| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. |
| * |
| * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
| * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions |
| * are met: |
| * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright |
| * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
| * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright |
| * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the |
| * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
| * |
| */ |
| |
| #import "config.h" |
| #import "WebPage.h" |
| |
| |
| #import "AttributedString.h" |
| #import "DataReference.h" |
| #import "EditingRange.h" |
| #import "EditorState.h" |
| #import "InjectedBundleHitTestResult.h" |
| #import "PDFKitImports.h" |
| #import "PDFPlugin.h" |
| #import "PageBanner.h" |
| #import "PluginView.h" |
| #import "PrintInfo.h" |
| #import "UserData.h" |
| #import "WKAccessibilityWebPageObjectMac.h" |
| #import "WebCoreArgumentCoders.h" |
| #import "WebEvent.h" |
| #import "WebEventConversion.h" |
| #import "WebFrame.h" |
| #import "WebHitTestResult.h" |
| #import "WebImage.h" |
| #import "WebInspector.h" |
| #import "WebPageOverlay.h" |
| #import "WebPageProxyMessages.h" |
| #import "WebPasteboardOverrides.h" |
| #import "WebPreferencesStore.h" |
| #import "WebProcess.h" |
| #import <PDFKit/PDFKit.h> |
| #import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h> |
| #import <WebCore/AXObjectCache.h> |
| #import <WebCore/BackForwardController.h> |
| #import <WebCore/DataDetection.h> |
| #import <WebCore/DictionaryLookup.h> |
| #import <WebCore/EventHandler.h> |
| #import <WebCore/FocusController.h> |
| #import <WebCore/FrameLoader.h> |
| #import <WebCore/FrameView.h> |
| #import <WebCore/GraphicsContext.h> |
| #import <WebCore/HTMLConverter.h> |
| #import <WebCore/HTMLPlugInImageElement.h> |
| #import <WebCore/HitTestResult.h> |
| #import <WebCore/KeyboardEvent.h> |
| #import <WebCore/MIMETypeRegistry.h> |
| #import <WebCore/MainFrame.h> |
| #import <WebCore/NetworkingContext.h> |
| #import <WebCore/Page.h> |
| #import <WebCore/PageOverlayController.h> |
| #import <WebCore/PlatformKeyboardEvent.h> |
| #import <WebCore/PluginDocument.h> |
| #import <WebCore/RenderElement.h> |
| #import <WebCore/RenderObject.h> |
| #import <WebCore/RenderStyle.h> |
| #import <WebCore/RenderView.h> |
| #import <WebCore/ResourceHandle.h> |
| #import <WebCore/ScrollView.h> |
| #import <WebCore/StyleInheritedData.h> |
| #import <WebCore/TextIterator.h> |
| #import <WebCore/VisibleUnits.h> |
| #import <WebCore/WindowsKeyboardCodes.h> |
| #import <WebCore/htmlediting.h> |
| #import <WebKitSystemInterface.h> |
| |
| #include <WebCore/MediaPlaybackTargetMac.h> |
| #endif |
| |
| using namespace WebCore; |
| |
| namespace WebKit { |
| |
| void WebPage::platformInitialize() |
| { |
| m_page->addSchedulePair(SchedulePair::create([[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] getCFRunLoop], kCFRunLoopCommonModes)); |
| #else |
| m_page->addSchedulePair(SchedulePair::create([NSRunLoop currentRunLoop], kCFRunLoopCommonModes)); |
| #endif |
| |
| WKAccessibilityWebPageObject* mockAccessibilityElement = [[[WKAccessibilityWebPageObject alloc] init] autorelease]; |
| |
| // Get the pid for the starting process. |
| pid_t pid = WebProcess::singleton().presenterApplicationPid(); |
| WKAXInitializeElementWithPresenterPid(mockAccessibilityElement, pid); |
| [mockAccessibilityElement setWebPage:this]; |
| |
| // send data back over |
| NSData* remoteToken = (NSData *)WKAXRemoteTokenForElement(mockAccessibilityElement); |
| IPC::DataReference dataToken = IPC::DataReference(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>([remoteToken bytes]), [remoteToken length]); |
| send(Messages::WebPageProxy::RegisterWebProcessAccessibilityToken(dataToken)); |
| m_mockAccessibilityElement = mockAccessibilityElement; |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::platformDetach() |
| { |
| [m_mockAccessibilityElement setWebPage:nullptr]; |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::platformEditorState(Frame& frame, EditorState& result, IncludePostLayoutDataHint) const |
| { |
| } |
| |
| NSObject *WebPage::accessibilityObjectForMainFramePlugin() |
| { |
| if (!m_page) |
| return 0; |
| |
| if (PluginView* pluginView = pluginViewForFrame(&m_page->mainFrame())) |
| return pluginView->accessibilityObject(); |
| |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::platformPreferencesDidChange(const WebPreferencesStore& store) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| bool WebPage::shouldUsePDFPlugin() const |
| { |
| return pdfPluginEnabled() && classFromPDFKit(@"PDFLayerController"); |
| } |
| |
| typedef HashMap<String, String> SelectorNameMap; |
| |
| // Map selectors into Editor command names. |
| // This is not needed for any selectors that have the same name as the Editor command. |
| static const SelectorNameMap* createSelectorExceptionMap() |
| { |
| SelectorNameMap* map = new HashMap<String, String>; |
| |
| map->add("insertNewlineIgnoringFieldEditor:", "InsertNewline"); |
| map->add("insertParagraphSeparator:", "InsertNewline"); |
| map->add("insertTabIgnoringFieldEditor:", "InsertTab"); |
| map->add("pageDown:", "MovePageDown"); |
| map->add("pageDownAndModifySelection:", "MovePageDownAndModifySelection"); |
| map->add("pageUp:", "MovePageUp"); |
| map->add("pageUpAndModifySelection:", "MovePageUpAndModifySelection"); |
| |
| return map; |
| } |
| |
| static String commandNameForSelectorName(const String& selectorName) |
| { |
| // Check the exception map first. |
| static const SelectorNameMap* exceptionMap = createSelectorExceptionMap(); |
| SelectorNameMap::const_iterator it = exceptionMap->find(selectorName); |
| if (it != exceptionMap->end()) |
| return it->value; |
| |
| // Remove the trailing colon. |
| // No need to capitalize the command name since Editor command names are not case sensitive. |
| size_t selectorNameLength = selectorName.length(); |
| if (selectorNameLength < 2 || selectorName[selectorNameLength - 1] != ':') |
| return String(); |
| return selectorName.left(selectorNameLength - 1); |
| } |
| |
| static Frame* frameForEvent(KeyboardEvent* event) |
| { |
| Node* node = event->target()->toNode(); |
| ASSERT(node); |
| Frame* frame = node->document().frame(); |
| ASSERT(frame); |
| return frame; |
| } |
| |
| bool WebPage::executeKeypressCommandsInternal(const Vector<WebCore::KeypressCommand>& commands, KeyboardEvent* event) |
| { |
| Frame& frame = event ? *frameForEvent(event) : m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
| ASSERT(frame.page() == corePage()); |
| |
| bool eventWasHandled = false; |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < commands.size(); ++i) { |
| if (commands[i].commandName == "insertText:") { |
| if (frame.editor().hasComposition()) { |
| eventWasHandled = true; |
| frame.editor().confirmComposition(commands[i].text); |
| } else { |
| if (!frame.editor().canEdit()) |
| continue; |
| |
| // An insertText: might be handled by other responders in the chain if we don't handle it. |
| // One example is space bar that results in scrolling down the page. |
| eventWasHandled |= frame.editor().insertText(commands[i].text, event); |
| } |
| } else { |
| Editor::Command command = frame.editor().command(commandNameForSelectorName(commands[i].commandName)); |
| if (command.isSupported()) { |
| bool commandExecutedByEditor = command.execute(event); |
| eventWasHandled |= commandExecutedByEditor; |
| if (!commandExecutedByEditor) { |
| bool performedNonEditingBehavior = event->keyEvent()->type() == PlatformEvent::RawKeyDown && performNonEditingBehaviorForSelector(commands[i].commandName, event); |
| eventWasHandled |= performedNonEditingBehavior; |
| } |
| } else { |
| bool commandWasHandledByUIProcess = false; |
| WebProcess::singleton().parentProcessConnection()->sendSync(Messages::WebPageProxy::ExecuteSavedCommandBySelector(commands[i].commandName), |
| Messages::WebPageProxy::ExecuteSavedCommandBySelector::Reply(commandWasHandledByUIProcess), m_pageID); |
| eventWasHandled |= commandWasHandledByUIProcess; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return eventWasHandled; |
| } |
| |
| bool WebPage::handleEditingKeyboardEvent(KeyboardEvent* event) |
| { |
| Frame* frame = frameForEvent(event); |
| |
| const PlatformKeyboardEvent* platformEvent = event->keyEvent(); |
| if (!platformEvent) |
| return false; |
| const Vector<KeypressCommand>& commands = event->keypressCommands(); |
| |
| ASSERT(!platformEvent->macEvent()); // Cannot have a native event in WebProcess. |
| |
| // Don't handle Esc while handling keydown event, we need to dispatch a keypress first. |
| if (platformEvent->type() != PlatformEvent::Char && platformEvent->windowsVirtualKeyCode() == VK_ESCAPE && commands.size() == 1 && commandNameForSelectorName(commands[0].commandName) == "cancelOperation") |
| return false; |
| |
| bool eventWasHandled = false; |
| |
| // Are there commands that could just cause text insertion if executed via Editor? |
| // WebKit doesn't have enough information about mode to decide how they should be treated, so we leave it upon WebCore |
| // to either handle them immediately (e.g. Tab that changes focus) or let a keypress event be generated |
| // (e.g. Tab that inserts a Tab character, or Enter). |
| bool haveTextInsertionCommands = false; |
| for (auto& command : commands) { |
| if (frame->editor().command(commandNameForSelectorName(command.commandName)).isTextInsertion()) |
| haveTextInsertionCommands = true; |
| } |
| // If there are no text insertion commands, default keydown handler is the right time to execute the commands. |
| // Keypress (Char event) handler is the latest opportunity to execute. |
| if (!haveTextInsertionCommands || platformEvent->type() == PlatformEvent::Char) { |
| eventWasHandled = executeKeypressCommandsInternal(event->keypressCommands(), event); |
| event->keypressCommands().clear(); |
| } |
| |
| return eventWasHandled; |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::sendComplexTextInputToPlugin(uint64_t pluginComplexTextInputIdentifier, const String& textInput) |
| { |
| for (auto* pluginView : m_pluginViews) { |
| if (pluginView->sendComplexTextInput(pluginComplexTextInputIdentifier, textInput)) |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| void WebPage::setComposition(const String& text, Vector<CompositionUnderline> underlines, const EditingRange& selectionRange, const EditingRange& replacementEditingRange, EditorState& newState) |
| { |
| Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
| |
| if (frame.selection().selection().isContentEditable()) { |
| RefPtr<Range> replacementRange; |
| if (replacementEditingRange.location != notFound) { |
| replacementRange = rangeFromEditingRange(frame, replacementEditingRange); |
| if (replacementRange) |
| frame.selection().setSelection(VisibleSelection(*replacementRange, SEL_DEFAULT_AFFINITY)); |
| } |
| |
| frame.editor().setComposition(text, underlines, selectionRange.location, selectionRange.location + selectionRange.length); |
| } |
| |
| newState = editorState(); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::confirmComposition(EditorState& newState) |
| { |
| Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
| frame.editor().confirmComposition(); |
| newState = editorState(); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::insertText(const String& text, const EditingRange& replacementEditingRange, bool& handled, EditorState& newState) |
| { |
| Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
| |
| if (replacementEditingRange.location != notFound) { |
| RefPtr<Range> replacementRange = rangeFromEditingRange(frame, replacementEditingRange); |
| if (replacementRange) |
| frame.selection().setSelection(VisibleSelection(*replacementRange, SEL_DEFAULT_AFFINITY)); |
| } |
| |
| if (!frame.editor().hasComposition()) { |
| // An insertText: might be handled by other responders in the chain if we don't handle it. |
| // One example is space bar that results in scrolling down the page. |
| handled = frame.editor().insertText(text, nullptr); |
| } else { |
| handled = true; |
| frame.editor().confirmComposition(text); |
| } |
| |
| newState = editorState(); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::insertDictatedText(const String& text, const EditingRange& replacementEditingRange, const Vector<WebCore::DictationAlternative>& dictationAlternativeLocations, bool& handled, EditorState& newState) |
| { |
| Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
| |
| if (replacementEditingRange.location != notFound) { |
| RefPtr<Range> replacementRange = rangeFromEditingRange(frame, replacementEditingRange); |
| if (replacementRange) |
| frame.selection().setSelection(VisibleSelection(*replacementRange, SEL_DEFAULT_AFFINITY)); |
| } |
| |
| ASSERT(!frame.editor().hasComposition()); |
| handled = frame.editor().insertDictatedText(text, dictationAlternativeLocations, nullptr); |
| newState = editorState(); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::getMarkedRange(EditingRange& result) |
| { |
| Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
| |
| RefPtr<Range> range = frame.editor().compositionRange(); |
| size_t locationSize; |
| size_t lengthSize; |
| if (range && TextIterator::getLocationAndLengthFromRange(frame.selection().rootEditableElementOrDocumentElement(), range.get(), locationSize, lengthSize)) |
| result = EditingRange(static_cast<uint64_t>(locationSize), static_cast<uint64_t>(lengthSize)); |
| else |
| result = EditingRange(); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::getSelectedRange(EditingRange& result) |
| { |
| Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
| |
| size_t locationSize; |
| size_t lengthSize; |
| RefPtr<Range> range = frame.selection().toNormalizedRange(); |
| if (range && TextIterator::getLocationAndLengthFromRange(frame.selection().rootEditableElementOrDocumentElement(), range.get(), locationSize, lengthSize)) |
| result = EditingRange(static_cast<uint64_t>(locationSize), static_cast<uint64_t>(lengthSize)); |
| else |
| result = EditingRange(); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::getAttributedSubstringFromRange(const EditingRange& editingRange, AttributedString& result) |
| { |
| Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
| |
| const VisibleSelection& selection = frame.selection().selection(); |
| if (selection.isNone() || !selection.isContentEditable() || selection.isInPasswordField()) |
| return; |
| |
| RefPtr<Range> range = rangeFromEditingRange(frame, editingRange); |
| if (!range) |
| return; |
| |
| result.string = editingAttributedStringFromRange(*range); |
| NSAttributedString* attributedString = result.string.get(); |
| |
| // WebCore::editingAttributedStringFromRange() insists on inserting a trailing |
| // whitespace at the end of the string which breaks the ATOK input method. <rdar://problem/5400551> |
| // To work around this we truncate the resultant string to the correct length. |
| if ([attributedString length] > editingRange.length) { |
| ASSERT([attributedString length] == editingRange.length + 1); |
| ASSERT([[attributedString string] characterAtIndex:editingRange.length] == '\n' || [[attributedString string] characterAtIndex:editingRange.length] == ' '); |
| result.string = [attributedString attributedSubstringFromRange:NSMakeRange(0, editingRange.length)]; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::characterIndexForPoint(IntPoint point, uint64_t& index) |
| { |
| index = notFound; |
| |
| HitTestResult result = m_page->mainFrame().eventHandler().hitTestResultAtPoint(point); |
| Frame* frame = result.innerNonSharedNode() ? result.innerNodeFrame() : &m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
| |
| RefPtr<Range> range = frame->rangeForPoint(result.roundedPointInInnerNodeFrame()); |
| if (!range) |
| return; |
| |
| size_t location; |
| size_t length; |
| if (TextIterator::getLocationAndLengthFromRange(frame->selection().rootEditableElementOrDocumentElement(), range.get(), location, length)) |
| index = static_cast<uint64_t>(location); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::firstRectForCharacterRange(const EditingRange& editingRange, WebCore::IntRect& resultRect) |
| { |
| Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
| resultRect.setLocation(IntPoint(0, 0)); |
| resultRect.setSize(IntSize(0, 0)); |
| |
| RefPtr<Range> range = rangeFromEditingRange(frame, editingRange); |
| if (!range) |
| return; |
| |
| IntRect rect = frame.editor().firstRectForRange(range.get()); |
| resultRect = frame.view()->contentsToWindow(rect); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::executeKeypressCommands(const Vector<WebCore::KeypressCommand>& commands, bool& handled, EditorState& newState) |
| { |
| handled = executeKeypressCommandsInternal(commands, nullptr); |
| newState = editorState(); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::cancelComposition(EditorState& newState) |
| { |
| Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
| frame.editor().cancelComposition(); |
| newState = editorState(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| void WebPage::insertDictatedTextAsync(const String& text, const EditingRange& replacementEditingRange, const Vector<WebCore::DictationAlternative>& dictationAlternativeLocations, bool registerUndoGroup) |
| { |
| Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
| |
| if (replacementEditingRange.location != notFound) { |
| RefPtr<Range> replacementRange = rangeFromEditingRange(frame, replacementEditingRange); |
| if (replacementRange) |
| frame.selection().setSelection(VisibleSelection(*replacementRange, SEL_DEFAULT_AFFINITY)); |
| } |
| |
| if (registerUndoGroup) |
| send(Messages::WebPageProxy::RegisterInsertionUndoGrouping()); |
| |
| ASSERT(!frame.editor().hasComposition()); |
| frame.editor().insertDictatedText(text, dictationAlternativeLocations, nullptr); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::attributedSubstringForCharacterRangeAsync(const EditingRange& editingRange, uint64_t callbackID) |
| { |
| AttributedString result; |
| |
| Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
| |
| const VisibleSelection& selection = frame.selection().selection(); |
| if (selection.isNone() || !selection.isContentEditable() || selection.isInPasswordField()) { |
| send(Messages::WebPageProxy::AttributedStringForCharacterRangeCallback(result, EditingRange(), callbackID)); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| RefPtr<Range> range = rangeFromEditingRange(frame, editingRange); |
| if (!range) { |
| send(Messages::WebPageProxy::AttributedStringForCharacterRangeCallback(result, EditingRange(), callbackID)); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| result.string = editingAttributedStringFromRange(*range); |
| NSAttributedString* attributedString = result.string.get(); |
| |
| // WebCore::editingAttributedStringFromRange() insists on inserting a trailing |
| // whitespace at the end of the string which breaks the ATOK input method. <rdar://problem/5400551> |
| // To work around this we truncate the resultant string to the correct length. |
| if ([attributedString length] > editingRange.length) { |
| ASSERT([attributedString length] == editingRange.length + 1); |
| ASSERT([[attributedString string] characterAtIndex:editingRange.length] == '\n' || [[attributedString string] characterAtIndex:editingRange.length] == ' '); |
| result.string = [attributedString attributedSubstringFromRange:NSMakeRange(0, editingRange.length)]; |
| } |
| |
| send(Messages::WebPageProxy::AttributedStringForCharacterRangeCallback(result, EditingRange(editingRange.location, [result.string length]), callbackID)); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::fontAtSelection(uint64_t callbackID) |
| { |
| String fontName; |
| double fontSize = 0; |
| bool selectionHasMultipleFonts = false; |
| Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
| |
| if (!frame.selection().selection().isNone()) { |
| const Font* font = frame.editor().fontForSelection(selectionHasMultipleFonts); |
| NSFont *nsFont = font ? font->getNSFont() : nil; |
| if (nsFont) { |
| fontName = nsFont.fontName; |
| fontSize = nsFont.pointSize; |
| } |
| } |
| send(Messages::WebPageProxy::FontAtSelectionCallback(fontName, fontSize, selectionHasMultipleFonts, callbackID)); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::performDictionaryLookupAtLocation(const FloatPoint& floatPoint) |
| { |
| if (PluginView* pluginView = pluginViewForFrame(&m_page->mainFrame())) { |
| if (pluginView->performDictionaryLookupAtLocation(floatPoint)) |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // Find the frame the point is over. |
| IntPoint point = roundedIntPoint(floatPoint); |
| HitTestResult result = m_page->mainFrame().eventHandler().hitTestResultAtPoint(m_page->mainFrame().view()->windowToContents(point)); |
| Frame* frame = result.innerNonSharedNode() ? result.innerNonSharedNode()->document().frame() : &m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
| NSDictionary *options = nil; |
| RefPtr<Range> range = DictionaryLookup::rangeAtHitTestResult(result, &options); |
| if (!range) |
| return; |
| |
| performDictionaryLookupForRange(frame, *range, options, TextIndicatorPresentationTransition::Bounce); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::performDictionaryLookupForSelection(Frame* frame, const VisibleSelection& selection, TextIndicatorPresentationTransition presentationTransition) |
| { |
| NSDictionary *options = nil; |
| RefPtr<Range> selectedRange = DictionaryLookup::rangeForSelection(selection, &options); |
| if (selectedRange) |
| performDictionaryLookupForRange(frame, *selectedRange, options, presentationTransition); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::performDictionaryLookupOfCurrentSelection() |
| { |
| Frame* frame = &m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
| performDictionaryLookupForSelection(frame, frame->selection().selection(), TextIndicatorPresentationTransition::BounceAndCrossfade); |
| } |
| |
| DictionaryPopupInfo WebPage::dictionaryPopupInfoForRange(Frame* frame, Range& range, NSDictionary **options, TextIndicatorPresentationTransition presentationTransition) |
| { |
| DictionaryPopupInfo dictionaryPopupInfo; |
| if (range.text().stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty()) |
| return dictionaryPopupInfo; |
| |
| RenderObject* renderer = range.startContainer().renderer(); |
| const RenderStyle& style = renderer->style(); |
| |
| Vector<FloatQuad> quads; |
| range.absoluteTextQuads(quads); |
| if (quads.isEmpty()) |
| return dictionaryPopupInfo; |
| |
| IntRect rangeRect = frame->view()->contentsToWindow(quads[0].enclosingBoundingBox()); |
| |
| dictionaryPopupInfo.origin = FloatPoint(rangeRect.x(), rangeRect.y() + (style.fontMetrics().ascent() * pageScaleFactor())); |
| dictionaryPopupInfo.options = *options; |
| |
| NSAttributedString *nsAttributedString = editingAttributedStringFromRange(range, IncludeImagesInAttributedString::No); |
| |
| RetainPtr<NSMutableAttributedString> scaledNSAttributedString = adoptNS([[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:[nsAttributedString string]]); |
| |
| NSFontManager *fontManager = [NSFontManager sharedFontManager]; |
| |
| [nsAttributedString enumerateAttributesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, [nsAttributedString length]) options:0 usingBlock:^(NSDictionary *attributes, NSRange range, BOOL *stop) { |
| RetainPtr<NSMutableDictionary> scaledAttributes = adoptNS([attributes mutableCopy]); |
| |
| NSFont *font = [scaledAttributes objectForKey:NSFontAttributeName]; |
| if (font) { |
| font = [fontManager convertFont:font toSize:[font pointSize] * pageScaleFactor()]; |
| [scaledAttributes setObject:font forKey:NSFontAttributeName]; |
| } |
| |
| [scaledNSAttributedString addAttributes:scaledAttributes.get() range:range]; |
| }]; |
| |
| TextIndicatorOptions indicatorOptions = TextIndicatorOptionDefault; |
| if (presentationTransition == TextIndicatorPresentationTransition::BounceAndCrossfade) |
| indicatorOptions |= TextIndicatorOptionIncludeSnapshotWithSelectionHighlight; |
| |
| RefPtr<TextIndicator> textIndicator = TextIndicator::createWithRange(range, indicatorOptions, presentationTransition); |
| if (!textIndicator) |
| return dictionaryPopupInfo; |
| |
| dictionaryPopupInfo.textIndicator = textIndicator->data(); |
| dictionaryPopupInfo.attributedString = scaledNSAttributedString; |
| |
| return dictionaryPopupInfo; |
| } |
| |
| DictionaryPopupInfo WebPage::dictionaryPopupInfoForSelectionInPDFPlugin(PDFSelection *selection, PDFPlugin& pdfPlugin, NSDictionary **options, WebCore::TextIndicatorPresentationTransition presentationTransition) |
| { |
| DictionaryPopupInfo dictionaryPopupInfo; |
| if (!selection.string.length) |
| return dictionaryPopupInfo; |
| |
| NSRect rangeRect = pdfPlugin.viewRectForSelection(selection); |
| |
| NSAttributedString *nsAttributedString = selection.attributedString; |
| |
| RetainPtr<NSMutableAttributedString> scaledNSAttributedString = adoptNS([[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:[nsAttributedString string]]); |
| |
| NSFontManager *fontManager = [NSFontManager sharedFontManager]; |
| |
| CGFloat scaleFactor = pdfPlugin.scaleFactor(); |
| |
| __block CGFloat maxAscender = 0; |
| __block CGFloat maxDescender = 0; |
| [nsAttributedString enumerateAttributesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, [nsAttributedString length]) options:0 usingBlock:^(NSDictionary *attributes, NSRange range, BOOL *stop) { |
| RetainPtr<NSMutableDictionary> scaledAttributes = adoptNS([attributes mutableCopy]); |
| |
| NSFont *font = [scaledAttributes objectForKey:NSFontAttributeName]; |
| if (font) { |
| maxAscender = std::max(maxAscender, font.ascender * scaleFactor); |
| maxDescender = std::min(maxDescender, font.descender * scaleFactor); |
| font = [fontManager convertFont:font toSize:[font pointSize] * scaleFactor]; |
| [scaledAttributes setObject:font forKey:NSFontAttributeName]; |
| } |
| |
| [scaledNSAttributedString addAttributes:scaledAttributes.get() range:range]; |
| }]; |
| |
| // Based on TextIndicator implementation: |
| // TODO(144307): Come up with a better way to share this information than duplicating these values. |
| CGFloat verticalMargin = 2.5; |
| CGFloat horizontalMargin = 0.5; |
| |
| rangeRect.origin.y -= CGCeiling(rangeRect.size.height - maxAscender - std::abs(maxDescender) + verticalMargin * scaleFactor); |
| rangeRect.origin.x += CGFloor(horizontalMargin * scaleFactor); |
| |
| TextIndicatorData dataForSelection; |
| dataForSelection.selectionRectInRootViewCoordinates = rangeRect; |
| dataForSelection.textBoundingRectInRootViewCoordinates = rangeRect; |
| dataForSelection.contentImageScaleFactor = scaleFactor; |
| dataForSelection.presentationTransition = presentationTransition; |
| |
| dictionaryPopupInfo.origin = rangeRect.origin; |
| dictionaryPopupInfo.options = *options; |
| dictionaryPopupInfo.textIndicator = dataForSelection; |
| dictionaryPopupInfo.attributedString = scaledNSAttributedString; |
| |
| return dictionaryPopupInfo; |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| void WebPage::performDictionaryLookupForRange(Frame* frame, Range& range, NSDictionary *options, TextIndicatorPresentationTransition presentationTransition) |
| { |
| DictionaryPopupInfo dictionaryPopupInfo = dictionaryPopupInfoForRange(frame, range, &options, presentationTransition); |
| send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidPerformDictionaryLookup(dictionaryPopupInfo)); |
| } |
| |
| bool WebPage::performNonEditingBehaviorForSelector(const String& selector, KeyboardEvent* event) |
| { |
| // First give accessibility a chance to handle the event. |
| Frame* frame = frameForEvent(event); |
| frame->eventHandler().handleKeyboardSelectionMovementForAccessibility(event); |
| if (event->defaultHandled()) |
| return true; |
| |
| // FIXME: All these selectors have corresponding Editor commands, but the commands only work in editable content. |
| // Should such non-editing behaviors be implemented in Editor or EventHandler::defaultArrowEventHandler() perhaps? |
| |
| bool didPerformAction = false; |
| |
| if (selector == "moveUp:") |
| didPerformAction = scroll(m_page.get(), ScrollUp, ScrollByLine); |
| else if (selector == "moveToBeginningOfParagraph:") |
| didPerformAction = scroll(m_page.get(), ScrollUp, ScrollByPage); |
| else if (selector == "moveToBeginningOfDocument:") { |
| didPerformAction = scroll(m_page.get(), ScrollUp, ScrollByDocument); |
| didPerformAction |= scroll(m_page.get(), ScrollLeft, ScrollByDocument); |
| } else if (selector == "moveDown:") |
| didPerformAction = scroll(m_page.get(), ScrollDown, ScrollByLine); |
| else if (selector == "moveToEndOfParagraph:") |
| didPerformAction = scroll(m_page.get(), ScrollDown, ScrollByPage); |
| else if (selector == "moveToEndOfDocument:") { |
| didPerformAction = scroll(m_page.get(), ScrollDown, ScrollByDocument); |
| didPerformAction |= scroll(m_page.get(), ScrollLeft, ScrollByDocument); |
| } else if (selector == "moveLeft:") |
| didPerformAction = scroll(m_page.get(), ScrollLeft, ScrollByLine); |
| else if (selector == "moveWordLeft:") |
| didPerformAction = scroll(m_page.get(), ScrollLeft, ScrollByPage); |
| else if (selector == "moveToLeftEndOfLine:") |
| didPerformAction = m_page->backForward().goBack(); |
| else if (selector == "moveRight:") |
| didPerformAction = scroll(m_page.get(), ScrollRight, ScrollByLine); |
| else if (selector == "moveWordRight:") |
| didPerformAction = scroll(m_page.get(), ScrollRight, ScrollByPage); |
| else if (selector == "moveToRightEndOfLine:") |
| didPerformAction = m_page->backForward().goForward(); |
| |
| return didPerformAction; |
| } |
| |
| static String& replaceSelectionPasteboardName() |
| { |
| static NeverDestroyed<String> string("ReplaceSelectionPasteboard"); |
| return string; |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::replaceSelectionWithPasteboardData(const Vector<String>& types, const IPC::DataReference& data) |
| { |
| for (auto& type : types) |
| WebPasteboardOverrides::sharedPasteboardOverrides().addOverride(replaceSelectionPasteboardName(), type, data.vector()); |
| |
| bool result; |
| readSelectionFromPasteboard(replaceSelectionPasteboardName(), result); |
| |
| for (auto& type : types) |
| WebPasteboardOverrides::sharedPasteboardOverrides().removeOverride(replaceSelectionPasteboardName(), type); |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| bool WebPage::performDefaultBehaviorForKeyEvent(const WebKeyboardEvent&) |
| { |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::registerUIProcessAccessibilityTokens(const IPC::DataReference& elementToken, const IPC::DataReference& windowToken) |
| { |
| NSData* elementTokenData = [NSData dataWithBytes:elementToken.data() length:elementToken.size()]; |
| NSData* windowTokenData = [NSData dataWithBytes:windowToken.data() length:windowToken.size()]; |
| id remoteElement = WKAXRemoteElementForToken(elementTokenData); |
| id remoteWindow = WKAXRemoteElementForToken(windowTokenData); |
| WKAXSetWindowForRemoteElement(remoteWindow, remoteElement); |
| |
| [accessibilityRemoteObject() setRemoteParent:remoteElement]; |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::readSelectionFromPasteboard(const String& pasteboardName, bool& result) |
| { |
| Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
| if (frame.selection().isNone()) { |
| result = false; |
| return; |
| } |
| frame.editor().readSelectionFromPasteboard(pasteboardName); |
| result = true; |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::getStringSelectionForPasteboard(String& stringValue) |
| { |
| Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
| |
| if (PluginView* pluginView = focusedPluginViewForFrame(frame)) { |
| String selection = pluginView->getSelectionString(); |
| if (!selection.isNull()) { |
| stringValue = selection; |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (frame.selection().isNone()) |
| return; |
| |
| stringValue = frame.editor().stringSelectionForPasteboard(); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::getDataSelectionForPasteboard(const String pasteboardType, SharedMemory::Handle& handle, uint64_t& size) |
| { |
| Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
| if (frame.selection().isNone()) |
| return; |
| |
| RefPtr<SharedBuffer> buffer = frame.editor().dataSelectionForPasteboard(pasteboardType); |
| if (!buffer) { |
| size = 0; |
| return; |
| } |
| size = buffer->size(); |
| RefPtr<SharedMemory> sharedMemoryBuffer = SharedMemory::allocate(size); |
| memcpy(sharedMemoryBuffer->data(), buffer->data(), size); |
| sharedMemoryBuffer->createHandle(handle, SharedMemory::Protection::ReadOnly); |
| } |
| |
| WKAccessibilityWebPageObject* WebPage::accessibilityRemoteObject() |
| { |
| return m_mockAccessibilityElement.get(); |
| } |
| |
| bool WebPage::platformHasLocalDataForURL(const WebCore::URL& url) |
| { |
| NSMutableURLRequest* request = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:url]; |
| [request setValue:(NSString*)userAgent(url) forHTTPHeaderField:@"User-Agent"]; |
| NSCachedURLResponse *cachedResponse; |
| if (CFURLStorageSessionRef storageSession = corePage()->mainFrame().loader().networkingContext()->storageSession().platformSession()) |
| cachedResponse = WKCachedResponseForRequest(storageSession, request); |
| else |
| cachedResponse = [[NSURLCache sharedURLCache] cachedResponseForRequest:request]; |
| [request release]; |
| |
| return cachedResponse; |
| } |
| |
| static NSCachedURLResponse *cachedResponseForURL(WebPage* webPage, const URL& url) |
| { |
| RetainPtr<NSMutableURLRequest> request = adoptNS([[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:url]); |
| [request setValue:(NSString *)webPage->userAgent(url) forHTTPHeaderField:@"User-Agent"]; |
| |
| if (CFURLStorageSessionRef storageSession = webPage->corePage()->mainFrame().loader().networkingContext()->storageSession().platformSession()) |
| return WKCachedResponseForRequest(storageSession, request.get()); |
| |
| return [[NSURLCache sharedURLCache] cachedResponseForRequest:request.get()]; |
| } |
| |
| String WebPage::cachedSuggestedFilenameForURL(const URL& url) |
| { |
| return [[cachedResponseForURL(this, url) response] suggestedFilename]; |
| } |
| |
| String WebPage::cachedResponseMIMETypeForURL(const URL& url) |
| { |
| return [[cachedResponseForURL(this, url) response] MIMEType]; |
| } |
| |
| PassRefPtr<SharedBuffer> WebPage::cachedResponseDataForURL(const URL& url) |
| { |
| return SharedBuffer::wrapNSData([cachedResponseForURL(this, url) data]); |
| } |
| |
| bool WebPage::platformCanHandleRequest(const WebCore::ResourceRequest& request) |
| { |
| if ([NSURLConnection canHandleRequest:request.nsURLRequest(DoNotUpdateHTTPBody)]) |
| return true; |
| |
| // FIXME: Return true if this scheme is any one WebKit2 knows how to handle. |
| return request.url().protocolIs("applewebdata"); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::shouldDelayWindowOrderingEvent(const WebKit::WebMouseEvent& event, bool& result) |
| { |
| Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
| |
| HitTestResult hitResult = frame.eventHandler().hitTestResultAtPoint(frame.view()->windowToContents(event.position()), HitTestRequest::ReadOnly | HitTestRequest::Active); |
| if (hitResult.isSelected()) |
| result = frame.eventHandler().eventMayStartDrag(platform(event)); |
| else |
| #endif |
| result = false; |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::acceptsFirstMouse(int eventNumber, const WebKit::WebMouseEvent& event, bool& result) |
| { |
| result = false; |
| |
| if (WebProcess::singleton().parentProcessConnection()->inSendSync()) { |
| // In case we're already inside a sendSync message, it's possible that the page is in a |
| // transitionary state, so any hit-testing could cause crashes so we just return early in that case. |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
| |
| HitTestResult hitResult = frame.eventHandler().hitTestResultAtPoint(frame.view()->windowToContents(event.position()), HitTestRequest::ReadOnly | HitTestRequest::Active); |
| frame.eventHandler().setActivationEventNumber(eventNumber); |
| if (hitResult.isSelected()) |
| result = frame.eventHandler().eventMayStartDrag(platform(event)); |
| else |
| #endif |
| result = !!hitResult.scrollbar(); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::setTopOverhangImage(PassRefPtr<WebImage> image) |
| { |
| FrameView* frameView = m_mainFrame->coreFrame()->view(); |
| if (!frameView) |
| return; |
| |
| GraphicsLayer* layer = frameView->setWantsLayerForTopOverHangArea(image.get()); |
| if (!layer) |
| return; |
| |
| layer->setSize(image->size()); |
| layer->setPosition(FloatPoint(0, -image->size().height())); |
| |
| RetainPtr<CGImageRef> cgImage = image->bitmap()->makeCGImageCopy(); |
| layer->platformLayer().contents = (id)cgImage.get(); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::setBottomOverhangImage(PassRefPtr<WebImage> image) |
| { |
| FrameView* frameView = m_mainFrame->coreFrame()->view(); |
| if (!frameView) |
| return; |
| |
| GraphicsLayer* layer = frameView->setWantsLayerForBottomOverHangArea(image.get()); |
| if (!layer) |
| return; |
| |
| layer->setSize(image->size()); |
| |
| RetainPtr<CGImageRef> cgImage = image->bitmap()->makeCGImageCopy(); |
| layer->platformLayer().contents = (id)cgImage.get(); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::updateHeaderAndFooterLayersForDeviceScaleChange(float scaleFactor) |
| { |
| if (m_headerBanner) |
| m_headerBanner->didChangeDeviceScaleFactor(scaleFactor); |
| if (m_footerBanner) |
| m_footerBanner->didChangeDeviceScaleFactor(scaleFactor); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::computePagesForPrintingPDFDocument(uint64_t frameID, const PrintInfo& printInfo, Vector<IntRect>& resultPageRects) |
| { |
| ASSERT(resultPageRects.isEmpty()); |
| WebFrame* frame = WebProcess::singleton().webFrame(frameID); |
| Frame* coreFrame = frame ? frame->coreFrame() : 0; |
| RetainPtr<PDFDocument> pdfDocument = coreFrame ? pdfDocumentForPrintingFrame(coreFrame) : 0; |
| if ([pdfDocument allowsPrinting]) { |
| NSUInteger pageCount = [pdfDocument pageCount]; |
| IntRect pageRect(0, 0, ceilf(printInfo.availablePaperWidth), ceilf(printInfo.availablePaperHeight)); |
| for (NSUInteger i = 1; i <= pageCount; ++i) { |
| resultPageRects.append(pageRect); |
| pageRect.move(0, pageRect.height()); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static inline CGFloat roundCGFloat(CGFloat f) |
| { |
| if (sizeof(CGFloat) == sizeof(float)) |
| return roundf(static_cast<float>(f)); |
| return static_cast<CGFloat>(round(f)); |
| } |
| |
| static void drawPDFPage(PDFDocument *pdfDocument, CFIndex pageIndex, CGContextRef context, CGFloat pageSetupScaleFactor, CGSize paperSize) |
| { |
| CGContextSaveGState(context); |
| |
| CGContextScaleCTM(context, pageSetupScaleFactor, pageSetupScaleFactor); |
| |
| PDFPage *pdfPage = [pdfDocument pageAtIndex:pageIndex]; |
| NSRect cropBox = [pdfPage boundsForBox:kPDFDisplayBoxCropBox]; |
| if (NSIsEmptyRect(cropBox)) |
| cropBox = [pdfPage boundsForBox:kPDFDisplayBoxMediaBox]; |
| else |
| cropBox = NSIntersectionRect(cropBox, [pdfPage boundsForBox:kPDFDisplayBoxMediaBox]); |
| |
| // Always auto-rotate PDF content regardless of the paper orientation. |
| NSInteger rotation = [pdfPage rotation]; |
| if (rotation == 90 || rotation == 270) |
| std::swap(cropBox.size.width, cropBox.size.height); |
| |
| bool shouldRotate = (paperSize.width < paperSize.height) != (cropBox.size.width < cropBox.size.height); |
| if (shouldRotate) |
| std::swap(cropBox.size.width, cropBox.size.height); |
| |
| // Center. |
| CGFloat widthDifference = paperSize.width / pageSetupScaleFactor - cropBox.size.width; |
| CGFloat heightDifference = paperSize.height / pageSetupScaleFactor - cropBox.size.height; |
| if (widthDifference || heightDifference) |
| CGContextTranslateCTM(context, roundCGFloat(widthDifference / 2), roundCGFloat(heightDifference / 2)); |
| |
| if (shouldRotate) { |
| CGContextRotateCTM(context, static_cast<CGFloat>(piOverTwoDouble)); |
| CGContextTranslateCTM(context, 0, -cropBox.size.width); |
| } |
| |
| [NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState]; |
| [NSGraphicsContext setCurrentContext:[NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithGraphicsPort:context flipped:NO]]; |
| [pdfPage drawWithBox:kPDFDisplayBoxCropBox]; |
| [NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState]; |
| |
| CGAffineTransform transform = CGContextGetCTM(context); |
| |
| for (PDFAnnotation *annotation in [pdfPage annotations]) { |
| if (![annotation isKindOfClass:pdfAnnotationLinkClass()]) |
| continue; |
| |
| PDFAnnotationLink *linkAnnotation = (PDFAnnotationLink *)annotation; |
| NSURL *url = [linkAnnotation URL]; |
| if (!url) |
| continue; |
| |
| CGRect urlRect = NSRectToCGRect([linkAnnotation bounds]); |
| CGRect transformedRect = CGRectApplyAffineTransform(urlRect, transform); |
| CGPDFContextSetURLForRect(context, (CFURLRef)url, transformedRect); |
| } |
| |
| CGContextRestoreGState(context); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::drawPDFDocument(CGContextRef context, PDFDocument *pdfDocument, const PrintInfo& printInfo, const WebCore::IntRect& rect) |
| { |
| NSUInteger pageCount = [pdfDocument pageCount]; |
| IntSize paperSize(ceilf(printInfo.availablePaperWidth), ceilf(printInfo.availablePaperHeight)); |
| IntRect pageRect(IntPoint(), paperSize); |
| for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < pageCount; ++i) { |
| if (pageRect.intersects(rect)) { |
| CGContextSaveGState(context); |
| |
| CGContextTranslateCTM(context, pageRect.x() - rect.x(), pageRect.y() - rect.y()); |
| drawPDFPage(pdfDocument, i, context, printInfo.pageSetupScaleFactor, paperSize); |
| |
| CGContextRestoreGState(context); |
| } |
| pageRect.move(0, pageRect.height()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::drawPagesToPDFFromPDFDocument(CGContextRef context, PDFDocument *pdfDocument, const PrintInfo& printInfo, uint32_t first, uint32_t count) |
| { |
| NSUInteger pageCount = [pdfDocument pageCount]; |
| for (uint32_t page = first; page < first + count; ++page) { |
| if (page >= pageCount) |
| break; |
| |
| RetainPtr<CFDictionaryRef> pageInfo = adoptCF(CFDictionaryCreateMutable(0, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks)); |
| |
| CGPDFContextBeginPage(context, pageInfo.get()); |
| drawPDFPage(pdfDocument, page, context, printInfo.pageSetupScaleFactor, CGSizeMake(printInfo.availablePaperWidth, printInfo.availablePaperHeight)); |
| CGPDFContextEndPage(context); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| WebCore::WebGLLoadPolicy WebPage::webGLPolicyForURL(WebFrame* frame, const String& url) |
| { |
| uint32_t policyResult = 0; |
| |
| if (sendSync(Messages::WebPageProxy::WebGLPolicyForURL(url), Messages::WebPageProxy::WebGLPolicyForURL::Reply(policyResult))) |
| return static_cast<WebGLLoadPolicy>(policyResult); |
| |
| return WebGLAllowCreation; |
| } |
| |
| WebCore::WebGLLoadPolicy WebPage::resolveWebGLPolicyForURL(WebFrame* frame, const String& url) |
| { |
| uint32_t policyResult = 0; |
| |
| if (sendSync(Messages::WebPageProxy::ResolveWebGLPolicyForURL(url), Messages::WebPageProxy::ResolveWebGLPolicyForURL::Reply(policyResult))) |
| return static_cast<WebGLLoadPolicy>(policyResult); |
| |
| return WebGLAllowCreation; |
| } |
| #endif // ENABLE(WEBGL) |
| |
| void WebPage::handleTelephoneNumberClick(const String& number, const IntPoint& point) |
| { |
| send(Messages::WebPageProxy::ShowTelephoneNumberMenu(number, point)); |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| void WebPage::handleSelectionServiceClick(FrameSelection& selection, const Vector<String>& phoneNumbers, const IntPoint& point) |
| { |
| RefPtr<Range> range = selection.selection().firstRange(); |
| if (!range) |
| return; |
| |
| NSAttributedString *attributedSelection = attributedStringFromRange(*range); |
| if (!attributedSelection) |
| return; |
| |
| NSData *selectionData = [attributedSelection RTFDFromRange:NSMakeRange(0, [attributedSelection length]) documentAttributes:@{ }]; |
| IPC::DataReference data = IPC::DataReference(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>([selectionData bytes]), [selectionData length]); |
| bool isEditable = selection.selection().isContentEditable(); |
| |
| send(Messages::WebPageProxy::ShowSelectionServiceMenu(data, phoneNumbers, isEditable, point)); |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| String WebPage::platformUserAgent(const URL&) const |
| { |
| return String(); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::performImmediateActionHitTestAtLocation(WebCore::FloatPoint locationInViewCoordinates) |
| { |
| layoutIfNeeded(); |
| |
| MainFrame& mainFrame = corePage()->mainFrame(); |
| if (!mainFrame.view() || !mainFrame.view()->renderView()) { |
| send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidPerformImmediateActionHitTest(WebHitTestResult::Data(), false, UserData())); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| IntPoint locationInContentCoordinates = mainFrame.view()->rootViewToContents(roundedIntPoint(locationInViewCoordinates)); |
| HitTestResult hitTestResult = mainFrame.eventHandler().hitTestResultAtPoint(locationInContentCoordinates); |
| |
| bool immediateActionHitTestPreventsDefault = false; |
| Element* element = hitTestResult.innerElement(); |
| |
| mainFrame.eventHandler().setImmediateActionStage(ImmediateActionStage::PerformedHitTest); |
| if (element) |
| immediateActionHitTestPreventsDefault = element->dispatchMouseForceWillBegin(); |
| |
| WebHitTestResult::Data immediateActionResult(hitTestResult); |
| |
| RefPtr<Range> selectionRange = corePage()->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame().selection().selection().firstRange(); |
| |
| URL absoluteLinkURL = hitTestResult.absoluteLinkURL(); |
| Element *URLElement = hitTestResult.URLElement(); |
| if (!absoluteLinkURL.isEmpty() && URLElement) { |
| RefPtr<Range> linkRange = rangeOfContents(*URLElement); |
| immediateActionResult.linkTextIndicator = TextIndicator::createWithRange(*linkRange, TextIndicatorOptionDefault, TextIndicatorPresentationTransition::FadeIn); |
| } |
| |
| NSDictionary *options = nil; |
| RefPtr<Range> lookupRange = lookupTextAtLocation(locationInViewCoordinates, &options); |
| immediateActionResult.lookupText = lookupRange ? lookupRange->text() : String(); |
| |
| if (lookupRange) { |
| if (Node* node = hitTestResult.innerNode()) { |
| if (Frame* hitTestResultFrame = node->document().frame()) |
| immediateActionResult.dictionaryPopupInfo = dictionaryPopupInfoForRange(hitTestResultFrame, *lookupRange.get(), &options, TextIndicatorPresentationTransition::FadeIn); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool pageOverlayDidOverrideDataDetectors = false; |
| for (const auto& overlay : mainFrame.pageOverlayController().pageOverlays()) { |
| WebPageOverlay* webOverlay = WebPageOverlay::fromCoreOverlay(*overlay); |
| if (!webOverlay) |
| continue; |
| |
| RefPtr<Range> mainResultRange; |
| DDActionContext *actionContext = webOverlay->actionContextForResultAtPoint(locationInContentCoordinates, mainResultRange); |
| if (!actionContext || !mainResultRange) |
| continue; |
| |
| pageOverlayDidOverrideDataDetectors = true; |
| immediateActionResult.detectedDataActionContext = actionContext; |
| |
| Vector<FloatQuad> quads; |
| mainResultRange->absoluteTextQuads(quads); |
| FloatRect detectedDataBoundingBox; |
| FrameView* frameView = mainResultRange->ownerDocument().view(); |
| for (const auto& quad : quads) |
| detectedDataBoundingBox.unite(frameView->contentsToWindow(quad.enclosingBoundingBox())); |
| |
| immediateActionResult.detectedDataBoundingBox = detectedDataBoundingBox; |
| immediateActionResult.detectedDataTextIndicator = TextIndicator::createWithRange(*mainResultRange, TextIndicatorOptionDefault, TextIndicatorPresentationTransition::FadeIn); |
| immediateActionResult.detectedDataOriginatingPageOverlay = overlay->pageOverlayID(); |
| |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| // FIXME: Avoid scanning if we will just throw away the result (e.g. we're over a link). |
| if (!pageOverlayDidOverrideDataDetectors && hitTestResult.innerNode() && (hitTestResult.innerNode()->isTextNode() || hitTestResult.isOverTextInsideFormControlElement())) { |
| FloatRect detectedDataBoundingBox; |
| RefPtr<Range> detectedDataRange; |
| immediateActionResult.detectedDataActionContext = DataDetection::detectItemAroundHitTestResult(hitTestResult, detectedDataBoundingBox, detectedDataRange); |
| if (immediateActionResult.detectedDataActionContext && detectedDataRange) { |
| immediateActionResult.detectedDataBoundingBox = detectedDataBoundingBox; |
| immediateActionResult.detectedDataTextIndicator = TextIndicator::createWithRange(*detectedDataRange, TextIndicatorOptionDefault, TextIndicatorPresentationTransition::FadeIn); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // See if we have a PDF |
| if (element && is<HTMLPlugInImageElement>(*element)) { |
| HTMLPlugInImageElement& pluginImageElement = downcast<HTMLPlugInImageElement>(*element); |
| PluginView* pluginView = reinterpret_cast<PluginView*>(pluginImageElement.pluginWidget()); |
| Plugin* plugin = pluginView ? pluginView->plugin() : nullptr; |
| if (is<PDFPlugin>(plugin)) { |
| PDFPlugin* pdfPugin = downcast<PDFPlugin>(plugin); |
| // FIXME: We don't have API to identify images inside PDFs based on position. |
| NSDictionary *options = nil; |
| PDFSelection *selection = nil; |
| String selectedText = pdfPugin->lookupTextAtLocation(locationInViewCoordinates, immediateActionResult, &selection, &options); |
| if (!selectedText.isEmpty()) { |
| if (element->document().isPluginDocument()) { |
| // FIXME(144030): Focus does not seem to get set to the PDF when invoking the menu. |
| PluginDocument& pluginDocument = static_cast<PluginDocument&>(element->document()); |
| pluginDocument.setFocusedElement(element); |
| } |
| |
| immediateActionResult.lookupText = selectedText; |
| immediateActionResult.isTextNode = true; |
| immediateActionResult.isSelected = true; |
| immediateActionResult.allowsCopy = true; |
| |
| immediateActionResult.dictionaryPopupInfo = dictionaryPopupInfoForSelectionInPDFPlugin(selection, *pdfPugin, &options, TextIndicatorPresentationTransition::FadeIn); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| RefPtr<API::Object> userData; |
| injectedBundleContextMenuClient().prepareForImmediateAction(*this, hitTestResult, userData); |
| |
| send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidPerformImmediateActionHitTest(immediateActionResult, immediateActionHitTestPreventsDefault, UserData(WebProcess::singleton().transformObjectsToHandles(userData.get()).get()))); |
| } |
| |
| RefPtr<WebCore::Range> WebPage::lookupTextAtLocation(FloatPoint locationInViewCoordinates, NSDictionary **options) |
| { |
| MainFrame& mainFrame = corePage()->mainFrame(); |
| if (!mainFrame.view() || !mainFrame.view()->renderView()) |
| return nullptr; |
| |
| IntPoint point = roundedIntPoint(locationInViewCoordinates); |
| HitTestResult result = mainFrame.eventHandler().hitTestResultAtPoint(m_page->mainFrame().view()->windowToContents(point)); |
| return DictionaryLookup::rangeAtHitTestResult(result, options); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::immediateActionDidUpdate() |
| { |
| m_page->mainFrame().eventHandler().setImmediateActionStage(ImmediateActionStage::ActionUpdated); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::immediateActionDidCancel() |
| { |
| ImmediateActionStage lastStage = m_page->mainFrame().eventHandler().immediateActionStage(); |
| if (lastStage == ImmediateActionStage::ActionUpdated) |
| m_page->mainFrame().eventHandler().setImmediateActionStage(ImmediateActionStage::ActionCancelledAfterUpdate); |
| else |
| m_page->mainFrame().eventHandler().setImmediateActionStage(ImmediateActionStage::ActionCancelledWithoutUpdate); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::immediateActionDidComplete() |
| { |
| m_page->mainFrame().eventHandler().setImmediateActionStage(ImmediateActionStage::ActionCompleted); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::dataDetectorsDidPresentUI(PageOverlay::PageOverlayID overlayID) |
| { |
| MainFrame& mainFrame = corePage()->mainFrame(); |
| for (const auto& overlay : mainFrame.pageOverlayController().pageOverlays()) { |
| if (overlay->pageOverlayID() == overlayID) { |
| if (WebPageOverlay* webOverlay = WebPageOverlay::fromCoreOverlay(*overlay)) |
| webOverlay->dataDetectorsDidPresentUI(); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::dataDetectorsDidChangeUI(PageOverlay::PageOverlayID overlayID) |
| { |
| MainFrame& mainFrame = corePage()->mainFrame(); |
| for (const auto& overlay : mainFrame.pageOverlayController().pageOverlays()) { |
| if (overlay->pageOverlayID() == overlayID) { |
| if (WebPageOverlay* webOverlay = WebPageOverlay::fromCoreOverlay(*overlay)) |
| webOverlay->dataDetectorsDidChangeUI(); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::dataDetectorsDidHideUI(PageOverlay::PageOverlayID overlayID) |
| { |
| MainFrame& mainFrame = corePage()->mainFrame(); |
| |
| // Dispatching a fake mouse event will allow clients to display any UI that is normally displayed on hover. |
| mainFrame.eventHandler().dispatchFakeMouseMoveEventSoon(); |
| |
| for (const auto& overlay : mainFrame.pageOverlayController().pageOverlays()) { |
| if (overlay->pageOverlayID() == overlayID) { |
| if (WebPageOverlay* webOverlay = WebPageOverlay::fromCoreOverlay(*overlay)) |
| webOverlay->dataDetectorsDidHideUI(); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::setFont(const String& fontFamily, double fontSize, uint64_t fontTraits) |
| { |
| Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
| frame.editor().applyFontStyles(fontFamily, fontSize, fontTraits); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::playbackTargetSelected(uint64_t contextId, const WebCore::MediaPlaybackTargetContext& targetContext) const |
| { |
| ASSERT(targetContext.type == MediaPlaybackTargetContext::AVOutputContextType); |
| |
| m_page->setPlaybackTarget(contextId, WebCore::MediaPlaybackTargetMac::create(targetContext.context.avOutputContext)); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::playbackTargetAvailabilityDidChange(uint64_t contextId, bool changed) |
| { |
| m_page->playbackTargetAvailabilityDidChange(contextId, changed); |
| } |
| |
| void WebPage::setShouldPlayToPlaybackTarget(uint64_t contextId, bool shouldPlay) |
| { |
| m_page->setShouldPlayToPlaybackTarget(contextId, shouldPlay); |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| |
| } // namespace WebKit |
| |
| #endif // PLATFORM(MAC) |