blob: 9c037ba34f6d10bd55e007d6cf7fb74082aa6944 [file] [log] [blame]
// META: script=/common/utils.js
// META: script=beacon-common.sub.js
"use strict";
test(function() {
// Payload that should cause sendBeacon to return false because it exceeds the maximum payload size.
var exceedPayload = Array(maxPayloadSize + 1).fill('z').join("");
var success = navigator.sendBeacon("http://doesnotmatter", exceedPayload);
assert_false(success, "calling 'navigator.sendBeacon()' with payload size exceeding the maximum size must fail");
}, "Verify calling 'navigator.sendBeacon()' with a large payload returns 'false'.");
test(function() {
var invalidUrl = "http://invalid:url";
assert_throws(new TypeError(), function() { navigator.sendBeacon(invalidUrl, smallPayload); },
`calling 'navigator.sendBeacon()' with an invalid URL '${invalidUrl}' must throw a TypeError`);
}, "Verify calling 'navigator.sendBeacon()' with an invalid URL throws an exception.");
test(function() {
var invalidUrl = "nothttp://invalid.url";
assert_throws(new TypeError(), function() { navigator.sendBeacon(invalidUrl, smallPayload); },
`calling 'navigator.sendBeacon()' with a non-http(s) URL '${invalidUrl}' must throw a TypeError`);
}, "Verify calling 'navigator.sendBeacon()' with a URL that is not a http(s) scheme throws an exception.");
// We'll validate that we can send one beacon that uses our entire Quota and then fail to send one that is just one char.
test(function () {
var destinationURL = "/fetch/api/resources/";
var firstSuccess = navigator.sendBeacon(destinationURL, maxPayload);
assert_true(firstSuccess, "calling 'navigator.sendBeacon()' with our max payload size should succeed.");
// Now we'll send just one character.
var secondSuccess = navigator.sendBeacon(destinationURL, "1");
assert_false(secondSuccess, "calling 'navigator.sendBeacon()' with just one char should fail while our Quota is used up.");
}, "Verify calling 'navigator.sendBeacon()' with a small payload fails while Quota is completely utilized.");