
PASS li.hidden: IDL set to undefined
PASS li.hidden: IDL set to null
PASS li.hidden: IDL set to 7
PASS li.hidden: IDL set to 1.5
PASS li.hidden: IDL set to "5%"
PASS li.hidden: IDL set to "+100"
PASS li.hidden: IDL set to ".5"
PASS li.hidden: IDL set to true
PASS li.hidden: IDL set to false
PASS li.hidden: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS li.hidden: IDL set to NaN
PASS li.hidden: IDL set to Infinity
PASS li.hidden: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS li.hidden: IDL set to "\0"
PASS li.hidden: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS li.hidden: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS li.accessKey: typeof IDL attribute
PASS li.accessKey: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS li.accessKey: setAttribute() to ""
PASS li.accessKey: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS li.accessKey: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS li.accessKey: setAttribute() to 7
PASS li.accessKey: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS li.accessKey: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS li.accessKey: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS li.accessKey: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS li.accessKey: setAttribute() to true
PASS li.accessKey: setAttribute() to false
PASS li.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS li.accessKey: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS li.accessKey: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS li.accessKey: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS li.accessKey: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS li.accessKey: setAttribute() to null
PASS li.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS li.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS li.accessKey: IDL set to ""
PASS li.accessKey: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS li.accessKey: IDL set to undefined
PASS li.accessKey: IDL set to 7
PASS li.accessKey: IDL set to 1.5
PASS li.accessKey: IDL set to "5%"
PASS li.accessKey: IDL set to "+100"
PASS li.accessKey: IDL set to ".5"
PASS li.accessKey: IDL set to true
PASS li.accessKey: IDL set to false
PASS li.accessKey: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS li.accessKey: IDL set to NaN
PASS li.accessKey: IDL set to Infinity
PASS li.accessKey: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS li.accessKey: IDL set to "\0"
PASS li.accessKey: IDL set to null
PASS li.accessKey: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS li.accessKey: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS li.tabIndex: typeof IDL attribute
PASS li.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -36
PASS li.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -1
PASS li.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 0
PASS li.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 1
PASS li.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 2147483647
PASS li.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -2147483648
PASS li.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "-1"
PASS li.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "-0"
PASS li.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "0"
PASS li.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "1"
PASS li.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\t7"
PASS li.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\f7"
PASS li.tabIndex: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS li.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\n7"
PASS li.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\r7"
PASS li.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS li.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS li.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS li.tabIndex: setAttribute() to object "2"
PASS li.tabIndex: IDL set to -36
PASS li.tabIndex: IDL set to -1
PASS li.tabIndex: IDL set to 0
PASS li.tabIndex: IDL set to 1
PASS li.tabIndex: IDL set to 2147483647
PASS li.tabIndex: IDL set to -2147483648
PASS li.value: typeof IDL attribute
PASS li.value: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to -36
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to -1
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to 0
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to 1
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to 2147483647
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to -2147483648
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to 2147483648
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to -2147483649
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to 4294967295
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to 4294967296
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to ""
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to "-1"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to "-0"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to "0"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to "1"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to "\t7"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to "\v7"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to "\f7"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to "7"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to "\n7"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to "\r7"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to "
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to "
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to "᠎7"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to true
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to false
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to object "2"
PASS li.value: setAttribute() to object "3"
PASS li.value: IDL set to -36
PASS li.value: IDL set to -1
PASS li.value: IDL set to 0
PASS li.value: IDL set to 1
PASS li.value: IDL set to 2147483647
PASS li.value: IDL set to -2147483648
PASS li.type: typeof IDL attribute
PASS li.type: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS li.type: setAttribute() to ""
PASS li.type: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS li.type: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS li.type: setAttribute() to 7
PASS li.type: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS li.type: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS li.type: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS li.type: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS li.type: setAttribute() to true
PASS li.type: setAttribute() to false
PASS li.type: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS li.type: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS li.type: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS li.type: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS li.type: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS li.type: setAttribute() to null
PASS li.type: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS li.type: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS li.type: IDL set to ""
PASS li.type: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS li.type: IDL set to undefined
PASS li.type: IDL set to 7
PASS li.type: IDL set to 1.5
PASS li.type: IDL set to "5%"
PASS li.type: IDL set to "+100"
PASS li.type: IDL set to ".5"
PASS li.type: IDL set to true
PASS li.type: IDL set to false
PASS li.type: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS li.type: IDL set to NaN
PASS li.type: IDL set to Infinity
PASS li.type: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS li.type: IDL set to "\0"
PASS li.type: IDL set to null
PASS li.type: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS li.type: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dl.title: typeof IDL attribute
PASS dl.title: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS dl.title: setAttribute() to ""
PASS dl.title: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dl.title: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS dl.title: setAttribute() to 7
PASS dl.title: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS dl.title: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS dl.title: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS dl.title: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS dl.title: setAttribute() to true
PASS dl.title: setAttribute() to false
PASS dl.title: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS dl.title: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS dl.title: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS dl.title: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS dl.title: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS dl.title: setAttribute() to null
PASS dl.title: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS dl.title: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dl.title: IDL set to ""
PASS dl.title: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dl.title: IDL set to undefined
PASS dl.title: IDL set to 7
PASS dl.title: IDL set to 1.5
PASS dl.title: IDL set to "5%"
PASS dl.title: IDL set to "+100"
PASS dl.title: IDL set to ".5"
PASS dl.title: IDL set to true
PASS dl.title: IDL set to false
PASS dl.title: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS dl.title: IDL set to NaN
PASS dl.title: IDL set to Infinity
PASS dl.title: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS dl.title: IDL set to "\0"
PASS dl.title: IDL set to null
PASS dl.title: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS dl.title: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dl.lang: typeof IDL attribute
PASS dl.lang: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS dl.lang: setAttribute() to ""
PASS dl.lang: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dl.lang: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS dl.lang: setAttribute() to 7
PASS dl.lang: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS dl.lang: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS dl.lang: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS dl.lang: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS dl.lang: setAttribute() to true
PASS dl.lang: setAttribute() to false
PASS dl.lang: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS dl.lang: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS dl.lang: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS dl.lang: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS dl.lang: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS dl.lang: setAttribute() to null
PASS dl.lang: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS dl.lang: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dl.lang: IDL set to ""
PASS dl.lang: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dl.lang: IDL set to undefined
PASS dl.lang: IDL set to 7
PASS dl.lang: IDL set to 1.5
PASS dl.lang: IDL set to "5%"
PASS dl.lang: IDL set to "+100"
PASS dl.lang: IDL set to ".5"
PASS dl.lang: IDL set to true
PASS dl.lang: IDL set to false
PASS dl.lang: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS dl.lang: IDL set to NaN
PASS dl.lang: IDL set to Infinity
PASS dl.lang: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS dl.lang: IDL set to "\0"
PASS dl.lang: IDL set to null
PASS dl.lang: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS dl.lang: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dl.dir: typeof IDL attribute
PASS dl.dir: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to ""
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to 7
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to true
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to false
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to null
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to "ltr"
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to "xltr"
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to "ltr\0"
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to "tr"
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to "LTR"
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to "rtl"
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to "xrtl"
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to "rtl\0"
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to "tl"
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to "RTL"
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to "auto"
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to "xauto"
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to "auto\0"
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to "uto"
PASS dl.dir: setAttribute() to "AUTO"
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to ""
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to undefined
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to 7
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to 1.5
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to "5%"
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to "+100"
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to ".5"
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to true
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to false
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to NaN
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to Infinity
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to "\0"
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to null
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to "ltr"
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to "xltr"
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to "ltr\0"
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to "tr"
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to "LTR"
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to "rtl"
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to "xrtl"
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to "rtl\0"
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to "tl"
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to "RTL"
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to "auto"
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to "xauto"
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to "auto\0"
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to "uto"
PASS dl.dir: IDL set to "AUTO"
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): typeof IDL attribute
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): setAttribute() to ""
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): setAttribute() to undefined
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): setAttribute() to 7
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): setAttribute() to true
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): setAttribute() to false
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): setAttribute() to NaN
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): setAttribute() to null
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): IDL set to ""
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): IDL set to undefined
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): IDL set to 7
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): IDL set to 1.5
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): IDL set to "5%"
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): IDL set to "+100"
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): IDL set to ".5"
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): IDL set to true
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): IDL set to false
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): IDL set to NaN
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): IDL set to Infinity
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): IDL set to -Infinity
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): IDL set to "\0"
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): IDL set to null
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS dl.className (<dl class>): IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
FAIL dl.autofocus: typeof IDL attribute assert_equals: expected "boolean" but got "undefined"
FAIL dl.autofocus: IDL get with DOM attribute unset assert_equals: expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dl.autofocus: setAttribute() to "" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dl.autofocus: setAttribute() to " foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dl.autofocus: setAttribute() to undefined assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dl.autofocus: setAttribute() to null assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dl.autofocus: setAttribute() to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dl.autofocus: setAttribute() to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dl.autofocus: setAttribute() to "5%" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dl.autofocus: setAttribute() to "+100" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dl.autofocus: setAttribute() to ".5" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dl.autofocus: setAttribute() to true assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dl.autofocus: setAttribute() to false assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dl.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dl.autofocus: setAttribute() to NaN assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dl.autofocus: setAttribute() to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dl.autofocus: setAttribute() to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dl.autofocus: setAttribute() to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dl.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dl.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dl.autofocus: setAttribute() to "autofocus" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dl.autofocus: IDL set to "" assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL dl.autofocus: IDL set to " foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) " foo "
FAIL dl.autofocus: IDL set to undefined assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL dl.autofocus: IDL set to null assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL dl.autofocus: IDL set to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) 7
FAIL dl.autofocus: IDL set to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) 1.5
FAIL dl.autofocus: IDL set to "5%" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "5%"
FAIL dl.autofocus: IDL set to "+100" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "+100"
FAIL dl.autofocus: IDL set to ".5" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) ".5"
PASS dl.autofocus: IDL set to true
FAIL dl.autofocus: IDL set to false assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL dl.autofocus: IDL set to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "[object Object]"
FAIL dl.autofocus: IDL set to NaN assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL dl.autofocus: IDL set to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) Infinity
FAIL dl.autofocus: IDL set to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) -Infinity
FAIL dl.autofocus: IDL set to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "\0"
FAIL dl.autofocus: IDL set to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "test-toString"
FAIL dl.autofocus: IDL set to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "test-valueOf"
PASS dl.hidden: typeof IDL attribute
PASS dl.hidden: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS dl.hidden: setAttribute() to ""
PASS dl.hidden: setAttribute() to " foo "
PASS dl.hidden: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS dl.hidden: setAttribute() to null
PASS dl.hidden: setAttribute() to 7
PASS dl.hidden: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS dl.hidden: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS dl.hidden: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS dl.hidden: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS dl.hidden: setAttribute() to true
PASS dl.hidden: setAttribute() to false
PASS dl.hidden: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS dl.hidden: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS dl.hidden: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS dl.hidden: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS dl.hidden: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS dl.hidden: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS dl.hidden: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dl.hidden: setAttribute() to "hidden"
PASS dl.hidden: IDL set to ""
PASS dl.hidden: IDL set to " foo "
PASS dl.hidden: IDL set to undefined
PASS dl.hidden: IDL set to null
PASS dl.hidden: IDL set to 7
PASS dl.hidden: IDL set to 1.5
PASS dl.hidden: IDL set to "5%"
PASS dl.hidden: IDL set to "+100"
PASS dl.hidden: IDL set to ".5"
PASS dl.hidden: IDL set to true
PASS dl.hidden: IDL set to false
PASS dl.hidden: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS dl.hidden: IDL set to NaN
PASS dl.hidden: IDL set to Infinity
PASS dl.hidden: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS dl.hidden: IDL set to "\0"
PASS dl.hidden: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS dl.hidden: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dl.accessKey: typeof IDL attribute
PASS dl.accessKey: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS dl.accessKey: setAttribute() to ""
PASS dl.accessKey: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dl.accessKey: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS dl.accessKey: setAttribute() to 7
PASS dl.accessKey: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS dl.accessKey: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS dl.accessKey: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS dl.accessKey: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS dl.accessKey: setAttribute() to true
PASS dl.accessKey: setAttribute() to false
PASS dl.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS dl.accessKey: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS dl.accessKey: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS dl.accessKey: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS dl.accessKey: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS dl.accessKey: setAttribute() to null
PASS dl.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS dl.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dl.accessKey: IDL set to ""
PASS dl.accessKey: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dl.accessKey: IDL set to undefined
PASS dl.accessKey: IDL set to 7
PASS dl.accessKey: IDL set to 1.5
PASS dl.accessKey: IDL set to "5%"
PASS dl.accessKey: IDL set to "+100"
PASS dl.accessKey: IDL set to ".5"
PASS dl.accessKey: IDL set to true
PASS dl.accessKey: IDL set to false
PASS dl.accessKey: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS dl.accessKey: IDL set to NaN
PASS dl.accessKey: IDL set to Infinity
PASS dl.accessKey: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS dl.accessKey: IDL set to "\0"
PASS dl.accessKey: IDL set to null
PASS dl.accessKey: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS dl.accessKey: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dl.tabIndex: typeof IDL attribute
PASS dl.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -36
PASS dl.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -1
PASS dl.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 0
PASS dl.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 1
PASS dl.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 2147483647
PASS dl.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -2147483648
PASS dl.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "-1"
PASS dl.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "-0"
PASS dl.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "0"
PASS dl.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "1"
PASS dl.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\t7"
PASS dl.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\f7"
PASS dl.tabIndex: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS dl.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\n7"
PASS dl.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\r7"
PASS dl.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS dl.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS dl.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS dl.tabIndex: setAttribute() to object "2"
PASS dl.tabIndex: IDL set to -36
PASS dl.tabIndex: IDL set to -1
PASS dl.tabIndex: IDL set to 0
PASS dl.tabIndex: IDL set to 1
PASS dl.tabIndex: IDL set to 2147483647
PASS dl.tabIndex: IDL set to -2147483648
PASS dl.compact: typeof IDL attribute
PASS dl.compact: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS dl.compact: setAttribute() to ""
PASS dl.compact: setAttribute() to " foo "
PASS dl.compact: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS dl.compact: setAttribute() to null
PASS dl.compact: setAttribute() to 7
PASS dl.compact: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS dl.compact: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS dl.compact: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS dl.compact: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS dl.compact: setAttribute() to true
PASS dl.compact: setAttribute() to false
PASS dl.compact: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS dl.compact: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS dl.compact: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS dl.compact: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS dl.compact: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS dl.compact: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS dl.compact: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dl.compact: setAttribute() to "compact"
PASS dl.compact: IDL set to ""
PASS dl.compact: IDL set to " foo "
PASS dl.compact: IDL set to undefined
PASS dl.compact: IDL set to null
PASS dl.compact: IDL set to 7
PASS dl.compact: IDL set to 1.5
PASS dl.compact: IDL set to "5%"
PASS dl.compact: IDL set to "+100"
PASS dl.compact: IDL set to ".5"
PASS dl.compact: IDL set to true
PASS dl.compact: IDL set to false
PASS dl.compact: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS dl.compact: IDL set to NaN
PASS dl.compact: IDL set to Infinity
PASS dl.compact: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS dl.compact: IDL set to "\0"
PASS dl.compact: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS dl.compact: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dt.title: typeof IDL attribute
PASS dt.title: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS dt.title: setAttribute() to ""
PASS dt.title: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dt.title: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS dt.title: setAttribute() to 7
PASS dt.title: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS dt.title: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS dt.title: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS dt.title: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS dt.title: setAttribute() to true
PASS dt.title: setAttribute() to false
PASS dt.title: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS dt.title: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS dt.title: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS dt.title: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS dt.title: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS dt.title: setAttribute() to null
PASS dt.title: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS dt.title: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dt.title: IDL set to ""
PASS dt.title: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dt.title: IDL set to undefined
PASS dt.title: IDL set to 7
PASS dt.title: IDL set to 1.5
PASS dt.title: IDL set to "5%"
PASS dt.title: IDL set to "+100"
PASS dt.title: IDL set to ".5"
PASS dt.title: IDL set to true
PASS dt.title: IDL set to false
PASS dt.title: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS dt.title: IDL set to NaN
PASS dt.title: IDL set to Infinity
PASS dt.title: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS dt.title: IDL set to "\0"
PASS dt.title: IDL set to null
PASS dt.title: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS dt.title: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dt.lang: typeof IDL attribute
PASS dt.lang: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS dt.lang: setAttribute() to ""
PASS dt.lang: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dt.lang: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS dt.lang: setAttribute() to 7
PASS dt.lang: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS dt.lang: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS dt.lang: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS dt.lang: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS dt.lang: setAttribute() to true
PASS dt.lang: setAttribute() to false
PASS dt.lang: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS dt.lang: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS dt.lang: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS dt.lang: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS dt.lang: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS dt.lang: setAttribute() to null
PASS dt.lang: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS dt.lang: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dt.lang: IDL set to ""
PASS dt.lang: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dt.lang: IDL set to undefined
PASS dt.lang: IDL set to 7
PASS dt.lang: IDL set to 1.5
PASS dt.lang: IDL set to "5%"
PASS dt.lang: IDL set to "+100"
PASS dt.lang: IDL set to ".5"
PASS dt.lang: IDL set to true
PASS dt.lang: IDL set to false
PASS dt.lang: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS dt.lang: IDL set to NaN
PASS dt.lang: IDL set to Infinity
PASS dt.lang: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS dt.lang: IDL set to "\0"
PASS dt.lang: IDL set to null
PASS dt.lang: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS dt.lang: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dt.dir: typeof IDL attribute
PASS dt.dir: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to ""
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to 7
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to true
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to false
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to null
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to "ltr"
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to "xltr"
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to "ltr\0"
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to "tr"
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to "LTR"
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to "rtl"
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to "xrtl"
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to "rtl\0"
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to "tl"
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to "RTL"
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to "auto"
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to "xauto"
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to "auto\0"
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to "uto"
PASS dt.dir: setAttribute() to "AUTO"
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to ""
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to undefined
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to 7
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to 1.5
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to "5%"
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to "+100"
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to ".5"
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to true
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to false
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to NaN
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to Infinity
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to "\0"
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to null
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to "ltr"
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to "xltr"
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to "ltr\0"
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to "tr"
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to "LTR"
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to "rtl"
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to "xrtl"
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to "rtl\0"
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to "tl"
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to "RTL"
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to "auto"
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to "xauto"
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to "auto\0"
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to "uto"
PASS dt.dir: IDL set to "AUTO"
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): typeof IDL attribute
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): setAttribute() to ""
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): setAttribute() to undefined
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): setAttribute() to 7
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): setAttribute() to true
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): setAttribute() to false
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): setAttribute() to NaN
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): setAttribute() to null
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): IDL set to ""
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): IDL set to undefined
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): IDL set to 7
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): IDL set to 1.5
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): IDL set to "5%"
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): IDL set to "+100"
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): IDL set to ".5"
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): IDL set to true
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): IDL set to false
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): IDL set to NaN
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): IDL set to Infinity
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): IDL set to -Infinity
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): IDL set to "\0"
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): IDL set to null
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS dt.className (<dt class>): IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
FAIL dt.autofocus: typeof IDL attribute assert_equals: expected "boolean" but got "undefined"
FAIL dt.autofocus: IDL get with DOM attribute unset assert_equals: expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dt.autofocus: setAttribute() to "" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dt.autofocus: setAttribute() to " foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dt.autofocus: setAttribute() to undefined assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dt.autofocus: setAttribute() to null assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dt.autofocus: setAttribute() to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dt.autofocus: setAttribute() to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dt.autofocus: setAttribute() to "5%" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dt.autofocus: setAttribute() to "+100" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dt.autofocus: setAttribute() to ".5" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dt.autofocus: setAttribute() to true assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dt.autofocus: setAttribute() to false assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dt.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dt.autofocus: setAttribute() to NaN assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dt.autofocus: setAttribute() to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dt.autofocus: setAttribute() to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dt.autofocus: setAttribute() to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dt.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dt.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dt.autofocus: setAttribute() to "autofocus" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dt.autofocus: IDL set to "" assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL dt.autofocus: IDL set to " foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) " foo "
FAIL dt.autofocus: IDL set to undefined assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL dt.autofocus: IDL set to null assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL dt.autofocus: IDL set to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) 7
FAIL dt.autofocus: IDL set to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) 1.5
FAIL dt.autofocus: IDL set to "5%" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "5%"
FAIL dt.autofocus: IDL set to "+100" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "+100"
FAIL dt.autofocus: IDL set to ".5" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) ".5"
PASS dt.autofocus: IDL set to true
FAIL dt.autofocus: IDL set to false assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL dt.autofocus: IDL set to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "[object Object]"
FAIL dt.autofocus: IDL set to NaN assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL dt.autofocus: IDL set to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) Infinity
FAIL dt.autofocus: IDL set to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) -Infinity
FAIL dt.autofocus: IDL set to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "\0"
FAIL dt.autofocus: IDL set to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "test-toString"
FAIL dt.autofocus: IDL set to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "test-valueOf"
PASS dt.hidden: typeof IDL attribute
PASS dt.hidden: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS dt.hidden: setAttribute() to ""
PASS dt.hidden: setAttribute() to " foo "
PASS dt.hidden: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS dt.hidden: setAttribute() to null
PASS dt.hidden: setAttribute() to 7
PASS dt.hidden: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS dt.hidden: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS dt.hidden: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS dt.hidden: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS dt.hidden: setAttribute() to true
PASS dt.hidden: setAttribute() to false
PASS dt.hidden: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS dt.hidden: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS dt.hidden: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS dt.hidden: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS dt.hidden: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS dt.hidden: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS dt.hidden: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dt.hidden: setAttribute() to "hidden"
PASS dt.hidden: IDL set to ""
PASS dt.hidden: IDL set to " foo "
PASS dt.hidden: IDL set to undefined
PASS dt.hidden: IDL set to null
PASS dt.hidden: IDL set to 7
PASS dt.hidden: IDL set to 1.5
PASS dt.hidden: IDL set to "5%"
PASS dt.hidden: IDL set to "+100"
PASS dt.hidden: IDL set to ".5"
PASS dt.hidden: IDL set to true
PASS dt.hidden: IDL set to false
PASS dt.hidden: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS dt.hidden: IDL set to NaN
PASS dt.hidden: IDL set to Infinity
PASS dt.hidden: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS dt.hidden: IDL set to "\0"
PASS dt.hidden: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS dt.hidden: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dt.accessKey: typeof IDL attribute
PASS dt.accessKey: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS dt.accessKey: setAttribute() to ""
PASS dt.accessKey: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dt.accessKey: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS dt.accessKey: setAttribute() to 7
PASS dt.accessKey: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS dt.accessKey: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS dt.accessKey: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS dt.accessKey: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS dt.accessKey: setAttribute() to true
PASS dt.accessKey: setAttribute() to false
PASS dt.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS dt.accessKey: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS dt.accessKey: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS dt.accessKey: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS dt.accessKey: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS dt.accessKey: setAttribute() to null
PASS dt.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS dt.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dt.accessKey: IDL set to ""
PASS dt.accessKey: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dt.accessKey: IDL set to undefined
PASS dt.accessKey: IDL set to 7
PASS dt.accessKey: IDL set to 1.5
PASS dt.accessKey: IDL set to "5%"
PASS dt.accessKey: IDL set to "+100"
PASS dt.accessKey: IDL set to ".5"
PASS dt.accessKey: IDL set to true
PASS dt.accessKey: IDL set to false
PASS dt.accessKey: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS dt.accessKey: IDL set to NaN
PASS dt.accessKey: IDL set to Infinity
PASS dt.accessKey: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS dt.accessKey: IDL set to "\0"
PASS dt.accessKey: IDL set to null
PASS dt.accessKey: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS dt.accessKey: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dt.tabIndex: typeof IDL attribute
PASS dt.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -36
PASS dt.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -1
PASS dt.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 0
PASS dt.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 1
PASS dt.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 2147483647
PASS dt.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -2147483648
PASS dt.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "-1"
PASS dt.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "-0"
PASS dt.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "0"
PASS dt.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "1"
PASS dt.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\t7"
PASS dt.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\f7"
PASS dt.tabIndex: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS dt.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\n7"
PASS dt.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\r7"
PASS dt.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS dt.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS dt.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS dt.tabIndex: setAttribute() to object "2"
PASS dt.tabIndex: IDL set to -36
PASS dt.tabIndex: IDL set to -1
PASS dt.tabIndex: IDL set to 0
PASS dt.tabIndex: IDL set to 1
PASS dt.tabIndex: IDL set to 2147483647
PASS dt.tabIndex: IDL set to -2147483648
PASS dd.title: typeof IDL attribute
PASS dd.title: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS dd.title: setAttribute() to ""
PASS dd.title: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dd.title: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS dd.title: setAttribute() to 7
PASS dd.title: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS dd.title: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS dd.title: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS dd.title: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS dd.title: setAttribute() to true
PASS dd.title: setAttribute() to false
PASS dd.title: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS dd.title: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS dd.title: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS dd.title: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS dd.title: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS dd.title: setAttribute() to null
PASS dd.title: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS dd.title: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dd.title: IDL set to ""
PASS dd.title: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dd.title: IDL set to undefined
PASS dd.title: IDL set to 7
PASS dd.title: IDL set to 1.5
PASS dd.title: IDL set to "5%"
PASS dd.title: IDL set to "+100"
PASS dd.title: IDL set to ".5"
PASS dd.title: IDL set to true
PASS dd.title: IDL set to false
PASS dd.title: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS dd.title: IDL set to NaN
PASS dd.title: IDL set to Infinity
PASS dd.title: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS dd.title: IDL set to "\0"
PASS dd.title: IDL set to null
PASS dd.title: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS dd.title: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dd.lang: typeof IDL attribute
PASS dd.lang: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS dd.lang: setAttribute() to ""
PASS dd.lang: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dd.lang: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS dd.lang: setAttribute() to 7
PASS dd.lang: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS dd.lang: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS dd.lang: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS dd.lang: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS dd.lang: setAttribute() to true
PASS dd.lang: setAttribute() to false
PASS dd.lang: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS dd.lang: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS dd.lang: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS dd.lang: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS dd.lang: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS dd.lang: setAttribute() to null
PASS dd.lang: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS dd.lang: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dd.lang: IDL set to ""
PASS dd.lang: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dd.lang: IDL set to undefined
PASS dd.lang: IDL set to 7
PASS dd.lang: IDL set to 1.5
PASS dd.lang: IDL set to "5%"
PASS dd.lang: IDL set to "+100"
PASS dd.lang: IDL set to ".5"
PASS dd.lang: IDL set to true
PASS dd.lang: IDL set to false
PASS dd.lang: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS dd.lang: IDL set to NaN
PASS dd.lang: IDL set to Infinity
PASS dd.lang: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS dd.lang: IDL set to "\0"
PASS dd.lang: IDL set to null
PASS dd.lang: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS dd.lang: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dd.dir: typeof IDL attribute
PASS dd.dir: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to ""
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to 7
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to true
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to false
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to null
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to "ltr"
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to "xltr"
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to "ltr\0"
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to "tr"
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to "LTR"
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to "rtl"
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to "xrtl"
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to "rtl\0"
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to "tl"
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to "RTL"
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to "auto"
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to "xauto"
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to "auto\0"
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to "uto"
PASS dd.dir: setAttribute() to "AUTO"
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to ""
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to undefined
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to 7
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to 1.5
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to "5%"
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to "+100"
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to ".5"
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to true
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to false
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to NaN
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to Infinity
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to "\0"
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to null
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to "ltr"
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to "xltr"
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to "ltr\0"
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to "tr"
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to "LTR"
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to "rtl"
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to "xrtl"
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to "rtl\0"
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to "tl"
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to "RTL"
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to "auto"
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to "xauto"
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to "auto\0"
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to "uto"
PASS dd.dir: IDL set to "AUTO"
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): typeof IDL attribute
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): setAttribute() to ""
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): setAttribute() to undefined
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): setAttribute() to 7
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): setAttribute() to true
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): setAttribute() to false
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): setAttribute() to NaN
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): setAttribute() to null
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): IDL set to ""
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): IDL set to undefined
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): IDL set to 7
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): IDL set to 1.5
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): IDL set to "5%"
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): IDL set to "+100"
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): IDL set to ".5"
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): IDL set to true
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): IDL set to false
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): IDL set to NaN
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): IDL set to Infinity
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): IDL set to -Infinity
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): IDL set to "\0"
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): IDL set to null
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS dd.className (<dd class>): IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
FAIL dd.autofocus: typeof IDL attribute assert_equals: expected "boolean" but got "undefined"
FAIL dd.autofocus: IDL get with DOM attribute unset assert_equals: expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dd.autofocus: setAttribute() to "" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dd.autofocus: setAttribute() to " foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dd.autofocus: setAttribute() to undefined assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dd.autofocus: setAttribute() to null assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dd.autofocus: setAttribute() to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dd.autofocus: setAttribute() to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dd.autofocus: setAttribute() to "5%" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dd.autofocus: setAttribute() to "+100" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dd.autofocus: setAttribute() to ".5" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dd.autofocus: setAttribute() to true assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dd.autofocus: setAttribute() to false assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dd.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dd.autofocus: setAttribute() to NaN assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dd.autofocus: setAttribute() to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dd.autofocus: setAttribute() to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dd.autofocus: setAttribute() to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dd.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dd.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dd.autofocus: setAttribute() to "autofocus" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL dd.autofocus: IDL set to "" assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL dd.autofocus: IDL set to " foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) " foo "
FAIL dd.autofocus: IDL set to undefined assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL dd.autofocus: IDL set to null assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL dd.autofocus: IDL set to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) 7
FAIL dd.autofocus: IDL set to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) 1.5
FAIL dd.autofocus: IDL set to "5%" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "5%"
FAIL dd.autofocus: IDL set to "+100" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "+100"
FAIL dd.autofocus: IDL set to ".5" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) ".5"
PASS dd.autofocus: IDL set to true
FAIL dd.autofocus: IDL set to false assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL dd.autofocus: IDL set to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "[object Object]"
FAIL dd.autofocus: IDL set to NaN assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL dd.autofocus: IDL set to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) Infinity
FAIL dd.autofocus: IDL set to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) -Infinity
FAIL dd.autofocus: IDL set to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "\0"
FAIL dd.autofocus: IDL set to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "test-toString"
FAIL dd.autofocus: IDL set to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "test-valueOf"
PASS dd.hidden: typeof IDL attribute
PASS dd.hidden: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS dd.hidden: setAttribute() to ""
PASS dd.hidden: setAttribute() to " foo "
PASS dd.hidden: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS dd.hidden: setAttribute() to null
PASS dd.hidden: setAttribute() to 7
PASS dd.hidden: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS dd.hidden: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS dd.hidden: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS dd.hidden: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS dd.hidden: setAttribute() to true
PASS dd.hidden: setAttribute() to false
PASS dd.hidden: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS dd.hidden: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS dd.hidden: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS dd.hidden: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS dd.hidden: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS dd.hidden: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS dd.hidden: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dd.hidden: setAttribute() to "hidden"
PASS dd.hidden: IDL set to ""
PASS dd.hidden: IDL set to " foo "
PASS dd.hidden: IDL set to undefined
PASS dd.hidden: IDL set to null
PASS dd.hidden: IDL set to 7
PASS dd.hidden: IDL set to 1.5
PASS dd.hidden: IDL set to "5%"
PASS dd.hidden: IDL set to "+100"
PASS dd.hidden: IDL set to ".5"
PASS dd.hidden: IDL set to true
PASS dd.hidden: IDL set to false
PASS dd.hidden: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS dd.hidden: IDL set to NaN
PASS dd.hidden: IDL set to Infinity
PASS dd.hidden: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS dd.hidden: IDL set to "\0"
PASS dd.hidden: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS dd.hidden: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dd.accessKey: typeof IDL attribute
PASS dd.accessKey: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS dd.accessKey: setAttribute() to ""
PASS dd.accessKey: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dd.accessKey: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS dd.accessKey: setAttribute() to 7
PASS dd.accessKey: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS dd.accessKey: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS dd.accessKey: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS dd.accessKey: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS dd.accessKey: setAttribute() to true
PASS dd.accessKey: setAttribute() to false
PASS dd.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS dd.accessKey: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS dd.accessKey: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS dd.accessKey: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS dd.accessKey: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS dd.accessKey: setAttribute() to null
PASS dd.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS dd.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dd.accessKey: IDL set to ""
PASS dd.accessKey: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS dd.accessKey: IDL set to undefined
PASS dd.accessKey: IDL set to 7
PASS dd.accessKey: IDL set to 1.5
PASS dd.accessKey: IDL set to "5%"
PASS dd.accessKey: IDL set to "+100"
PASS dd.accessKey: IDL set to ".5"
PASS dd.accessKey: IDL set to true
PASS dd.accessKey: IDL set to false
PASS dd.accessKey: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS dd.accessKey: IDL set to NaN
PASS dd.accessKey: IDL set to Infinity
PASS dd.accessKey: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS dd.accessKey: IDL set to "\0"
PASS dd.accessKey: IDL set to null
PASS dd.accessKey: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS dd.accessKey: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS dd.tabIndex: typeof IDL attribute
PASS dd.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -36
PASS dd.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -1
PASS dd.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 0
PASS dd.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 1
PASS dd.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 2147483647
PASS dd.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -2147483648
PASS dd.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "-1"
PASS dd.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "-0"
PASS dd.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "0"
PASS dd.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "1"
PASS dd.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\t7"
PASS dd.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\f7"
PASS dd.tabIndex: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS dd.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\n7"
PASS dd.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\r7"
PASS dd.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS dd.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS dd.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS dd.tabIndex: setAttribute() to object "2"
PASS dd.tabIndex: IDL set to -36
PASS dd.tabIndex: IDL set to -1
PASS dd.tabIndex: IDL set to 0
PASS dd.tabIndex: IDL set to 1
PASS dd.tabIndex: IDL set to 2147483647
PASS dd.tabIndex: IDL set to -2147483648
PASS figure.title: typeof IDL attribute
PASS figure.title: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS figure.title: setAttribute() to ""
PASS figure.title: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS figure.title: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS figure.title: setAttribute() to 7
PASS figure.title: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS figure.title: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS figure.title: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS figure.title: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS figure.title: setAttribute() to true
PASS figure.title: setAttribute() to false
PASS figure.title: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS figure.title: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS figure.title: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS figure.title: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS figure.title: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS figure.title: setAttribute() to null
PASS figure.title: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS figure.title: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS figure.title: IDL set to ""
PASS figure.title: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS figure.title: IDL set to undefined
PASS figure.title: IDL set to 7
PASS figure.title: IDL set to 1.5
PASS figure.title: IDL set to "5%"
PASS figure.title: IDL set to "+100"
PASS figure.title: IDL set to ".5"
PASS figure.title: IDL set to true
PASS figure.title: IDL set to false
PASS figure.title: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS figure.title: IDL set to NaN
PASS figure.title: IDL set to Infinity
PASS figure.title: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS figure.title: IDL set to "\0"
PASS figure.title: IDL set to null
PASS figure.title: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS figure.title: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS figure.lang: typeof IDL attribute
PASS figure.lang: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS figure.lang: setAttribute() to ""
PASS figure.lang: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS figure.lang: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS figure.lang: setAttribute() to 7
PASS figure.lang: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS figure.lang: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS figure.lang: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS figure.lang: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS figure.lang: setAttribute() to true
PASS figure.lang: setAttribute() to false
PASS figure.lang: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS figure.lang: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS figure.lang: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS figure.lang: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS figure.lang: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS figure.lang: setAttribute() to null
PASS figure.lang: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS figure.lang: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS figure.lang: IDL set to ""
PASS figure.lang: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS figure.lang: IDL set to undefined
PASS figure.lang: IDL set to 7
PASS figure.lang: IDL set to 1.5
PASS figure.lang: IDL set to "5%"
PASS figure.lang: IDL set to "+100"
PASS figure.lang: IDL set to ".5"
PASS figure.lang: IDL set to true
PASS figure.lang: IDL set to false
PASS figure.lang: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS figure.lang: IDL set to NaN
PASS figure.lang: IDL set to Infinity
PASS figure.lang: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS figure.lang: IDL set to "\0"
PASS figure.lang: IDL set to null
PASS figure.lang: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS figure.lang: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS figure.dir: typeof IDL attribute
PASS figure.dir: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to ""
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to 7
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to true
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to false
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to null
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to "ltr"
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to "xltr"
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to "ltr\0"
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to "tr"
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to "LTR"
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to "rtl"
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to "xrtl"
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to "rtl\0"
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to "tl"
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to "RTL"
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to "auto"
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to "xauto"
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to "auto\0"
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to "uto"
PASS figure.dir: setAttribute() to "AUTO"
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to ""
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to undefined
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to 7
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to 1.5
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to "5%"
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to "+100"
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to ".5"
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to true
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to false
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to NaN
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to Infinity
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to "\0"
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to null
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to "ltr"
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to "xltr"
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to "ltr\0"
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to "tr"
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to "LTR"
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to "rtl"
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to "xrtl"
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to "rtl\0"
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to "tl"
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to "RTL"
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to "auto"
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to "xauto"
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to "auto\0"
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to "uto"
PASS figure.dir: IDL set to "AUTO"
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): typeof IDL attribute
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): setAttribute() to ""
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): setAttribute() to undefined
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): setAttribute() to 7
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): setAttribute() to true
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): setAttribute() to false
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): setAttribute() to NaN
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): setAttribute() to null
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): IDL set to ""
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): IDL set to undefined
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): IDL set to 7
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): IDL set to 1.5
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): IDL set to "5%"
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): IDL set to "+100"
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): IDL set to ".5"
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): IDL set to true
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): IDL set to false
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): IDL set to NaN
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): IDL set to Infinity
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): IDL set to -Infinity
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): IDL set to "\0"
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): IDL set to null
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS figure.className (<figure class>): IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
FAIL figure.autofocus: typeof IDL attribute assert_equals: expected "boolean" but got "undefined"
FAIL figure.autofocus: IDL get with DOM attribute unset assert_equals: expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figure.autofocus: setAttribute() to "" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figure.autofocus: setAttribute() to " foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figure.autofocus: setAttribute() to undefined assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figure.autofocus: setAttribute() to null assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figure.autofocus: setAttribute() to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figure.autofocus: setAttribute() to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figure.autofocus: setAttribute() to "5%" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figure.autofocus: setAttribute() to "+100" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figure.autofocus: setAttribute() to ".5" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figure.autofocus: setAttribute() to true assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figure.autofocus: setAttribute() to false assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figure.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figure.autofocus: setAttribute() to NaN assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figure.autofocus: setAttribute() to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figure.autofocus: setAttribute() to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figure.autofocus: setAttribute() to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figure.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figure.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figure.autofocus: setAttribute() to "autofocus" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figure.autofocus: IDL set to "" assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL figure.autofocus: IDL set to " foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) " foo "
FAIL figure.autofocus: IDL set to undefined assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL figure.autofocus: IDL set to null assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL figure.autofocus: IDL set to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) 7
FAIL figure.autofocus: IDL set to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) 1.5
FAIL figure.autofocus: IDL set to "5%" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "5%"
FAIL figure.autofocus: IDL set to "+100" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "+100"
FAIL figure.autofocus: IDL set to ".5" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) ".5"
PASS figure.autofocus: IDL set to true
FAIL figure.autofocus: IDL set to false assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL figure.autofocus: IDL set to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "[object Object]"
FAIL figure.autofocus: IDL set to NaN assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL figure.autofocus: IDL set to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) Infinity
FAIL figure.autofocus: IDL set to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) -Infinity
FAIL figure.autofocus: IDL set to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "\0"
FAIL figure.autofocus: IDL set to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "test-toString"
FAIL figure.autofocus: IDL set to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "test-valueOf"
PASS figure.hidden: typeof IDL attribute
PASS figure.hidden: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS figure.hidden: setAttribute() to ""
PASS figure.hidden: setAttribute() to " foo "
PASS figure.hidden: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS figure.hidden: setAttribute() to null
PASS figure.hidden: setAttribute() to 7
PASS figure.hidden: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS figure.hidden: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS figure.hidden: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS figure.hidden: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS figure.hidden: setAttribute() to true
PASS figure.hidden: setAttribute() to false
PASS figure.hidden: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS figure.hidden: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS figure.hidden: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS figure.hidden: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS figure.hidden: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS figure.hidden: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS figure.hidden: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS figure.hidden: setAttribute() to "hidden"
PASS figure.hidden: IDL set to ""
PASS figure.hidden: IDL set to " foo "
PASS figure.hidden: IDL set to undefined
PASS figure.hidden: IDL set to null
PASS figure.hidden: IDL set to 7
PASS figure.hidden: IDL set to 1.5
PASS figure.hidden: IDL set to "5%"
PASS figure.hidden: IDL set to "+100"
PASS figure.hidden: IDL set to ".5"
PASS figure.hidden: IDL set to true
PASS figure.hidden: IDL set to false
PASS figure.hidden: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS figure.hidden: IDL set to NaN
PASS figure.hidden: IDL set to Infinity
PASS figure.hidden: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS figure.hidden: IDL set to "\0"
PASS figure.hidden: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS figure.hidden: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS figure.accessKey: typeof IDL attribute
PASS figure.accessKey: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS figure.accessKey: setAttribute() to ""
PASS figure.accessKey: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS figure.accessKey: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS figure.accessKey: setAttribute() to 7
PASS figure.accessKey: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS figure.accessKey: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS figure.accessKey: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS figure.accessKey: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS figure.accessKey: setAttribute() to true
PASS figure.accessKey: setAttribute() to false
PASS figure.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS figure.accessKey: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS figure.accessKey: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS figure.accessKey: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS figure.accessKey: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS figure.accessKey: setAttribute() to null
PASS figure.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS figure.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS figure.accessKey: IDL set to ""
PASS figure.accessKey: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS figure.accessKey: IDL set to undefined
PASS figure.accessKey: IDL set to 7
PASS figure.accessKey: IDL set to 1.5
PASS figure.accessKey: IDL set to "5%"
PASS figure.accessKey: IDL set to "+100"
PASS figure.accessKey: IDL set to ".5"
PASS figure.accessKey: IDL set to true
PASS figure.accessKey: IDL set to false
PASS figure.accessKey: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS figure.accessKey: IDL set to NaN
PASS figure.accessKey: IDL set to Infinity
PASS figure.accessKey: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS figure.accessKey: IDL set to "\0"
PASS figure.accessKey: IDL set to null
PASS figure.accessKey: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS figure.accessKey: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS figure.tabIndex: typeof IDL attribute
PASS figure.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -36
PASS figure.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -1
PASS figure.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 0
PASS figure.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 1
PASS figure.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 2147483647
PASS figure.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -2147483648
PASS figure.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "-1"
PASS figure.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "-0"
PASS figure.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "0"
PASS figure.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "1"
PASS figure.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\t7"
PASS figure.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\f7"
PASS figure.tabIndex: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS figure.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\n7"
PASS figure.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\r7"
PASS figure.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS figure.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS figure.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS figure.tabIndex: setAttribute() to object "2"
PASS figure.tabIndex: IDL set to -36
PASS figure.tabIndex: IDL set to -1
PASS figure.tabIndex: IDL set to 0
PASS figure.tabIndex: IDL set to 1
PASS figure.tabIndex: IDL set to 2147483647
PASS figure.tabIndex: IDL set to -2147483648
PASS figcaption.title: typeof IDL attribute
PASS figcaption.title: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS figcaption.title: setAttribute() to ""
PASS figcaption.title: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS figcaption.title: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS figcaption.title: setAttribute() to 7
PASS figcaption.title: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS figcaption.title: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS figcaption.title: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS figcaption.title: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS figcaption.title: setAttribute() to true
PASS figcaption.title: setAttribute() to false
PASS figcaption.title: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS figcaption.title: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS figcaption.title: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS figcaption.title: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS figcaption.title: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS figcaption.title: setAttribute() to null
PASS figcaption.title: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS figcaption.title: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS figcaption.title: IDL set to ""
PASS figcaption.title: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS figcaption.title: IDL set to undefined
PASS figcaption.title: IDL set to 7
PASS figcaption.title: IDL set to 1.5
PASS figcaption.title: IDL set to "5%"
PASS figcaption.title: IDL set to "+100"
PASS figcaption.title: IDL set to ".5"
PASS figcaption.title: IDL set to true
PASS figcaption.title: IDL set to false
PASS figcaption.title: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS figcaption.title: IDL set to NaN
PASS figcaption.title: IDL set to Infinity
PASS figcaption.title: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS figcaption.title: IDL set to "\0"
PASS figcaption.title: IDL set to null
PASS figcaption.title: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS figcaption.title: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS figcaption.lang: typeof IDL attribute
PASS figcaption.lang: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS figcaption.lang: setAttribute() to ""
PASS figcaption.lang: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS figcaption.lang: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS figcaption.lang: setAttribute() to 7
PASS figcaption.lang: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS figcaption.lang: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS figcaption.lang: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS figcaption.lang: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS figcaption.lang: setAttribute() to true
PASS figcaption.lang: setAttribute() to false
PASS figcaption.lang: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS figcaption.lang: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS figcaption.lang: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS figcaption.lang: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS figcaption.lang: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS figcaption.lang: setAttribute() to null
PASS figcaption.lang: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS figcaption.lang: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS figcaption.lang: IDL set to ""
PASS figcaption.lang: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS figcaption.lang: IDL set to undefined
PASS figcaption.lang: IDL set to 7
PASS figcaption.lang: IDL set to 1.5
PASS figcaption.lang: IDL set to "5%"
PASS figcaption.lang: IDL set to "+100"
PASS figcaption.lang: IDL set to ".5"
PASS figcaption.lang: IDL set to true
PASS figcaption.lang: IDL set to false
PASS figcaption.lang: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS figcaption.lang: IDL set to NaN
PASS figcaption.lang: IDL set to Infinity
PASS figcaption.lang: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS figcaption.lang: IDL set to "\0"
PASS figcaption.lang: IDL set to null
PASS figcaption.lang: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS figcaption.lang: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS figcaption.dir: typeof IDL attribute
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to ""
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to 7
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to true
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to false
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to null
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to "ltr"
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to "xltr"
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to "ltr\0"
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to "tr"
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to "LTR"
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to "rtl"
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to "xrtl"
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to "rtl\0"
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to "tl"
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to "RTL"
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to "auto"
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to "xauto"
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to "auto\0"
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to "uto"
PASS figcaption.dir: setAttribute() to "AUTO"
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to ""
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to undefined
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to 7
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to 1.5
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to "5%"
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to "+100"
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to ".5"
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to true
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to false
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to NaN
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to Infinity
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to "\0"
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to null
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to "ltr"
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to "xltr"
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to "ltr\0"
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to "tr"
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to "LTR"
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to "rtl"
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to "xrtl"
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to "rtl\0"
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to "tl"
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to "RTL"
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to "auto"
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to "xauto"
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to "auto\0"
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to "uto"
PASS figcaption.dir: IDL set to "AUTO"
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): typeof IDL attribute
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): setAttribute() to ""
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): setAttribute() to undefined
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): setAttribute() to 7
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): setAttribute() to true
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): setAttribute() to false
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): setAttribute() to NaN
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): setAttribute() to null
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): IDL set to ""
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): IDL set to undefined
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): IDL set to 7
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): IDL set to 1.5
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): IDL set to "5%"
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): IDL set to "+100"
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): IDL set to ".5"
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): IDL set to true
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): IDL set to false
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): IDL set to NaN
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): IDL set to Infinity
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): IDL set to -Infinity
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): IDL set to "\0"
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): IDL set to null
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS figcaption.className (<figcaption class>): IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: typeof IDL attribute assert_equals: expected "boolean" but got "undefined"
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: IDL get with DOM attribute unset assert_equals: expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: setAttribute() to "" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: setAttribute() to " foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: setAttribute() to undefined assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: setAttribute() to null assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: setAttribute() to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: setAttribute() to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: setAttribute() to "5%" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: setAttribute() to "+100" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: setAttribute() to ".5" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: setAttribute() to true assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: setAttribute() to false assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: setAttribute() to NaN assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: setAttribute() to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: setAttribute() to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: setAttribute() to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: setAttribute() to "autofocus" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: IDL set to "" assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: IDL set to " foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) " foo "
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: IDL set to undefined assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: IDL set to null assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: IDL set to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) 7
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: IDL set to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) 1.5
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: IDL set to "5%" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "5%"
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: IDL set to "+100" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "+100"
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: IDL set to ".5" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) ".5"
PASS figcaption.autofocus: IDL set to true
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: IDL set to false assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: IDL set to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "[object Object]"
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: IDL set to NaN assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: IDL set to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) Infinity
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: IDL set to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) -Infinity
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: IDL set to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "\0"
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: IDL set to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "test-toString"
FAIL figcaption.autofocus: IDL set to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "test-valueOf"
PASS figcaption.hidden: typeof IDL attribute
PASS figcaption.hidden: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS figcaption.hidden: setAttribute() to ""
PASS figcaption.hidden: setAttribute() to " foo "
PASS figcaption.hidden: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS figcaption.hidden: setAttribute() to null
PASS figcaption.hidden: setAttribute() to 7
PASS figcaption.hidden: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS figcaption.hidden: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS figcaption.hidden: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS figcaption.hidden: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS figcaption.hidden: setAttribute() to true
PASS figcaption.hidden: setAttribute() to false
PASS figcaption.hidden: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS figcaption.hidden: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS figcaption.hidden: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS figcaption.hidden: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS figcaption.hidden: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS figcaption.hidden: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS figcaption.hidden: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS figcaption.hidden: setAttribute() to "hidden"
PASS figcaption.hidden: IDL set to ""
PASS figcaption.hidden: IDL set to " foo "
PASS figcaption.hidden: IDL set to undefined
PASS figcaption.hidden: IDL set to null
PASS figcaption.hidden: IDL set to 7
PASS figcaption.hidden: IDL set to 1.5
PASS figcaption.hidden: IDL set to "5%"
PASS figcaption.hidden: IDL set to "+100"
PASS figcaption.hidden: IDL set to ".5"
PASS figcaption.hidden: IDL set to true
PASS figcaption.hidden: IDL set to false
PASS figcaption.hidden: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS figcaption.hidden: IDL set to NaN
PASS figcaption.hidden: IDL set to Infinity
PASS figcaption.hidden: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS figcaption.hidden: IDL set to "\0"
PASS figcaption.hidden: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS figcaption.hidden: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS figcaption.accessKey: typeof IDL attribute
PASS figcaption.accessKey: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS figcaption.accessKey: setAttribute() to ""
PASS figcaption.accessKey: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS figcaption.accessKey: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS figcaption.accessKey: setAttribute() to 7
PASS figcaption.accessKey: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS figcaption.accessKey: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS figcaption.accessKey: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS figcaption.accessKey: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS figcaption.accessKey: setAttribute() to true
PASS figcaption.accessKey: setAttribute() to false
PASS figcaption.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS figcaption.accessKey: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS figcaption.accessKey: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS figcaption.accessKey: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS figcaption.accessKey: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS figcaption.accessKey: setAttribute() to null
PASS figcaption.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS figcaption.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS figcaption.accessKey: IDL set to ""
PASS figcaption.accessKey: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS figcaption.accessKey: IDL set to undefined
PASS figcaption.accessKey: IDL set to 7
PASS figcaption.accessKey: IDL set to 1.5
PASS figcaption.accessKey: IDL set to "5%"
PASS figcaption.accessKey: IDL set to "+100"
PASS figcaption.accessKey: IDL set to ".5"
PASS figcaption.accessKey: IDL set to true
PASS figcaption.accessKey: IDL set to false
PASS figcaption.accessKey: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS figcaption.accessKey: IDL set to NaN
PASS figcaption.accessKey: IDL set to Infinity
PASS figcaption.accessKey: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS figcaption.accessKey: IDL set to "\0"
PASS figcaption.accessKey: IDL set to null
PASS figcaption.accessKey: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS figcaption.accessKey: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS figcaption.tabIndex: typeof IDL attribute
PASS figcaption.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -36
PASS figcaption.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -1
PASS figcaption.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 0
PASS figcaption.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 1
PASS figcaption.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 2147483647
PASS figcaption.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -2147483648
PASS figcaption.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "-1"
PASS figcaption.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "-0"
PASS figcaption.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "0"
PASS figcaption.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "1"
PASS figcaption.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\t7"
PASS figcaption.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\f7"
PASS figcaption.tabIndex: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS figcaption.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\n7"
PASS figcaption.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\r7"
PASS figcaption.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS figcaption.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS figcaption.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS figcaption.tabIndex: setAttribute() to object "2"
PASS figcaption.tabIndex: IDL set to -36
PASS figcaption.tabIndex: IDL set to -1
PASS figcaption.tabIndex: IDL set to 0
PASS figcaption.tabIndex: IDL set to 1
PASS figcaption.tabIndex: IDL set to 2147483647
PASS figcaption.tabIndex: IDL set to -2147483648
PASS main.title: typeof IDL attribute
PASS main.title: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS main.title: setAttribute() to ""
PASS main.title: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS main.title: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS main.title: setAttribute() to 7
PASS main.title: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS main.title: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS main.title: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS main.title: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS main.title: setAttribute() to true
PASS main.title: setAttribute() to false
PASS main.title: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS main.title: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS main.title: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS main.title: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS main.title: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS main.title: setAttribute() to null
PASS main.title: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS main.title: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS main.title: IDL set to ""
PASS main.title: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS main.title: IDL set to undefined
PASS main.title: IDL set to 7
PASS main.title: IDL set to 1.5
PASS main.title: IDL set to "5%"
PASS main.title: IDL set to "+100"
PASS main.title: IDL set to ".5"
PASS main.title: IDL set to true
PASS main.title: IDL set to false
PASS main.title: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS main.title: IDL set to NaN
PASS main.title: IDL set to Infinity
PASS main.title: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS main.title: IDL set to "\0"
PASS main.title: IDL set to null
PASS main.title: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS main.title: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS main.lang: typeof IDL attribute
PASS main.lang: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS main.lang: setAttribute() to ""
PASS main.lang: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS main.lang: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS main.lang: setAttribute() to 7
PASS main.lang: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS main.lang: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS main.lang: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS main.lang: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS main.lang: setAttribute() to true
PASS main.lang: setAttribute() to false
PASS main.lang: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS main.lang: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS main.lang: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS main.lang: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS main.lang: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS main.lang: setAttribute() to null
PASS main.lang: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS main.lang: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS main.lang: IDL set to ""
PASS main.lang: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS main.lang: IDL set to undefined
PASS main.lang: IDL set to 7
PASS main.lang: IDL set to 1.5
PASS main.lang: IDL set to "5%"
PASS main.lang: IDL set to "+100"
PASS main.lang: IDL set to ".5"
PASS main.lang: IDL set to true
PASS main.lang: IDL set to false
PASS main.lang: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS main.lang: IDL set to NaN
PASS main.lang: IDL set to Infinity
PASS main.lang: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS main.lang: IDL set to "\0"
PASS main.lang: IDL set to null
PASS main.lang: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS main.lang: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS main.dir: typeof IDL attribute
PASS main.dir: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to ""
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to 7
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to true
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to false
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to null
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to "ltr"
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to "xltr"
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to "ltr\0"
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to "tr"
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to "LTR"
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to "rtl"
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to "xrtl"
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to "rtl\0"
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to "tl"
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to "RTL"
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to "auto"
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to "xauto"
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to "auto\0"
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to "uto"
PASS main.dir: setAttribute() to "AUTO"
PASS main.dir: IDL set to ""
PASS main.dir: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS main.dir: IDL set to undefined
PASS main.dir: IDL set to 7
PASS main.dir: IDL set to 1.5
PASS main.dir: IDL set to "5%"
PASS main.dir: IDL set to "+100"
PASS main.dir: IDL set to ".5"
PASS main.dir: IDL set to true
PASS main.dir: IDL set to false
PASS main.dir: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS main.dir: IDL set to NaN
PASS main.dir: IDL set to Infinity
PASS main.dir: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS main.dir: IDL set to "\0"
PASS main.dir: IDL set to null
PASS main.dir: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS main.dir: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS main.dir: IDL set to "ltr"
PASS main.dir: IDL set to "xltr"
PASS main.dir: IDL set to "ltr\0"
PASS main.dir: IDL set to "tr"
PASS main.dir: IDL set to "LTR"
PASS main.dir: IDL set to "rtl"
PASS main.dir: IDL set to "xrtl"
PASS main.dir: IDL set to "rtl\0"
PASS main.dir: IDL set to "tl"
PASS main.dir: IDL set to "RTL"
PASS main.dir: IDL set to "auto"
PASS main.dir: IDL set to "xauto"
PASS main.dir: IDL set to "auto\0"
PASS main.dir: IDL set to "uto"
PASS main.dir: IDL set to "AUTO"
PASS main.className (<main class>): typeof IDL attribute
PASS main.className (<main class>): IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS main.className (<main class>): setAttribute() to ""
PASS main.className (<main class>): setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS main.className (<main class>): setAttribute() to undefined
PASS main.className (<main class>): setAttribute() to 7
PASS main.className (<main class>): setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS main.className (<main class>): setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS main.className (<main class>): setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS main.className (<main class>): setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS main.className (<main class>): setAttribute() to true
PASS main.className (<main class>): setAttribute() to false
PASS main.className (<main class>): setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS main.className (<main class>): setAttribute() to NaN
PASS main.className (<main class>): setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS main.className (<main class>): setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS main.className (<main class>): setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS main.className (<main class>): setAttribute() to null
PASS main.className (<main class>): setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS main.className (<main class>): setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS main.className (<main class>): IDL set to ""
PASS main.className (<main class>): IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS main.className (<main class>): IDL set to undefined
PASS main.className (<main class>): IDL set to 7
PASS main.className (<main class>): IDL set to 1.5
PASS main.className (<main class>): IDL set to "5%"
PASS main.className (<main class>): IDL set to "+100"
PASS main.className (<main class>): IDL set to ".5"
PASS main.className (<main class>): IDL set to true
PASS main.className (<main class>): IDL set to false
PASS main.className (<main class>): IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS main.className (<main class>): IDL set to NaN
PASS main.className (<main class>): IDL set to Infinity
PASS main.className (<main class>): IDL set to -Infinity
PASS main.className (<main class>): IDL set to "\0"
PASS main.className (<main class>): IDL set to null
PASS main.className (<main class>): IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS main.className (<main class>): IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
FAIL main.autofocus: typeof IDL attribute assert_equals: expected "boolean" but got "undefined"
FAIL main.autofocus: IDL get with DOM attribute unset assert_equals: expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL main.autofocus: setAttribute() to "" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL main.autofocus: setAttribute() to " foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL main.autofocus: setAttribute() to undefined assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL main.autofocus: setAttribute() to null assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL main.autofocus: setAttribute() to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL main.autofocus: setAttribute() to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL main.autofocus: setAttribute() to "5%" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL main.autofocus: setAttribute() to "+100" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL main.autofocus: setAttribute() to ".5" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL main.autofocus: setAttribute() to true assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL main.autofocus: setAttribute() to false assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL main.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL main.autofocus: setAttribute() to NaN assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL main.autofocus: setAttribute() to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL main.autofocus: setAttribute() to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL main.autofocus: setAttribute() to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL main.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL main.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL main.autofocus: setAttribute() to "autofocus" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL main.autofocus: IDL set to "" assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL main.autofocus: IDL set to " foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) " foo "
FAIL main.autofocus: IDL set to undefined assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL main.autofocus: IDL set to null assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL main.autofocus: IDL set to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) 7
FAIL main.autofocus: IDL set to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) 1.5
FAIL main.autofocus: IDL set to "5%" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "5%"
FAIL main.autofocus: IDL set to "+100" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "+100"
FAIL main.autofocus: IDL set to ".5" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) ".5"
PASS main.autofocus: IDL set to true
FAIL main.autofocus: IDL set to false assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL main.autofocus: IDL set to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "[object Object]"
FAIL main.autofocus: IDL set to NaN assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL main.autofocus: IDL set to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) Infinity
FAIL main.autofocus: IDL set to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) -Infinity
FAIL main.autofocus: IDL set to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "\0"
FAIL main.autofocus: IDL set to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "test-toString"
FAIL main.autofocus: IDL set to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "test-valueOf"
PASS main.hidden: typeof IDL attribute
PASS main.hidden: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS main.hidden: setAttribute() to ""
PASS main.hidden: setAttribute() to " foo "
PASS main.hidden: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS main.hidden: setAttribute() to null
PASS main.hidden: setAttribute() to 7
PASS main.hidden: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS main.hidden: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS main.hidden: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS main.hidden: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS main.hidden: setAttribute() to true
PASS main.hidden: setAttribute() to false
PASS main.hidden: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS main.hidden: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS main.hidden: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS main.hidden: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS main.hidden: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS main.hidden: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS main.hidden: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS main.hidden: setAttribute() to "hidden"
PASS main.hidden: IDL set to ""
PASS main.hidden: IDL set to " foo "
PASS main.hidden: IDL set to undefined
PASS main.hidden: IDL set to null
PASS main.hidden: IDL set to 7
PASS main.hidden: IDL set to 1.5
PASS main.hidden: IDL set to "5%"
PASS main.hidden: IDL set to "+100"
PASS main.hidden: IDL set to ".5"
PASS main.hidden: IDL set to true
PASS main.hidden: IDL set to false
PASS main.hidden: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS main.hidden: IDL set to NaN
PASS main.hidden: IDL set to Infinity
PASS main.hidden: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS main.hidden: IDL set to "\0"
PASS main.hidden: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS main.hidden: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS main.accessKey: typeof IDL attribute
PASS main.accessKey: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS main.accessKey: setAttribute() to ""
PASS main.accessKey: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS main.accessKey: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS main.accessKey: setAttribute() to 7
PASS main.accessKey: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS main.accessKey: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS main.accessKey: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS main.accessKey: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS main.accessKey: setAttribute() to true
PASS main.accessKey: setAttribute() to false
PASS main.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS main.accessKey: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS main.accessKey: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS main.accessKey: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS main.accessKey: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS main.accessKey: setAttribute() to null
PASS main.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS main.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS main.accessKey: IDL set to ""
PASS main.accessKey: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS main.accessKey: IDL set to undefined
PASS main.accessKey: IDL set to 7
PASS main.accessKey: IDL set to 1.5
PASS main.accessKey: IDL set to "5%"
PASS main.accessKey: IDL set to "+100"
PASS main.accessKey: IDL set to ".5"
PASS main.accessKey: IDL set to true
PASS main.accessKey: IDL set to false
PASS main.accessKey: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS main.accessKey: IDL set to NaN
PASS main.accessKey: IDL set to Infinity
PASS main.accessKey: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS main.accessKey: IDL set to "\0"
PASS main.accessKey: IDL set to null
PASS main.accessKey: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS main.accessKey: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS main.tabIndex: typeof IDL attribute
PASS main.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -36
PASS main.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -1
PASS main.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 0
PASS main.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 1
PASS main.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 2147483647
PASS main.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -2147483648
PASS main.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "-1"
PASS main.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "-0"
PASS main.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "0"
PASS main.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "1"
PASS main.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\t7"
PASS main.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\f7"
PASS main.tabIndex: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS main.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\n7"
PASS main.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\r7"
PASS main.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS main.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS main.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS main.tabIndex: setAttribute() to object "2"
PASS main.tabIndex: IDL set to -36
PASS main.tabIndex: IDL set to -1
PASS main.tabIndex: IDL set to 0
PASS main.tabIndex: IDL set to 1
PASS main.tabIndex: IDL set to 2147483647
PASS main.tabIndex: IDL set to -2147483648
PASS div.title: typeof IDL attribute
PASS div.title: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS div.title: setAttribute() to ""
PASS div.title: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS div.title: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS div.title: setAttribute() to 7
PASS div.title: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS div.title: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS div.title: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS div.title: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS div.title: setAttribute() to true
PASS div.title: setAttribute() to false
PASS div.title: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS div.title: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS div.title: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS div.title: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS div.title: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS div.title: setAttribute() to null
PASS div.title: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS div.title: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS div.title: IDL set to ""
PASS div.title: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS div.title: IDL set to undefined
PASS div.title: IDL set to 7
PASS div.title: IDL set to 1.5
PASS div.title: IDL set to "5%"
PASS div.title: IDL set to "+100"
PASS div.title: IDL set to ".5"
PASS div.title: IDL set to true
PASS div.title: IDL set to false
PASS div.title: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS div.title: IDL set to NaN
PASS div.title: IDL set to Infinity
PASS div.title: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS div.title: IDL set to "\0"
PASS div.title: IDL set to null
PASS div.title: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS div.title: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS div.lang: typeof IDL attribute
PASS div.lang: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS div.lang: setAttribute() to ""
PASS div.lang: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS div.lang: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS div.lang: setAttribute() to 7
PASS div.lang: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS div.lang: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS div.lang: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS div.lang: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS div.lang: setAttribute() to true
PASS div.lang: setAttribute() to false
PASS div.lang: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS div.lang: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS div.lang: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS div.lang: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS div.lang: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS div.lang: setAttribute() to null
PASS div.lang: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS div.lang: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS div.lang: IDL set to ""
PASS div.lang: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS div.lang: IDL set to undefined
PASS div.lang: IDL set to 7
PASS div.lang: IDL set to 1.5
PASS div.lang: IDL set to "5%"
PASS div.lang: IDL set to "+100"
PASS div.lang: IDL set to ".5"
PASS div.lang: IDL set to true
PASS div.lang: IDL set to false
PASS div.lang: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS div.lang: IDL set to NaN
PASS div.lang: IDL set to Infinity
PASS div.lang: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS div.lang: IDL set to "\0"
PASS div.lang: IDL set to null
PASS div.lang: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS div.lang: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS div.dir: typeof IDL attribute
PASS div.dir: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to ""
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to 7
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to true
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to false
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to null
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to "ltr"
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to "xltr"
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to "ltr\0"
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to "tr"
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to "LTR"
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to "rtl"
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to "xrtl"
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to "rtl\0"
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to "tl"
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to "RTL"
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to "auto"
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to "xauto"
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to "auto\0"
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to "uto"
PASS div.dir: setAttribute() to "AUTO"
PASS div.dir: IDL set to ""
PASS div.dir: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS div.dir: IDL set to undefined
PASS div.dir: IDL set to 7
PASS div.dir: IDL set to 1.5
PASS div.dir: IDL set to "5%"
PASS div.dir: IDL set to "+100"
PASS div.dir: IDL set to ".5"
PASS div.dir: IDL set to true
PASS div.dir: IDL set to false
PASS div.dir: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS div.dir: IDL set to NaN
PASS div.dir: IDL set to Infinity
PASS div.dir: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS div.dir: IDL set to "\0"
PASS div.dir: IDL set to null
PASS div.dir: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS div.dir: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS div.dir: IDL set to "ltr"
PASS div.dir: IDL set to "xltr"
PASS div.dir: IDL set to "ltr\0"
PASS div.dir: IDL set to "tr"
PASS div.dir: IDL set to "LTR"
PASS div.dir: IDL set to "rtl"
PASS div.dir: IDL set to "xrtl"
PASS div.dir: IDL set to "rtl\0"
PASS div.dir: IDL set to "tl"
PASS div.dir: IDL set to "RTL"
PASS div.dir: IDL set to "auto"
PASS div.dir: IDL set to "xauto"
PASS div.dir: IDL set to "auto\0"
PASS div.dir: IDL set to "uto"
PASS div.dir: IDL set to "AUTO"
PASS div.className (<div class>): typeof IDL attribute
PASS div.className (<div class>): IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS div.className (<div class>): setAttribute() to ""
PASS div.className (<div class>): setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS div.className (<div class>): setAttribute() to undefined
PASS div.className (<div class>): setAttribute() to 7
PASS div.className (<div class>): setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS div.className (<div class>): setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS div.className (<div class>): setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS div.className (<div class>): setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS div.className (<div class>): setAttribute() to true
PASS div.className (<div class>): setAttribute() to false
PASS div.className (<div class>): setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS div.className (<div class>): setAttribute() to NaN
PASS div.className (<div class>): setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS div.className (<div class>): setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS div.className (<div class>): setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS div.className (<div class>): setAttribute() to null
PASS div.className (<div class>): setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS div.className (<div class>): setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS div.className (<div class>): IDL set to ""
PASS div.className (<div class>): IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS div.className (<div class>): IDL set to undefined
PASS div.className (<div class>): IDL set to 7
PASS div.className (<div class>): IDL set to 1.5
PASS div.className (<div class>): IDL set to "5%"
PASS div.className (<div class>): IDL set to "+100"
PASS div.className (<div class>): IDL set to ".5"
PASS div.className (<div class>): IDL set to true
PASS div.className (<div class>): IDL set to false
PASS div.className (<div class>): IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS div.className (<div class>): IDL set to NaN
PASS div.className (<div class>): IDL set to Infinity
PASS div.className (<div class>): IDL set to -Infinity
PASS div.className (<div class>): IDL set to "\0"
PASS div.className (<div class>): IDL set to null
PASS div.className (<div class>): IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS div.className (<div class>): IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
FAIL div.autofocus: typeof IDL attribute assert_equals: expected "boolean" but got "undefined"
FAIL div.autofocus: IDL get with DOM attribute unset assert_equals: expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL div.autofocus: setAttribute() to "" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL div.autofocus: setAttribute() to " foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL div.autofocus: setAttribute() to undefined assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL div.autofocus: setAttribute() to null assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL div.autofocus: setAttribute() to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL div.autofocus: setAttribute() to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL div.autofocus: setAttribute() to "5%" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL div.autofocus: setAttribute() to "+100" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL div.autofocus: setAttribute() to ".5" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL div.autofocus: setAttribute() to true assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL div.autofocus: setAttribute() to false assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL div.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL div.autofocus: setAttribute() to NaN assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL div.autofocus: setAttribute() to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL div.autofocus: setAttribute() to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL div.autofocus: setAttribute() to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL div.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL div.autofocus: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL div.autofocus: setAttribute() to "autofocus" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL div.autofocus: IDL set to "" assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL div.autofocus: IDL set to " foo " assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) " foo "
FAIL div.autofocus: IDL set to undefined assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL div.autofocus: IDL set to null assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL div.autofocus: IDL set to 7 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) 7
FAIL div.autofocus: IDL set to 1.5 assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) 1.5
FAIL div.autofocus: IDL set to "5%" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "5%"
FAIL div.autofocus: IDL set to "+100" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "+100"
FAIL div.autofocus: IDL set to ".5" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) ".5"
PASS div.autofocus: IDL set to true
FAIL div.autofocus: IDL set to false assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL div.autofocus: IDL set to object "[object Object]" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "[object Object]"
FAIL div.autofocus: IDL set to NaN assert_equals: hasAttribute() expected false but got true
FAIL div.autofocus: IDL set to Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) Infinity
FAIL div.autofocus: IDL set to -Infinity assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (number) -Infinity
FAIL div.autofocus: IDL set to "\0" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (string) "\0"
FAIL div.autofocus: IDL set to object "test-toString" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "test-toString"
FAIL div.autofocus: IDL set to object "test-valueOf" assert_equals: IDL get expected (boolean) true but got (object) object "test-valueOf"
PASS div.hidden: typeof IDL attribute
PASS div.hidden: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS div.hidden: setAttribute() to ""
PASS div.hidden: setAttribute() to " foo "
PASS div.hidden: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS div.hidden: setAttribute() to null
PASS div.hidden: setAttribute() to 7
PASS div.hidden: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS div.hidden: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS div.hidden: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS div.hidden: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS div.hidden: setAttribute() to true
PASS div.hidden: setAttribute() to false
PASS div.hidden: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS div.hidden: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS div.hidden: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS div.hidden: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS div.hidden: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS div.hidden: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS div.hidden: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS div.hidden: setAttribute() to "hidden"
PASS div.hidden: IDL set to ""
PASS div.hidden: IDL set to " foo "
PASS div.hidden: IDL set to undefined
PASS div.hidden: IDL set to null
PASS div.hidden: IDL set to 7
PASS div.hidden: IDL set to 1.5
PASS div.hidden: IDL set to "5%"
PASS div.hidden: IDL set to "+100"
PASS div.hidden: IDL set to ".5"
PASS div.hidden: IDL set to true
PASS div.hidden: IDL set to false
PASS div.hidden: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS div.hidden: IDL set to NaN
PASS div.hidden: IDL set to Infinity
PASS div.hidden: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS div.hidden: IDL set to "\0"
PASS div.hidden: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS div.hidden: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS div.accessKey: typeof IDL attribute
PASS div.accessKey: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS div.accessKey: setAttribute() to ""
PASS div.accessKey: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS div.accessKey: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS div.accessKey: setAttribute() to 7
PASS div.accessKey: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS div.accessKey: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS div.accessKey: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS div.accessKey: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS div.accessKey: setAttribute() to true
PASS div.accessKey: setAttribute() to false
PASS div.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS div.accessKey: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS div.accessKey: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS div.accessKey: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS div.accessKey: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS div.accessKey: setAttribute() to null
PASS div.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS div.accessKey: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS div.accessKey: IDL set to ""
PASS div.accessKey: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS div.accessKey: IDL set to undefined
PASS div.accessKey: IDL set to 7
PASS div.accessKey: IDL set to 1.5
PASS div.accessKey: IDL set to "5%"
PASS div.accessKey: IDL set to "+100"
PASS div.accessKey: IDL set to ".5"
PASS div.accessKey: IDL set to true
PASS div.accessKey: IDL set to false
PASS div.accessKey: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS div.accessKey: IDL set to NaN
PASS div.accessKey: IDL set to Infinity
PASS div.accessKey: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS div.accessKey: IDL set to "\0"
PASS div.accessKey: IDL set to null
PASS div.accessKey: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS div.accessKey: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
PASS div.tabIndex: typeof IDL attribute
PASS div.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -36
PASS div.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -1
PASS div.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 0
PASS div.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 1
PASS div.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 2147483647
PASS div.tabIndex: setAttribute() to -2147483648
PASS div.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "-1"
PASS div.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "-0"
PASS div.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "0"
PASS div.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "1"
PASS div.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\t7"
PASS div.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\f7"
PASS div.tabIndex: setAttribute() to " 7"
PASS div.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\n7"
PASS div.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "\r7"
PASS div.tabIndex: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS div.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS div.tabIndex: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS div.tabIndex: setAttribute() to object "2"
PASS div.tabIndex: IDL set to -36
PASS div.tabIndex: IDL set to -1
PASS div.tabIndex: IDL set to 0
PASS div.tabIndex: IDL set to 1
PASS div.tabIndex: IDL set to 2147483647
PASS div.tabIndex: IDL set to -2147483648
PASS div.align: typeof IDL attribute
PASS div.align: IDL get with DOM attribute unset
PASS div.align: setAttribute() to ""
PASS div.align: setAttribute() to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS div.align: setAttribute() to undefined
PASS div.align: setAttribute() to 7
PASS div.align: setAttribute() to 1.5
PASS div.align: setAttribute() to "5%"
PASS div.align: setAttribute() to "+100"
PASS div.align: setAttribute() to ".5"
PASS div.align: setAttribute() to true
PASS div.align: setAttribute() to false
PASS div.align: setAttribute() to object "[object Object]"
PASS div.align: setAttribute() to NaN
PASS div.align: setAttribute() to Infinity
PASS div.align: setAttribute() to -Infinity
PASS div.align: setAttribute() to "\0"
PASS div.align: setAttribute() to null
PASS div.align: setAttribute() to object "test-toString"
PASS div.align: setAttribute() to object "test-valueOf"
PASS div.align: IDL set to ""
PASS div.align: IDL set to " \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 \b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f \x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 \x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f foo "
PASS div.align: IDL set to undefined
PASS div.align: IDL set to 7
PASS div.align: IDL set to 1.5
PASS div.align: IDL set to "5%"
PASS div.align: IDL set to "+100"
PASS div.align: IDL set to ".5"
PASS div.align: IDL set to true
PASS div.align: IDL set to false
PASS div.align: IDL set to object "[object Object]"
PASS div.align: IDL set to NaN
PASS div.align: IDL set to Infinity
PASS div.align: IDL set to -Infinity
PASS div.align: IDL set to "\0"
PASS div.align: IDL set to null
PASS div.align: IDL set to object "test-toString"
PASS div.align: IDL set to object "test-valueOf"
(Note: missing tests for types tokenlist.)