blob: c249e06f5972986d2dde53598ce3a0bfe00b8ed1 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Calling document.getElementById with an empty string argument.
PASS Calling document.getElementById with a null argument.
PASS Calling document.getElementById with an undefined argument.
PASS on static page
PASS Document.getElementById with a script-inserted element
PASS update `id` attribute via setAttribute/removeAttribute
PASS Ensure that the id attribute only affects elements present in a document
PASS in tree order, within the context object's tree
PASS Modern browsers optimize this method with using internal id cache. This test checks that their optimization should effect only append to `Document`, not append to `Node`.
PASS changing attribute's value via `Attr` gotten from `Element.attribute`.
PASS add id attribute via innerHTML
PASS remove id attribute via innerHTML
PASS add id attribute via outerHTML
PASS remove id attribute via outerHTML
PASS update `id` attribute via
PASS where insertion order and tree order don't match
PASS Inserting an id by inserting its parent node
PASS Document.getElementById must not return nodes not present in document