blob: 9c49ad7d71da373ae9d6082f9f0a883dfa50e3f3 [file] [log] [blame]
var localizedStrings = new Object;
localizedStrings[" (Prototype)"] = " (Prototype)";
localizedStrings[" (line %s)"] = " (line %s)";
localizedStrings["${expr} = expression"] = "${expr} = expression";
localizedStrings["%.0f B"] = "%.0f B";
localizedStrings["%.0fms"] = "%.0fms";
localizedStrings["%.1f GB"] = "%.1f GB";
localizedStrings["%.1f KB"] = "%.1f KB";
localizedStrings["%.1f MB"] = "%.1f MB";
localizedStrings["%.1f days"] = "%.1f days";
localizedStrings["%.1fB"] = "%.1fB";
localizedStrings["%.1fK"] = "%.1fK";
localizedStrings["%.1fM"] = "%.1fM";
localizedStrings["%.1fhrs"] = "%.1fhrs";
localizedStrings["%.1fmin"] = "%.1fmin";
localizedStrings["%.1fms"] = "%.1fms";
localizedStrings["%.2f GB"] = "%.2f GB";
localizedStrings["%.2f KB"] = "%.2f KB";
localizedStrings["%.2f MB"] = "%.2f MB";
localizedStrings["%.2f\u00d7"] = "%.2f\u00d7";
localizedStrings["%.2fms"] = "%.2fms";
localizedStrings["%.2fs"] = "%.2fs";
localizedStrings["%.3fms"] = "%.3fms";
localizedStrings["%d Error"] = "%d Error";
localizedStrings["%d Errors"] = "%d Errors";
localizedStrings["%d Errors, %d Warnings"] = "%d Errors, %d Warnings";
localizedStrings["%d FPS"] = "%d FPS";
localizedStrings["%d Failed (plural)"] = "%d Failed";
localizedStrings["%d Failed (singular)"] = "%d Failed";
localizedStrings["%d Frame"] = "%d Frame";
localizedStrings["%d Frames"] = "%d Frames";
localizedStrings["%d More\u2026"] = "%d More\u2026";
localizedStrings["%d Passed (plural)"] = "%d Passed";
localizedStrings["%d Passed (singular)"] = "%d Passed";
localizedStrings["%d Threads"] = "%d Threads";
localizedStrings["%d Unsupported (plural)"] = "%d Unsupported";
localizedStrings["%d Unsupported (singular)"] = "%d Unsupported";
localizedStrings["%d Warning"] = "%d Warning";
localizedStrings["%d Warnings"] = "%d Warnings";
localizedStrings["%d \xd7 %d pixels"] = "%d \xd7 %d pixels";
localizedStrings["%d \xd7 %d pixels (Natural: %d \xd7 %d pixels)"] = "%d \xd7 %d pixels (Natural: %d \xd7 %d pixels)";
localizedStrings["%d matches"] = "%d matches";
localizedStrings["%d of %d"] = "%d of %d";
localizedStrings["%dpx"] = "%dpx";
localizedStrings["%dpx\u00B2"] = "%dpx\u00B2";
localizedStrings["%s (%s)"] = "%s (%s)";
localizedStrings["%s (%s, %s)"] = "%s (%s, %s)";
localizedStrings["%s (Case Insensitive)"] = "%s (Case Insensitive)";
localizedStrings["%s (default)"] = "%s (default)";
localizedStrings["%s (hidden)"] = "%s (hidden)";
localizedStrings["%s Callback"] = "%s Callback";
localizedStrings["%s Event Dispatched"] = "%s Event Dispatched";
localizedStrings["%s Fired"] = "%s Fired";
localizedStrings["%s Prototype"] = "%s Prototype";
localizedStrings["%s Result"] = "%s Result";
localizedStrings["%s \u2013 %s"] = "%s \u2013 %s";
localizedStrings["%s \u2013 %s (%s)"] = "%s \u2013 %s (%s)";
localizedStrings["%s \u2014 %s"] = "%s \u2014 %s";
localizedStrings["%s cannot be modified"] = "%s cannot be modified";
localizedStrings["%s delay"] = "%s delay";
localizedStrings["%s eval\n%s async"] = "%s eval\n%s async";
localizedStrings["%s interval"] = "%s interval";
localizedStrings["%s:"] = "%s:";
localizedStrings["(Action %s)"] = "(Action %s)";
localizedStrings["(Disk)"] = "(Disk)";
localizedStrings["(Index)"] = "(Index)";
localizedStrings["(Memory)"] = "(Memory)";
localizedStrings["(Tail Call)"] = "(Tail Call)";
localizedStrings["(anonymous function)"] = "(anonymous function)";
localizedStrings["(async)"] = "(async)";
localizedStrings["(disk)"] = "(disk)";
localizedStrings["(inspector override)"] = "(inspector override)";
localizedStrings["(many)"] = "(many)";
localizedStrings["(memory)"] = "(memory)";
localizedStrings["(multiple)"] = "(multiple)";
localizedStrings["(program)"] = "(program)";
localizedStrings["(service worker)"] = "(service worker)";
localizedStrings["(uninitialized)"] = "(uninitialized)";
localizedStrings[", "] = ", ";
localizedStrings["1 match"] = "1 match";
localizedStrings["2D"] = "2D";
localizedStrings["Accessibility"] = "Accessibility";
localizedStrings["Action"] = "Action";
/* Tooltip for a time range bar that represents when a CSS animation/transition is running */
localizedStrings["Active"] = "Active";
localizedStrings["Activity Viewer"] = "Activity Viewer";
localizedStrings["Add"] = "Add";
localizedStrings["Add %s Rule"] = "Add %s Rule";
localizedStrings["Add Action"] = "Add Action";
localizedStrings["Add Breakpoint"] = "Add Breakpoint";
localizedStrings["Add Breakpoints"] = "Add Breakpoints";
localizedStrings["Add Header"] = "Add Header";
localizedStrings["Add New"] = "Add New";
localizedStrings["Add New Class"] = "Add New Class";
localizedStrings["Add New Probe Expression"] = "Add New Probe Expression";
localizedStrings["Add New Watch Expression"] = "Add New Watch Expression";
localizedStrings["Add Pattern"] = "Add Pattern";
localizedStrings["Add a Class"] = "Add a Class";
localizedStrings["Add new breakpoint action after this action"] = "Add new breakpoint action after this action";
localizedStrings["Add new rule"] = "Add new rule";
localizedStrings["Add probe expression"] = "Add probe expression";
localizedStrings["Add watch expression"] = "Add watch expression";
localizedStrings["Additions"] = "Additions";
localizedStrings["Address"] = "Address";
localizedStrings["All"] = "All";
localizedStrings["All Animation Frames"] = "All Animation Frames";
localizedStrings["All Changes"] = "All Changes";
localizedStrings["All Events"] = "All Events";
/* Break (pause) on all exceptions */
localizedStrings["All Exceptions"] = "All Exceptions";
localizedStrings["All Intervals"] = "All Intervals";
localizedStrings["All Layers"] = "All Layers";
localizedStrings["All Microtasks"] = "All Microtasks";
/* A submenu item of 'Break on' that breaks (pauses) before all network requests */
localizedStrings["All Requests"] = "All Requests";
localizedStrings["All Storage"] = "All Storage";
localizedStrings["All Timeouts"] = "All Timeouts";
localizedStrings["All items in \u0022%s\u0022 must be error objects"] = "All items in \u0022%s\u0022 must be error objects";
localizedStrings["All items in \u0022%s\u0022 must be non-empty strings"] = "All items in \u0022%s\u0022 must be non-empty strings";
localizedStrings["All items in \u0022%s\u0022 must be valid DOM nodes"] = "All items in \u0022%s\u0022 must be valid DOM nodes";
localizedStrings["Allow Media Capture on Insecure Sites"] = "Allow Media Capture on Insecure Sites";
localizedStrings["An error occurred trying to load the resource."] = "An error occurred trying to load the resource.";
localizedStrings["An error occurred trying to read the \u201C%s\u201D table."] = "An error occurred trying to read the \u201C%s\u201D table.";
localizedStrings["An unexpected error %s occurred."] = "An unexpected error %s occurred.";
localizedStrings["An unexpected error occurred."] = "An unexpected error occurred.";
localizedStrings["Angle"] = "Angle";
localizedStrings["Animation Frame %d Canceled"] = "Animation Frame %d Canceled";
localizedStrings["Animation Frame %d Fired"] = "Animation Frame %d Fired";
localizedStrings["Animation Frame %d Requested"] = "Animation Frame %d Requested";
localizedStrings["Animation Frame Canceled"] = "Animation Frame Canceled";
localizedStrings["Animation Frame Fired"] = "Animation Frame Fired";
localizedStrings["Animation Frame Requested"] = "Animation Frame Requested";
localizedStrings["Anonymous Script %d"] = "Anonymous Script %d";
localizedStrings["Anonymous Scripts"] = "Anonymous Scripts";
localizedStrings["Anonymous Style Sheet %d"] = "Anonymous Style Sheet %d";
localizedStrings["Application Cache"] = "Application Cache";
/* Approximate count of events */
localizedStrings["Approximate Number"] = "~%s";
localizedStrings["Area"] = "Area";
localizedStrings["Assertion"] = "Assertion";
localizedStrings["Assertion Failed"] = "Assertion Failed";
localizedStrings["Assertion Failed: %s"] = "Assertion Failed: %s";
/* Break (pause) when console.assert() fails */
localizedStrings["Assertion Failures"] = "Assertion Failures";
localizedStrings["Assertion with message: %s"] = "Assertion with message: %s";
localizedStrings["Assertive"] = "Assertive";
localizedStrings["Associated Data"] = "Associated Data";
localizedStrings["Async audits are not supported."] = "Async audits are not supported.";
localizedStrings["Attribute"] = "Attribute";
/* A submenu item of 'Break On' that breaks (pauses) before DOM attribute is modified */
localizedStrings["Attribute Modified"] = "Attribute Modified";
localizedStrings["Attributes"] = "Attributes";
localizedStrings["Audit"] = "Audit";
localizedStrings["Audit Error: %s"] = "Audit Error: %s";
localizedStrings["Audit Warning: %s"] = "Audit Warning: %s";
localizedStrings["Audit version: %s"] = "Audit version: %s";
localizedStrings["Audits"] = "Audits";
localizedStrings["Author Style Sheet"] = "Author Style Sheet";
localizedStrings["Auto"] = "Auto";
localizedStrings["Auto - %s"] = "Auto - %s";
localizedStrings["Auto Increment"] = "Auto Increment";
localizedStrings["Auto-expand"] = "Auto-expand";
localizedStrings["Automatically continue after evaluating"] = "Automatically continue after evaluating";
localizedStrings["Available Style Sheets"] = "Available Style Sheets";
localizedStrings["Average CPU: %s"] = "Average CPU: %s";
localizedStrings["Average Time"] = "Average Time";
localizedStrings["Average: %s"] = "Average: %s";
localizedStrings["BMP"] = "BMP";
localizedStrings["Back (%s)"] = "Back (%s)";
localizedStrings["Backtrace"] = "Backtrace";
localizedStrings["Basic"] = "Basic";
localizedStrings["Beacon"] = "Beacon";
localizedStrings["Beacons"] = "Beacons";
localizedStrings["Binary Frame"] = "Binary Frame";
localizedStrings["Binding"] = "Binding";
localizedStrings["Blackbox"] = "Blackbox";
localizedStrings["Blackbox script to ignore it when debugging"] = "Blackbox script to ignore it when debugging";
localizedStrings["Block Variables"] = "Block Variables";
localizedStrings["Body:"] = "Body:";
localizedStrings["Boundary"] = "Boundary";
localizedStrings["Box Model"] = "Box Model";
localizedStrings["Break on"] = "Break on";
localizedStrings["Break on events with name:"] = "Break on events with name:";
localizedStrings["Break on request with URL:"] = "Break on request with URL:";
localizedStrings["Breakdown"] = "Breakdown";
localizedStrings["Breakdown of each memory category at the end of the selected time range"] = "Breakdown of each memory category at the end of the selected time range";
localizedStrings["Breakdown of time spent on the main thread"] = "Breakdown of time spent on the main thread";
localizedStrings["Breakpoint"] = "Breakpoint";
localizedStrings["Breakpoints"] = "Breakpoints";
localizedStrings["Breakpoints disabled"] = "Breakpoints disabled";
localizedStrings["Bubbling"] = "Bubbling";
localizedStrings["Busy"] = "Busy";
localizedStrings["By Path"] = "By Path";
localizedStrings["By Type"] = "By Type";
localizedStrings["Byte Range %s\u2013%s"] = "Byte Range %s\u2013%s";
localizedStrings["Bytes Received"] = "Bytes Received";
localizedStrings["Bytes Sent"] = "Bytes Sent";
localizedStrings["CPU"] = "CPU";
localizedStrings["CPU Usage"] = "CPU Usage";
localizedStrings["CSP Hash"] = "CSP Hash";
localizedStrings["CSS Animation"] = "CSS Animation";
localizedStrings["CSS Canvas"] = "CSS Canvas";
localizedStrings["CSS Changes:"] = "CSS Changes:";
localizedStrings["CSS Transition"] = "CSS Transition";
localizedStrings["CSS canvas \u201C%s\u201D"] = "CSS canvas \u201C%s\u201D";
localizedStrings["Cached"] = "Cached";
localizedStrings["Call Frames Truncated"] = "Call Frames Truncated";
localizedStrings["Call Stack"] = "Call Stack";
localizedStrings["Call Stack Unavailable"] = "Call Stack Unavailable";
localizedStrings["Call Trees"] = "Call Trees";
localizedStrings["Calls"] = "Calls";
localizedStrings["Cancel Automatic Continue"] = "Cancel Automatic Continue";
localizedStrings["Cancel comparison"] = "Cancel comparison";
/* Tooltip for a timestamp marker that represents when a CSS animation/transition is canceled */
localizedStrings["Canceled"] = "Canceled";
localizedStrings["Canvas"] = "Canvas";
localizedStrings["Canvas %d"] = "Canvas %d";
localizedStrings["Canvas %s"] = "Canvas %s";
localizedStrings["Canvas Element"] = "Canvas Element";
localizedStrings["Canvases"] = "Canvases";
/* Capture screenshot of the selected DOM node */
localizedStrings["Capture Screenshot"] = "Capture Screenshot";
localizedStrings["Capturing"] = "Capturing";
localizedStrings["Case Sensitive"] = "Case Sensitive";
/* Context menu label for whether searches should be case sensitive. */
localizedStrings["Case Sensitive @ Context Menu"] = "Case Sensitive";
/* Settings tab checkbox label for whether searches should be case sensitive. */
localizedStrings["Case Sensitive @ Settings"] = "Case Sensitive";
localizedStrings["Catch Variables"] = "Catch Variables";
localizedStrings["Categories"] = "Categories";
localizedStrings["Certificate"] = "Certificate";
localizedStrings["Changes"] = "Changes";
localizedStrings["Character Data"] = "Character Data";
localizedStrings["Charge \u201C%s\u201D to Callers"] = "Charge \u201C%s\u201D to Callers";
localizedStrings["Checked"] = "Checked";
/* A submenu item of 'Add' to append DOM nodes to the selected DOM node */
localizedStrings["Child"] = "Child";
localizedStrings["Child Layers"] = "Child Layers";
localizedStrings["Child added to "] = "Child added to ";
localizedStrings["Children"] = "Children";
localizedStrings["Cipher"] = "Cipher";
localizedStrings["Classes"] = "Classes";
localizedStrings["Clear Filters"] = "Clear Filters";
localizedStrings["Clear Log"] = "Clear Log";
localizedStrings["Clear Network Items (%s)"] = "Clear Network Items (%s)";
localizedStrings["Clear Timeline (%s)"] = "Clear Timeline (%s)";
localizedStrings["Clear focus"] = "Clear focus";
localizedStrings["Clear log (%s or %s)"] = "Clear log (%s or %s)";
localizedStrings["Clear object store"] = "Clear object store";
localizedStrings["Clear samples"] = "Clear samples";
localizedStrings["Clear watch expressions"] = "Clear watch expressions";
localizedStrings["Click Listener"] = "Click Listener";
localizedStrings["Click to close this tab"] = "Click to close this tab";
localizedStrings["Click to create a Local Override from this content"] = "Click to create a Local Override from this content";
localizedStrings["Click to import a file and create a Local Override\nShift-click to create a Local Override from this content"] = "Click to import a file and create a Local Override\nShift-click to create a Local Override from this content";
localizedStrings["Click to select a color\nShift-click to switch color formats"] = "Click to select a color\nShift-click to switch color formats";
localizedStrings["Click to view variable value\nShift-click to replace variable with value"] = "Click to view variable value\nShift-click to replace variable with value";
localizedStrings["Clickable"] = "Clickable";
localizedStrings["Clients"] = "Clients";
localizedStrings["Close"] = "Close";
localizedStrings["Close %s timeline view"] = "Close %s timeline view";
localizedStrings["Close Tab"] = "Close Tab";
localizedStrings["Close detail view"] = "Close detail view";
localizedStrings["Closed"] = "Closed";
localizedStrings["Closure Variables"] = "Closure Variables";
localizedStrings["Closure Variables (%s)"] = "Closure Variables (%s)";
localizedStrings["Code"] = "Code";
localizedStrings["Collapse All"] = "Collapse All";
localizedStrings["Collapse columns"] = "Collapse columns";
localizedStrings["Collect garbage"] = "Collect garbage";
localizedStrings["Comment"] = "Comment";
localizedStrings["Compare snapshots"] = "Compare snapshots";
localizedStrings["Comparison of total memory size at the end of the selected time range to the maximum memory size in this recording"] = "Comparison of total memory size at the end of the selected time range to the maximum memory size in this recording";
/* Composite phase timeline records, where graphic layers are combined */
localizedStrings["Composite @ Timeline record"] = "Composite";
localizedStrings["Composited"] = "Composited";
localizedStrings["Compressed"] = "Compressed";
localizedStrings["Compression"] = "Compression";
localizedStrings["Compression:"] = "Compression:";
localizedStrings["Compute"] = "Compute";
localizedStrings["Compute Pipeline %d"] = "Compute Pipeline %d";
localizedStrings["Compute Shader"] = "Compute Shader";
localizedStrings["Computed"] = "Computed";
localizedStrings["Condition"] = "Condition";
localizedStrings["Conditional expression"] = "Conditional expression";
localizedStrings["Connecting"] = "Connecting";
localizedStrings["Connection"] = "Connection";
localizedStrings["Connection Close Frame"] = "Connection Close Frame";
localizedStrings["Connection Closed"] = "Connection Closed";
localizedStrings["Connection ID"] = "Connection ID";
localizedStrings["Connection:"] = "Connection:";
localizedStrings["Console"] = "Console";
localizedStrings["Console Evaluation"] = "Console Evaluation";
localizedStrings["Console Evaluation %d"] = "Console Evaluation %d";
localizedStrings["Console Profile Recorded"] = "Console Profile Recorded";
localizedStrings["Console cleared at %s"] = "Console cleared at %s";
localizedStrings["Console opened at %s"] = "Console opened at %s";
localizedStrings["Containing"] = "Containing";
localizedStrings["Content"] = "Content";
localizedStrings["Content Security Policy violation of directive: %s"] = "Content Security Policy violation of directive: %s";
localizedStrings["Continuation Frame"] = "Continuation Frame";
localizedStrings["Continue script execution (%s or %s)"] = "Continue script execution (%s or %s)";
localizedStrings["Continue to Here"] = "Continue to Here";
localizedStrings["Continue without automatically stopping"] = "Continue without automatically stopping";
localizedStrings["Controls"] = "Controls";
localizedStrings["Cookies"] = "Cookies";
localizedStrings["Copy"] = "Copy";
localizedStrings["Copy Action"] = "Copy Action";
localizedStrings["Copy HTTP Request"] = "Copy HTTP Request";
localizedStrings["Copy HTTP Response"] = "Copy HTTP Response";
localizedStrings["Copy Link"] = "Copy Link";
localizedStrings["Copy Path to Property"] = "Copy Path to Property";
localizedStrings["Copy Row"] = "Copy Row";
localizedStrings["Copy Rule"] = "Copy Rule";
localizedStrings["Copy Selected"] = "Copy Selected";
localizedStrings["Copy Table"] = "Copy Table";
localizedStrings["Copy as cURL"] = "Copy as cURL";
localizedStrings["Could not capture screenshot"] = "Could not capture screenshot";
localizedStrings["Could not fetch properties. Object may no longer exist."] = "Could not fetch properties. Object may no longer exist.";
localizedStrings["Count"] = "Count";
localizedStrings["Create %s Rule"] = "Create %s Rule";
localizedStrings["Create Breakpoint"] = "Create Breakpoint";
localizedStrings["Create Local Override"] = "Create Local Override";
localizedStrings["Create Resource"] = "Create Resource";
localizedStrings["Create a new tab"] = "Create a new tab";
localizedStrings["Cross-Origin Restrictions"] = "Cross-Origin Restrictions";
localizedStrings["Current"] = "Current";
localizedStrings["Current State"] = "Current State";
localizedStrings["Custom"] = "Custom";
localizedStrings["DNS"] = "DNS";
localizedStrings["DOM"] = "DOM";
localizedStrings["DOM Content Loaded \u2014 %s"] = "DOM Content Loaded \u2014 %s";
localizedStrings["DOM Event \u201C%s\u201D"] = "DOM Event \u201C%s\u201D";
localizedStrings["DOM Events"] = "DOM Events";
localizedStrings["DOM Nodes:"] = "DOM Nodes:";
localizedStrings["Damping"] = "Damping";
localizedStrings["Data"] = "Data";
localizedStrings["Data Bindings"] = "Data Bindings";
localizedStrings["Data returned from the database is too large."] = "Data returned from the database is too large.";
localizedStrings["Database"] = "Database";
localizedStrings["Database no longer has expected version."] = "Database no longer has expected version.";
localizedStrings["Databases"] = "Databases";
localizedStrings["Date"] = "Date";
localizedStrings["Debug: "] = "Debug: ";
localizedStrings["Debugger Paused"] = "Debugger Paused";
localizedStrings["Debugger Statement"] = "Debugger Statement";
localizedStrings["Debugger disabled during Audit"] = "Debugger disabled during Audit";
localizedStrings["Debugger disabled during Timeline recording"] = "Debugger disabled during Timeline recording";
localizedStrings["Debugging:"] = "Debugging:";
localizedStrings["Debugs"] = "Debugs";
localizedStrings["Decoded"] = "Decoded";
localizedStrings["Default"] = "Default";
localizedStrings["Deferred pause from blackboxed script"] = "Deferred pause from blackboxed script";
/* Tooltip for a time range bar that represents when a CSS animation/transition is delayed */
localizedStrings["Delay"] = "Delay";
localizedStrings["Delete"] = "Delete";
localizedStrings["Delete Breakpoint"] = "Delete Breakpoint";
localizedStrings["Delete Breakpoints"] = "Delete Breakpoints";
localizedStrings["Delete Descendant Breakpoints"] = "Delete Descendant Breakpoints";
localizedStrings["Demo Audit"] = "Demo Audit";
localizedStrings["Detach into separate window"] = "Detach into separate window";
localizedStrings["Detached"] = "Detached";
localizedStrings["Details"] = "Details";
localizedStrings["Device %d"] = "Device %d";
localizedStrings["Device Settings"] = "Device Settings";
localizedStrings["Diagnoses common accessibility problems affecting screen readers and other assistive technology."] = "Diagnoses common accessibility problems affecting screen readers and other assistive technology.";
localizedStrings["Dimensions"] = "Dimensions";
localizedStrings["Disable Breakpoint"] = "Disable Breakpoint";
localizedStrings["Disable Breakpoints"] = "Disable Breakpoints";
localizedStrings["Disable Descendant Breakpoints"] = "Disable Descendant Breakpoints";
localizedStrings["Disable Encryption"] = "Disable Encryption";
localizedStrings["Disable Event Listener"] = "Disable Event Listener";
localizedStrings["Disable Event Listeners"] = "Disable Event Listeners";
localizedStrings["Disable ICE Candidate Restrictions"] = "Disable ICE Candidate Restrictions";
localizedStrings["Disable Inspector Bootstrap Script"] = "Disable Inspector Bootstrap Script";
localizedStrings["Disable Local Override"] = "Disable Local Override";
localizedStrings["Disable Program"] = "Disable Program";
localizedStrings["Disable Rule"] = "Disable Rule";
localizedStrings["Disable all breakpoints (%s)"] = "Disable all breakpoints (%s)";
localizedStrings["Disable paint flashing"] = "Disable paint flashing";
localizedStrings["Disable:"] = "Disable:";
localizedStrings["Disabled"] = "Disabled";
localizedStrings["Disk Cache"] = "Disk Cache";
localizedStrings["Displayed Columns"] = "Displayed Columns";
localizedStrings["Do not clear network items on new page loads"] = "Do not clear network items on new page loads";
localizedStrings["Do not clear the console on new page loads"] = "Do not clear the console on new page loads";
localizedStrings["Do not fade unexecuted code"] = "Do not fade unexecuted code";
localizedStrings["Dock to bottom of window"] = "Dock to bottom of window";
localizedStrings["Dock to side of window"] = "Dock to side of window";
localizedStrings["Document"] = "Document";
localizedStrings["Document Fragment"] = "Document Fragment";
localizedStrings["Document Type"] = "Document Type";
localizedStrings["Documents"] = "Documents";
localizedStrings["Domain"] = "Domain";
localizedStrings["Done"] = "Done";
localizedStrings["Download"] = "Download";
localizedStrings["Download Web Archive"] = "Download Web Archive";
localizedStrings["Dropped Element"] = "Dropped Element";
localizedStrings["Dropped Node"] = "Dropped Node";
localizedStrings["Duplicate Selector"] = "Duplicate Selector";
localizedStrings["Duplicate property"] = "Duplicate property";
localizedStrings["Duration"] = "Duration";
/* The duration of the Timeline recording in seconds (s). */
localizedStrings["Duration: %ss"] = "Duration: %ss";
localizedStrings["Duration: Short"] = "Duration: Short";
localizedStrings["Dynamically calculated for the parent element"] = "Dynamically calculated for the parent element";
localizedStrings["Dynamically calculated for the selected element"] = "Dynamically calculated for the selected element";
localizedStrings["Dynamically calculated for the selected element and did not match"] = "Dynamically calculated for the selected element and did not match";
localizedStrings["Edit"] = "Edit";
localizedStrings["Edit Breakpoint\u2026"] = "Edit Breakpoint\u2026";
localizedStrings["Edit Local Override\u2026"] = "Edit Local Override\u2026";
localizedStrings["Edit \u201C%s\u201D"] = "Edit \u201C%s\u201D";
localizedStrings["Edit \u201Ccubic-bezier\u201D function"] = "Edit \u201Ccubic-bezier\u201D function";
localizedStrings["Edit \u201Cspring\u201D function"] = "Edit \u201Cspring\u201D function";
localizedStrings["Edit configuration"] = "Edit configuration";
localizedStrings["Edit custom gradient"] = "Edit custom gradient";
localizedStrings["Editing audits"] = "Editing audits";
localizedStrings["Element"] = "Element";
localizedStrings["Element Selection:"] = "Element Selection:";
localizedStrings["Element clips compositing descendants"] = "Element clips compositing descendants";
localizedStrings["Element has CSS blending applied and composited descendants"] = "Element has CSS blending applied and composited descendants";
localizedStrings["Element has CSS filters applied"] = "Element has CSS filters applied";
localizedStrings["Element has CSS filters applied and composited descendants"] = "Element has CSS filters applied and composited descendants";
localizedStrings["Element has \u201C-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch\u201D style"] = "Element has \u201C-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch\u201D style";
localizedStrings["Element has \u201Cbackface-visibility: hidden\u201D style"] = "Element has \u201Cbackface-visibility: hidden\u201D style";
localizedStrings["Element has \u201Cblend-mode\u201D style"] = "Element has \u201Cblend-mode\u201D style";
localizedStrings["Element has \u201Cposition: fixed\u201D style"] = "Element has \u201Cposition: fixed\u201D style";
localizedStrings["Element has \u201Cposition: sticky\u201D style"] = "Element has \u201Cposition: sticky\u201D style";
localizedStrings["Element has \u201Ctransform-style: preserve-3d\u201D style"] = "Element has \u201Ctransform-style: preserve-3d\u201D style";
localizedStrings["Element has \u201Cwill-change\u201D style which includes opacity, transform, transform-style, perspective, filter or backdrop-filter"] = "Element has \u201Cwill-change\u201D style which includes opacity, transform, transform-style, perspective, filter or backdrop-filter";
localizedStrings["Element has a 2D transform and composited descendants"] = "Element has a 2D transform and composited descendants";
localizedStrings["Element has a 3D transform"] = "Element has a 3D transform";
localizedStrings["Element has a reflection and composited descendants"] = "Element has a reflection and composited descendants";
localizedStrings["Element has children with a negative z-index"] = "Element has children with a negative z-index";
localizedStrings["Element has opacity applied and composited descendants"] = "Element has opacity applied and composited descendants";
localizedStrings["Element has perspective applied"] = "Element has perspective applied";
localizedStrings["Element is <canvas>"] = "Element is <canvas>";
localizedStrings["Element is <iframe>"] = "Element is <iframe>";
localizedStrings["Element is <video>"] = "Element is <video>";
localizedStrings["Element is a plug-in"] = "Element is a plug-in";
localizedStrings["Element is a stacking context and has composited descendants with CSS blending applied"] = "Element is a stacking context and has composited descendants with CSS blending applied";
localizedStrings["Element is animated"] = "Element is animated";
localizedStrings["Element is masked and has composited descendants"] = "Element is masked and has composited descendants";
localizedStrings["Element is the root element"] = "Element is the root element";
localizedStrings["Element may overlap another compositing element"] = "Element may overlap another compositing element";
localizedStrings["Element overlaps other compositing element"] = "Element overlaps other compositing element";
localizedStrings["Elements"] = "Elements";
localizedStrings["Emulate User Gesture"] = "Emulate User Gesture";
localizedStrings["Enable Breakpoint"] = "Enable Breakpoint";
localizedStrings["Enable Breakpoints"] = "Enable Breakpoints";
localizedStrings["Enable Descendant Breakpoints"] = "Enable Descendant Breakpoints";
localizedStrings["Enable Event Listener"] = "Enable Event Listener";
localizedStrings["Enable Event Listeners"] = "Enable Event Listeners";
localizedStrings["Enable Inspector Bootstrap Script"] = "Enable Inspector Bootstrap Script";
localizedStrings["Enable Local Override"] = "Enable Local Override";
localizedStrings["Enable New Tab Bar"] = "Enable New Tab Bar";
localizedStrings["Enable Preview Features"] = "Enable Preview Features";
localizedStrings["Enable Program"] = "Enable Program";
localizedStrings["Enable Rule"] = "Enable Rule";
localizedStrings["Enable all breakpoints (%s)"] = "Enable all breakpoints (%s)";
localizedStrings["Enable paint flashing"] = "Enable paint flashing";
localizedStrings["Enable source maps"] = "Enable source maps";
localizedStrings["Enabled"] = "Enabled";
localizedStrings["Encoded"] = "Encoded";
localizedStrings["Encoding"] = "Encoding";
localizedStrings["Energy Impact"] = "Energy Impact";
localizedStrings["Ensure aria-hidden=\u0022%s\u0022 is not used."] = "Ensure aria-hidden=\u0022%s\u0022 is not used.";
localizedStrings["Ensure that \u0022%s\u0022 is spelled correctly."] = "Ensure that \u0022%s\u0022 is spelled correctly.";
localizedStrings["Ensure that buttons have accessible labels for assistive technology."] = "Ensure that buttons have accessible labels for assistive technology.";
localizedStrings["Ensure that dialogs have accessible labels for assistive technology."] = "Ensure that dialogs have accessible labels for assistive technology.";
localizedStrings["Ensure that element of role \u0022%s\u0022 and \u0022%s\u0022 have required owned elements in accordance with WAI-ARIA."] = "Ensure that element of role \u0022%s\u0022 and \u0022%s\u0022 have required owned elements in accordance with WAI-ARIA.";
localizedStrings["Ensure that element of role \u0022%s\u0022 have required owned elements in accordance with WAI-ARIA."] = "Ensure that element of role \u0022%s\u0022 have required owned elements in accordance with WAI-ARIA.";
localizedStrings["Ensure that elements of role \u0022%s\u0022 have accessible labels for assistive technology."] = "Ensure that elements of role \u0022%s\u0022 have accessible labels for assistive technology.";
localizedStrings["Ensure that elements of role \u0022%s\u0022 have required owned elements in accordance with WAI-ARIA."] = "Ensure that elements of role \u0022%s\u0022 have required owned elements in accordance with WAI-ARIA.";
localizedStrings["Ensure that links have accessible labels for assistive technology."] = "Ensure that links have accessible labels for assistive technology.";
localizedStrings["Ensure that only one banner is used on the page."] = "Ensure that only one banner is used on the page.";
localizedStrings["Ensure that only one live region is used on the page."] = "Ensure that only one live region is used on the page.";
localizedStrings["Ensure that only one main content section is used on the page."] = "Ensure that only one main content section is used on the page.";
localizedStrings["Ensure that values for \u0022%s\u0022 are valid."] = "Ensure that values for \u0022%s\u0022 are valid.";
localizedStrings["Entire Recording"] = "Entire Recording";
localizedStrings["Error"] = "Error";
localizedStrings["Error: "] = "Error: ";
localizedStrings["Errors"] = "Errors";
localizedStrings["Errors:"] = "Errors:";
localizedStrings["Estimated energy impact."] = "Estimated energy impact.";
localizedStrings["Eval Code"] = "Eval Code";
localizedStrings["Evaluate JavaScript"] = "Evaluate JavaScript";
localizedStrings["Evaluations"] = "Evaluations";
localizedStrings["Event"] = "Event";
localizedStrings["Event Breakpoint\u2026"] = "Event Breakpoint\u2026";
localizedStrings["Event Dispatched"] = "Event Dispatched";
localizedStrings["Event Handlers:"] = "Event Handlers:";
localizedStrings["Event Listeners"] = "Event Listeners";
localizedStrings["Events"] = "Events";
localizedStrings["Events:"] = "Events:";
localizedStrings["Example: \u201C%s\u201D"] = "Example: \u201C%s\u201D";
localizedStrings["Exception with thrown value: %s"] = "Exception with thrown value: %s";
localizedStrings["Execution context for %s"] = "Execution context for %s";
localizedStrings["Expand All"] = "Expand All";
localizedStrings["Expand columns"] = "Expand columns";
localizedStrings["Expanded"] = "Expanded";
localizedStrings["Experimental"] = "Experimental";
localizedStrings["Expires"] = "Expires";
localizedStrings["Export"] = "Export";
localizedStrings["Export (%s)"] = "Export (%s)";
localizedStrings["Export HAR"] = "Export HAR";
localizedStrings["Export Result"] = "Export Result";
localizedStrings["Export Test"] = "Export Test";
localizedStrings["Export recording (%s)"] = "Export recording (%s)";
localizedStrings["Export recording (%s)\nShift-click to export a HTML reduction"] = "Export recording (%s)\nShift-click to export a HTML reduction";
localizedStrings["Export result (%s)"] = "Export result (%s)";
localizedStrings["Expression"] = "Expression";
localizedStrings["Extension Scripts"] = "Extension Scripts";
localizedStrings["Extensions"] = "Extensions";
localizedStrings["Extra Scripts"] = "Extra Scripts";
localizedStrings["Fade unexecuted code"] = "Fade unexecuted code";
localizedStrings["Failed to upgrade"] = "Failed to upgrade";
localizedStrings["Failure status code"] = "Failure status code";
/* Resource loaded via 'fetch' method */
localizedStrings["Fetch"] = "Fetch";
/* Resources loaded via 'fetch' method */
localizedStrings["Fetches"] = "Fetches";
localizedStrings["File or Resource"] = "File or Resource";
localizedStrings["Filename"] = "Filename";
localizedStrings["Filter"] = "Filter";
localizedStrings["Filter Full URL"] = "Filter Full URL";
localizedStrings["Filter:"] = "Filter:";
localizedStrings["Find Next (%s)"] = "Find Next (%s)";
localizedStrings["Find Previous (%s)"] = "Find Previous (%s)";
localizedStrings["Flows"] = "Flows";
localizedStrings["Focus on Subtree"] = "Focus on Subtree";
localizedStrings["Focused"] = "Focused";
localizedStrings["Font"] = "Font";
localizedStrings["Fonts"] = "Fonts";
localizedStrings["Force Dark Appearance"] = "Force Dark Appearance";
localizedStrings["Force Light Appearance"] = "Force Light Appearance";
localizedStrings["Force print media styles"] = "Force print media styles";
/* Layout phase records that were imperative (forced) */
localizedStrings["Forced Layout"] = "Forced Layout";
/* A context menu item to force (override) a DOM node's pseudo-classes */
localizedStrings["Forced Pseudo-Classes"] = "Forced Pseudo-Classes";
localizedStrings["Format: HSL"] = "Format: HSL";
localizedStrings["Format: HSLA"] = "Format: HSLA";
localizedStrings["Format: Hex"] = "Format: Hex";
localizedStrings["Format: Hex with Alpha"] = "Format: Hex with Alpha";
localizedStrings["Format: Keyword"] = "Format: Keyword";
localizedStrings["Format: RGB"] = "Format: RGB";
localizedStrings["Format: RGBA"] = "Format: RGBA";
localizedStrings["Format: Short Hex"] = "Format: Short Hex";
localizedStrings["Format: Short Hex with Alpha"] = "Format: Short Hex with Alpha";
localizedStrings["Forward (%s)"] = "Forward (%s)";
localizedStrings["Fragment"] = "Fragment";
localizedStrings["Fragment Shader"] = "Fragment Shader";
localizedStrings["Frame %d"] = "Frame %d";
localizedStrings["Frame URL"] = "Frame URL";
localizedStrings["Frames"] = "Frames";
localizedStrings["Frames %d \u2013 %d"] = "Frames %d \u2013 %d";
localizedStrings["Full Garbage Collection"] = "Full Garbage Collection";
localizedStrings["Full URL"] = "Full URL";
localizedStrings["Full-Screen"] = "Full-Screen";
localizedStrings["Full-Screen from \u201C%s\u201D"] = "Full-Screen from \u201C%s\u201D";
localizedStrings["Function"] = "Function";
localizedStrings["Function Name Variable"] = "Function Name Variable";
localizedStrings["GIF"] = "GIF";
localizedStrings["Garbage Collection"] = "Garbage Collection";
localizedStrings["General"] = "General";
localizedStrings["Getter"] = "Getter";
localizedStrings["Global Code"] = "Global Code";
localizedStrings["Global Lexical Environment"] = "Global Lexical Environment";
localizedStrings["Global Variables"] = "Global Variables";
localizedStrings["Grammar"] = "Grammar";
localizedStrings["Group"] = "Group";
localizedStrings["Group By Resource"] = "Group By Resource";
localizedStrings["Group Media Requests"] = "Group Media Requests";
localizedStrings["Group by Event"] = "Group by Event";
localizedStrings["Group by Target"] = "Group by Target";
localizedStrings["Grouping Method"] = "Grouping Method";
localizedStrings["HAR Export (%s)"] = "HAR Export (%s)";
localizedStrings["HAR Import"] = "HAR Import";
localizedStrings["HAR Import Error: %s"] = "HAR Import Error: %s";
localizedStrings["HTML"] = "HTML";
localizedStrings["HTML Attributes"] = "HTML Attributes";
localizedStrings["Headers"] = "Headers";
localizedStrings["Headers:"] = "Headers:";
localizedStrings["Heading Level"] = "Heading Level";
localizedStrings["Heap Snapshot %s-%s-%s at %s.%s.%s"] = "Heap Snapshot %s-%s-%s at %s.%s.%s";
localizedStrings["Heap Snapshot Object (%s)"] = "Heap Snapshot Object (%s)";
localizedStrings["Height"] = "Height";
localizedStrings["Hide Console"] = "Hide Console";
localizedStrings["Hide Console (%s)"] = "Hide Console (%s)";
localizedStrings["Hide Elements"] = "Hide Elements";
localizedStrings["Hide Path"] = "Hide Path";
localizedStrings["Hide compositing borders"] = "Hide compositing borders";
localizedStrings["Hide rulers"] = "Hide rulers";
localizedStrings["Hide shadow DOM nodes"] = "Hide shadow DOM nodes";
localizedStrings["Hide the details sidebar (%s)"] = "Hide the details sidebar (%s)";
localizedStrings["Hide the navigation sidebar (%s)"] = "Hide the navigation sidebar (%s)";
localizedStrings["Hide transparency grid"] = "Hide transparency grid";
localizedStrings["Hide type information"] = "Hide type information";
localizedStrings["Hierarchy Level"] = "Hierarchy Level";
localizedStrings["High"] = "High";
localizedStrings["Highest: %s"] = "Highest: %s";
localizedStrings["Host"] = "Host";
localizedStrings["ICO"] = "ICO";
localizedStrings["IP"] = "IP";
localizedStrings["IP Address"] = "IP Address";
localizedStrings["Identity"] = "Identity";
localizedStrings["Idle"] = "Idle";
localizedStrings["If the URL of any script matches one of the regular expression patterns below, any pauses that would have happened in that script will be deferred until execution has continued to outside of that script."] = "If the URL of any script matches one of the regular expression patterns below, any pauses that would have happened in that script will be deferred until execution has continued to outside of that script.";
localizedStrings["Ignore"] = "Ignore";
localizedStrings["Ignore script when debugging"] = "Ignore script when debugging";
localizedStrings["Ignore the resource cache when loading resources"] = "Ignore the resource cache when loading resources";
localizedStrings["Ignored"] = "Ignored";
localizedStrings["Image"] = "Image";
localizedStrings["Image Size"] = "Image Size";
localizedStrings["Images"] = "Images";
localizedStrings["Images:"] = "Images:";
localizedStrings["Immediate Pause Requested"] = "Immediate Pause Requested";
localizedStrings["Import"] = "Import";
localizedStrings["Imported"] = "Imported";
localizedStrings["Imported - %s"] = "Imported - %s";
localizedStrings["Imported \u2014 %s"] = "Imported \u2014 %s";
localizedStrings["Incomplete"] = "Incomplete";
localizedStrings["Indent width:"] = "Indent width:";
localizedStrings["Index"] = "Index";
localizedStrings["Index Key \u2014 %s"] = "Index Key \u2014 %s";
localizedStrings["Indexed Databases"] = "Indexed Databases";
localizedStrings["Info: "] = "Info: ";
localizedStrings["Infos"] = "Infos";
/* A section of CSS rules matching an ancestor DOM node */
localizedStrings["Inherited From"] = "Inherited From";
localizedStrings["Initial State"] = "Initial State";
localizedStrings["Initial Velocity"] = "Initial Velocity";
localizedStrings["Initiated"] = "Initiated";
localizedStrings["Initiator"] = "Initiator";
localizedStrings["Input: "] = "Input: ";
localizedStrings["Inspector Bootstrap Script"] = "Inspector Bootstrap Script";
localizedStrings["Inspector Override"] = "Inspector Override";
localizedStrings["Inspector Style Sheet"] = "Inspector Style Sheet";
localizedStrings["Instances"] = "Instances";
localizedStrings["Invalid"] = "Invalid";
localizedStrings["Inverted"] = "Inverted";
localizedStrings["Invisible characters"] = "Invisible characters";
localizedStrings["Invoke getter"] = "Invoke getter";
localizedStrings["It is evaluated immediately after the global object is created, before any other content has loaded."] = "It is evaluated immediately after the global object is created, before any other content has loaded.";
/* Tooltip for a timestamp marker that represents when a CSS animation/transition iterates */
localizedStrings["Iteration"] = "Iteration";
localizedStrings["JP2"] = "JP2";
localizedStrings["JPEG"] = "JPEG";
localizedStrings["JavaScript"] = "JavaScript";
localizedStrings["JavaScript & Events"] = "JavaScript & Events";
localizedStrings["JavaScript Allocations"] = "JavaScript Allocations";
localizedStrings["JavaScript Context"] = "JavaScript Context";
localizedStrings["Jump to Definition"] = "Jump to Definition";
localizedStrings["Key"] = "Key";
localizedStrings["Key Path"] = "Key Path";
localizedStrings["Label"] = "Label";
localizedStrings["Latency"] = "Latency";
localizedStrings["Layer Count: %d"] = "Layer Count: %d";
localizedStrings["Layer Info"] = "Layer Info";
localizedStrings["Layers"] = "Layers";
localizedStrings["Layout & Rendering"] = "Layout & Rendering";
/* Layout phase timeline records */
localizedStrings["Layout @ Timeline record"] = "Layout";
localizedStrings["Layout Invalidated"] = "Layout Invalidated";
localizedStrings["Line %d"] = "Line %d";
localizedStrings["Line %d:%d"] = "Line %d:%d";
localizedStrings["Line Number"] = "Line Number";
localizedStrings["Line wrapping:"] = "Line wrapping:";
localizedStrings["Linear Gradient"] = "Linear Gradient";
localizedStrings["Live"] = "Live";
localizedStrings["Live Activity"] = "Live Activity";
localizedStrings["Live Size"] = "Live Size";
localizedStrings["Load \u2014 %s"] = "Load \u2014 %s";
localizedStrings["Load cancelled"] = "Load cancelled";
localizedStrings["Local File"] = "Local File";
localizedStrings["Local Override"] = "Local Override";
localizedStrings["Local Override\u2026"] = "Local Override\u2026";
localizedStrings["Local Overrides"] = "Local Overrides";
localizedStrings["Local Storage"] = "Local Storage";
localizedStrings["Local Variables"] = "Local Variables";
localizedStrings["Located at %s"] = "Located at %s";
localizedStrings["Location"] = "Location";
localizedStrings["Log Canvas Context"] = "Log Canvas Context";
/* Log (print) DOM element to Console */
localizedStrings["Log Element"] = "Log Element";
localizedStrings["Log Frame Text"] = "Log Frame Text";
localizedStrings["Log Frame Value"] = "Log Frame Value";
localizedStrings["Log Message"] = "Log Message";
/* Log (print) DOM node to Console */
localizedStrings["Log Node"] = "Log Node";
localizedStrings["Log Symbol"] = "Log Symbol";
localizedStrings["Log Value"] = "Log Value";
localizedStrings["Log WebSocket"] = "Log WebSocket";
localizedStrings["Log: "] = "Log: ";
localizedStrings["Logs"] = "Logs";
localizedStrings["Low"] = "Low";
localizedStrings["Lowest: %s"] = "Lowest: %s";
localizedStrings["MIME Type"] = "MIME Type";
localizedStrings["MIME Type:"] = "MIME Type:";
localizedStrings["MSE Logging:"] = "MSE Logging:";
localizedStrings["Main Thread"] = "Main Thread";
localizedStrings["Main: %s"] = "Main: %s";
localizedStrings["Manifest URL"] = "Manifest URL";
localizedStrings["Mass"] = "Mass";
localizedStrings["Matching"] = "Matching";
localizedStrings["Max Comparison"] = "Max Comparison";
localizedStrings["Maximum"] = "Maximum";
localizedStrings["Maximum CPU Usage: %s"] = "Maximum CPU Usage: %s";
localizedStrings["Maximum Size: %s"] = "Maximum Size: %s";
localizedStrings["Maximum maximum memory size in this recording"] = "Maximum maximum memory size in this recording";
localizedStrings["Media"] = "Media";
localizedStrings["Media & Animations"] = "Media & Animations";
localizedStrings["Media Element"] = "Media Element";
localizedStrings["Media Event"] = "Media Event";
localizedStrings["Media Logging:"] = "Media Logging:";
localizedStrings["MediaSource"] = "MediaSource";
localizedStrings["Medium"] = "Medium";
localizedStrings["Memory"] = "Memory";
localizedStrings["Memory Cache"] = "Memory Cache";
localizedStrings["Memory usage of this canvas"] = "Memory usage of this canvas";
localizedStrings["Memory: %s"] = "Memory: %s";
localizedStrings["Message"] = "Message";
localizedStrings["Method"] = "Method";
localizedStrings["Microtask Dispatched"] = "Microtask Dispatched";
localizedStrings["Microtask Fired"] = "Microtask Fired";
localizedStrings["Missing result level"] = "Missing result level";
localizedStrings["Mixed"] = "Mixed";
localizedStrings["Modifications made here will take effect on the next load of any page or sub-frame."] = "Modifications made here will take effect on the next load of any page or sub-frame.";
localizedStrings["Module Code"] = "Module Code";
localizedStrings["Multi-Entry"] = "Multi-Entry";
localizedStrings["Name"] = "Name";
localizedStrings["Network"] = "Network";
localizedStrings["Network Issue"] = "Network Issue";
localizedStrings["Network Requests"] = "Network Requests";
localizedStrings["Network Requests:"] = "Network Requests:";
localizedStrings["New Tab"] = "New Tab";
/* A submenu item of 'Add' to add DOM nodes after the selected DOM node */
localizedStrings["Next Sibling"] = "Next Sibling";
localizedStrings["No"] = "No";
localizedStrings["No Accessibility Information"] = "No Accessibility Information";
localizedStrings["No Application Cache information available"] = "No Application Cache information available";
localizedStrings["No Associated Data"] = "No Associated Data";
localizedStrings["No Attributes"] = "No Attributes";
localizedStrings["No Box Model Information"] = "No Box Model Information";
localizedStrings["No CSS Changes"] = "No CSS Changes";
localizedStrings["No Canvas Contexts"] = "No Canvas Contexts";
localizedStrings["No Canvas Selected"] = "No Canvas Selected";
localizedStrings["No Chart Available"] = "No Chart Available";
localizedStrings["No Child Layers"] = "No Child Layers";
localizedStrings["No Data Bindings"] = "No Data Bindings";
localizedStrings["No Enabled Audits"] = "No Enabled Audits";
localizedStrings["No Entries"] = "No Entries";
localizedStrings["No Event Listeners"] = "No Event Listeners";
localizedStrings["No Filter Results"] = "No Filter Results";
localizedStrings["No Layer Available"] = "No Layer Available";
localizedStrings["No Overrides"] = "No Overrides";
localizedStrings["No Parameters"] = "No Parameters";
localizedStrings["No Preview Available"] = "No Preview Available";
localizedStrings["No Properties"] = "No Properties";
localizedStrings["No Query Parameters"] = "No Query Parameters";
localizedStrings["No Request Headers"] = "No Request Headers";
localizedStrings["No Response Headers"] = "No Response Headers";
localizedStrings["No Result"] = "No Result";
localizedStrings["No Results Found"] = "No Results Found";
localizedStrings["No Search Results"] = "No Search Results";
localizedStrings["No Watch Expressions"] = "No Watch Expressions";
localizedStrings["No audit selected"] = "No audit selected";
localizedStrings["No certificate security information."] = "No certificate security information.";
localizedStrings["No connection security information."] = "No connection security information.";
localizedStrings["No matching ARIA role"] = "No matching ARIA role";
localizedStrings["No preview available"] = "No preview available";
localizedStrings["No request cookies."] = "No request cookies.";
localizedStrings["No request headers"] = "No request headers";
localizedStrings["No request, served from the disk cache."] = "No request, served from the disk cache.";
localizedStrings["No request, served from the memory cache."] = "No request, served from the memory cache.";
localizedStrings["No response cookies."] = "No response cookies.";
localizedStrings["No response headers"] = "No response headers";
localizedStrings["Node"] = "Node";
/* A submenu item of 'Break On' that breaks (pauses) before DOM node is removed */
localizedStrings["Node Removed"] = "Node Removed";
localizedStrings["Nodes"] = "Nodes";
localizedStrings["None"] = "None";
localizedStrings["Not found"] = "Not found";
localizedStrings["Object Graph"] = "Object Graph";
localizedStrings["Object Store"] = "Object Store";
localizedStrings["Observer Callback"] = "Observer Callback";
localizedStrings["Observer Handlers:"] = "Observer Handlers:";
localizedStrings["Observers:"] = "Observers:";
localizedStrings["Off"] = "Off";
localizedStrings["Once"] = "Once";
localizedStrings["Online"] = "Online";
localizedStrings["Only show resources with issues"] = "Only show resources with issues";
localizedStrings["Only show visual actions"] = "Only show visual actions";
localizedStrings["Open"] = "Open";
localizedStrings["Open in New Tab"] = "Open in New Tab";
localizedStrings["Option-click to show source"] = "Option-click to show source";
localizedStrings["Options"] = "Options";
localizedStrings["Original formatting"] = "Original formatting";
localizedStrings["Originally %s"] = "Originally %s";
localizedStrings["Originator"] = "Originator";
localizedStrings["Other"] = "Other";
localizedStrings["Other Issue"] = "Other Issue";
localizedStrings["Other Threads"] = "Other Threads";
localizedStrings["Other: %s"] = "Other: %s";
localizedStrings["Other\u2026"] = "Other\u2026";
localizedStrings["Outgoing message"] = "Outgoing message";
localizedStrings["Output: "] = "Output: ";
localizedStrings["Over 1 ms"] = "Over 1 ms";
localizedStrings["Over 15 ms"] = "Over 15 ms";
localizedStrings["Override"] = "Override";
localizedStrings["Overview"] = "Overview";
localizedStrings["Owns"] = "Owns";
localizedStrings["PDF"] = "PDF";
localizedStrings["PNG"] = "PNG";
localizedStrings["Page"] = "Page";
localizedStrings["Page Issue"] = "Page Issue";
localizedStrings["Page navigated at %s"] = "Page navigated at %s";
localizedStrings["Page reloaded at %s"] = "Page reloaded at %s";
/* Paint (render) phase timeline records */
localizedStrings["Paint @ Timeline record"] = "Paint";
localizedStrings["Paints"] = "Paints";
/* A count of how many times an element was painted (rendered) */
localizedStrings["Paints @ Column title"] = "Paints";
localizedStrings["Parent"] = "Parent";
localizedStrings["Partial Garbage Collection"] = "Partial Garbage Collection";
localizedStrings["Passive"] = "Passive";
localizedStrings["Path"] = "Path";
localizedStrings["Pause Processing"] = "Pause Processing";
localizedStrings["Pause Reason"] = "Pause Reason";
localizedStrings["Pause script execution (%s or %s)"] = "Pause script execution (%s or %s)";
/* Tooltip for a time range bar that represents when the playback of a audio/video element is paused */
localizedStrings["Paused"] = "Paused";
/* The number of tests that passed expressed as a percentage, followed by a literal %. */
localizedStrings["Percentage (of audits)"] = "%s%%";
localizedStrings["Periods of high CPU utilization will rapidly drain battery. Strive to keep idle pages under %s average CPU utilization."] = "Periods of high CPU utilization will rapidly drain battery. Strive to keep idle pages under %s average CPU utilization.";
localizedStrings["Ping"] = "Ping";
localizedStrings["Ping Frame"] = "Ping Frame";
localizedStrings["Pings"] = "Pings";
localizedStrings["Play Sound"] = "Play Sound";
/* Tooltip for a time range bar that represents when the playback of a audio/video element is running */
localizedStrings["Playing"] = "Playing";
localizedStrings["Polite"] = "Polite";
localizedStrings["Pong Frame"] = "Pong Frame";
localizedStrings["Port"] = "Port";
localizedStrings["Power Efficient Playback"] = "Power Efficient Playback";
localizedStrings["Prefer Shorthands"] = "Prefer Shorthands";
localizedStrings["Prefer indent using:"] = "Prefer indent using:";
localizedStrings["Preserve Log"] = "Preserve Log";
localizedStrings["Press %s to import a test or result file"] = "Press %s to import a test or result file";
localizedStrings["Press %s to load a recording from file."] = "Press %s to load a recording from file.";
localizedStrings["Press %s to start running the audit"] = "Press %s to start running the audit";
localizedStrings["Press %s to stop editing"] = "Press %s to stop editing";
localizedStrings["Pressed"] = "Pressed";
localizedStrings["Pretty print"] = "Pretty print";
localizedStrings["Preview"] = "Preview";
/* A submenu item of 'Add' to add DOM nodes before the selected DOM node */
localizedStrings["Previous Sibling"] = "Previous Sibling";
localizedStrings["Primary Key"] = "Primary Key";
localizedStrings["Primary Key \u2014 %s"] = "Primary Key \u2014 %s";
localizedStrings["Priority"] = "Priority";
localizedStrings["Probe Expression"] = "Probe Expression";
localizedStrings["Probe Sample Recorded"] = "Probe Sample Recorded";
localizedStrings["Probes"] = "Probes";
localizedStrings["Processing Instruction"] = "Processing Instruction";
localizedStrings["Program %d"] = "Program %d";
localizedStrings["Properties"] = "Properties";
localizedStrings["Protocol"] = "Protocol";
localizedStrings["Pseudo-Element"] = "Pseudo-Element";
localizedStrings["Query Parameters"] = "Query Parameters";
localizedStrings["Query String"] = "Query String";
localizedStrings["Query String Parameters"] = "Query String Parameters";
localizedStrings["Query returned no results."] = "Query returned no results.";
localizedStrings["Queued"] = "Queued";
localizedStrings["Radial Gradient"] = "Radial Gradient";
localizedStrings["Range Issue"] = "Range Issue";
localizedStrings["Readonly"] = "Readonly";
/* Tooltip for a time range bar that represents when a CSS animation/transition exists but has not started processing */
localizedStrings["Ready"] = "Ready";
localizedStrings["Reasons for compositing"] = "Reasons for compositing";
localizedStrings["Reasons for compositing:"] = "Reasons for compositing:";
localizedStrings["Record first %s frame"] = "Record first %s frame";
localizedStrings["Record first %s frames"] = "Record first %s frames";
localizedStrings["Recording"] = "Recording";
localizedStrings["Recording %d"] = "Recording %d";
localizedStrings["Recording Error: %s"] = "Recording Error: %s";
localizedStrings["Recording Timeline Data"] = "Recording Timeline Data";
localizedStrings["Recording Warning: %s"] = "Recording Warning: %s";
localizedStrings["Recording stop requested \u2014 %s"] = "Recording stop requested \u2014 %s";
localizedStrings["Recordings"] = "Recordings";
localizedStrings["Redirect Response"] = "Redirect Response";
localizedStrings["Redirects"] = "Redirects";
localizedStrings["Reference Issue"] = "Reference Issue";
localizedStrings["Reflection"] = "Reflection";
localizedStrings["Refresh"] = "Refresh";
localizedStrings["Refresh all"] = "Refresh all";
localizedStrings["Refresh watch expressions"] = "Refresh watch expressions";
localizedStrings["Region announced in its entirety."] = "Region announced in its entirety.";
localizedStrings["Regular Expression"] = "Regular Expression";
/* Context menu label for whether searches should be treated as regular expressions. */
localizedStrings["Regular Expression @ Context Menu"] = "Regular Expression";
/* Settings tab checkbox label for whether searches should be treated as regular expressions. */
localizedStrings["Regular Expression @ Settings"] = "Regular Expression";
localizedStrings["Reload Web Inspector"] = "Reload Web Inspector";
localizedStrings["Reload page (%s)\nReload page ignoring cache (%s)"] = "Reload page (%s)\nReload page ignoring cache (%s)";
localizedStrings["Removals"] = "Removals";
localizedStrings["Remove Blackbox"] = "Remove Blackbox";
localizedStrings["Remove Inspector Bootstrap Script"] = "Remove Inspector Bootstrap Script";
localizedStrings["Remove Local Override"] = "Remove Local Override";
localizedStrings["Remove Watch Expression"] = "Remove Watch Expression";
localizedStrings["Remove probe"] = "Remove probe";
localizedStrings["Remove this breakpoint action"] = "Remove this breakpoint action";
localizedStrings["Removed ancestor "] = "Removed ancestor ";
localizedStrings["Removed descendant "] = "Removed descendant ";
localizedStrings["Render Pipeline %d"] = "Render Pipeline %d";
localizedStrings["Rendering Frames"] = "Rendering Frames";
localizedStrings["Repeating Linear Gradient"] = "Repeating Linear Gradient";
localizedStrings["Repeating Radial Gradient"] = "Repeating Radial Gradient";
localizedStrings["Request"] = "Request";
localizedStrings["Request & Response"] = "Request & Response";
localizedStrings["Request (DOM Tree)"] = "Request (DOM Tree)";
localizedStrings["Request (Object Tree)"] = "Request (Object Tree)";
localizedStrings["Request Cookies"] = "Request Cookies";
localizedStrings["Request Data"] = "Request Data";
localizedStrings["Request Headers"] = "Request Headers";
localizedStrings["Requesting: %s"] = "Requesting: %s";
localizedStrings["Required"] = "Required";
localizedStrings["Resource"] = "Resource";
localizedStrings["Resource Size"] = "Resource Size";
localizedStrings["Resource Type"] = "Resource Type";
localizedStrings["Resource does not have timing data"] = "Resource does not have timing data";
localizedStrings["Resource failed to load."] = "Resource failed to load.";
localizedStrings["Resource has no content"] = "Resource has no content";
localizedStrings["Resource has no timing data"] = "Resource has no timing data";
localizedStrings["Resource was loaded with the \u201Cdata\u201D scheme."] = "Resource was loaded with the \u201Cdata\u201D scheme.";
localizedStrings["Resource was served from the cache."] = "Resource was served from the cache.";
localizedStrings["Resources"] = "Resources";
localizedStrings["Response"] = "Response";
localizedStrings["Response (DOM Tree)"] = "Response (DOM Tree)";
localizedStrings["Response (Object Tree)"] = "Response (Object Tree)";
localizedStrings["Response (Text)"] = "Response (Text)";
localizedStrings["Response Cookies"] = "Response Cookies";
localizedStrings["Response Headers"] = "Response Headers";
localizedStrings["Response:"] = "Response:";
localizedStrings["Restart (%s)"] = "Restart (%s)";
localizedStrings["Restart animation"] = "Restart animation";
localizedStrings["Result Data"] = "Result Data";
localizedStrings["Result Levels"] = "Result Levels";
localizedStrings["Results"] = "Results";
localizedStrings["Resume Processing"] = "Resume Processing";
localizedStrings["Resume Thread"] = "Resume Thread";
localizedStrings["Retained Size"] = "Retained Size";
localizedStrings["Return string must be one of %s"] = "Return string must be one of %s";
localizedStrings["Return type for anonymous function"] = "Return type for anonymous function";
localizedStrings["Return type for function: %s"] = "Return type for function: %s";
localizedStrings["Return value is not an object, string, or boolean"] = "Return value is not an object, string, or boolean";
localizedStrings["Reveal"] = "Reveal";
localizedStrings["Reveal Descendant Breakpoints"] = "Reveal Descendant Breakpoints";
localizedStrings["Reveal Local Override"] = "Reveal Local Override";
localizedStrings["Reveal blackbox pattern"] = "Reveal blackbox pattern";
/* Open Elements tab and select this node in DOM tree */
localizedStrings["Reveal in DOM Tree"] = "Reveal in DOM Tree";
localizedStrings["Reveal in Elements Tab"] = "Reveal in Elements Tab";
/* Open Layers tab and select the layer corresponding to this node */
localizedStrings["Reveal in Layers Tab"] = "Reveal in Layers Tab";
localizedStrings["Reveal in Network Tab"] = "Reveal in Network Tab";
localizedStrings["Reveal in Original Resource"] = "Reveal in Original Resource";
localizedStrings["Reveal in Sources Tab"] = "Reveal in Sources Tab";
localizedStrings["Reveal in Style Sheet"] = "Reveal in Style Sheet";
localizedStrings["Role"] = "Role";
localizedStrings["Run %d"] = "Run %d";
localizedStrings["Run console commands as if inside a user gesture"] = "Run console commands as if inside a user gesture";
localizedStrings["Running the \u201C%s\u201D audit"] = "Running the \u201C%s\u201D audit";
localizedStrings["SVG"] = "SVG";
localizedStrings["Samples"] = "Samples";
localizedStrings["Save %d"] = "Save %d";
localizedStrings["Save File"] = "Save File";
localizedStrings["Save Image"] = "Save Image";
localizedStrings["Save Selected"] = "Save Selected";
localizedStrings["Save configuration"] = "Save configuration";
localizedStrings["Saved Recordings"] = "Saved Recordings";
localizedStrings["Saved Result Alias:"] = "Saved Result Alias:";
localizedStrings["Saved States"] = "Saved States";
localizedStrings["Scheduling:"] = "Scheduling:";
localizedStrings["Scheme"] = "Scheme";
localizedStrings["Scope"] = "Scope";
localizedStrings["Scope Chain"] = "Scope Chain";
localizedStrings["Screen Shot %s-%s-%s at %s.%s.%s"] = "Screen Shot %s-%s-%s at %s.%s.%s";
localizedStrings["Script"] = "Script";
localizedStrings["Script Element %d"] = "Script Element %d";
localizedStrings["Script Entries:"] = "Script Entries:";
localizedStrings["Script Evaluated"] = "Script Evaluated";
localizedStrings["Script ignored due to blackbox"] = "Script ignored due to blackbox";
localizedStrings["Script ignored when debugging due to URL pattern blackbox"] = "Script ignored when debugging due to URL pattern blackbox";
localizedStrings["Scripts"] = "Scripts";
localizedStrings["Scripts can also be individually blackboxed by clicking on the %s icon that is shown on hover."] = "Scripts can also be individually blackboxed by clicking on the %s icon that is shown on hover.";
/* Scroll selected DOM node into view on the inspected web page */
localizedStrings["Scroll into View"] = "Scroll into View";
localizedStrings["Search"] = "Search";
localizedStrings["Search Again"] = "Search Again";
localizedStrings["Search Resource Content"] = "Search Resource Content";
/* Settings tab label for search related settings */
localizedStrings["Search: @ Settings"] = "Search:";
localizedStrings["Searching %s"] = "Searching %s";
localizedStrings["Secure"] = "Secure";
localizedStrings["Security"] = "Security";
localizedStrings["Security Issue"] = "Security Issue";
localizedStrings["Security Origin"] = "Security Origin";
localizedStrings["Select baseline snapshot"] = "Select baseline snapshot";
localizedStrings["Select comparison snapshot"] = "Select comparison snapshot";
localizedStrings["Selected"] = "Selected";
localizedStrings["Selected Canvas Context"] = "Selected Canvas Context";
/* Selected DOM element */
localizedStrings["Selected Element"] = "Selected Element";
localizedStrings["Selected Frame"] = "Selected Frame";
localizedStrings["Selected Item"] = "Selected Item";
localizedStrings["Selected Items"] = "Selected Items";
/* Selected DOM node */
localizedStrings["Selected Node"] = "Selected Node";
localizedStrings["Selected Symbol"] = "Selected Symbol";
localizedStrings["Selected Value"] = "Selected Value";
localizedStrings["Selected WebSocket"] = "Selected WebSocket";
localizedStrings["Selector Path"] = "Selector Path";
localizedStrings["Self Size"] = "Self Size";
localizedStrings["Self Time"] = "Self Time";
localizedStrings["Semantic Issue"] = "Semantic Issue";
localizedStrings["Server Timing:"] = "Server Timing:";
localizedStrings["Service Worker"] = "Service Worker";
localizedStrings["ServiceWorker"] = "ServiceWorker";
localizedStrings["Session"] = "Session";
localizedStrings["Session Storage"] = "Session Storage";
localizedStrings["Set to Automatically Continue"] = "Set to Automatically Continue";
localizedStrings["Setter"] = "Setter";
localizedStrings["Settings"] = "Settings";
localizedStrings["Shader Programs"] = "Shader Programs";
localizedStrings["Shadow Content"] = "Shadow Content";
localizedStrings["Shadow Content (%s)"] = "Shadow Content (%s)";
localizedStrings["Shared Focus"] = "Shared Focus";
localizedStrings["Shortest property path to %s"] = "Shortest property path to %s";
localizedStrings["Show %d More"] = "Show %d More";
localizedStrings["Show All"] = "Show All";
localizedStrings["Show All (%d More)"] = "Show All (%d More)";
localizedStrings["Show All Nodes (%d More)"] = "Show All Nodes (%d More)";
localizedStrings["Show Console"] = "Show Console";
localizedStrings["Show Console tab"] = "Show Console tab";
localizedStrings["Show Elements"] = "Show Elements";
localizedStrings["Show Jump to Effective Property Button"] = "Show Jump to Effective Property Button";
localizedStrings["Show Path"] = "Show Path";
localizedStrings["Show Remaining (%d)"] = "Show Remaining (%d)";
localizedStrings["Show Scope Chain on pause"] = "Show Scope Chain on pause";
localizedStrings["Show all actions"] = "Show all actions";
localizedStrings["Show all resources"] = "Show all resources";
localizedStrings["Show compositing borders"] = "Show compositing borders";
localizedStrings["Show errors logged to the Console"] = "Show errors logged to the Console";
localizedStrings["Show full certificate"] = "Show full certificate";
localizedStrings["Show hidden tabs"] = "Show hidden tabs";
localizedStrings["Show messages logged to the Console"] = "Show messages logged to the Console";
localizedStrings["Show network information"] = "Show network information";
localizedStrings["Show only for selected node"] = "Show only for selected node";
localizedStrings["Show page load timing"] = "Show page load timing";
localizedStrings["Show page resources"] = "Show page resources";
localizedStrings["Show page rulers and node border lines"] = "Show page rulers and node border lines";
localizedStrings["Show rulers"] = "Show rulers";
localizedStrings["Show shadow DOM nodes"] = "Show shadow DOM nodes";
localizedStrings["Show the details sidebar (%s)"] = "Show the details sidebar (%s)";
localizedStrings["Show the navigation sidebar (%s)"] = "Show the navigation sidebar (%s)";
localizedStrings["Show transparency grid"] = "Show transparency grid";
localizedStrings["Show type information"] = "Show type information";
localizedStrings["Show warnings logged to the Console"] = "Show warnings logged to the Console";
localizedStrings["Show:"] = "Show:";
localizedStrings["Site-specific Hacks"] = "Site-specific Hacks";
localizedStrings["Size"] = "Size";
localizedStrings["Size of current object plus all objects it keeps alive"] = "Size of current object plus all objects it keeps alive";
localizedStrings["Sizes"] = "Sizes";
localizedStrings["Snapshot %d"] = "Snapshot %d";
localizedStrings["Snapshot %d \u2014 %s"] = "Snapshot %d \u2014 %s";
localizedStrings["Snapshot Comparison (%d and %d)"] = "Snapshot Comparison (%d and %d)";
localizedStrings["Snapshot List"] = "Snapshot List";
localizedStrings["Socket"] = "Socket";
localizedStrings["Sockets"] = "Sockets";
localizedStrings["Some examples of ways to use this script include (but are not limited to):"] = "Some examples of ways to use this script include (but are not limited to):";
localizedStrings["Sort Ascending"] = "Sort Ascending";
localizedStrings["Sort Descending"] = "Sort Descending";
localizedStrings["Source"] = "Source";
localizedStrings["Source Maps:"] = "Source Maps:";
localizedStrings["Sources"] = "Sources";
localizedStrings["Space"] = "Space";
localizedStrings["Spaces"] = "Spaces";
localizedStrings["Specially Exposed Data"] = "Specially Exposed Data";
localizedStrings["Specificity: (%d, %d, %d)"] = "Specificity: (%d, %d, %d)";
localizedStrings["Specificity: No value for selected element"] = "Specificity: No value for selected element";
localizedStrings["Spelling"] = "Spelling";
localizedStrings["Staging:"] = "Staging:";
localizedStrings["Stalled"] = "Stalled";
localizedStrings["Start"] = "Start";
localizedStrings["Start Time"] = "Start Time";
localizedStrings["Start element selection (%s)"] = "Start element selection (%s)";
localizedStrings["Start recording (%s)\nCreate new recording (%s)"] = "Start recording (%s)\nCreate new recording (%s)";
localizedStrings["Start recording canvas actions.\nShift-click to record a single frame."] = "Start recording canvas actions.\nShift-click to record a single frame.";
localizedStrings["Start to Finish"] = "Start to Finish";
localizedStrings["State"] = "State";
localizedStrings["Statistics"] = "Statistics";
localizedStrings["Status"] = "Status";
localizedStrings["Step"] = "Step";
localizedStrings["Step into (%s or %s)"] = "Step into (%s or %s)";
localizedStrings["Step out (%s or %s)"] = "Step out (%s or %s)";
localizedStrings["Step over (%s or %s)"] = "Step over (%s or %s)";
localizedStrings["Stiffness"] = "Stiffness";
localizedStrings["Stop"] = "Stop";
localizedStrings["Stop Audit"] = "Stop Audit";
localizedStrings["Stop Recording"] = "Stop Recording";
localizedStrings["Stop element selection (%s)"] = "Stop element selection (%s)";
localizedStrings["Stop recording"] = "Stop recording";
localizedStrings["Stop recording (%s)"] = "Stop recording (%s)";
localizedStrings["Stop recording canvas actions"] = "Stop recording canvas actions";
localizedStrings["Stop recording once page loads"] = "Stop recording once page loads";
localizedStrings["Stopping the \u201C%s\u201D audit"] = "Stopping the \u201C%s\u201D audit";
localizedStrings["Storage"] = "Storage";
/* CSS properties defined via HTML style attribute */
localizedStrings["Style Attribute"] = "Style Attribute";
localizedStrings["Style Sheet"] = "Style Sheet";
localizedStrings["Style Sheets"] = "Style Sheets";
localizedStrings["Style rule"] = "Style rule";
localizedStrings["Styles"] = "Styles";
localizedStrings["Styles Invalidated"] = "Styles Invalidated";
localizedStrings["Styles Recalculated"] = "Styles Recalculated";
localizedStrings["Styles \u2014 Computed"] = "Styles \u2014 Computed";
localizedStrings["Styles \u2014 Rules"] = "Styles \u2014 Rules";
localizedStrings["Styles:"] = "Styles:";
localizedStrings["Subject"] = "Subject";
/* A submenu item of 'Break On' that breaks (pauses) before child DOM node is modified */
localizedStrings["Subtree Modified"] = "Subtree Modified";
localizedStrings["Summary"] = "Summary";
localizedStrings["TCP"] = "TCP";
localizedStrings["TIFF"] = "TIFF";
localizedStrings["Tab width:"] = "Tab width:";
localizedStrings["Tabs"] = "Tabs";
/* A submenu item of 'Edit' to change DOM element's tag name */
localizedStrings["Tag"] = "Tag";
localizedStrings["Take snapshot"] = "Take snapshot";
localizedStrings["Target"] = "Target";
localizedStrings["Template Content"] = "Template Content";
localizedStrings["Text"] = "Text";
localizedStrings["Text Frame"] = "Text Frame";
localizedStrings["Text Node"] = "Text Node";
localizedStrings["The Inspector Bootstrap Script is guaranteed to be the first script evaluated in any page, as well as any sub-frames."] = "The Inspector Bootstrap Script is guaranteed to be the first script evaluated in any page, as well as any sub-frames.";
localizedStrings["The \u201C%s\u201D audit failed"] = "The \u201C%s\u201D audit failed";
localizedStrings["The \u201C%s\u201D audit is unsupported"] = "The \u201C%s\u201D audit is unsupported";
localizedStrings["The \u201C%s\u201D audit passed"] = "The \u201C%s\u201D audit passed";
localizedStrings["The \u201C%s\u201D audit resulted in a warning"] = "The \u201C%s\u201D audit resulted in a warning";
localizedStrings["The \u201C%s\u201D audit threw an error"] = "The \u201C%s\u201D audit threw an error";
localizedStrings["The \u201C%s\u201D\ntable is empty."] = "The \u201C%s\u201D\ntable is empty.";
localizedStrings["The contents and enabled state will be preserved across Web Inspector sessions."] = "The contents and enabled state will be preserved across Web Inspector sessions.";
localizedStrings["The page's content has changed"] = "The page's content has changed";
localizedStrings["The resource was requested insecurely."] = "The resource was requested insecurely.";
localizedStrings["There is an incurred energy penalty each time the page enters script. This commonly happens with timers, event handlers, and observers."] = "There is an incurred energy penalty each time the page enters script. This commonly happens with timers, event handlers, and observers.";
localizedStrings["These are all of the different test result levels."] = "These are all of the different test result levels.";
localizedStrings["These are all of the different types of data that can be returned with the test result."] = "These are all of the different types of data that can be returned with the test result.";
localizedStrings["These tests demonstrate how to use %s to access information not normally available to JavaScript."] = "These tests demonstrate how to use %s to access information not normally available to JavaScript.";
localizedStrings["These tests demonstrate how to use %s to get information about DOM nodes."] = "These tests demonstrate how to use %s to get information about DOM nodes.";
localizedStrings["These tests demonstrate how to use %s to get information about loaded resources."] = "These tests demonstrate how to use %s to get information about loaded resources.";
localizedStrings["These tests demonstrate how to use %s to get information about the accessibility tree."] = "These tests demonstrate how to use %s to get information about the accessibility tree.";
localizedStrings["These tests serve as a demonstration of the functionality and structure of audits."] = "These tests serve as a demonstration of the functionality and structure of audits.";
localizedStrings["This Resource came from a Local Resource Override"] = "This Resource came from a Local Resource Override";
localizedStrings["This action causes no visual change"] = "This action causes no visual change";
localizedStrings["This action moves the path outside the visible area"] = "This action moves the path outside the visible area";
localizedStrings["This audit is not supported"] = "This audit is not supported";
localizedStrings["This is an example of how custom result data is shown."] = "This is an example of how custom result data is shown.";
localizedStrings["This is an example of how errors are shown. The error was thrown manually, but execution errors will appear in the same way."] = "This is an example of how errors are shown. The error was thrown manually, but execution errors will appear in the same way.";
localizedStrings["This is an example of how result DOM attributes are highlighted on any returned DOM nodes. It will pass with all elements with an id attribute."] = "This is an example of how result DOM attributes are highlighted on any returned DOM nodes. It will pass with all elements with an id attribute.";
localizedStrings["This is an example of how result DOM nodes are shown. It will pass with the <body> element."] = "This is an example of how result DOM nodes are shown. It will pass with the <body> element.";
localizedStrings["This is what the result of a failing test with no data looks like."] = "This is what the result of a failing test with no data looks like.";
localizedStrings["This is what the result of a passing test with no data looks like."] = "This is what the result of a passing test with no data looks like.";
localizedStrings["This is what the result of a test that threw an error with no data looks like."] = "This is what the result of a test that threw an error with no data looks like.";
localizedStrings["This is what the result of a warning test with no data looks like."] = "This is what the result of a warning test with no data looks like.";
localizedStrings["This is what the result of an unsupported test with no data looks like."] = "This is what the result of an unsupported test with no data looks like.";
/* Label for a guide within the color picker */
localizedStrings["This line marks the edge of sRGB color space"] = "This line marks the edge of sRGB color space";
localizedStrings["This object is a root"] = "This object is a root";
localizedStrings["This object is referenced by internal objects"] = "This object is referenced by internal objects";
localizedStrings["This test will pass with a variety of accessibility information about the <body> element."] = "This test will pass with a variety of accessibility information about the <body> element.";
localizedStrings["This test will pass with all DOM nodes that have a computed role of \u0022link\u0022."] = "This test will pass with all DOM nodes that have a computed role of \u0022link\u0022.";
localizedStrings["This test will pass with all child nodes that are selected (\u0022%s\u0022) of the <body> element in the accessibility tree."] = "This test will pass with all child nodes that are selected (\u0022%s\u0022) of the <body> element in the accessibility tree.";
localizedStrings["This test will pass with all nodes controlled (\u0022%s\u0022) by the <body> element, if any exist."] = "This test will pass with all nodes controlled (\u0022%s\u0022) by the <body> element, if any exist.";
localizedStrings["This test will pass with all nodes flowed to (\u0022%s\u0022) from the <body> element, if any exist."] = "This test will pass with all nodes flowed to (\u0022%s\u0022) from the <body> element, if any exist.";
localizedStrings["This test will pass with all nodes owned (\u0022%s\u0022) by the <body> element, if any exist."] = "This test will pass with all nodes owned (\u0022%s\u0022) by the <body> element, if any exist.";
localizedStrings["This test will pass with all of the child nodes of the <body> element in the accessibility tree."] = "This test will pass with all of the child nodes of the <body> element in the accessibility tree.";
localizedStrings["This test will pass with data indicating whether the <body> element has any click event listeners."] = "This test will pass with data indicating whether the <body> element has any click event listeners.";
localizedStrings["This test will pass with data indicating whether the <body> element has any event listeners."] = "This test will pass with data indicating whether the <body> element has any event listeners.";
localizedStrings["This test will pass with some basic information about each resource."] = "This test will pass with some basic information about each resource.";
localizedStrings["This test will pass with the active descendant (\u0022%s\u0022) of the <body> element, if it exists."] = "This test will pass with the active descendant (\u0022%s\u0022) of the <body> element, if it exists.";
localizedStrings["This test will pass with the contents of the main resource."] = "This test will pass with the contents of the main resource.";
localizedStrings["This test will pass with the node that would handle mouse events for the <body> element, if applicable."] = "This test will pass with the node that would handle mouse events for the <body> element, if applicable.";
localizedStrings["This test will pass with the parent node of the <body> element in the accessibility tree."] = "This test will pass with the parent node of the <body> element in the accessibility tree.";
localizedStrings["This text resource could benefit from compression"] = "This text resource could benefit from compression";
localizedStrings["Threads"] = "Threads";
localizedStrings["Time"] = "Time";
localizedStrings["Time spent on the main thread"] = "Time spent on the main thread";
localizedStrings["Time to First Byte"] = "Time to First Byte";
localizedStrings["Timeline"] = "Timeline";
localizedStrings["Timeline Recording %d"] = "Timeline Recording %d";
localizedStrings["Timeline Recording Import Error: %s"] = "Timeline Recording Import Error: %s";
localizedStrings["Timelines"] = "Timelines";
localizedStrings["Timer %d Fired"] = "Timer %d Fired";
localizedStrings["Timer %d Installed"] = "Timer %d Installed";
localizedStrings["Timer %d Removed"] = "Timer %d Removed";
localizedStrings["Timer Fired"] = "Timer Fired";
localizedStrings["Timer Installed"] = "Timer Installed";
localizedStrings["Timer Removed"] = "Timer Removed";
localizedStrings["Timers:"] = "Timers:";
localizedStrings["Timestamp \u2014 %s"] = "Timestamp \u2014 %s";
localizedStrings["Timing"] = "Timing";
localizedStrings["To improve CPU utilization reduce or batch workloads when the page is not visible or during times when the page is not being interacted with."] = "To improve CPU utilization reduce or batch workloads when the page is not visible or during times when the page is not being interacted with.";
localizedStrings["Toggle Classes"] = "Toggle Classes";
localizedStrings["Toggle Visibility"] = "Toggle Visibility";
localizedStrings["Top Functions"] = "Top Functions";
localizedStrings["Total"] = "Total";
localizedStrings["Total Time"] = "Total Time";
localizedStrings["Total memory size at the end of the selected time range"] = "Total memory size at the end of the selected time range";
localizedStrings["Total time"] = "Total time";
localizedStrings["Total: %s"] = "Total: %s";
localizedStrings["Totals:"] = "Totals:";
localizedStrings["Trace"] = "Trace";
localizedStrings["Trace: %s"] = "Trace: %s";
localizedStrings["Traces:"] = "Traces:";
/* Amount of data sent over the network for a single resource */
localizedStrings["Transfer Size"] = "Transfer Size";
localizedStrings["Transferred"] = "Transferred";
localizedStrings["Triggered Breakpoint"] = "Triggered Breakpoint";
localizedStrings["Triggered URL Breakpoint"] = "Triggered URL Breakpoint";
localizedStrings["True"] = "True";
localizedStrings["Type"] = "Type";
localizedStrings["Type Issue"] = "Type Issue";
localizedStrings["Type information for variable: %s"] = "Type information for variable: %s";
localizedStrings["URL"] = "URL";
localizedStrings["URL Breakpoint\u2026"] = "URL Breakpoint\u2026";
localizedStrings["URL Pattern"] = "URL Pattern";
localizedStrings["Unable to determine path to property from root"] = "Unable to determine path to property from root";
localizedStrings["Unable to show certificate for \u201C%s\u201D"] = "Unable to show certificate for \u201C%s\u201D";
localizedStrings["Unblackbox script to include it when debugging"] = "Unblackbox script to include it when debugging";
/* Break (pause) on uncaught (unhandled) exceptions */
localizedStrings["Uncaught Exceptions"] = "Uncaught Exceptions";
localizedStrings["Undefined custom element"] = "Undefined custom element";
localizedStrings["Unique"] = "Unique";
localizedStrings["Unknown Location"] = "Unknown Location";
localizedStrings["Unknown error"] = "Unknown error";
localizedStrings["Unknown node"] = "Unknown node";
localizedStrings["Unsupported property name"] = "Unsupported property name";
localizedStrings["Unsupported property value"] = "Unsupported property value";
localizedStrings["Untitled"] = "Untitled";
localizedStrings["Update Font"] = "Update Font";
localizedStrings["Update Image"] = "Update Image";
localizedStrings["Update Local Override"] = "Update Local Override";
localizedStrings["Usage: %s"] = "Usage: %s";
localizedStrings["Use Default Appearance"] = "Use Default Appearance";
localizedStrings["Use Mock Capture Devices"] = "Use Mock Capture Devices";
localizedStrings["Use default media styles"] = "Use default media styles";
localizedStrings["Use the resource cache when loading resources"] = "Use the resource cache when loading resources";
localizedStrings["User Agent"] = "User Agent";
localizedStrings["User Agent Style Sheet"] = "User Agent Style Sheet";
localizedStrings["User Agent:"] = "User Agent:";
localizedStrings["User Interface:"] = "User Interface:";
localizedStrings["User Style Sheet"] = "User Style Sheet";
localizedStrings["Valid From"] = "Valid From";
localizedStrings["Valid Until"] = "Valid Until";
localizedStrings["Value"] = "Value";
localizedStrings["Variables"] = "Variables";
localizedStrings["Verbose"] = "Verbose";
localizedStrings["Version"] = "Version";
localizedStrings["Vertex"] = "Vertex";
localizedStrings["Vertex Shader"] = "Vertex Shader";
localizedStrings["Vertex/Fragment Shader"] = "Vertex/Fragment Shader";
localizedStrings["Very High"] = "Very High";
localizedStrings["View Image"] = "View Image";
localizedStrings["View Recording"] = "View Recording";
localizedStrings["View Shader"] = "View Shader";
localizedStrings["Viewport"] = "Viewport";
localizedStrings["Visible"] = "Visible";
localizedStrings["Waiting"] = "Waiting";
localizedStrings["Waiting for canvas contexts created by script or CSS."] = "Waiting for canvas contexts created by script or CSS.";
localizedStrings["Waiting for frames\u2026"] = "Waiting for frames\u2026";
localizedStrings["Warning: "] = "Warning: ";
localizedStrings["Warnings"] = "Warnings";
localizedStrings["Watch Expressions"] = "Watch Expressions";
localizedStrings["Waterfall"] = "Waterfall";
localizedStrings["Web Inspector"] = "Web Inspector";
localizedStrings["Web Page"] = "Web Page";
localizedStrings["WebKit Threads"] = "WebKit Threads";
localizedStrings["WebP"] = "WebP";
localizedStrings["WebRTC"] = "WebRTC";
localizedStrings["WebRTC Logging:"] = "WebRTC Logging:";
localizedStrings["WebSocket Connection Established"] = "WebSocket Connection Established";
localizedStrings["Whitespace characters"] = "Whitespace characters";
localizedStrings["Width"] = "Width";
localizedStrings["With Object Properties"] = "With Object Properties";
localizedStrings["Worker"] = "Worker";
localizedStrings["Worker Thread"] = "Worker Thread";
localizedStrings["Worker Threads"] = "Worker Threads";
localizedStrings["Worker \u2014 %s"] = "Worker \u2014 %s";
localizedStrings["Worker: %s"] = "Worker: %s";
localizedStrings["Wrap lines to editor width"] = "Wrap lines to editor width";
localizedStrings["XBM"] = "XBM";
localizedStrings["XHR"] = "XHR";
localizedStrings["XHR Breakpoint\u2026"] = "XHR Breakpoint\u2026";
localizedStrings["XHRs"] = "XHRs";
localizedStrings["XPath"] = "XPath";
localizedStrings["Yes"] = "Yes";
localizedStrings["Zoom:"] = "Zoom:";
localizedStrings["\u0022%s\u0022 has a non-array \u0022%s\u0022 value"] = "\u0022%s\u0022 has a non-array \u0022%s\u0022 value";
localizedStrings["\u0022%s\u0022 has a non-number \u0022%s\u0022 value"] = "\u0022%s\u0022 has a non-number \u0022%s\u0022 value";
localizedStrings["\u0022%s\u0022 has a non-object \u0022%s\u0022 value"] = "\u0022%s\u0022 has a non-object \u0022%s\u0022 value";
localizedStrings["\u0022%s\u0022 has a non-string \u0022%s\u0022 value"] = "\u0022%s\u0022 has a non-string \u0022%s\u0022 value";
localizedStrings["\u0022%s\u0022 has an invalid \u0022%s\u0022 value"] = "\u0022%s\u0022 has an invalid \u0022%s\u0022 value";
localizedStrings["\u0022%s\u0022 is not JSON serializable"] = "\u0022%s\u0022 is not JSON serializable";
localizedStrings["\u0022%s\u0022 is not valid for %s"] = "\u0022%s\u0022 is not valid for %s";
localizedStrings["\u0022%s\u0022 is too new to run in this Web Inspector"] = "\u0022%s\u0022 is too new to run in this Web Inspector";
localizedStrings["\u0022%s\u0022 is too new to run on this inspected page"] = "\u0022%s\u0022 is too new to run on this inspected page";
localizedStrings["\u0022%s\u0022 must be a %s"] = "\u0022%s\u0022 must be a %s";
localizedStrings["\u0022%s\u0022 must be an %s"] = "\u0022%s\u0022 must be an %s";
localizedStrings["\u0022%s\u0022 threw an error"] = "\u0022%s\u0022 threw an error";
localizedStrings["\u201C%s\u201D Event Fired"] = "\u201C%s\u201D Event Fired";
localizedStrings["\u201C%s\u201D Profile Recorded"] = "\u201C%s\u201D Profile Recorded";
localizedStrings["computed"] = "computed";
localizedStrings["default"] = "default";
localizedStrings["default prevented"] = "default prevented";
localizedStrings["ensuring that common debugging functions are available on every page via the Console"] = "ensuring that common debugging functions are available on every page via the Console";
localizedStrings["for changes to take effect"] = "for changes to take effect";
localizedStrings["invalid HAR"] = "invalid HAR";
localizedStrings["invalid JSON"] = "invalid JSON";
localizedStrings["key"] = "key";
localizedStrings["line "] = "line ";
localizedStrings["non-array %s"] = "non-array %s";
localizedStrings["non-integer %s"] = "non-integer %s";
localizedStrings["non-number %s"] = "non-number %s";
localizedStrings["non-object %s"] = "non-object %s";
localizedStrings["non-string %s"] = "non-string %s";
localizedStrings["originally %s"] = "originally %s";
localizedStrings["overriding built-in functions to log call traces or add `debugger` statements"] = "overriding built-in functions to log call traces or add `debugger` statements";
localizedStrings["popup"] = "popup";
localizedStrings["popup, toggle"] = "popup, toggle";
localizedStrings["requestAnimationFrame Fired"] = "requestAnimationFrame Fired";
localizedStrings["setInterval Fired"] = "setInterval Fired";
localizedStrings["setTimeout Fired"] = "setTimeout Fired";
localizedStrings["space"] = "space";
localizedStrings["spaces"] = "spaces";
localizedStrings["time before stopping"] = "time before stopping";
localizedStrings["times before stopping"] = "times before stopping";
localizedStrings["toggle"] = "toggle";
localizedStrings["unknown %s \u0022%s\u0022"] = "unknown %s \u0022%s\u0022";
localizedStrings["unsupported %s"] = "unsupported %s";
localizedStrings["unsupported HAR version"] = "unsupported HAR version";
localizedStrings["unsupported version"] = "unsupported version";
localizedStrings["value"] = "value";