blob: 36ea7207bf6551065d4bd9a9a7c97b65eea3f504 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Element.append() without any argument, on a parent having no child.
PASS Element.append() with null as an argument, on a parent having no child.
PASS Element.append() with undefined as an argument, on a parent having no child.
PASS Element.append() with only text as an argument, on a parent having no child.
PASS Element.append() with only one element as an argument, on a parent having no child.
PASS Element.append() with null as an argument, on a parent having a child.
PASS Element.append() with one element and text as argument, on a parent having a child.
PASS DocumentFrgment.append() without any argument, on a parent having no child.
PASS DocumentFrgment.append() with null as an argument, on a parent having no child.
PASS DocumentFrgment.append() with undefined as an argument, on a parent having no child.
PASS DocumentFrgment.append() with only text as an argument, on a parent having no child.
PASS DocumentFrgment.append() with only one element as an argument, on a parent having no child.
PASS DocumentFrgment.append() with null as an argument, on a parent having a child.
PASS DocumentFrgment.append() with one element and text as argument, on a parent having a child.