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<title>CSSOM: Correct resolution of resolved value for display-affected pseudo-elements</title>
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#test { width: 100px; }
#contents {
display: contents;
border: 10px solid red;
#flex::after {
content: " ";
width: 50%;
height: 10px;
display: block;
#none {
display: none;
#none::after {
content: "Foo";
#flex {
display: flex;
#flex-no-pseudo {
display: flex;
#contents-pseudos::after {
display: contents;
content: "foo";
position: absolute;
<div id="test">
<div id="contents"></div>
<div id="none"></div>
<div id="flex"></div>
<div id="flex-no-pseudo"></div>
<div id="contents-pseudos"></div>
test(function() {
var div = document.getElementById('test');
[":before", ":after"].forEach(function(pseudo) {
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div, pseudo).width, "50px");
}, "Resolution of width is correct for ::before and ::after pseudo-elements");
test(function() {
var contents = document.getElementById('contents');
[":before", ":after"].forEach(function(pseudo) {
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(contents, pseudo).width, "50px");
}, "Resolution of width is correct for ::before and ::after pseudo-elements of display: contents elements");
test(function() {
var has_no_pseudos = document.body; = "relative";
[":before", ":after"].forEach(function(pseudo) {
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(has_no_pseudos, pseudo).position, "static",
"Nonexistent " + pseudo + " pseudo-element shouldn't claim to have " +
"the same style as the originating element");
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(has_no_pseudos, pseudo).width, "auto",
"Nonexistent " + pseudo + " pseudo-element shouldn't claim to have " +
"definite size");
}, "Resolution of nonexistent pseudo-element styles");
test(function() {
var none = document.getElementById('none');
[":before", ":after"].forEach(function(pseudo) {
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(none, pseudo).content, "\"Foo\"",
"Pseudo-styles of display: none elements should be correct");
}, "Resolution of pseudo-element styles in display: none elements");
test(function() {
var flex = document.getElementById('flex');
[":before", ":after"].forEach(function(pseudo) {
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(flex, pseudo).display, "block",
"Pseudo-styles of display: flex elements should get blockified");
}, "Item-based blockification of pseudo-elements");
test(function() {
var flexNoPseudo = document.getElementById('flex-no-pseudo');
[":before", ":after"].forEach(function(pseudo) {
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(flexNoPseudo, pseudo).display, "block",
"Pseudo-styles of display: flex elements should get blockified");
}, "Item-based blockification of nonexistent pseudo-elements");
test(function() {
var contentsPseudos = document.getElementById('contents-pseudos');
[":before", ":after"].forEach(function(pseudo) {
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(contentsPseudos, pseudo).display, "contents",
"display: contents in " + pseudo + " should get reflected on CSSOM");
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(contentsPseudos, pseudo).width, "auto",
pseudo + " with display: contents should have no box");
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(contentsPseudos, pseudo).position, "absolute",
"display: contents in " + pseudo + " should reflect other non-inherited properties in CSSOM");
}, "display: contents on pseudo-elements");