blob: 72f338b555c5a8d53fc9fee39178d2a0f66e5b08 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2006, 2008, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma once
#include "BlobData.h"
#include <variant>
#include <wtf/Forward.h>
#include <wtf/RefCounted.h>
#include <wtf/URL.h>
#include <wtf/Vector.h>
#include <wtf/text/WTFString.h>
namespace PAL {
class TextEncoding;
namespace WebCore {
class BlobRegistryImpl;
class DOMFormData;
class File;
class SharedBuffer;
struct FormDataElement {
struct EncodedFileData;
struct EncodedBlobData;
using Data = std::variant<Vector<uint8_t>, EncodedFileData, EncodedBlobData>;
FormDataElement() = default;
explicit FormDataElement(Data&& data)
: data(WTFMove(data)) { }
explicit FormDataElement(Vector<uint8_t>&& array)
: data(WTFMove(array)) { }
FormDataElement(const String& filename, int64_t fileStart, int64_t fileLength, std::optional<WallTime> expectedFileModificationTime)
: data(EncodedFileData { filename, fileStart, fileLength, expectedFileModificationTime }) { }
explicit FormDataElement(const URL& blobURL)
: data(EncodedBlobData { blobURL }) { }
uint64_t lengthInBytes(const Function<uint64_t(const URL&)>&) const;
uint64_t lengthInBytes() const;
FormDataElement isolatedCopy() const;
template<typename Encoder> void encode(Encoder& encoder) const
encoder << data;
template<typename Decoder> static std::optional<FormDataElement> decode(Decoder& decoder)
std::optional<Data> data;
decoder >> data;
if (!data)
return std::nullopt;
return FormDataElement(WTFMove(*data));
struct EncodedFileData {
String filename;
int64_t fileStart { 0 };
int64_t fileLength { 0 };
std::optional<WallTime> expectedFileModificationTime;
bool fileModificationTimeMatchesExpectation() const;
EncodedFileData isolatedCopy() const
return { filename.isolatedCopy(), fileStart, fileLength, expectedFileModificationTime };
bool operator==(const EncodedFileData& other) const
return filename == other.filename
&& fileStart == other.fileStart
&& fileLength == other.fileLength
&& expectedFileModificationTime == other.expectedFileModificationTime;
template<typename Encoder> void encode(Encoder& encoder) const
encoder << filename << fileStart << fileLength << expectedFileModificationTime;
template<typename Decoder> static std::optional<EncodedFileData> decode(Decoder& decoder)
std::optional<String> filename;
decoder >> filename;
if (!filename)
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<int64_t> fileStart;
decoder >> fileStart;
if (!fileStart)
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<int64_t> fileLength;
decoder >> fileLength;
if (!fileLength)
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::optional<WallTime>> expectedFileModificationTime;
decoder >> expectedFileModificationTime;
if (!expectedFileModificationTime)
return std::nullopt;
return {{
struct EncodedBlobData {
URL url;
bool operator==(const EncodedBlobData& other) const
return url == other.url;
template<typename Encoder> void encode(Encoder& encoder) const
encoder << url;
template<typename Decoder> static std::optional<EncodedBlobData> decode(Decoder& decoder)
std::optional<URL> url;
decoder >> url;
if (!url)
return std::nullopt;
return {{ WTFMove(*url) }};
bool operator==(const FormDataElement& other) const
if (&other == this)
return true;
if (data.index() !=
return false;
if (!data.index())
return std::get<0>(data) == std::get<0>(;
if (data.index() == 1)
return std::get<1>(data) == std::get<1>(;
return std::get<2>(data) == std::get<2>(;
bool operator!=(const FormDataElement& other) const
return !(*this == other);
Data data;
class FormData;
struct FormDataForUpload {
FormDataForUpload(FormDataForUpload&&) = default;
FormData& data() { return m_data.get(); }
friend class FormData;
FormDataForUpload(FormData&, Vector<String>&&);
Ref<FormData> m_data;
Vector<String> m_temporaryZipFiles;
class FormData : public RefCounted<FormData> {
enum EncodingType {
FormURLEncoded, // for application/x-www-form-urlencoded
TextPlain, // for text/plain
MultipartFormData // for multipart/form-data
WEBCORE_EXPORT static Ref<FormData> create();
WEBCORE_EXPORT static Ref<FormData> create(const void*, size_t);
WEBCORE_EXPORT static Ref<FormData> create(const CString&);
static Ref<FormData> create(Vector<uint8_t>&&);
static Ref<FormData> create(const Vector<char>&);
static Ref<FormData> create(const Vector<uint8_t>&);
static Ref<FormData> create(const DOMFormData&, EncodingType = FormURLEncoded);
static Ref<FormData> createMultiPart(const DOMFormData&);
// FIXME: Both these functions perform a deep copy of m_elements, but differ in handling of other data members.
// How much of that is intentional? We need better names that explain the difference.
Ref<FormData> copy() const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT Ref<FormData> isolatedCopy() const;
template<typename Encoder>
void encode(Encoder&) const;
template<typename Decoder>
static RefPtr<FormData> decode(Decoder&);
WEBCORE_EXPORT void appendData(const void* data, size_t);
void appendFile(const String& filePath);
WEBCORE_EXPORT void appendFileRange(const String& filename, long long start, long long length, std::optional<WallTime> expectedModificationTime);
WEBCORE_EXPORT void appendBlob(const URL& blobURL);
WEBCORE_EXPORT Vector<uint8_t> flatten() const; // omits files
String flattenToString() const; // omits files
// Resolve all blob references so we only have file and data.
// If the FormData has no blob references to resolve, this is returned.
WEBCORE_EXPORT Ref<FormData> resolveBlobReferences(BlobRegistryImpl* = nullptr);
bool containsBlobElement() const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT FormDataForUpload prepareForUpload();
bool isEmpty() const { return m_elements.isEmpty(); }
const Vector<FormDataElement>& elements() const { return m_elements; }
const Vector<char>& boundary() const { return m_boundary; }
WEBCORE_EXPORT RefPtr<SharedBuffer> asSharedBuffer() const;
bool alwaysStream() const { return m_alwaysStream; }
void setAlwaysStream(bool alwaysStream) { m_alwaysStream = alwaysStream; }
// Identifies a particular form submission instance. A value of 0 is used
// to indicate an unspecified identifier.
void setIdentifier(int64_t identifier) { m_identifier = identifier; }
int64_t identifier() const { return m_identifier; }
unsigned imageOrMediaFilesCount() const;
static EncodingType parseEncodingType(const String& type)
if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(type, "text/plain"_s))
return TextPlain;
if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(type, "multipart/form-data"_s))
return MultipartFormData;
return FormURLEncoded;
WEBCORE_EXPORT uint64_t lengthInBytes() const;
FormData(const FormData&);
void appendMultiPartFileValue(const File&, Vector<char>& header, PAL::TextEncoding&);
void appendMultiPartStringValue(const String&, Vector<char>& header, PAL::TextEncoding&);
void appendMultiPartKeyValuePairItems(const DOMFormData&);
void appendNonMultiPartKeyValuePairItems(const DOMFormData&, EncodingType);
Vector<FormDataElement> m_elements;
int64_t m_identifier { 0 };
bool m_alwaysStream { false };
Vector<char> m_boundary;
mutable std::optional<uint64_t> m_lengthInBytes;
inline bool operator==(const FormData& a, const FormData& b)
return a.elements() == b.elements();
inline bool operator!=(const FormData& a, const FormData& b)
return !(a == b);
template<typename Encoder>
void FormData::encode(Encoder& encoder) const
encoder << m_alwaysStream;
encoder << m_boundary;
encoder << m_elements;
encoder << m_identifier;
template<typename Decoder>
RefPtr<FormData> FormData::decode(Decoder& decoder)
auto data = FormData::create();
if (!decoder.decode(data->m_alwaysStream))
return nullptr;
if (!decoder.decode(data->m_boundary))
return nullptr;
if (!decoder.decode(data->m_elements))
return nullptr;
if (!decoder.decode(data->m_identifier))
return nullptr;
return data;
} // namespace WebCore