blob: 79b8846cb43b4e4d175d5c8b649cd3b53d6edd36 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Scroll positions when performing smooth scrolling from (0, 0) to (500, 250) using scroll()
PASS Scroll positions when performing smooth scrolling from (1000, 0) to (500, 250) using scroll()
PASS Scroll positions when performing smooth scrolling from (0, 500) to (500, 250) using scroll()
PASS Scroll positions when performing smooth scrolling from (1000, 500) to (500, 250) using scroll()
PASS Scroll positions when performing smooth scrolling from (0, 0) to (500, 250) using scrollTo()
PASS Scroll positions when performing smooth scrolling from (1000, 0) to (500, 250) using scrollTo()
PASS Scroll positions when performing smooth scrolling from (0, 500) to (500, 250) using scrollTo()
PASS Scroll positions when performing smooth scrolling from (1000, 500) to (500, 250) using scrollTo()
PASS Scroll positions when performing smooth scrolling from (0, 0) to (500, 250) using scrollBy()
PASS Scroll positions when performing smooth scrolling from (1000, 0) to (500, 250) using scrollBy()
PASS Scroll positions when performing smooth scrolling from (0, 500) to (500, 250) using scrollBy()
PASS Scroll positions when performing smooth scrolling from (1000, 500) to (500, 250) using scrollBy()
PASS Scroll positions when performing smooth scrolling from (0, 0) to (500, 250) using scrollIntoView()
PASS Scroll positions when performing smooth scrolling from (1000, 0) to (500, 250) using scrollIntoView()
PASS Scroll positions when performing smooth scrolling from (0, 500) to (500, 250) using scrollIntoView()
PASS Scroll positions when performing smooth scrolling from (1000, 500) to (500, 250) using scrollIntoView()
PASS Scroll positions when performing smooth scrolling from 0 to 500 by setting scrollLeft
PASS Scroll positions when performing smooth scrolling from 1000 to 500 by setting scrollLeft
PASS Scroll positions when performing smooth scrolling from 0 to 250 by setting scrollTop
PASS Scroll positions when performing smooth scrolling from 500 to 250 by setting scrollTop
PASS Scroll positions when aborting a smooth scrolling with another smooth scrolling
PASS Scroll positions when aborting a smooth scrolling with an instant scrolling