blob: c485103bab575af1aa8ffc76040b4a31aa51d0f1 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Window Security testing
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.applicationCache is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.devicePixelRatio is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.document is accessed from a different origin.
FAIL A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.external is accessed from a different origin. assert_true: window.external should exist. expected true got false
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.frameElement is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.history is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.innerWidth is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.innerHeight is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.locationbar is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.localStorage is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.menubar is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.navigator is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onabort is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onafterprint is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onbeforeprint is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onbeforeunload is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onblur is accessed from a different origin.
FAIL A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.oncancel is accessed from a different origin. assert_true: window.oncancel should exist. expected true got false
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.oncanplay is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.oncanplaythrough is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onchange is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onclick is accessed from a different origin.
FAIL A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onclose is accessed from a different origin. assert_true: window.onclose should exist. expected true got false
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.oncontextmenu is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.oncuechange is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ondblclick is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ondrag is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ondragend is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ondragenter is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ondragleave is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ondragover is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ondragstart is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ondrop is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ondurationchange is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onemptied is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onended is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onerror is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onfocus is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onhashchange is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.oninput is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.oninvalid is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onkeydown is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onkeypress is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onkeyup is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onload is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onloadeddata is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onloadedmetadata is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onloadstart is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onmessage is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onmousedown is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onmousemove is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onmouseout is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onmouseover is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onmouseup is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onmousewheel is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onoffline is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ononline is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onpause is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onplay is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onplaying is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onpagehide is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onpageshow is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onpopstate is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onprogress is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onratechange is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onreset is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onresize is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onscroll is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onseeked is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onseeking is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onselect is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onstalled is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onstorage is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onsubmit is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onsuspend is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ontimeupdate is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onunload is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onvolumechange is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onwaiting is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.pageXOffset is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.pageYOffset is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.personalbar is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.screen is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.scrollbars is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.statusbar is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.status is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.screenX is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.screenY is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.sessionStorage is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.toolbar is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.alert is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.clearInterval is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.clearTimeout is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.confirm is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.getComputedStyle is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.getSelection is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.matchMedia is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.moveBy is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.moveTo is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.print is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.prompt is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.resizeTo is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.resizeBy is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.scroll is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.scrollTo is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.scrollBy is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.setInterval is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.setTimeout is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.stop is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.closed is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.frames is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.length is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.location is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.opener is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.parent is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.self is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.window is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.blur is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.close is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.focus is accessed from a different origin.
PASS A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.postMessage is accessed from a different origin.