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<script src="RTCPeerConnection-helper.js"></script>
'use strict';
// Test is based on the following editor draft:
// The following helper functions are called from RTCPeerConnection-helper.js:
// generateOffer()
// generateAnswer()
* 4.3.2. createAnswer()
* 4.1. If connection's remoteDescription is null return a promise rejected with a
* newly created InvalidStateError.
promise_test(t => {
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
return promise_rejects(t, 'InvalidStateError',
}, 'createAnswer() with null remoteDescription should reject with InvalidStateError');
* Final steps to create an answer
* 4. Let answer be a newly created RTCSessionDescriptionInit dictionary with its
* type member initialized to the string "answer" and its sdp member initialized to sdpString.
promise_test(t => {
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
return pc.createOffer({ offerToReceiveVideo: true })
.then(offer => pc.setRemoteDescription(offer))
.then(() => pc.createAnswer())
.then(answer => {
assert_equals(typeof answer, 'object',
'Expect answer to be plain object dictionary RTCSessionDescriptionInit');
assert_false(answer instanceof RTCSessionDescription,
'Expect answer to not be instance of RTCSessionDescription')
}, 'createAnswer() after setting remote description should succeed');
promise_test(t => {
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
return generateOffer({ pc, data: true })
.then(offer => pc.setRemoteDescription(offer))
.then(() => {
return promise_rejects(t, 'InvalidStateError',
}, 'createAnswer() when connection is closed reject with InvalidStateError');
* 4.3.2 createAnswer
* 3. If connection is configured with an identity provider, and an
* identity assertion has not yet been generated using said
* identity provider, then begin the identity assertion request
* process if it has not already begun.
* Steps to create an answer
* 1. If the need for an identity assertion was identified when
* createAnswer was invoked, wait for the identity assertion
* request process to complete.
* 2. If the identity provider was unable to produce an identity
* assertion, reject p with a newly created NotReadableError
* and abort these steps.
* 3. If connection was not constructed with a set of certificates,
* and one has not yet been generated, wait for it to be generated.
* Final steps to create an answer
* 2. If connection was modified in such a way that additional
* inspection of the system state is necessary, then in
* parallel begin the steps to create an answer again, given p,
* and abort these steps.
* Non-Testable
* 4.3.2 createAnswer
* Steps to create an answer
* 4. Inspect the system state to determine the currently
* available resources as necessary for generating the answer,
* as described in [JSEP] (section 4.1.7.).
* 5. If this inspection failed for any reason, reject p with a
* newly created OperationError and abort these steps.
* Final steps to create an answer
* 3. Given the information that was obtained from previous inspection
* and the current state of connection and its RTCRtpTransceivers,
* generate an SDP answer, sdpString, as described in [JSEP] (section 5.3.).