blob: bf5c107e982861e8866f0d511822de499abf4d45 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Test pausing then playing does not change the finished promise
PASS Test restarting a finished animation
PASS Test restarting a reversed finished animation
PASS Test redundant finishing of animation
PASS Finished promise does not resolve when paused
PASS Finished promise does not resolve when pause-pending
PASS The finished promise is fulfilled with its Animation
PASS finished promise is rejected when an animation is canceled by calling cancel()
PASS canceling an already-finished animation replaces the finished promise
PASS Test finished promise changes for animation duration changes
PASS Test finished promise changes when playbackRate == 0
PASS Test finished promise resolves when reaching to the natural boundary.
PASS Test finished promise changes when a prior finished promise resolved and the animation falls out finished state
PASS Test no new finished promise generated when finished state is checked asynchronously
PASS Test new finished promise generated when finished state is checked synchronously
PASS Test synchronous finished promise resolved even if finished state is changed soon
PASS Test synchronous finished promise resolved even if asynchronous finished promise happens just before synchronous promise
PASS Test finished promise is not resolved when the animation falls out finished state immediately
PASS Test finished promise is not resolved once the animation falls out finished state even though the current finished promise is generated soon after animation state became finished
PASS Finished promise should be resolved after the ready promise is resolved
PASS Finished promise should be rejected after the ready promise is rejected
PASS Finished promise does not report an unhandledrejection when rejected