blob: c4bf7c36dadd12f6d9c9630b2fed191537b5015a [file] [log] [blame]
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
function shouldBe(expected, actual, msg = "") {
if (msg)
msg = " for " + msg;
if (actual !== expected)
throw new Error("bad value" + msg + ": " + actual + ". Expected " + expected);
function shouldBeAsync(expected, run, msg) {
let actual;
var hadError = false;
run().then(function(value) { actual = value; },
function(error) { hadError = true; actual = error; });
if (hadError)
throw actual;
shouldBe(expected, actual, msg);
function shouldThrow(run, errorType, message) {
let actual;
var hadError = false;
try {
actual = run();
} catch (e) {
hadError = true;
actual = e;
if (!hadError)
throw new Error("Expected " + run + "() to throw " + + ", but did not throw.");
if (!(actual instanceof errorType))
throw new Error("Expeced " + run + "() to throw " + + " , but threw '" + actual + "'");
if (message !== void 0 && actual.message !== message)
throw new Error("Expected " + run + "() to throw '" + message + "', but threw '" + actual.message + "'");
function shouldThrowAsync(run, errorType, message) {
let actual;
var hadError = false;
run().then(function(value) { actual = value; },
function(error) { hadError = true; actual = error; });
if (!hadError)
throw new Error("Expected " + run + "() to throw " + + ", but did not throw.");
if (!(actual instanceof errorType))
throw new Error("Expected " + run + "() to throw " + + ", but threw '" + actual + "'");
if (message !== void 0 && actual.message !== message)
throw new Error("Expected " + run + "() to throw '" + message + "', but threw '" + actual.message + "'");
function assert(cond, msg = "") {
if (!cond)
throw new Error(msg);
function shouldThrowSyntaxError(str, message) {
var hadError = false;
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof SyntaxError) {
hadError = true;
if (typeof message === "string")
assert(e.message === message, "Expected '" + message + "' but threw '" + e.message + "'");
assert(hadError, "Did not throw syntax error");
// semantics.js
(function mozSemantics() {
async function empty() {
async function simpleReturn() {
return 1;
async function simpleAwait() {
var result = await 2;
return result;
async function simpleAwaitAsync() {
var result = await simpleReturn();
return 2 + result;
async function returnOtherAsync() {
return 1 + await simpleAwaitAsync();
async function simpleThrower() {
throw new Error();
async function delegatedThrower() {
var val = await simpleThrower();
return val;
async function tryCatch() {
try {
await delegatedThrower();
return 'FAILED';
} catch (_) {
return 5;
async function tryCatchThrow() {
try {
await delegatedThrower();
return 'FAILED';
} catch (_) {
return delegatedThrower();
async function wellFinally() {
try {
await delegatedThrower();
} catch (_) {
return 'FAILED';
} finally {
return 6;
async function finallyMayFail() {
try {
await delegatedThrower();
} catch (_) {
return 5;
} finally {
return delegatedThrower();
async function embedded() {
async function inner() {
return 7;
return await inner();
// recursion, it works!
async function fib(n) {
return (n == 0 || n == 1) ? n : await fib(n - 1) + await fib(n - 2);
// mutual recursion
async function isOdd(n) {
async function isEven(n) {
return n === 0 || await isOdd(n - 1);
return n !== 0 && await isEven(n - 1);
// recursion, take three!
var hardcoreFib = async function fib2(n) {
return (n == 0 || n == 1) ? n : await fib2(n - 1) + await fib2(n - 2);
var asyncExpr = async function() {
return 10;
var namedAsyncExpr = async function simple() {
return 11;
async function executionOrder() {
var value = 0;
async function first() {
return (value = value === 0 ? 1 : value);
async function second() {
return (value = value === 0 ? 2 : value);
async function third() {
return (value = value === 0 ? 3 : value);
return await first() + await second() + await third() + 6;
async function miscellaneous() {
if (arguments.length === 3 && === "miscellaneous")
return 14;
function thrower() {
throw 15;
async function defaultArgs(arg = thrower()) {
// Async functions are not constructible
shouldThrow(() => {
async function Person() {
new Person();
}, TypeError);
shouldBeAsync(undefined, empty);
shouldBeAsync(1, simpleReturn);
shouldBeAsync(2, simpleAwait);
shouldBeAsync(3, simpleAwaitAsync);
shouldBeAsync(4, returnOtherAsync);
shouldThrowAsync(simpleThrower, Error);
shouldBeAsync(5, tryCatch);
shouldBeAsync(6, wellFinally);
shouldThrowAsync(finallyMayFail, Error);
shouldBeAsync(7, embedded);
shouldBeAsync(8, () => fib(6));
shouldBeAsync(9, executionOrder);
shouldBeAsync(10, asyncExpr);
shouldBeAsync(11, namedAsyncExpr);
shouldBeAsync(12, () => isOdd(12).then(v => v ? "oops" : 12));
shouldBeAsync(13, () => hardcoreFib(7));
shouldBeAsync(14, () => miscellaneous(1, 2, 3));
shouldBeAsync(15, () => defaultArgs().catch(e => e));
// methods.js
(function mozMethods() {
class X {
constructor() {
this.value = 42;
async getValue() {
return this.value;
setValue(value) {
this.value = value;
async increment() {
var value = await this.getValue();
this.setValue(value + 1);
return this.getValue();
async getBaseClassName() {
return 'X';
static async getStaticValue() {
return 44;
class Y extends X {
async getBaseClassName() {
return super.getBaseClassName();
var objLiteral = {
async get() {
return 45;
someStuff: 5
var x = new X();
var y = new Y();
shouldBeAsync(42, () => x.getValue());
shouldBeAsync(43, () => x.increment());
shouldBeAsync(44, () => X.getStaticValue());
shouldBeAsync(45, () => objLiteral.get());
shouldBeAsync('X', () => y.getBaseClassName());
(function mozFunctionNameInferrence() {
async function test() { }
var anon = async function() { }
(function mozSyntaxErrors() {
shouldThrowSyntaxError("'use strict'; async function eval() {}");
shouldThrowSyntaxError("'use strict'; async function arguments() {}");
shouldThrowSyntaxError("async function a(k = super.prop) { }");
shouldThrowSyntaxError("async function a() { super.prop(); }");
shouldThrowSyntaxError("async function a() { super(); }");
shouldThrowSyntaxError("async function a(k = await 3) {}");