blob: d7c56ddcc154161c32ac7d6d1f53ebb4de324eef [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Property grid-template-columns value 'none' computes to '300px'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value '20%' computes to '60px'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value 'calc(-0.5em + 10px)' computes to '0px'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value 'calc(0.5em + 10px)' computes to '30px'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value 'calc(30% + 40px)' computes to '130px'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value '5fr' computes to '300px'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value 'min-content' computes to '30px'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value 'max-content' computes to '30px'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value 'auto' computes to '300px'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value 'minmax(10px, auto)' computes to '300px'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value 'minmax(20%, max-content)' computes to '60px'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value 'minmax(min-content, calc(-0.5em + 10px))' computes to '30px'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value 'minmax(auto, 0)' computes to '30px'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value 'fit-content(70px)' computes to '30px'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value 'fit-content(20%)' computes to '30px'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value 'fit-content(calc(-0.5em + 10px))' computes to '30px'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value 'repeat(1, 10px)' computes to '10px'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value 'repeat(1, [one two] 20%)' computes to '[one two] 60px'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value 'repeat(2, minmax(10px, auto))' computes to '160px 140px'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value 'repeat(2, fit-content(20%) [three four] 30px 40px [five six])' computes to '30px [three four] 30px 40px [five six] 0px [three four] 30px 40px [five six]'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value 'min-content repeat(5, minmax(10px, auto))' computes to '30px 54px 54px 54px 54px 54px'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value '[] 150px [] 1fr []' computes to '150px 150px'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value 'repeat(auto-fill, 200px)' computes to '200px'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value 'repeat(auto-fit, [one] 20%)' computes to '[one] 60px [one] 0px [one] 0px [one] 0px [one] 0px'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value 'repeat(auto-fill, minmax(100px, 5fr) [two])' computes to '100px [two] 100px [two] 100px [two]'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value 'repeat(auto-fit, [three] minmax(max-content, 6em) [four])' computes to '[three] 240px [four]'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value '[a] 21px [b] repeat(auto-fill, [c] 22px [d] 23px [e]) [f] 24px [g]' computes to '[a] 21px [b c] 22px [d] 23px [e c] 22px [d] 23px [e c] 22px [d] 23px [e c] 22px [d] 23px [e c] 22px [d] 23px [e f] 24px [g]'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value '[a] 21px [b c] repeat(auto-fill, [d e] 22px [f g h] 23px [i j k l]) [m n] 24px [o]' computes to '[a] 21px [b c d e] 22px [f g h] 23px [i j k l d e] 22px [f g h] 23px [i j k l d e] 22px [f g h] 23px [i j k l d e] 22px [f g h] 23px [i j k l d e] 22px [f g h] 23px [i j k l m n] 24px [o]'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value '[a] repeat(2, [b] 20px [c d] 21px [e f g]) [h i] repeat(auto-fit, [j] 22px [k l m] 23px [n o p q]) [r s]' computes to '[a b] 20px [c d] 21px [e f g b] 20px [c d] 21px [e f g h i j] 0px [k l m] 0px [n o p q j] 0px [k l m] 0px [n o p q j] 0px [k l m] 0px [n o p q j] 0px [k l m] 0px [n o p q r s]'
PASS Property grid-template-columns value '[one] repeat(2, minmax(50px, auto)) [two] 30px [three] repeat(auto-fill, 10px) 40px [four five] repeat(2, minmax(200px, auto)) [six]' computes to '[one] 50px 50px [two] 30px [three] 10px 40px [four five] 200px 200px [six]'