blob: 4871e9338638ae561c9b133d990f7e4a1e03967c [file] [log] [blame]
Pointer Event: click event during capture
Follow the test instructions with mouse. If you don't have the device skip it.
Test Description: Click event should be sent to the first common ancestor of the pointerdown and pointerup targets.
Click on the green box with the left button of mouse.
Press down the left button on the blue box and drag to the green box and release the button.
Repeat the two steps above once again.
FAIL mouse click target during capture assert_equals: An element should only receive click when it is the first common ancestor of pointerdown and pointerup targets expected "pointerdown@green,gotpointercapture@blue,pointerup@blue,click@grey,lostpointercapture@blue" but got "pointerdown@green,gotpointercapture@blue,pointerup@blue,lostpointercapture@blue"
PASS Click target when pointerup/down targeted at the same element with no capture
PASS Click target when pointerup/down targeted at different elements with no capture