blob: 4ad43c7c07e25cae8610264d54d909ea277c94d2 [file] [log] [blame]
Executing test #1 - Promise basic behavior
Test #1 - Executor function called synchronously
Executing test #2 - Promise basic error behavior
Test #2 - Executor function called synchronously
Executing test #3 - Promise with multiple then handlers
Executing test #4 - Promise with chained then handlers
Executing test #5 - Promise with a throwing executor function
Executing test #6 - Promise with a potential thenable that throws when getting the 'then' property
Executing test #7 - Promise with a potential thenable that throws when calling the 'then' function
Executing test #8 - Promise with a success handler that throws when called
Executing test #9 - Promise with an error handler that throws when called
Executing test #10 - Promise with an executor function that creates a self-resolution error
Executing test #11 - Promise basic catch behavior
Executing test #12 - Promise chained catch behavior
Executing test #13 - Promise then and catch interleaved
Executing test #14 - Promise identity function is used when no success handler is provided
Executing test #15 - Promise thrower function is used when no error handler is provided
Executing test #16 - Promise.resolve creates a fulfilled resolved promise
Executing test #17 - Promise.resolve called with a promise returns the same promise
Executing test #18 - Promise.reject creates a fulfilled rejected promise
Executing test #19 - Promise.reject called with a promise returns a promise for that promise
Executing test #20 - Promise.race with an object containing a non-function iterator property
Executing test #21 - Promise.race with this argument missing the resolve function
Executing test #22 - Promise.race with this argument resolve function returning a non-object
Executing test #23 - Promise.race with this argument resolve function returning an object with no then function
Executing test #24 - Promise.race with an object containing an iterator that throws
Executing test #25 - Promise.race still returns a rejected promise if anything throws while iterating, even if resolved promises are encountered
Executing test #26 - Promise.race fulfills with the same value as the first encountered resolved promise
Executing test #27 - Promise.race fulfills with the same value as the first encountered resolved promise (promises complete async)
Executing test #28 - Promise.race fulfills with the same value as the first encountered rejected promise (promises complete async)
Executing test #29 - Promise.race passes each element in it's argument to Promise.resolve
Executing test #30 - Promise.all with an object containing a non-function iterator property
Executing test #31 - Promise.all with this argument missing the resolve function
Executing test #32 - Promise.all with this argument resolve function returning a non-object
Executing test #33 - Promise.all with this argument resolve function returning an object with no then function
Executing test #34 - Promise.all with an object containing an iterator that throws
Executing test #35 - Promise.all still returns a rejected promise if anything throws while iterating, even if resolved promises are encountered
Executing test #36 - Promise.all fulfills with the same value as the first encountered rejected promise
Executing test #37 - Promise.all fulfills with the same value as the first encountered rejected promise (async promises)
Executing test #38 - Promise.all fulfills when all promises in iterable fulfill
Executing test #39 - Promise.all passes each element in the arguments to Promise.resolve
Executing test #40 - Promise.resolve called with a thenable calls then on the thenable
Executing test #41 - Calling promise resolve function with thenable should call thenable.then
Executing test #42 - Promise.all doesn't call then for rejected promises
Executing test #43 - Promise.all with iterator that returns no items
Executing test #44 - Simple tampering of Promise.all promise changes resolved result value
Executing test #45 - Promise.all - can't prevent remaining elements counter from reaching zero
Executing test #46 - Promise from Promise.all never resolved before arguments
Executing test #47 - Promise from Promise.all never resolved if rejected promise in arguments
Executing test #48 - Promise executor resolves with the first call resolve function
Executing test #49 - Promise executor rejects with the first call reject function
Executing test #50 - Promise executor resolves/rejects with the first call to either function
Executing test #51 - Promise executor rejects/resolves with the first call to either function
Executing test #52 - Promise executor rejects/resolves/rejects with the first call to either function
Executing test #53 - Promise executor resolves/rejects/resolves with the first call to either function
Completion Results:
Test #1 - Success handler called with result = basic:success
Test #2 - Error handler called with err = basic:error
Test #3 - Success handler #1 called with result = multithen:success
Test #3 - Success handler #2 called with result = multithen:success
Test #3 - Success handler #3 called with result = multithen:success
Test #4 - Success handler #1 called with result = chain:success1
Test #5 - Error handler called with err = basic:throw
Test #6 - Success handler #1 called with result = thenable.get:unused
Test #7 - Success handler #1 called with result =
Test #8 - Success handler #1 called with result = success.throw:unused
Test #9 - Error handler #1 called with err = error.throw:unused
Test #11 - Catch handler called with err = error
Test #12 - Catch handler #1 called with err = error1
Test #13 - Catch handler #1 called with err = error1
Test #16 - Success handler #1 called with result = resolved promise result
Test #18 - Catch handler #1 called with err = rejected promise result
Test #20 - Catch handler #1 called with err = TypeError: Function expected
Test #21 - Catch handler #1 called with err = TypeError: Function expected
Test #22 - Catch handler #1 called with err = TypeError: Object expected
Test #23 - Catch handler #1 called with err = TypeError: Function expected
Test #24 - Catch handler #1 called with err = TypeError: failure inside iterator
Test #25 - Error handler #1 called with err = TypeError: failure inside iterator
Test #30 - Catch handler #1 called with err = TypeError: Function expected
Test #31 - Catch handler #1 called with err = TypeError: Function expected
Test #32 - Catch handler #1 called with err = TypeError: Object expected
Test #33 - Catch handler #1 called with err = TypeError: Function expected
Test #34 - Catch handler #1 called with err = TypeError: failure inside iterator
Test #35 - Error handler #1 called with err = TypeError: failure inside iterator
Test #40 - Promise.resolve calls thenable.then
Test #41 - thenable.then resolve = function reject = function
Test #43 - Success handler #1 called with result = '' (length = 0) (isArray = true)
Test #44 - Success handler called with result = 'tampered' (length = 1) (isArray = true)
Test #45 - Success handler called with result = '' (length = 1) (isArray = true)
Test #46 - Success handler #1a called with result = '2' (isArray = false) (fulfillCalled = false)
Test #48 - Success handler #1 called with res = 'success'
Test #49 - Error handler #1 called with err = 'success'
Test #50 - Success handler #1 called with res = 'success'
Test #51 - Error handler #1 called with err = 'success'
Test #52 - Error handler #1 called with err = 'success'
Test #53 - Success handler #1 called with res = 'success'
Test #6 - Error handler #2 called with err = thenable.get:error!
Test #8 - Error handler #2 called with err = success.throw:error
Test #9 - Error handler #2 called with err = error.throw:error
Test #10 - Error handler called with err = TypeError: Object used to resolve a promise creates a circular resolution
Test #12 - Catch handler #2 called with err = error2
Test #13 - Success handler #1 called with result = ok
Test #14 - Success handler #1 called with result = success
Test #26 - Success handler #1 called with result = first promise
Test #27 - p1 success: p1
Test #27 - p2 success: p2
Test #27 - p3 failure: p3
Test #28 - p1 failure: p1
Test #28 - p2 success: p2
Test #28 - p3 success: p3
Test #29 - Success handler #1 called with result = first promise value
Test #36 - Error handler #1 called with err = third promise
Test #37 - p1 success: p1
Test #37 - p2 success: p2
Test #37 - p3 failure: p3
Test #38 - p1 success: p1
Test #38 - p2 success: p2
Test #38 - p3 success: p3
Test #39 - Success handler #1 called with result = success value 1,42,TypeError: an error
Test #40 - Promise.resolve call nested within thenable.then = nested Promise.resolve call
Test #46 - Success handler #1b called with result = '3' (isArray = false) (fulfillCalled = false)
Test #47 - Error handler #1 called with err = 2
Test #7 - Error handler #2 called with err =!
Test #13 - Catch handler #2 called with err = error2
Test #15 - Catch handler #1 called with err = failure
Test #27 - Success handler #1 called with result = p1
Test #28 - Error handler #1 called with err = p1
Test #37 - Error handler #1 called with err = p3
Test #38 - Success handler #1 called with result = p1,p2,p3
Test #42 - Catch handler #1 called with err = expected1
Test #42 - Catch handler #2 called with err = expected2
Test #42 - Catch handler #3 called with err = expected3
Test #4 - Success handler #2 called with result = chain:success2
Test #46 - Success handler #2 called with result = '0,,4' (length = 3) (isArray = true) (fulfillCalled = true)