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| PASS TransformStream can be constructed with a transform function |
| FAIL TransformStream cannot be constructed with no transform function assert_throws_js: TransformStream cannot be constructed with no arguments function "function () { new TransformStream(); }" did not throw |
| FAIL TransformStream instances must have writable and readable properties of the correct types assert_true: it has a writable property expected true got false |
| FAIL TransformStream writable starts in the writable state assert_equals: writable starts writable expected (string) "writable" but got (undefined) undefined |
| FAIL Pass-through sync TransformStream: can read from readable what is put into writable ts.writable.write is not a function. (In 'ts.writable.write('a')', 'ts.writable.write' is undefined) |
| FAIL Uppercaser sync TransformStream: can read from readable transformed version of what is put into writable ts.writable.write is not a function. (In 'ts.writable.write('a')', 'ts.writable.write' is undefined) |
| FAIL Uppercaser-doubler sync TransformStream: can read both chunks put into the readable ts.writable.write is not a function. (In 'ts.writable.write('a')', 'ts.writable.write' is undefined) |
| FAIL Uppercaser async TransformStream: can read from readable transformed version of what is put into writable ts.writable.write is not a function. (In 'ts.writable.write('a')', 'ts.writable.write' is undefined) |
| FAIL Uppercaser-doubler async TransformStream: can read both chunks put into the readable ts.writable.write is not a function. (In 'ts.writable.write('a')', 'ts.writable.write' is undefined) |
| FAIL TransformStream: by default, closing the writable closes the readable (when there are no queued writes) assert_equals: writable is closing expected (string) "closing" but got (undefined) undefined |
| FAIL TransformStream: by default, closing the writable waits for transforms to finish before closing both ts.writable.write is not a function. (In 'ts.writable.write('a')', 'ts.writable.write' is undefined) |
| FAIL TransformStream: by default, closing the writable closes the readable after sync enqueues and async done ts.writable.write is not a function. (In 'ts.writable.write('a')', 'ts.writable.write' is undefined) |
| FAIL TransformStream: by default, closing the writable closes the readable after async enqueues and async done ts.writable.write is not a function. (In 'ts.writable.write('a')', 'ts.writable.write' is undefined) |
| PASS TransformStream flush is called immediately when the writable is closed, if no writes are queued |
| FAIL TransformStream flush is called after all queued writes finish, once the writable is closed ts.writable.write is not a function. (In 'ts.writable.write('a')', 'ts.writable.write' is undefined) |
| FAIL TransformStream flush gets a chance to enqueue more into the readable ts.writable.write is not a function. (In 'ts.writable.write('a')', 'ts.writable.write' is undefined) |
| FAIL TransformStream flush gets a chance to enqueue more into the readable, and can then async close ts.writable.write is not a function. (In 'ts.writable.write('a')', 'ts.writable.write' is undefined) |
| FAIL Transform stream should call transformer methods as methods ts.writable.write is not a function. (In 'ts.writable.write('a')', 'ts.writable.write' is undefined) |
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