| [mypy] |
| # Everything that can be ignored at package level (further below) should be. |
| # Here some paths are excluded from even being parsed, working around cases of |
| # invalid syntax we can't fix (yet) or where the code isn't in a package and |
| # there's no good place to add __init__.py files. The following are excluded: |
| # - tools/runner/ (written in Python 2) |
| # - tools/third_party/ (vendored dependencies) |
| # - All conftest.py and setup.py files |
| # - tests+docs directly under wptrunner+wptserve, which aren't packages. |
| exclude = (^tools/runner/|^tools/third_party/|/(conftest|setup)\.py$|^tools/wptrunner/test/|^tools/wptserve/docs/|^tools/wptserve/tests/) |
| #check_untyped_defs = True |
| disallow_any_generics = True |
| disallow_incomplete_defs = True |
| disallow_subclassing_any = True |
| disallow_untyped_calls = True |
| disallow_untyped_decorators = True |
| disallow_untyped_defs = True |
| no_implicit_optional = True |
| strict_equality = True |
| warn_redundant_casts = True |
| warn_return_any = True |
| warn_unused_configs = True |
| warn_unused_ignores = True |
| |
| # Ignore missing or untyped libraries. |
| |
| [mypy-github.*] |
| ignore_missing_imports = True |
| |
| [mypy-html5lib.*] |
| ignore_missing_imports = True |
| |
| [mypy-marionette_driver.*] |
| ignore_missing_imports = True |
| |
| [mypy-mod_pywebsocket.*] |
| ignore_missing_imports = True |
| |
| [mypy-mozcrash.*] |
| ignore_missing_imports = True |
| |
| [mypy-mozdebug.*] |
| ignore_missing_imports = True |
| |
| [mypy-mozdevice.*] |
| ignore_missing_imports = True |
| |
| [mypy-mozinfo.*] |
| ignore_missing_imports = True |
| |
| [mypy-mozinstall.*] |
| ignore_missing_imports = True |
| |
| [mypy-mozleak.*] |
| ignore_missing_imports = True |
| |
| [mypy-mozlog.*] |
| ignore_missing_imports = True |
| |
| [mypy-moznetwork.*] |
| ignore_missing_imports = True |
| |
| [mypy-mozprocess.*] |
| ignore_missing_imports = True |
| |
| [mypy-mozprofile.*] |
| ignore_missing_imports = True |
| |
| [mypy-mozrunner.*] |
| ignore_missing_imports = True |
| |
| [mypy-mozversion.*] |
| ignore_missing_imports = True |
| |
| [mypy-PIL.*] |
| ignore_missing_imports = True |
| |
| [mypy-psutil.*] |
| ignore_missing_imports = True |
| |
| [mypy-pytest.*] |
| ignore_missing_imports = True |
| |
| [mypy-selenium.*] |
| ignore_missing_imports = True |
| |
| [mypy-taskcluster.*] |
| ignore_missing_imports = True |
| |
| [mypy-ua_parser.*] |
| ignore_missing_imports = True |
| |
| [mypy-websockets.*] |
| ignore_missing_imports = True |
| |
| [mypy-zstandard.*] |
| ignore_missing_imports = True |
| |
| # Ignore errors in tests. |
| |
| [mypy-tools.ci.tests.*] |
| ignore_errors = True |
| |
| [mypy-tools.ci.tc.tests.*] |
| ignore_errors = True |
| |
| [mypy-tools.gitignore.tests.*] |
| ignore_errors = True |
| |
| [mypy-tools.lint.tests.*] |
| ignore_errors = True |
| |
| [mypy-tools.manifest.tests.*] |
| ignore_errors = True |
| |
| [mypy-tools.wpt.tests.*] |
| ignore_errors = True |
| |
| [mypy-wptrunner.tests.*] |
| ignore_errors = True |
| |
| [mypy-wptrunner.formatters.tests.*] |
| ignore_errors = True |
| |
| [mypy-wptrunner.wptmanifest.tests.*] |
| ignore_errors = True |
| |
| # Ignore errors in parts of the code which don't have type annotations or where |
| # mypy has never been run. TODO: Enable mypy for all of the below. |
| |
| [mypy-tools.ci.*] |
| disallow_untyped_defs = False |
| |
| [mypy-tools.docker.*] |
| disallow_untyped_defs = False |
| |
| [mypy-tools.serve.*] |
| disallow_untyped_defs = False |
| |
| [mypy-tools.wave.*] |
| disallow_untyped_defs = False |
| |
| [mypy-tools.wpt.*] |
| disallow_untyped_defs = False |
| |
| [mypy-webdriver.*] |
| disallow_untyped_defs = False |
| |
| [mypy-wptrunner.*] |
| disallow_untyped_defs = False |
| |
| [mypy-wptserve.*] |
| ignore_errors = True |
| |
| [mypy-tools.webtransport.*] |
| disallow_subclassing_any = False |
| warn_return_any = False |