blob: f2ede690e66506be4e493cd913f84f33a9e11d04 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Should not parse invalid keyword:
PASS Should not parse invalid keyword: /* hey */
PASS Should not parse invalid keyword: 4
PASS Should not parse invalid keyword: top
PASS Should parse to completely transparent: /**/transparent
PASS Should parse to completely transparent: transparent
PASS Should parse to completely transparent: transparent
PASS Should parse to completely transparent: TransParent
PASS Should be same as parent color: currentColor
PASS Should be same as parent color: CURRENTcolor
PASS Should not parse invalid keyword: current-Color
PASS Should parse as correct value: black
PASS Should parse as correct value: white
PASS Should parse as correct value: fuchsia
PASS Should parse as correct value: cyan
PASS Should parse as cyan: CyAn
PASS Should not parse invalid hex: #
PASS Should not parse invalid hex: #f
PASS Should not parse invalid hex: #ff
PASS Valid 3-digit hex: #fff
PASS Should not parse invalid hex: #ffg
PASS Valid 4-digit hex: #ffff
PASS Should not parse invalid hex: #fffg
PASS Should not parse invalid hex: #fffff
PASS Valid 6-digit hex: #ffffff
PASS Should not parse invalid hex: #fffffg
PASS Should not parse invalid hex: #fffffff
PASS Valid 8-digit hex: #ffffffff
PASS Should not parse invalid hex: #fffffffg
PASS Should not parse invalid hex: #fffffffff
PASS Valid 6-digit hex: #FFCc99
PASS Valid 3-digit hex: #369
PASS Valid numbers should be parsed: rgb(00, 51, 102)
PASS Correct escape sequences should still parse: r\gb(00, 51, 102)
PASS Correct escape sequences should still parse: r\67 b(00, 51, 102)
PASS Capitalization should not affect parsing: RGB(153, 204, 255)
PASS Capitalization should not affect parsing: rgB(0, 0, 0)
PASS Capitalization should not affect parsing: rgB(0, 51, 255)
PASS Lack of whitespace should not affect parsing: rgb(0,51,255)
PASS Whitespace should not affect parsing: rgb(0 , 51 ,255)
PASS Comments should be allowed within function: rgb(/* R */0, /* G */51, /* B */255)
PASS Invalid values should be clamped to 0 and 255 respectively: rgb(-51, 306, 0)
PASS Valid percentages should be parsed: rgb(42%, 3%, 50%)
PASS Capitalization should not affect parsing: RGB(100%, 100%, 100%)
PASS Capitalization should not affect parsing: rgB(0%, 0%, 0%)
PASS Capitalization should not affect parsing: rgB(10%, 20%, 30%)
PASS Whitespace should not affect parsing: rgb(10%,20%,30%)
PASS Whitespace should not affect parsing: rgb(10% , 20% ,30%)
PASS Comments should not affect parsing: rgb(/* R */ 10%, /* G */ 20%, /* B */ 30%)
PASS Invalid values should be clamped to 0 and 255 respectively: rgb(-12%, 110%, 1400%)
PASS Values must be all numbers or all percentages: rgb(10%, 50%, 0)
PASS Values must be all numbers or all percentages: rgb(255, 50%, 0%)
PASS Comma optional syntax requires no commas at all: rgb(0, 0 0)
PASS Angles are not accepted in the rgb function: rgb(0, 0, 0deg)
PASS Keywords are not accepted in the rgb function: rgb(0, 0, light)
PASS The rgb function requires 3 or 4 arguments: rgb()
PASS The rgb function requires 3 or 4 arguments: rgb(0)
PASS The rgb function requires 3 or 4 arguments: rgb(0, 0)
PASS The rgb function requires 3 or 4 arguments: rgb(0%)
PASS The rgb function requires 3 or 4 arguments: rgb(0%, 0%)
PASS RGB and RGBA are synonyms: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0)
PASS RGB and RGBA are synonyms: rgb(0%, 0%, 0%, 0%)
PASS RGB and RGBA are synonyms: rgb(0%, 0%, 0%, 0)
PASS Valid numbers should be parsed: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
PASS Valid numbers should be parsed: rgba(204, 0, 102, 0.3)
PASS Capitalization should not affect parsing: RGBA(255, 255, 255, 0)
PASS Capitalization should not affect parsing: rgBA(0, 51, 255, 1)
PASS Invalid alpha values should be clamped to 0 and 1 respectively: rgba(0, 51, 255, 1.1)
PASS Invalid alpha values should be clamped to 0 and 1 respectively: rgba(0, 51, 255, 37)
PASS Valid numbers should be parsed: rgba(0, 51, 255, 0.42)
PASS Valid numbers should be parsed: rgba(0, 51, 255, 0)
PASS Invalid alpha values should be clamped to 0 and 1 respectively: rgba(0, 51, 255, -0.1)
PASS Invalid alpha values should be clamped to 0 and 1 respectively: rgba(0, 51, 255, -139)
PASS Capitalization should not affect parsing: RGBA(100%, 100%, 100%, 0)
PASS Valid percentages should be parsed: rgba(42%, 3%, 50%, 0.3)
PASS Capitalization should not affect parsing: rgBA(0%, 20%, 100%, 1)
PASS Invalid alpha values should be clamped to 0 and 1 respectively: rgba(0%, 20%, 100%, 1.1)
PASS Invalid alpha values should be clamped to 0 and 1 respectively: rgba(0%, 20%, 100%, 37)
PASS Valid percentages should be parsed: rgba(0%, 20%, 100%, 0.42)
PASS Valid percentages should be parsed: rgba(0%, 20%, 100%, 0)
PASS Invalid alpha values should be clamped to 0 and 1 respectively: rgba(0%, 20%, 100%, -0.1)
PASS Invalid alpha values should be clamped to 0 and 1 respectively: rgba(0%, 20%, 100%, -139)
PASS Percent alpha values are accepted in rgb/rgba: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0%)
PASS Percent alpha values are accepted in rgb/rgba: rgba(0%, 0%, 0%, 0%)
PASS RGB and RGBA are synonyms: rgba(0%, 0%, 0%)
PASS RGB and RGBA are synonyms: rgba(0, 0, 0)
PASS Values must be all numbers or all percentages: rgba(10%, 50%, 0, 1)
PASS Values must be all numbers or all percentages: rgba(255, 50%, 0%, 1)
PASS Comma optional syntax requires no commas at all: rgba(0, 0, 0 0)
PASS Angles are not accepted in the rgb function: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0deg)
PASS Keywords are not accepted in the rgb function: rgba(0, 0, 0, light)
PASS The rgba function requires 3 or 4 arguments: rgba()
PASS The rgba function requires 3 or 4 arguments: rgba(0)
PASS The rgba function requires 3 or 4 arguments: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
PASS The rgba function requires 3 or 4 arguments: rgba(0%)
PASS The rgba function requires 3 or 4 arguments: rgba(0%, 0%)
PASS The rgba function requires 3 or 4 arguments: rgba(0%, 0%, 0%, 0%, 0%)
PASS Capitalization should not affect parsing: HSL(0, 0%, 0%)
PASS Capitalization should not affect parsing: hsL(0, 100%, 50%)
PASS Valid numbers should be parsed: hsl(60, 100%, 37.5%)
PASS Angles are represented as a part of a circle and wrap around: hsl(780, 100%, 37.5%)
PASS Angles are represented as a part of a circle and wrap around: hsl(-300, 100%, 37.5%)
PASS Valid numbers should be parsed: hsl(300, 50%, 50%)
PASS Angles are accepted in HSL/HSLA: hsl(30deg, 100%, 100%)
PASS HSL and HSLA are synonyms: hsl(0, 0%, 0%, 0%)
PASS The second and third parameters of hsl/hsla must be a percent: hsl(10, 50%, 0)
PASS The first parameter of hsl/hsla must be a number or angle: hsl(50%, 50%, 0%)
PASS Comma optional syntax requires no commas at all: hsl(0, 0% 0%)
PASS Keywords are not accepted in the hsl function: hsl(0, 0%, light)
PASS The hsl function requires 3 or 4 arguments: hsl()
PASS The hsl function requires 3 or 4 arguments: hsl(0)
PASS The hsl function requires 3 or 4 arguments: hsl(0, 0%)
PASS Angles are represented as a part of a circle and wrap around: HSLA(-300, 100%, 37.5%, 1)
PASS Invalid alpha values should be clamped to 0 and 1 respectively: hsLA(-300, 100%, 37.5%, 12)
PASS Angles are represented as a part of a circle and wrap around: hsla(-300, 100%, 37.5%, 0.2)
PASS Angles are represented as a part of a circle and wrap around: hsla(-300, 100%, 37.5%, 0)
PASS Invalid alpha values should be clamped to 0 and 1 respectively: hsla(-300, 100%, 37.5%, -3)
PASS Percent alpha values are accepted in hsl/hsla: hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 50%)
PASS Angles are accepted in HSL/HSLA: hsla(30deg, 100%, 100%, 1)
PASS The second and third parameters of hsl/hsla must be a percent: hsla(10, 50%, 0, 1)
PASS The first parameter of hsl/hsla must be a number or angle: hsla(50%, 50%, 0%, 1)
PASS Comma optional syntax requires no commas at all: hsla(0, 0% 0%, 1)
PASS Keywords are not accepted in the hsla function: hsla(0, 0%, light, 1)
PASS The hsla function requires 3 or 4 arguments: hsla()
PASS The hsla function requires 3 or 4 arguments: hsla(0)
PASS The hsla function requires 3 or 4 arguments: hsla(0, 0%)
PASS The hsla function requires 3 or 4 arguments: hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 1, 0%)