blob: afa522a2a91707fcbf9dcc4845296399afb2bafa [file] [log] [blame]
import json
def build_stash_key(session_id, test_num):
return "%s_%s" % (session_id, test_num)
def main(request, response):
"""Helper handler for Beacon tests.
It handles two forms of requests:
A URL with a query string of the form 'cmd=store&sid=<token>&tidx=<test_index>&tid=<test_name>'.
Stores the receipt of a sendBeacon() request along with its validation result, returning HTTP 200 OK.
tidx - the integer index of the test.
tid - a friendly identifier or name for the test, used when returning results.
A URL with a query string of the form 'cmd=stat&sid=<token>&tidx_min=<min_test_index>&tidx_max=<max_test_index>'.
Retrieves the results of test with indices [min_test_index, max_test_index] and returns them as
a JSON array and HTTP 200 OK status code. Due to the eventual read-once nature of the stash, results for a given test
are only guaranteed to be returned once, though they may be returned multiple times.
tidx_min - the lower-bounding integer test index.
tidx_max - the upper-bounding integer test index.
Example response body:
[{"id": "Test1", error: null}, {"id": "Test2", error: "some validation details"}]
Common parameters:
cmd - the command, 'store' or 'stat'.
sid - session id used to provide isolation to a test run comprising multiple sendBeacon()
session_id = request.GET.first("sid");
command = request.GET.first("cmd").lower();
# Workaround to circumvent the limitation that cache keys
# can only be UUID's.
def wrap_key(key, path):
return (str(path), str(key))
request.server.stash._wrap_key = wrap_key
# Append CORS headers if needed.
if "origin" in request.GET:
response.headers.set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", request.GET.first("origin"))
if "credentials" in request.GET:
response.headers.set("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", request.GET.first("credentials"))
# Handle the 'store' and 'stat' commands.
if command == "store":
# The test id is just used to make the results more human-readable.
test_id = request.GET.first("tid")
# The test index is used to build a predictable stash key, together
# with the unique session id, in order to retrieve a range of results
# later knowing the index range.
test_idx = request.GET.first("tidx")
test_data_key = build_stash_key(session_id, test_idx)
test_data = { "id": test_id, "error": None }
payload = ""
if "Content-Type" in request.headers and \
"form-data" in request.headers["Content-Type"]:
if "payload" in request.POST:
# The payload was sent as a FormData.
payload = request.POST.first("payload")
# A FormData was sent with an empty payload.
# The payload was sent as either a string, Blob, or BufferSource.
payload = request.body
payload_parts = filter(None, payload.split(":"))
if len(payload_parts) > 0:
payload_size = int(payload_parts[0])
# Confirm the payload size sent matches with the number of characters sent.
if payload_size != len(payload_parts[1]):
test_data["error"] = "expected %d characters but got %d" % (payload_size, len(payload_parts[1]))
# Confirm the payload contains the correct characters.
for i in range(0, payload_size):
if payload_parts[1][i] != "*":
test_data["error"] = "expected '*' at index %d but got '%s''" % (i, payload_parts[1][i])
# Store the result in the stash so that it can be retrieved
# later with a 'stat' command.
request.server.stash.put(test_data_key, test_data)
elif command == "stat":
test_idx_min = int(request.GET.first("tidx_min"))
test_idx_max = int(request.GET.first("tidx_max"))
# For each result that has come in, append it to the response.
results = []
for test_idx in range(test_idx_min, test_idx_max+1): # +1 because end is exclusive
test_data_key = build_stash_key(session_id, test_idx)
test_data = request.server.stash.take(test_data_key)
if test_data:
response.headers.set("Content-Type", "text/plain")
response.content = json.dumps(results)
response.status = 400 # BadRequest