| Test if WebKit removes grammar markers when we edit a grammatically-incorrect word. To test manually, press backspace key to delete the last character of "has". This test succeeds when "ha" does not have grammar markers. |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| document.execCommand("InsertText", false, "You has the right.") |
| PASS internals.hasGrammarMarker(4, 3) became true |
| Delete the end of this sentence until it becomes "You ha". |
| testRunner.execCommand("DeleteBackward") |
| testRunner.execCommand("DeleteBackward") |
| testRunner.execCommand("DeleteBackward") |
| testRunner.execCommand("DeleteBackward") |
| testRunner.execCommand("DeleteBackward") |
| testRunner.execCommand("DeleteBackward") |
| testRunner.execCommand("DeleteBackward") |
| testRunner.execCommand("DeleteBackward") |
| testRunner.execCommand("DeleteBackward") |
| testRunner.execCommand("DeleteBackward") |
| testRunner.execCommand("DeleteBackward") |
| testRunner.execCommand("DeleteBackward") |
| PASS internals.hasGrammarMarker(4, 2) became false |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |