| # FIXME: Add support for global settings. |
| # FIXME: Add support for custom getters/setters. |
| |
| defaultTextEncodingName type=String |
| ftpDirectoryTemplatePath type=String |
| localStorageDatabasePath type=String |
| editableLinkBehavior type=EditableLinkBehavior, initial=EditableLinkDefaultBehavior |
| textDirectionSubmenuInclusionBehavior type=TextDirectionSubmenuInclusionBehavior, initial=TextDirectionSubmenuAutomaticallyIncluded |
| passwordEchoDurationInSeconds type=double, initial=1 |
| |
| # Sets the magnification value for validation message timer. If the |
| # magnification value is N, a validation message disappears automatically after |
| # <message length> * N / 1000 seconds. If N is equal to or less than 0, a |
| # validation message doesn't disappears automaticaly. |
| validationMessageTimerMagnification type=int, initial=50 |
| |
| # Number of pixels below which 2D canvas is rendered in software |
| # even if hardware acceleration is enabled. |
| # Hardware acceleration is useful for large canvases where it can avoid the |
| # pixel bandwidth between the CPU and GPU. But GPU acceleration comes at |
| # a price - extra back-buffer and texture copy. Small canvases are also |
| # widely used for stylized fonts. Anti-aliasing text in hardware at that |
| # scale is generally slower. So below a certain size it is better to |
| # draw canvas in software. |
| minimumAccelerated2dCanvasSize type=int, initial=257*256 |
| |
| layoutFallbackWidth type=int, initial=980 |
| maximumDecodedImageSize type=size_t, initial=numeric_limits<size_t>::max() |
| deviceWidth type=int, initial=0 |
| deviceHeight type=int, initial=0 |
| |
| # Allow clients concerned with memory consumption to set a quota on session storage |
| # since the memory used won't be released until the Page is destroyed. |
| sessionStorageQuota type=unsigned, initial=StorageMap::noQuota |
| |
| minimumFontSize type=int, initial=0, setNeedsStyleRecalcInAllFrames=1 |
| minimumLogicalFontSize type=int, initial=0, setNeedsStyleRecalcInAllFrames=1 |
| defaultFontSize type=int, initial=0, setNeedsStyleRecalcInAllFrames=1 |
| defaultFixedFontSize type=int, initial=0, setNeedsStyleRecalcInAllFrames=1 |
| |
| editingBehaviorType type=EditingBehaviorType, initial=editingBehaviorTypeForPlatform() |
| maximumHTMLParserDOMTreeDepth type=unsigned, initial=defaultMaximumHTMLParserDOMTreeDepth |
| |
| # This setting only affects site icon image loading if loadsImagesAutomatically setting is false and this setting is true. |
| # All other permutations still heed loadsImagesAutomatically setting. |
| loadsSiteIconsIgnoringImageLoadingSetting initial=false |
| |
| caretBrowsingEnabled initial=false |
| localStorageEnabled initial=false |
| allowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs initial=true |
| allowFileAccessFromFileURLs initial=true |
| javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically initial=false |
| supportsMultipleWindows initial=true |
| javaScriptCanAccessClipboard initial=false |
| shouldPrintBackgrounds initial=false |
| usesDashboardBackwardCompatibilityMode initial=false, conditional=DASHBOARD_SUPPORT |
| |
| screenFontSubstitutionEnabled initial=true, setNeedsStyleRecalcInAllFrames=1 |
| textAreasAreResizable initial=false, setNeedsStyleRecalcInAllFrames=1 |
| authorAndUserStylesEnabled initial=true, setNeedsStyleRecalcInAllFrames=1 |
| acceleratedCompositingEnabled initial=true, setNeedsStyleRecalcInAllFrames=1 |
| showDebugBorders initial=false, setNeedsStyleRecalcInAllFrames=1 |
| showRepaintCounter initial=false, setNeedsStyleRecalcInAllFrames=1 |
| |
| # This is a quirk we are pro-actively applying to old applications. It changes keyboard event dispatching, |
| # making keyIdentifier available on keypress events, making charCode available on keydown/keyup events, |
| # and getting keypress dispatched in more cases. |
| needsKeyboardEventDisambiguationQuirks initial=false |
| |
| treatsAnyTextCSSLinkAsStylesheet initial=false |
| shrinksStandaloneImagesToFit initial=true |
| pageCacheSupportsPlugins initial=false |
| showsURLsInToolTips initial=false |
| showsToolTipOverTruncatedText initial=false |
| forceFTPDirectoryListings initial=false |
| developerExtrasEnabled initial=false |
| javaScriptExperimentsEnabled initial=false |
| scriptMarkupEnabled initial=true |
| needsSiteSpecificQuirks initial=false |
| webArchiveDebugModeEnabled initial=false, conditional=WEB_ARCHIVE |
| localFileContentSniffingEnabled initial=false |
| offlineWebApplicationCacheEnabled initial=false |
| enforceCSSMIMETypeInNoQuirksMode initial=true |
| usesEncodingDetector initial=false |
| allowScriptsToCloseWindows initial=false |
| canvasUsesAcceleratedDrawing initial=false |
| acceleratedDrawingEnabled initial=false |
| acceleratedFiltersEnabled initial=false |
| regionBasedColumnsEnabled initial=false |
| cssGridLayoutEnabled initial=false |
| |
| # FIXME: This should really be disabled by default as it makes platforms that don't support the feature download files |
| # they can't use by. Leaving enabled for now to not change existing behavior. |
| downloadableBinaryFontsEnabled initial=true |
| |
| xssAuditorEnabled initial=false |
| unsafePluginPastingEnabled initial=true |
| acceleratedCompositingForFixedPositionEnabled initial=false |
| acceleratedCompositingForOverflowScrollEnabled initial=false |
| |
| # Works only in conjunction with forceCompositingMode. |
| acceleratedCompositingForScrollableFramesEnabled initial=false |
| compositedScrollingForFramesEnabled initial=false |
| |
| experimentalNotificationsEnabled initial=false |
| webGLEnabled initial=false |
| webGLErrorsToConsoleEnabled initial=true |
| openGLMultisamplingEnabled initial=true |
| privilegedWebGLExtensionsEnabled initial=false |
| accelerated2dCanvasEnabled initial=false |
| antialiased2dCanvasEnabled initial=true |
| loadDeferringEnabled initial=true |
| webAudioEnabled initial=false |
| paginateDuringLayoutEnabled initial=false |
| fullScreenEnabled initial=false, conditional=FULLSCREEN_API |
| asynchronousSpellCheckingEnabled initial=false |
| |
| # This feature requires an implementation of ValidationMessageClient. |
| interactiveFormValidationEnabled initial=false |
| |
| usePreHTML5ParserQuirks initial=false |
| hyperlinkAuditingEnabled initial=false |
| crossOriginCheckInGetMatchedCSSRulesDisabled initial=false |
| forceCompositingMode initial=false |
| shouldInjectUserScriptsInInitialEmptyDocument initial=false |
| fixedElementsLayoutRelativeToFrame initial=false |
| allowDisplayOfInsecureContent initial=true |
| allowRunningOfInsecureContent initial=true |
| mediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture initial=false |
| mediaPlaybackAllowsInline initial=true |
| passwordEchoEnabled initial=false |
| suppressesIncrementalRendering initial=false |
| incrementalRenderingSuppressionTimeoutInSeconds type=double, initial=defaultIncrementalRenderingSuppressionTimeoutInSeconds |
| backspaceKeyNavigationEnabled initial=true |
| visualWordMovementEnabled initial=false |
| shouldDisplaySubtitles initial=false, conditional=VIDEO_TRACK |
| shouldDisplayCaptions initial=false, conditional=VIDEO_TRACK |
| shouldDisplayTextDescriptions initial=false, conditional=VIDEO_TRACK |
| scrollingCoordinatorEnabled initial=false |
| scrollAnimatorEnabled initial=true, conditional=SMOOTH_SCROLLING |
| notificationsEnabled initial=true |
| |
| # Some apps needs isLoadingInAPISense to account for active subresource loaders. |
| needsIsLoadingInAPISenseQuirk initial=false |
| |
| shouldRespectImageOrientation initial=false |
| wantsBalancedSetDefersLoadingBehavior initial=false |
| requestAnimationFrameEnabled initial=true |
| deviceSupportsTouch initial=false |
| deviceSupportsMouse initial=true |
| |
| # For touch adjustment to apply, the compile option TOUCH_ADJUSTMENT must also be enabled. |
| # This setting adds a means to dynamically disable the feature at runtime on systems with |
| # support for touch adjustment. |
| touchAdjustmentEnabled initial=true |
| |
| fixedPositionCreatesStackingContext initial=false |
| syncXHRInDocumentsEnabled initial=true |
| cookieEnabled initial=true |
| mediaEnabled initial=true |
| applicationChromeMode initial=false |
| DOMPasteAllowed initial=false |
| |
| threadedHTMLParser initial=false, conditional=THREADED_HTML_PARSER |
| useThreadedHTMLParserForDataURLs initial=false, conditional=THREADED_HTML_PARSER |
| |
| # When enabled, window.blur() does not change focus, and |
| # window.focus() only changes focus when invoked from the context that |
| # created the window. |
| windowFocusRestricted initial=true |
| |
| diagnosticLoggingEnabled initial=false |
| applyDeviceScaleFactorInCompositor initial=true |
| applyPageScaleFactorInCompositor initial=false |
| plugInSnapshottingEnabled initial=false |
| snapshotAllPlugIns initial=false |
| autostartOriginPlugInSnapshottingEnabled initial=true |
| primaryPlugInSnapshotDetectionEnabled initial=true |
| maximumPlugInSnapshotAttempts type=unsigned, initial=20 |
| frameFlatteningEnabled initial=false |
| |
| allowCustomScrollbarInMainFrame initial=true |
| webSecurityEnabled initial=true |
| spatialNavigationEnabled initial=false |
| |
| # This setting adds a means to enable/disable touch initiated drag & drop. If |
| # enabled, the user can initiate drag using long press. |
| touchDragDropEnabled initial=false |
| |
| unifiedTextCheckerEnabled initial=defaultUnifiedTextCheckerEnabled |
| |
| logsPageMessagesToSystemConsoleEnabled initial=false |
| |
| backForwardCacheExpirationInterval type=double, initial=1800 |
| |
| # Some apps could have a default video poster if it is not set. |
| defaultVideoPosterURL type=String |
| |
| smartInsertDeleteEnabled initial=defaultSmartInsertDeleteEnabled |
| selectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled initial=defaultSelectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled |
| |
| selectionIncludesAltImageText initial=true |
| useLegacyBackgroundSizeShorthandBehavior initial=false |