| Verify that you can put the same data in 2 different databases without uniqueness constraints firing. |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| |
| |
| indexedDB = self.indexedDB || self.webkitIndexedDB || self.mozIndexedDB || self.msIndexedDB || self.OIndexedDB; |
| |
| indexedDB.deleteDatabase(dbname) |
| indexedDB.open(dbname) |
| db.createObjectStore('storeName', null) |
| store.createIndex('indexName', 'x') |
| store.add({x: 'value', y: 'zzz'}, 'key') |
| event.target.source.add({x: 'value2', y: 'zzz2'}, 'key2') |
| indexObject.getKey('value') |
| PASS event.target.result is "key" |
| indexObject.get('value') |
| PASS event.target.result.x is "value" |
| PASS event.target.result.y is "zzz" |
| indexObject.getKey('does not exist') |
| PASS event.target.result is undefined |
| indexObject.get('does not exist') |
| PASS event.target.result is undefined |
| indexObject.openKeyCursor() |
| PASS event.target.result is non-null. |
| PASS event.target.result.key is "value" |
| PASS event.target.result.primaryKey is "key" |
| event.target.result.continue() |
| PASS event.target.result is non-null. |
| PASS event.target.result.key is "value2" |
| PASS event.target.result.primaryKey is "key2" |
| event.target.result.continue() |
| PASS event.target.result is null |
| indexObject.openCursor() |
| PASS event.target.result is non-null. |
| PASS event.target.result.key is "value" |
| PASS event.target.result.value.x is "value" |
| PASS event.target.result.value.y is "zzz" |
| event.target.result.continue() |
| PASS event.target.result is non-null. |
| PASS event.target.result.key is "value2" |
| PASS event.target.result.value.x is "value2" |
| PASS event.target.result.value.y is "zzz2" |
| event.target.result.continue() |
| PASS event.target.result is null |
| indexedDB = self.indexedDB || self.webkitIndexedDB || self.mozIndexedDB || self.msIndexedDB || self.OIndexedDB; |
| |
| indexedDB.deleteDatabase(dbname) |
| indexedDB.open(dbname) |
| db.createObjectStore('storeName', null) |
| store.createIndex('indexName', 'x') |
| store.add({x: 'value', y: 'zzz'}, 'key') |
| event.target.source.add({x: 'value2', y: 'zzz2'}, 'key2') |
| indexObject.getKey('value') |
| PASS event.target.result is "key" |
| indexObject.get('value') |
| PASS event.target.result.x is "value" |
| PASS event.target.result.y is "zzz" |
| indexObject.getKey('does not exist') |
| PASS event.target.result is undefined |
| indexObject.get('does not exist') |
| PASS event.target.result is undefined |
| indexObject.openKeyCursor() |
| PASS event.target.result is non-null. |
| PASS event.target.result.key is "value" |
| PASS event.target.result.primaryKey is "key" |
| event.target.result.continue() |
| PASS event.target.result is non-null. |
| PASS event.target.result.key is "value2" |
| PASS event.target.result.primaryKey is "key2" |
| event.target.result.continue() |
| PASS event.target.result is null |
| indexObject.openCursor() |
| PASS event.target.result is non-null. |
| PASS event.target.result.key is "value" |
| PASS event.target.result.value.x is "value" |
| PASS event.target.result.value.y is "zzz" |
| event.target.result.continue() |
| PASS event.target.result is non-null. |
| PASS event.target.result.key is "value2" |
| PASS event.target.result.value.x is "value2" |
| PASS event.target.result.value.y is "zzz2" |
| event.target.result.continue() |
| PASS event.target.result is null |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
| |
| |