blob: 35b7a4bc19dc927afb2eaf68c37fc58faad9a501 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Harri Porten (
* Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Torch Mobile, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#pragma once
#include "ConcurrentJSLock.h"
#include "MatchResult.h"
#include "RegExpKey.h"
#include "Structure.h"
#include "Yarr.h"
#include <wtf/Forward.h>
#include <wtf/text/WTFString.h>
#include "YarrJIT.h"
namespace JSC {
struct RegExpRepresentation;
class VM;
class RegExp final : public JSCell {
friend class CachedRegExp;
typedef JSCell Base;
static const unsigned StructureFlags = Base::StructureFlags | StructureIsImmortal;
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static RegExp* create(VM&, const String& pattern, OptionSet<Yarr::Flags>);
static const bool needsDestruction = true;
static void destroy(JSCell*);
static size_t estimatedSize(JSCell*, VM&);
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void dumpToStream(const JSCell*, PrintStream&);
bool global() const { return m_flags.contains(Yarr::Flags::Global); }
bool ignoreCase() const { return m_flags.contains(Yarr::Flags::IgnoreCase); }
bool multiline() const { return m_flags.contains(Yarr::Flags::Multiline); }
bool sticky() const { return m_flags.contains(Yarr::Flags::Sticky); }
bool globalOrSticky() const { return global() || sticky(); }
bool unicode() const { return m_flags.contains(Yarr::Flags::Unicode); }
bool dotAll() const { return m_flags.contains(Yarr::Flags::DotAll); }
const String& pattern() const { return m_patternString; }
bool isValid() const { return !Yarr::hasError(m_constructionErrorCode); }
const char* errorMessage() const { return Yarr::errorMessage(m_constructionErrorCode); }
JSObject* errorToThrow(ExecState* exec) { return Yarr::errorToThrow(exec, m_constructionErrorCode); }
void reset()
m_state = NotCompiled;
m_constructionErrorCode = Yarr::ErrorCode::NoError;
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE int match(VM&, const String&, unsigned startOffset, Vector<int>& ovector);
// Returns false if we couldn't run the regular expression for any reason.
bool matchConcurrently(VM&, const String&, unsigned startOffset, int& position, Vector<int>& ovector);
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE MatchResult match(VM&, const String&, unsigned startOffset);
bool matchConcurrently(VM&, const String&, unsigned startOffset, MatchResult&);
// Call these versions of the match functions if you're desperate for performance.
template<typename VectorType>
int matchInline(VM&, const String&, unsigned startOffset, VectorType& ovector);
MatchResult matchInline(VM&, const String&, unsigned startOffset);
unsigned numSubpatterns() const { return m_numSubpatterns; }
bool hasNamedCaptures()
return !m_captureGroupNames.isEmpty();
String getCaptureGroupName(unsigned i)
if (!i || m_captureGroupNames.size() <= i)
return String();
return m_captureGroupNames[i];
unsigned subpatternForName(String groupName)
auto it = m_namedGroupToParenIndex.find(groupName);
if (it == m_namedGroupToParenIndex.end())
return 0;
return it->value;
bool hasCode()
return m_state != NotCompiled;
bool hasCodeFor(Yarr::YarrCharSize);
bool hasMatchOnlyCodeFor(Yarr::YarrCharSize);
void deleteCode();
void printTraceData();
static Structure* createStructure(VM& vm, JSGlobalObject* globalObject, JSValue prototype)
return Structure::create(vm, globalObject, prototype, TypeInfo(CellType, StructureFlags), info());
RegExpKey key() { return RegExpKey(m_flags, m_patternString); }
void finishCreation(VM&);
friend class RegExpCache;
RegExp(VM&, const String&, OptionSet<Yarr::Flags>);
static RegExp* createWithoutCaching(VM&, const String&, OptionSet<Yarr::Flags>);
enum RegExpState : uint8_t {
void byteCodeCompileIfNecessary(VM*);
void compile(VM*, Yarr::YarrCharSize);
void compileIfNecessary(VM&, Yarr::YarrCharSize);
void compileMatchOnly(VM*, Yarr::YarrCharSize);
void compileIfNecessaryMatchOnly(VM&, Yarr::YarrCharSize);
void matchCompareWithInterpreter(const String&, int startOffset, int* offsetVector, int jitResult);
String m_patternString;
RegExpState m_state { NotCompiled };
OptionSet<Yarr::Flags> m_flags;
ConcurrentJSLock m_lock;
Yarr::ErrorCode m_constructionErrorCode { Yarr::ErrorCode::NoError };
unsigned m_numSubpatterns { 0 };
Vector<String> m_captureGroupNames;
HashMap<String, unsigned> m_namedGroupToParenIndex;
std::unique_ptr<Yarr::BytecodePattern> m_regExpBytecode;
double m_rtMatchOnlyTotalSubjectStringLen { 0.0 };
double m_rtMatchTotalSubjectStringLen { 0.0 };
unsigned m_rtMatchOnlyCallCount { 0 };
unsigned m_rtMatchOnlyFoundCount { 0 };
unsigned m_rtMatchCallCount { 0 };
unsigned m_rtMatchFoundCount { 0 };
Yarr::YarrCodeBlock m_regExpJITCode;
} // namespace JSC