blob: 915d690e8d633c9a4b89ac0e8e04bd0a9b9b3d1a [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Cannot load https://localhost:9443/service-workers/service-worker/resources/ due to access control checks.
PASS Registering same scope as the script directory without the last slash
PASS Registration scope outside the script directory
PASS Registering scope outside domain
PASS Registering script outside domain
FAIL Registering redirected script assert_throws: Registration of redirected script should fail. function "function () { throw e }" threw object "TypeError: Script URL https://localhost:9443/service-workers/service-worker/resources/ fetch resulted in error: Redirections are not allowed" that is not a DOMException SecurityError: property "code" is equal to undefined, expected 18
PASS Scope including parent-reference and not under the script directory
PASS Script URL including consecutive slashes
FAIL Script URL is same-origin filesystem: URL assert_throws: Registering a script which has same-origin filesystem: URL should fail with SecurityError. function "function () { throw e }" threw object "TypeError: serviceWorker.register() must be called with a script URL whose protocol is either HTTP or HTTPS" that is not a DOMException SecurityError: property "code" is equal to undefined, expected 18