blob: c1156009c1d15165132c5f3ec4265e0975d5f789 [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: [object Object]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: XPathNSResolver does not have a lookupNamespaceURI method.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: XPathNSResolver does not have a lookupNamespaceURI method.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: XPathNSResolver does not have a lookupNamespaceURI method.
PASS callable resolver
PASS callable resolver: result is not cached
PASS callable resolver: abrupt completion from Call
FAIL callable resolver: no 'lookupNamespaceURI' lookups assert_equals: expected 0 but got 1
PASS object resolver
PASS object resolver: 'lookupNamespaceURI' is not cached
FAIL object resolver: abrupt completion from Get assert_throws_dom: function "() => {
document.evaluate("/foo:bar", document.documentElement, resolver);
}" threw object "[object Object]" that is not a DOMException NAMESPACE_ERR: property "code" is equal to undefined, expected 14
FAIL object resolver: 'lookupNamespaceURI' is thruthy and not callable assert_true: Timed out waiting for error expected true got false
FAIL object resolver: 'lookupNamespaceURI' is falsy and not callable assert_true: Timed out waiting for error expected true got false