blob: 7296e75edcbca824c00a3a53e99253c0679c0597 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma once
#include "MediaQueryEvaluator.h"
#include "RuleSet.h"
#include "SelectorChecker.h"
#include "StyleScope.h"
#include <memory>
#include <wtf/RefPtr.h>
#include <wtf/Vector.h>
namespace WebCore {
class SelectorFilter;
namespace Style {
class MatchRequest;
class ScopeRuleSets;
class PseudoElementRequest {
PseudoElementRequest(PseudoId pseudoId, Optional<StyleScrollbarState> scrollbarState = WTF::nullopt)
: pseudoId(pseudoId)
, scrollbarState(scrollbarState)
PseudoElementRequest(PseudoId pseudoId, const AtomString& highlightName)
: pseudoId(pseudoId)
, highlightName(highlightName)
ASSERT(pseudoId == PseudoId::Highlight);
PseudoId pseudoId;
Optional<StyleScrollbarState> scrollbarState;
AtomString highlightName;
struct MatchedRule {
const RuleData* ruleData;
unsigned specificity;
ScopeOrdinal styleScopeOrdinal;
struct MatchedProperties {
RefPtr<const StyleProperties> properties;
uint16_t linkMatchType { SelectorChecker::MatchAll };
uint16_t whitelistType { PropertyWhitelistNone };
ScopeOrdinal styleScopeOrdinal { ScopeOrdinal::Element };
struct MatchResult {
bool isCacheable { true };
Vector<MatchedProperties> userAgentDeclarations;
Vector<MatchedProperties> userDeclarations;
Vector<MatchedProperties> authorDeclarations;
bool operator==(const MatchResult& other) const
return isCacheable == other.isCacheable
&& userAgentDeclarations == other.userAgentDeclarations
&& userDeclarations == other.userDeclarations
&& authorDeclarations == other.authorDeclarations;
bool operator!=(const MatchResult& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
bool isEmpty() const { return userAgentDeclarations.isEmpty() && userDeclarations.isEmpty() && authorDeclarations.isEmpty(); }
class ElementRuleCollector {
ElementRuleCollector(const Element&, const ScopeRuleSets&, const SelectorFilter*);
ElementRuleCollector(const Element&, const RuleSet& authorStyle, const SelectorFilter*);
void setIncludeEmptyRules(bool value) { m_shouldIncludeEmptyRules = value; }
void matchAllRules(bool matchAuthorAndUserStyles, bool includeSMILProperties);
void matchUARules();
void matchAuthorRules();
void matchUserRules();
bool matchesAnyAuthorRules();
void setMode(SelectorChecker::Mode mode) { m_mode = mode; }
void setPseudoElementRequest(const PseudoElementRequest& request) { m_pseudoElementRequest = request; }
void setMedium(const MediaQueryEvaluator* medium) { m_isPrintStyle = medium->mediaTypeMatchSpecific("print"); }
bool hasAnyMatchingRules(const RuleSet*);
const MatchResult& matchResult() const;
const Vector<RefPtr<const StyleRule>>& matchedRuleList() const;
void clearMatchedRules();
const PseudoIdSet& matchedPseudoElementIds() const { return m_matchedPseudoElementIds; }
const Relations& styleRelations() const { return m_styleRelations; }
bool didMatchUncommonAttributeSelector() const { return m_didMatchUncommonAttributeSelector; }
void addElementStyleProperties(const StyleProperties*, bool isCacheable = true);
void matchUARules(const RuleSet&);
void collectMatchingAuthorRules();
void addElementInlineStyleProperties(bool includeSMILProperties);
void matchAuthorShadowPseudoElementRules();
void matchHostPseudoClassRules();
void matchSlottedPseudoElementRules();
void matchPartPseudoElementRules();
void matchPartPseudoElementRulesForScope(const ShadowRoot& scopeShadowRoot);
void collectMatchingShadowPseudoElementRules(const MatchRequest&);
std::unique_ptr<RuleSet::RuleDataVector> collectSlottedPseudoElementRulesForSlot();
void collectMatchingRules(const MatchRequest&);
void collectMatchingRulesForList(const RuleSet::RuleDataVector*, const MatchRequest&);
bool ruleMatches(const RuleData&, unsigned& specificity);
void sortMatchedRules();
enum class DeclarationOrigin { UserAgent, User, Author };
static Vector<MatchedProperties>& declarationsForOrigin(MatchResult&, DeclarationOrigin);
void sortAndTransferMatchedRules(DeclarationOrigin);
void transferMatchedRules(DeclarationOrigin, Optional<ScopeOrdinal> forScope = { });
void addMatchedRule(const RuleData&, unsigned specificity, ScopeOrdinal);
void addMatchedProperties(MatchedProperties&&, DeclarationOrigin);
const Element& element() const { return m_element.get(); }
const Ref<const Element> m_element;
Ref<const RuleSet> m_authorStyle;
RefPtr<const RuleSet> m_userStyle;
RefPtr<const RuleSet> m_userAgentMediaQueryStyle;
const SelectorFilter* m_selectorFilter;
bool m_shouldIncludeEmptyRules { false };
bool m_isPrintStyle { false };
PseudoElementRequest m_pseudoElementRequest { PseudoId::None };
SelectorChecker::Mode m_mode { SelectorChecker::Mode::ResolvingStyle };
bool m_isMatchingSlottedPseudoElements { false };
bool m_isMatchingHostPseudoClass { false };
RefPtr<const Element> m_shadowHostInPartRuleScope;
Vector<std::unique_ptr<RuleSet::RuleDataVector>> m_keepAliveSlottedPseudoElementRules;
Vector<MatchedRule, 64> m_matchedRules;
size_t m_matchedRuleTransferIndex { 0 };
// Output.
Vector<RefPtr<const StyleRule>> m_matchedRuleList;
bool m_didMatchUncommonAttributeSelector { false };
MatchResult m_result;
Relations m_styleRelations;
PseudoIdSet m_matchedPseudoElementIds;
inline bool operator==(const MatchedProperties& a, const MatchedProperties& b)
return == && a.linkMatchType == b.linkMatchType;
inline bool operator!=(const MatchedProperties& a, const MatchedProperties& b)
return !(a == b);
} // namespace Style
} // namespace WebCore